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# syntax=docker/dockerfile:1
FROM AS builder
WORKDIR /usr/src/conduit
# Install required packages to build Conduit and it's dependencies
RUN apk add musl-dev
# == Build dependencies without our own code separately for caching ==
# Need a fake since Cargo refuses to build anything otherwise.
# See for a Cargo feature
# request that would allow just dependencies to be compiled, presumably
# regardless of whether source files are available.
RUN mkdir src && touch src/ && echo 'fn main() {}' > src/
COPY Cargo.toml Cargo.lock ./
RUN cargo build --release && rm -r src
# Copy over actual Conduit sources
COPY src src
# and need their timestamp updated for this to work correctly since
# otherwise the build with the fake from above is newer than the
# source files (COPY preserves timestamps).
# Builds conduit and places the binary at /usr/src/conduit/target/release/conduit
RUN touch src/ && touch src/ && cargo build --release
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Stuff below this line actually ends up in the resulting docker image
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
FROM AS runner
# Standard port on which Conduit launches.
# You still need to map the port when using the docker command or docker-compose.
# Note from @jfowl: I would like to remove this in the future and just have the Docker version be configured with envs.
ENV CONDUIT_CONFIG="/srv/conduit/conduit.toml"
# Conduit needs:
# ca-certificates: for https
# libgcc: Apparently this is needed, even if I (@jfowl) don't know exactly why. But whatever, it's not that big.
RUN apk add --no-cache \
ca-certificates \
curl \
# Created directory for the database and media files
RUN mkdir -p /srv/conduit/.local/share/conduit
# Test if Conduit is still alive, uses the same endpoint as Element
2021-11-25 22:36:44 +00:00
COPY ./docker/ /srv/conduit/
HEALTHCHECK --start-period=5s --interval=5s CMD ./
# Copy over the actual Conduit binary from the builder stage
2021-11-25 22:36:44 +00:00
COPY --from=builder /usr/src/conduit/target/release/conduit /srv/conduit/conduit
# Improve security: Don't run stuff as root, that does not need to run as root:
# Add www-data user and group with UID 82, as used by alpine
RUN set -x ; \
addgroup -Sg 82 www-data 2>/dev/null ; \
adduser -S -D -H -h /srv/conduit -G www-data -g www-data www-data 2>/dev/null ; \
addgroup www-data www-data 2>/dev/null && exit 0 ; exit 1
# Change ownership of Conduit files to www-data user and group
RUN chown -cR www-data:www-data /srv/conduit
RUN chmod +x /srv/conduit/
# Change user to www-data
USER www-data
# Set container home directory
WORKDIR /srv/conduit
# Run Conduit and print backtraces on panics
ENTRYPOINT [ "/srv/conduit/conduit" ]