Jordan K. Hubbard 554eb505f8 Bring in the 4.4 Lite games directory, modulo man page changes and segregation
of the x11 based games.  I'm not going to tag the originals with bsd_44_lite
and do this in two stages since it's just not worth it for this collection,
and I've got directory renames to deal with that way.  Bleah.
Submitted by:	jkh
1994-09-04 04:03:31 +00:00

43 lines
1.5 KiB

/* Copyright (c) Stichting Mathematisch Centrum, Amsterdam, 1985. */
/* def.flag.h - version 1.0.3 */
struct flag {
unsigned ident; /* social security number for each monster */
unsigned debug:1; /* in debugging mode */
#define wizard flags.debug
unsigned toplin:2; /* a top line (message) has been printed */
/* 0: top line empty; 2: no --More-- reqd. */
unsigned cbreak:1; /* in cbreak mode, rogue format */
unsigned standout:1; /* use standout for --More-- */
unsigned nonull:1; /* avoid sending nulls to the terminal */
unsigned time:1; /* display elapsed 'time' */
unsigned nonews:1; /* suppress news printing */
unsigned notombstone:1;
unsigned end_top, end_around; /* describe desired score list */
unsigned end_own:1; /* idem (list all own scores) */
unsigned no_rest_on_space:1; /* spaces are ignored */
unsigned beginner:1;
unsigned female:1;
unsigned invlet_constant:1; /* let objects keep their
inventory symbol */
unsigned move:1;
unsigned mv:1;
unsigned run:3; /* 0: h (etc), 1: H (etc), 2: fh (etc) */
/* 3: FH, 4: ff+, 5: ff-, 6: FF+, 7: FF- */
unsigned nopick:1; /* do not pickup objects */
unsigned echo:1; /* 1 to echo characters */
unsigned botl:1; /* partially redo status line */
unsigned botlx:1; /* print an entirely new bottom line */
unsigned nscrinh:1; /* inhibit nscr() in pline(); */
unsigned made_amulet:1;
unsigned no_of_wizards:2;/* 0, 1 or 2 (wizard and his shadow) */
/* reset from 2 to 1, but never to 0 */
unsigned moonphase:3;
#define NEW_MOON 0
#define FULL_MOON 4
extern struct flag flags;