Deleted old configuration grot and added BSD-style Makefile. Added

README.FreeBSD.  Re-added NTP's version of getopt() and fixed conflicts.
This commit is contained in:
Garrett Wollman 1993-12-21 21:06:54 +00:00
parent b0389fc094
commit 9a20882e6a
Notes: svn2git 2020-12-20 02:59:44 +00:00
svn path=/head/; revision=904
9 changed files with 83 additions and 363 deletions

View File

@ -1,359 +1,7 @@
# The vendor hits you...
# You try to hit the vendor...
# You die.
# Makefile for xntpd.
# Unfortunately the above is no fun...
# During testing/porting we have found a long list
# of "make" and "sh" and "awk" features in different implementations.
# Some goodies (make good horror stories for your kids 8-():
# gmake 3.62
# non standard target construction
# pmake (e. g. NetBSD on MAC, possible other BNR2+pmake systems)
# skips '' (empty string positional) args to sh
# (this leads to following stupid constructions
# sh -c "./scripts/ '$(OS)' '$(COMP)'")
# Following Makefile construction fails for no
# apparent reason (at least to me)
# doit:
# $(MAKE) MAKE=\"$(MAKE)\" all
# all:
# @echo all done.
# for the "make MAKE=make" call not for "make" or
# "make -e MAKE=make". Use the last form if you suffer
# from that kind of make problems. (Easily detected
# by failure to build with the message:
# "don't know how to make make".
# sh (Ultrix 4.2 MIPS)
# shell broken (reversed pipe construction "false | true"
# returns false - major bummer)
# awk (EP/IX 2.?)
# unable to do regexp matches
# (aka awk '/..*/ { print; }' fails on match)
# Usually the vendor should fix these bugs in vital utilities.
# We try to circumvent these bugs in a hopefully portable way.
# If you can reproduce these bugs on your system please bug your
# vendor to fix them. We are not trying anything fancy in here and
# we are shocked that even the most common tools fail so miserably.
# By the time you get this code the above utilities may already
# have been fixed. Hopefully one day we do not have to cope with
# this kind of broken utilities.
# Sorry about the situation,
# Frank Kardel
CONF = Config
CONFL = $(CONF).local
TARGETS = xntpd/xntpd xntpdc/xntpdc ntpq/ntpq ntpdate/ntpdate \
ntptrace/ntptrace xntpres/xntpres authstuff/authspeed util/tickadj
OPTTARG = adjtime/adjtimed util/ntptime util/precision
# Base distribution name (will be extended by <VERSION>.tar.<comperssorsuffix>)
MAKE= make
all: version $(TARGETS) kernel_modules
SUBDIR= lib parse xntpd xntpdc ntpq ntpdate ntptrace xntpres authstuff util
@echo '### Building XNTP:' "`egrep '^.*=.*$$' VERSION | tr '\012' ';'`"
sh -c "./scripts/ '$(OS)' '$(COMP)'"
@echo '###' creating $(CONFL) for absolutely '*NO*' clocks '*AT ALL*'
rm -f $(CONFL)-t $(CONFL)
cat < $(CONFLD) > $(CONFL)-t && mv $(CONFL)-t $(CONFL)
@echo '###' creating $(CONFL) for greenhorns '(local refclock only)'
rm -f $(CONFL)-t $(CONFL)
sed 's/#GREEN//' < $(CONFLD) > $(CONFL)-t && mv $(CONFL)-t $(CONFL)
@echo ''
@echo '### creating a $(CONFL) file as none existed.'
@echo '### Use "make refconf" if you have a radio clock'
@echo ''
@echo '###' creating new configuration
@sh -c "./scripts/ '$(OS)' '$(COMP)'"
refconf: $(CONF)
-@sh refclocks/rconfig '$(REFCONF)'
@sh -c "./scripts/ '$(OS)' '$(COMP)'"
kernel_modules: kernel/Makefile
@cd kernel && $(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) MFLAGS="$(MFLAGS)" MAKE="$(MAKE)"
xntpd/xntpd: lib/libntp.a parse/libparse.a xntpd/Makefile FRC
@echo '###' creating NTP daemon
@cd xntpd && $(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) MFLAGS="$(MFLAGS)" MAKE="$(MAKE)"
xntpdc/xntpdc: lib/libntp.a xntpdc/Makefile FRC
@echo '###' creating XNTPDC utility
@cd xntpdc && $(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) MFLAGS="$(MFLAGS)" MAKE="$(MAKE)"
ntpq/ntpq: lib/libntp.a ntpq/Makefile FRC
@echo '###' creating NTPQ utility
@cd ntpq && $(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) MFLAGS="$(MFLAGS)" MAKE="$(MAKE)"
ntptrace/ntptrace: lib/libntp.a ntptrace/Makefile FRC
@echo '###' creating NTPTRACE utility
@cd ntptrace && $(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) MFLAGS="$(MFLAGS)" MAKE="$(MAKE)"
ntpdate/ntpdate: lib/libntp.a ntpdate/Makefile FRC
@echo '###' creating NTPDATE utility
@cd ntpdate && $(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) MFLAGS="$(MFLAGS)" MAKE="$(MAKE)"
authstuff/authspeed: lib/libntp.a authstuff/Makefile FRC
@echo '###' creating AUTH utilities
@cd authstuff && $(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) MFLAGS="$(MFLAGS)" MAKE="$(MAKE)"
xntpres/xntpres: lib/libntp.a xntpres/Makefile FRC
@echo '###' creating XNTPRES utility
@cd xntpres && $(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) MFLAGS="$(MFLAGS)" MAKE="$(MAKE)"
util/tickadj: util/Makefile FRC
@echo '###' creating TICKADJ utility
@cd util && $(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) MFLAGS="$(MFLAGS)" MAKE="$(MAKE)"
lib/libntp.a: lib/*.c lib/Makefile adjtime/Makefile
@echo '###' creating NTP library
@cd lib && $(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) MFLAGS="$(MFLAGS)" MAKE="$(MAKE)"
parse/libparse.a: parse/*.c parse/Makefile parse/util/Makefile lib/libntp.a
@echo '### creating PARSE subsystem (if configured)'
@cd parse && $(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) MFLAGS="$(MFLAGS)" MAKE="$(MAKE)"
@test -d bin || mkdir bin
@echo '### saving $(TARGETS) $(OPTTARG) in bin'
-@for f in $(TARGETS) $(OPTTARG); \
do test -f $$f && mv $$f bin/. && echo "### saved $$f in bin/"; \
done; \
@echo '###' cleaning derived config files
-@rm -f $(CONF).sed $(CONF)
@echo '###' cleaning top level left overs
-@rm -f eddep makedep Makefile.bak make.log make.out
distclean: neatneat clean
@echo '###' cleaning configuration dependent Makefiles
-@find . -name Makefile -print | \
while read X; do \
if [ -f "$$X.tmpl" ]; then \
rm -f "$$X"; \
else \
:; \
fi \
@echo '###' cleaning old scratch files
-@find . \( -name '*.rej' -o -name '*.orig' -o -name '*~' -o \
-name '.version' -o -name '#*' -o -name '.#*' -o \
-name core -o -name version.c \) -print | xargs rm -f
@echo '###' cleaning saved binaries
-@rm -fr bin
clean: neat
@echo '###' cleaning adjtime
@cd adjtime && $(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) MFLAGS="$(MFLAGS)" MAKE="$(MAKE)" -f Makefile.tmpl $@
@echo '###' cleaning authstuff
@cd authstuff && $(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) MFLAGS="$(MFLAGS)" -f Makefile.tmpl MAKE="$(MAKE)" $@
@echo '###' cleaning clockstuff
@cd clockstuff && $(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) MFLAGS="$(MFLAGS)" -f Makefile.tmpl MAKE="$(MAKE)" $@
@echo '###' cleaning lib
@cd lib && $(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) MFLAGS="$(MFLAGS)" -f Makefile.tmpl MAKE="$(MAKE)" $@
@echo '###' cleaning ntpdate
@cd ntpdate && $(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) MFLAGS="$(MFLAGS)" -f Makefile.tmpl MAKE="$(MAKE)" $@
@echo '###' cleaning ntpq
@cd ntpq && $(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) MFLAGS="$(MFLAGS)" -f Makefile.tmpl MAKE="$(MAKE)" $@
@echo '###' cleaning ntptrace
@cd ntptrace && $(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) MFLAGS="$(MFLAGS)" -f Makefile.tmpl MAKE="$(MAKE)" $@
@echo '###' cleaning util
@cd util && $(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) MFLAGS="$(MFLAGS)" -f Makefile.tmpl MAKE="$(MAKE)" $@
@echo '###' cleaning xntpd
@cd xntpd && $(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) MFLAGS="$(MFLAGS)" -f Makefile.tmpl MAKE="$(MAKE)" $@
@echo '###' cleaning xntpdc
@cd xntpdc && $(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) MFLAGS="$(MFLAGS)" -f Makefile.tmpl MAKE="$(MAKE)" $@
@echo '###' cleaning xntpres
@cd xntpres && $(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) MFLAGS="$(MFLAGS)" -f Makefile.tmpl MAKE="$(MAKE)" $@
@echo '###' cleaning parse
@cd parse && $(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) MFLAGS="$(MFLAGS)" -f Makefile.tmpl MAKE="$(MAKE)" $@
install: all
@echo installing from xntpd
@cd xntpd && $(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) MFLAGS="$(MFLAGS)" MAKE="$(MAKE)" install
@echo installing from xntpdc
@cd xntpdc && $(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) MFLAGS="$(MFLAGS)" MAKE="$(MAKE)" install
@echo installing from ntpq
@cd ntpq && $(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) MFLAGS="$(MFLAGS)" MAKE="$(MAKE)" install
@echo installing from ntptrace
@cd ntptrace && $(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) MFLAGS="$(MFLAGS)" MAKE="$(MAKE)" install
@echo installing from ntpdate
@cd ntpdate && $(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) MFLAGS="$(MFLAGS)" MAKE="$(MAKE)" install
@echo installing from xntpres
@cd xntpres && $(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) MFLAGS="$(MFLAGS)" MAKE="$(MAKE)" install
@echo installing from util
@cd util && $(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) MFLAGS="$(MFLAGS)" MAKE="$(MAKE)" install
@echo installing from parse
@cd parse && $(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) MFLAGS="$(MFLAGS)" MAKE="$(MAKE)" install
@echo '### building distribution ...'
@$(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) MFLAGS="$(MFLAGS)" MAKE="$(MAKE)" distclean
@DISTVERSION="`sed -e 's/^[ ]*[Vv][Ee][Rr][Ss][Ii][Oo][Nn][ ]*=\(.*\)$$/\1/' VERSION | \
sed -e 's/[^0-9a-zA-Z\.]/_/g; s/__*/_/g; s/_*$$//'`" && \
echo "### creating distribution file $(DISTNAME)$${DISTVERSION}.tar" && \
tar cfv $(DISTNAME)$${DISTVERSION}.tar `ls | egrep -v "^$(CONFL)$$|^$(DISTNAME)$${DISTVERSION}.tar$$"` && \
$(CONF).sed: $(CONF) Makefile
@sed -n -e 's:^\([^ ]*\)=[ ]*\(.*\):s~^\1=.*~&~:p' < $(CONF) > $@
find . -name Makefile.tmpl -print > eddep
echo >> makedep
sed -e 's:^\./::' -e '/^Makefile/d' \
-e h \
-e 's/^\(.*\)\.tmpl$$/\1: \1.tmpl $${CONF}.sed/' -e p -e g \
-e 's/.*/ @echo/' -e p -e g \
-e 's:^\(.*\)/Makefile\.tmpl$$: @echo '"'###'"' updating Makefile in \1:' -e p -e g \
-e 's/.*/ @sed -f $${CONF}.sed < $$@.tmpl > $$@/' -e p -e g \
-e 's:^\(.*\)/Makefile\.tmpl$$: @echo '"'###'"' cleaning in \1:' -e p -e g \
-e 's:^\(.*\)/Makefile\.tmpl$$: @cd \1 \&\& $$(MAKE) $$(MFLAGS) MFLAGS="$$(MFLAGS)" -f Makefile.tmpl MAKE="$$(MAKE)" clean:p' \
< eddep >> makedep
echo '/^# DO NOT DELETE THIS LINE/+1,$$d' >eddep
echo '$$r makedep' >>eddep
echo 'w' >>eddep
cp Makefile Makefile.bak
/bin/ed - Makefile < eddep
rm eddep makedep
# DO NOT DELETE THIS LINE -- It is used by 'make depend' to update this file
adjtime/Makefile: adjtime/Makefile.tmpl ${CONF}.sed
@echo '###' updating Makefile in adjtime
@sed -f ${CONF}.sed < $@.tmpl > $@
@echo '###' cleaning in adjtime
@cd adjtime && $(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) MFLAGS="$(MFLAGS)" -f Makefile.tmpl MAKE="$(MAKE)" clean
authstuff/Makefile: authstuff/Makefile.tmpl ${CONF}.sed
@echo '###' updating Makefile in authstuff
@sed -f ${CONF}.sed < $@.tmpl > $@
@echo '###' cleaning in authstuff
@cd authstuff && $(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) MFLAGS="$(MFLAGS)" -f Makefile.tmpl MAKE="$(MAKE)" clean
clockstuff/Makefile: clockstuff/Makefile.tmpl ${CONF}.sed
@echo '###' updating Makefile in clockstuff
@sed -f ${CONF}.sed < $@.tmpl > $@
@echo '###' cleaning in clockstuff
@cd clockstuff && $(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) MFLAGS="$(MFLAGS)" -f Makefile.tmpl MAKE="$(MAKE)" clean
kernel/Makefile: kernel/Makefile.tmpl ${CONF}.sed
@echo '###' updating Makefile in kernel
@sed -f ${CONF}.sed < $@.tmpl > $@
@echo '###' cleaning in kernel
@cd kernel && $(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) MFLAGS="$(MFLAGS)" -f Makefile.tmpl MAKE="$(MAKE)" clean
lib/Makefile: lib/Makefile.tmpl ${CONF}.sed
@echo '###' updating Makefile in lib
@sed -f ${CONF}.sed < $@.tmpl > $@
@echo '###' cleaning in lib
@cd lib && $(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) MFLAGS="$(MFLAGS)" -f Makefile.tmpl MAKE="$(MAKE)" clean
ntpdate/Makefile: ntpdate/Makefile.tmpl ${CONF}.sed
@echo '###' updating Makefile in ntpdate
@sed -f ${CONF}.sed < $@.tmpl > $@
@echo '###' cleaning in ntpdate
@cd ntpdate && $(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) MFLAGS="$(MFLAGS)" -f Makefile.tmpl MAKE="$(MAKE)" clean
ntpq/Makefile: ntpq/Makefile.tmpl ${CONF}.sed
@echo '###' updating Makefile in ntpq
@sed -f ${CONF}.sed < $@.tmpl > $@
@echo '###' cleaning in ntpq
@cd ntpq && $(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) MFLAGS="$(MFLAGS)" -f Makefile.tmpl MAKE="$(MAKE)" clean
ntptrace/Makefile: ntptrace/Makefile.tmpl ${CONF}.sed
@echo '###' updating Makefile in ntptrace
@sed -f ${CONF}.sed < $@.tmpl > $@
@echo '###' cleaning in ntptrace
@cd ntptrace && $(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) MFLAGS="$(MFLAGS)" -f Makefile.tmpl MAKE="$(MAKE)" clean
util/Makefile: util/Makefile.tmpl ${CONF}.sed
@echo '###' updating Makefile in util
@sed -f ${CONF}.sed < $@.tmpl > $@
@echo '###' cleaning in util
@cd util && $(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) MFLAGS="$(MFLAGS)" -f Makefile.tmpl MAKE="$(MAKE)" clean
xntpd/Makefile: xntpd/Makefile.tmpl ${CONF}.sed
@echo '###' updating Makefile in xntpd
@sed -f ${CONF}.sed < $@.tmpl > $@
@echo '###' cleaning in xntpd
@cd xntpd && $(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) MFLAGS="$(MFLAGS)" -f Makefile.tmpl MAKE="$(MAKE)" clean
xntpdc/Makefile: xntpdc/Makefile.tmpl ${CONF}.sed
@echo '###' updating Makefile in xntpdc
@sed -f ${CONF}.sed < $@.tmpl > $@
@echo '###' cleaning in xntpdc
@cd xntpdc && $(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) MFLAGS="$(MFLAGS)" -f Makefile.tmpl MAKE="$(MAKE)" clean
xntpres/Makefile: xntpres/Makefile.tmpl ${CONF}.sed
@echo '###' updating Makefile in xntpres
@sed -f ${CONF}.sed < $@.tmpl > $@
@echo '###' cleaning in xntpres
@cd xntpres && $(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) MFLAGS="$(MFLAGS)" -f Makefile.tmpl MAKE="$(MAKE)" clean
parse/util/Makefile: parse/util/Makefile.tmpl ${CONF}.sed
@echo '###' updating Makefile in parse/util
@sed -f ${CONF}.sed < $@.tmpl > $@
@echo '###' cleaning in parse/util
@cd parse/util && $(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) MFLAGS="$(MFLAGS)" -f Makefile.tmpl MAKE="$(MAKE)" clean
parse/Makefile: parse/Makefile.tmpl ${CONF}.sed
@echo '###' updating Makefile in parse
@sed -f ${CONF}.sed < $@.tmpl > $@
@echo '###' cleaning in parse
@cd parse && $(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) MFLAGS="$(MFLAGS)" -f Makefile.tmpl MAKE="$(MAKE)" clean
.include <>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
This version of NTP was converted to the BSD-style Makefile system by
Garrett Wollman (; it is based on version
3.3b (beta) from the University of Delaware.
Besides the Makefile changes, the DES code has been completely removed
in order to make this code exportable. If you have a legal copy of
`authdes.c', you can just add it to the lib/ directory and add `-DDES'
to the AUTHDEFS in

View File

@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
# $Id$
# Most of the programs in this directory are completely useless for the
# NTP configuration that we provide by default.
# We provide the `md5' program as a public service.
PROG= md5
LDADD+= -L${.CURDIR}/../lib -lntp
DPADD+= ${.CURDIR}/../lib/libntp.a
CFLAGS+= -I${.CURDIR}/../include
SRCS= md5driver.c
.include <>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
# $Id$
PROG= propdelay
LIBADD= -L${.CURDIR}/../lib -lntp -lm
DPADD= ${.CURDIR}/../lib/libntp.a
SRCS= propdelay.c
CLEANFILES+= chutest clktest chutest.o clktest.o
.include <>

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
# $Id: Makefile,v 1.1 1993/12/21 19:42:18 wollman Exp $
# $Id: Makefile,v 1.2 1993/12/21 20:16:46 wollman Exp $
CFLAGS+= -I${.CURDIR}/../include
@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ SRCS= atoint.c atolfp.c atouint.c auth12crypt.c authdecrypt.c authdes.c \
uglydate.c uinttoa.c utvtoa.c clocktypes.c \
md5.c a_md5encrypt.c a_md5decrypt.c \
a_md512crypt.c decodenetnum.c systime.c msyslog.c syssignal.c \
findconfig.c getopt.c

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
# $Id$
# $Id: Makefile,v 1.1 1993/12/21 19:40:50 wollman Exp $
CFLAGS+= -I${.CURDIR}/../include
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ DPADD+= -L${.CURDIR}/../lib/libntp.a
PROG= ntpdate
MAN8= ${.CURDIR}/../doc/ntpdate.8
CLEANFILES+= version.o
CLEANFILES+= version.c
SRCS= ntpdate.c version.c

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
# $Id$
# $Id: Makefile,v 1.1 1993/12/21 19:46:16 wollman Exp $
CFLAGS+= -I${.CURDIR}/../include
@ -8,7 +8,8 @@ DPADD+= -L${.CURDIR}/../lib/libntp.a
PROG= ntpq
MAN8= ${.CURDIR}/../doc/ntpq.8
CLEANFILES+= version.o
CLEANFILES+= version.c
BINDIR= /usr/bin
SRCS= ntpq.c ntpq_ops.c version.c

View File

@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ static int openfile P((char *, int));
static void writevar P((int, unsigned long, int));
static void readvar P((int, unsigned long, int *));
extern int getopt P((int, char **, char *));
extern int getopt_l P((int, char **, char *));
@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ char *argv[];
void writevar();
progname = argv[0];
while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "a:Adkqpst:")) != EOF)
while ((c = getopt_l(argc, argv, "a:Adkqpst:")) != EOF)
switch (c) {
case 'd':

View File

@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
# $Id: Makefile,v 1.1 1993/12/21 20:16:18 wollman Exp $
CFLAGS+= -I${.CURDIR}/../include
LDADD+= -L${.CURDIR}/../lib -lntp -L${.CURDIR}/../parse -lparse
DPADD+= ${.CURDIR}/../lib/libntp.a ${.CURDIR}/../parse/libparse.a
PROG= xntpd
MAN8= ${.CURDIR}/../doc/xntpd.8
CLEANFILES+= version.c
SRCS= ntp_config.c ntp_control.c ntp_io.c ntp_leap.c \
ntp_loopfilter.c ntp_monitor.c ntp_peer.c ntp_proto.c \
ntp_refclock.c ntp_request.c ntp_restrict.c ntp_timer.c \
ntp_unixclock.c ntp_util.c ntpd.c refclock_chu.c \
refclock_conf.c refclock_local.c refclock_pst.c \
refclock_wwvb.c refclock_goes.c refclock_mx4200.c \
refclock_parse.c refclock_as2201.c refclock_omega.c \
refclock_tpro.c refclock_leitch.c refclock_irig.c \
refclock_msfees.c ntp_intres.c ntp_filegen.c version.c
beforedepend: version.c
version.c: ${.CURDIR}/../VERSION
${.CURDIR}/../scripts/mkversion xntpd
.include <>