Joerg Wunsch aee34003d7 This is the long-awaited import of top into the base system (actually,
the src/contrib/top part right now).  This tools is simply too system-
dependant to maintain it in the ports collection.
1997-03-23 18:51:21 +00:00

504 lines
13 KiB
Executable File

#!/bin/csh -f
# Configuration script for top.
# Use with version 3.0 and higher.
set PRIME = "/usr/games/primes"
set vars = (module LoadMax topn NominalTopn delay owner group mode random \
TableSize bindir mandir manext mansty \
Cmdshell Cmdcc Cmdawk Cmdinstall cdefs)
set fastrack = 0
set yesno = (no yes)
onintr byebye
# make sure that getans is there and ready
if (! -e getans) then
echo 'This package is not complete. The shell file "getans" is missing.'
exit 10
chmod +x getans
if ($#argv > 0) then
# fast track configuration
set fastrack = 1
cat <<'EOF'
Configuration for top, version 3.4
One moment....
# collect file names and module names
ls machine/m_*.c >$$.f
ls machine/m_*.man >$$.m
sed -e 's@^machine/m_@@' -e 's/.c$//' $$.f >$$.n
# build Make.desc
set descs = `sed -e 's@\.c$@.desc@' $$.f`
sed -e "s@%descs%@$descs@" Make.desc.X >Make.desc
# build desc files and SYNOPSIS as needed
make -f Make.desc >/dev/null
if (-e .defaults) then
echo ""
echo "Reading configuration from last time..."
source .defaults
set nodefaults = 0
if ($fastrack == 1) then
set module = $1
if ($fastrack == 1) then
echo "No previous configuration was found."
set fastrack = 0
set module = $1
set module = ""
set LoadMax = 5.0
set topn = 15
set NominalTopn = 18
set delay = 5
set TableSize = 0
set bindir = /usr/local/bin
set mandir = /usr/man/manl
set manext = l
set mansty = man
set nodefaults = 1
set Cmdshell = /bin/sh
set Cmdawk = awk
set Cmdinstall = ./install
set Cmdcc = cc
set cdefs = -O
echo ""
if ($fastrack == 1) then
grep -s $module $$.n >/dev/null
if ($status != 0) then
echo "$module is not recognized. To see a list of available modules"
echo 'run "Configure" with no arguments.'
rm -f $$.[fmn]
exit 1
set random1 = `expr $random + 1`
cat <<EOF
Using these settings:
Bourne Shell $Cmdshell
C compiler $Cmdcc
Compiler options $cdefs
Awk command $Cmdawk
Install command $Cmdinstall
Module $module
LoadMax $LoadMax
Default TOPN $topn
Nominal TOPN $NominalTopn
Default Delay $delay
Random passwd access $yesno[$random1]
Table Size $TableSize
Owner $owner
Group Owner $group
Mode $mode
bin directory $bindir
man directory $mandir
man extension $manext
man style $mansty
goto fast
cat <<'EOF'
You will be asked a series of questions. Each question will have a
default answer enclosed in brackets, such as "[5.0]". In most cases,
the default answer will work well. To use that value, merely press
# display synopses
cat <<'EOF'
The following machine-dependent modules are available:
awk -F: ' { printf "%-8s %s\n", $1, $2 }' SYNOPSIS
echo ''
./getans "What module is appropriate for this machine? " string "$module" .$$
set module = `cat .$$`
if ("$module" == "") then
echo "Please specify a valid module name."
goto getmod
# is it a valid one?
grep -s "$module" $$.n >/dev/null
if ($status != 0) then
echo "That is not a recognized module name."
goto getmod
# display a full description
sed -e '1,/DESCRIPTION:/d' -e '/^$/,$d' machine/m_${module}.desc
# verify it
echo ""
./getans "Is this what you want to use?" yesno 1 .$$
if (`cat .$$` == 0) then
goto getmod
cat <<'EOF'
First we need to find out a little bit about the executables needed to
compile top.
./getans "What is the full path name for the Bourne shell" file "$Cmdshell" .$$
set Cmdshell = `cat .$$`
cat <<'EOF'
Please supply the name of the appropriate command. It need not be a
full path name, but the named command does need to exist somewhere on
the current path.
./getans "AWK Interpreter" path "$Cmdawk" .$$
set Cmdawk = `cat .$$`
./getans "C Compiler" path "$Cmdcc" .$$
set Cmdcc = `cat .$$`
cat <<'EOF'
The installer command needs to understand Berkeley-esque arguments:
"-o" for owner, "-g" for group, and "-m" for mode. A shell script
called "install" is distributed with top and is suitable for use by
top. You can specify a different program here if you like, or use
the shell script (the default).
./getans "Installer" path "$Cmdinstall" .$$
set Cmdinstall = `cat .$$`
cat <<EOF
What other options should be used with the $Cmdcc command (use "none" to
specify no options)?
./getans "Compiler options" string "$cdefs" .$$
set cdefs = `cat .$$`
if ("$cdefs" == "none") then
set cdefs = ""
cat <<'EOF'
Now you need to answer some questions concerning the configuration of
top itself.
The space command forces an immediate update. Sometimes, on loaded
systems, this update will take a significant period of time (because all
the output is buffered). So, if the short-term load average is above
"LoadMax", then top will put the cursor home immediately after the space
is pressed before the next update is attempted. This serves as a visual
acknowledgement of the command. "LoadMax" should always be specified as a
floating point number.
./getans "LoadMax" number "$LoadMax" .$$
set LoadMax = `cat .$$`
cat <<'EOF'
"Default TOPN" is the default number of processes to show. This is the
number that will be used when the user does not specify the number of
processes to show. If you want "all" (or infinity) as the default, use
the value "-1".
./getans "Default TOPN" neginteger "$topn" .$$
set topn = `cat .$$`
cat <<'EOF'
"Nominal_TOPN" is used as the default TOPN when Default_TOPN is Infinity
and the output is a dumb terminal. If we didn't do this, then
installations who use a default TOPN of Infinity will get every process in
the system when running top on a dumb terminal (or redirected to a file).
Note that Nominal_TOPN is a default: it can still be overridden on the
command line, even with the value "infinity".
./getans "Nominal TOPN" integer "$NominalTopn" .$$
set NominalTopn = `cat .$$`
cat <<'EOF'
Default Delay is the default number of seconds to wait between screen
./getans "Default Delay" integer "$delay" .$$
set delay = `cat .$$`
echo ""
set rand = 0
ypwhich >&/dev/null
if ($status == 0 || -e /etc/passwd.dir || -e /etc/pwd.db) then
set rand = 1
if ($rand == 1) then
echo "It looks like you have a passwd file that can be accessed at random."
set pr = 'Do you want top to take advantage of this'
echo "It looks like you have conventional passwd file access. Top can take"
echo "advantage of a random access passwd mechanism if such exists. Do"
echo "you want top to assume that accesses to the file /etc/passwd are done"
set pr = 'with random access rather than sequential'
if ($nodefaults == 1) then
set random = $rand
./getans "${pr}?" yesno $random .$$
set random = `cat .$$`
echo ""
echo "Compiling prime.c"
$Cmdcc $cdefs -o prime prime.c -lm
if ($status != 0) then
echo "Oh well."
rm -f prime
echo ""
ypcat passwd.byname >&/tmp/$$.a
if ($status == 0) then
set cnt = `wc -l </tmp/$$.a`
set mapfile = "NIS map"
set cnt = `wc -l </etc/passwd`
set mapfile = "file"
rm /tmp/$$.a
set double = `expr $cnt \* 2`
echo "I found $cnt entries in your passwd $mapfile. Top hashes the username to"
echo "uid mappings as it goes along and it needs a good guess on the size of"
echo "that hash table. This number should be the next highest prime number"
echo "after $double."
echo ""
if (-e prime) then
set pr = `./prime $double`
echo "I have calculated that to be $pr."
else if (-e $PRIME) then
set pr = `$PRIME $double | head -1`
echo "I have calculated that to be $pr."
set pr = $double
echo "I cannot calculate that prime number, so you will need to provide it for me."
if ($TableSize == 0) then
set TableSize = $pr
./getans "Enter the hash table size" integer "$TableSize" .$$
set TableSize = `cat .$$`
echo ""
# !!! I need to fix this: /dev/kmem might not exist on some machines !!!
# determine the right way to invoke ls to get full output
set ls = "ls -l"
if (`$ls getans | wc -w` < 9) then
set ls = "ls -lg"
set t_owner = root
set t_group = `$ls -d /usr/bin | awk ' { print $4 }'`
if (-e /proc) then
cat <<EOF
Uh oh! I see /proc out there. Some new Unix variants provide the /proc
file system as a mechanism to get to a process's address space. This
directory is typically only accessible by root. However, there are a few
systems (such as DG/UX) on which this directory exists, but isn't used.
I'm going to assume that top needs to run setuid to root, but you should
double check and use mode 2755 (set group id) if top doesn't really need
root access. If you are running SunOS 5.x then you will need to install
top setuid root (owner root and mode 4711).
set t_mode = 4711
set mode = 4711
else if (-e /dev/kmem) then
$ls /dev/kmem >/tmp/$$.b
grep '^....r..r..' /tmp/$$.b >&/dev/null
if ($status == 1) then
grep '^....r..-..' /tmp/$$.b >&/dev/null
if ($status == 0) then
set t_group = `awk ' { print $4 }' /tmp/$$.b`
set t_mode = 2755
echo "It looks like only group $t_group can read the memory devices."
set t_mode = 4755
echo "It looks like only root can read the memory devices."
set t_mode = 755
echo "It looks like anybody can read the memory devices."
echo "It looks like there are no memory device special files."
set t_mode = 755
if ($nodefaults) then
set owner = $t_owner
set group = $t_group
set mode = $t_mode
echo "Tell me how to set the following when top is installed:"
./getans "Owner" user "$owner" .$$
set owner = `cat .$$`
./getans "Group owner" group "$group" .$$
set group = `cat .$$`
./getans "Mode" integer "$mode" .$$
set mode = `cat .$$`
rm -f /tmp/$$.b
echo ""
./getans "Install the executable in this directory" file "$bindir" .$$
set bindir = `cat .$$`
echo ""
./getans "Install the manual page in this directory" file "$mandir" .$$
set mandir = `cat .$$`
echo ""
./getans "Install the manual page with this extension" string "$manext" .$$
set manext = `cat .$$`
echo ""
./getans "Install the manual page as 'man' or 'catman'" string "$mansty" .$$
set mansty = `cat .$$`
echo ""
echo "We are done with the questions."
# Some Unix environments are so poor that their csh doesn't even support
# the "eval" builtin. Check for this before relying on its use to save
# the current configuration.
/bin/csh -c "eval echo foo" >&/dev/null
if ($status == 1) then
echo "Can't save configuration (nonfatal)"
echo "Saving configuration..."
# save settings to use as defaults the next time
rm -f .defaults
foreach v ($vars)
set tmp = `eval echo \$$v`
echo set $v = "'$tmp'" >>.defaults
# set variables which contain module lists
set modules = `cat $$.f`
set manmodules = `cat $$.m`
# clean up
rm -f $$.f $$.m $$.n
# set the link for machine.c
rm -f machine.c machine.o
ln -s machine/m_${module}.c machine.c
# get definitions out of the module file
set libs = `grep LIBS: machine/m_${module}.desc | sed -e 's/^.[^:]*: *//'`
set cflgs = `grep CFLAGS: machine/m_${module}.desc | sed -e 's/^.[^:]*: *//'`
set tcap = `grep TERMCAP: machine/m_${module}.desc | sed -e 's/^.[^:]*: *//'`
# default for tcap (termcap)
if ("$tcap" == "") then
set tcap="-ltermcap"
if ( { grep -s SIGKILL /usr/include/signal.h } ) then
set signal="/usr/include/signal.h"
set signal="/usr/include/sys/signal.h"
echo "Building Makefile..."
sed -e "s|%topn%|$topn|" \
-e "s|%delay%|$delay|" \
-e "s|%owner%|$owner|" \
-e "s|%group%|$group|" \
-e "s|%mode%|$mode|" \
-e "s|%bindir%|$bindir|" \
-e "s|%mandir%|$mandir|" \
-e "s|%manext%|$manext|" \
-e "s|%mansty%|$mansty|" \
-e "s|%tablesize%|$TableSize|" \
-e "s|%libs%|$libs|" \
-e "s|%cflgs%|$cflgs|" \
-e "s|%termcap%|$tcap|" \
-e "s|%cdefs%|$cdefs|" \
-e "s|%modules%|$modules|" \
-e "s|%manmodules%|$manmodules|" \
-e "s|%signal%|$signal|" \
-e "s|%cc%|$Cmdcc|" \
-e "s|%awk%|$Cmdawk|" \
-e "s|%install%|$Cmdinstall|" \
-e "s|%shell%|$Cmdshell|" \
Makefile.X >Makefile
echo "Building top.local.h..."
sed -e "s|%LoadMax%|$LoadMax|" \
-e "s|%TableSize%|$TableSize|" \
-e "s|%NominalTopn%|$NominalTopn|" \
-e "s|%topn%|$topn|" \
-e "s|%delay%|$delay|" \
-e "s|%random%|$random|" \
top.local.H >top.local.h
echo "Building top.1..."
sed -e "s|%topn%|$topn|" \
-e "s|%delay%|$delay|" \
top.X >top.1
if (-e machine/m_${module}.man ) then
cat machine/m_${module}.man >>top.1
# clean up
rm -f .$$
echo 'Doing a "make clean".'
make clean
echo 'To create the executable, type "make".'
echo 'To install the executable, type "make install".'
exit 0
rm -f .$$ $$.[fmn] /tmp/$$.[ab]
exit 1