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<TITLE>Administration Reference</TITLE>
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<H1>Administration Reference</H1>
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<H2><A NAME="HDRFSTRACE_SETSET" HREF="auarf002.htm#ToC_191">fstrace setset</A></H2>
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<P>Sets the status of an event set
<PRE><B>fstrace setset</B> [<B>-set</B> &lt;<VAR>set_name</VAR>><SUP>+</SUP>] [<B>-active</B>] [<B>-inactive</B>] [<B>-dormant</B>] [<B>-help</B>]
<B>fs set</B> [<B>-s</B> &lt;<VAR>set_name</VAR>><SUP>+</SUP>] [<B>-a</B>] [<B>-i</B>] [<B>-d</B>] [<B>-h</B>]
<P>The <B>fstrace setset</B> command sets the status of the <B>cm</B>
kernel event set on the local machine, which determines whether trace messages
are recorded in the log buffer in kernel memory.
</B><DD>Names the event set for which to set the status. The only
acceptable value <B>cm</B>, which is also the default if this argument is
</B><DD>Enables tracing for the event set and allocates kernel memory for the
associated trace log buffer. Provide one of this flag, the
<B>-inactive</B> flag, or the <B>-dormant</B> flag.
</B><DD>Temporarily disables tracing for the event set, but does not change the
allocation of kernel memory for the associated trace log buffer.
Provide one of this flag, the <B>-active</B> flag, or the
<B>-dormant</B> flag.
</B><DD>Disables tracing for the event set and frees the kernel memory previously
allocated for the associated trace log buffer. Provide one of this
flag, the <B>-active</B> flag, or the <B>-inactive</B> flag.
</B><DD>Prints the online help for this command. All other valid options
are ignored.
<P>The following example sets the <B>cm</B> event set's status to
<PRE> #<B> fstrace setset -set cm -inactive</B>
<P><STRONG>Privilege Required</STRONG>
<P>The issuer must be logged in as the local superuser <B>root</B>.
<P><STRONG>Related Information</STRONG>
<P><A HREF="auarf169.htm#HDRFSTRACE_INTRO">fstrace</A>
<P><A HREF="auarf175.htm#HDRFSTRACE_LSSET">fstrace lsset</A>
<P><A HREF="auarf176.htm#HDRFSTRACE_SETLOG">fstrace setlog</A>
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