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<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
>The afsmonitor Program Statistics</TITLE
CONTENT="Modular DocBook HTML Stylesheet Version 1.7"><LINK
TITLE="AFS Administration Guide"
TITLE="Using AFS Commands"
TITLE="AIX Audit Events"
SUMMARY="Header navigation table"
>AFS Administration Guide: Version 3.6</TH
>Appendix C. The afsmonitor Program Statistics</H1
>This appendix lists the statistics you can gather with the <SPAN
> program, grouping
them by category and section, and briefly describing each field, group, and section. For instructions on using the <SPAN
> program, see <A
>Monitoring and Auditing AFS Performance</A
> </P
>The Cache Manager Statistics</A
>Cache Manager statistics fields are classified into the following sections and groups: <UL
>PerfStats_section - Performance Statistics Section. <UL
>PerfStats_group - Performance Statistics Group.</P
>misc_group - Miscellaneous Group.</P
>Server_UpDown_section - Server Up/Down Statistics Section. <UL
>FS_upDown_SC_group - File Server Up/Down Statistics in Same Cell Group.</P
>FS_upDown_OC_group - File Server Up/Down Statistics in Other Cells Group.</P
>VL_upDown_SC_group - VL Server Up/Down Statistics in Same Cell Group.</P
>VL_upDown_OC_group - VL Server Up/Down Statistics in Other Cells Group.</P
>RPCop_section - RPC Operation Measurements Section. <UL
>FS_RPCopTimes_group - File Server RPC Operation Timings Group.</P
>FS_RPCopErrors_group - File Server RPC Operation Errors Group.</P
>FS_RPCopBytes_group - File Server RPC Transfer Timings Group.</P
>CM_RPCopTimes_group - Cache Manager RPC Operation Timings Group.</P
>Auth_Access_section - Authentication and Replicated File Access Section. <UL
>Auth_Stats_group - Authentication Information for Cache Manager Group.</P
>Access_Stats_group - Unreplicated File Access Group.</P
>All Cache Manager variables categorized under these sections and groups names are listed below.</P
>Performance Statistics Section (PerfStats_section)</A
>Performance Statistics Group (PerfStats_group) <UL
>dlocalAccesses: Number of data accesses to files within local cell.</P
>vlocalAccesses: Number of stat accesses to files within local cell.</P
>dremoteAccesses: Number of data accesses to files outside of local cell.</P
>vremoteAccesses: Number of stat accesses to files outside of local cell.</P
>cacheNumEntries: Number of cache entries.</P
>cacheBlocksTotal: Number of (1K) blocks configured for cache.</P
>cacheBlocksInUse: Number of cache blocks actively in use.</P
>cacheBlocksOrig: Number of cache blocks at bootup.</P
>cacheMaxDirtyChunks: Maximum number of dirty cache chunks tolerated.</P
>cacheCurrDirtyChunks: Current number of dirty cache chunks.</P
>dcacheHits: Number of data files found in local cache.</P
>vcacheHits: Number of stat entries found in local cache.</P
>dcacheMisses: Number of data files <SPAN
> found in local cache.</P
>vcacheMisses: Number of stat entries <SPAN
> found in local cache.</P
>cacheFlushes: Number of files flushed from cache.</P
>cacheFilesReused: Number of cache files reused.</P
>dcacheXAllocs: Additionally allocated dcaches.</P
>vcacheXAllocs: Additionally allocated vcaches.</P
>bufAlloced: Number of buffers allocated by AFS.</P
>bufHits: Number of pages found on buffer cache.</P
>bufMisses: Number of pages <SPAN
> found on buffer cache.</P
>bufFlushDirty: Number of cached dirty buffers flushed because all were busy.</P
>LargeBlocksActive: Number of currently used large free pool entries.</P
>LargeBlocksAlloced: Number of allocated large free pool entries.</P
>SmallBlocksActive: Number of currently used small free pool entries.</P
>SmallBlocksAlloced: Number of allocated used small free pool entries.</P
>OutStandingMemUsage: Amount of allocated memory.</P
>OutStandingAllocs: Outstanding osi_allocs (no osi_frees yet).</P
>CallBackAlloced: Number of callback structures allocated.</P
>CallBackFlushes: Number of callback flush operations performed.</P
>srvRecords: Number of servers currently on record.</P
>srvRecordsHWM: Server record high water mark.</P
>srvNumBuckets: Number of server hash chain buckets.</P
>srvMaxChainLength: Maximum server hash chain length.</P
>srvMaxChainLengthHWM: Server hash chain high water mark.</P
>sysName_ID: Sysname ID for host hardware.</P
>Miscellaneous Group (misc_group) <UL
>numPerfCalls: Number of performance calls received.</P
>epoch: Cache Manager epoch time.</P
>numCellsVisible: Number of cells we know about.</P
>numCellsContacted: Number of cells contacted.</P
>Server Up/Down Statistics Section (Server_UpDown_section)</A
>File Server Up/Down Statistics in Same Cell Group (FS_upDown_SC_group) <DIV
>Note: </B
>The <SPAN
> referred to in this section are the internal records kept by the <SPAN
> program to track the processes from which data is being gathered.</P
> <UL
>fs_sc_numTtlRecords: Number of fileserver records, active or inactive.</P
>fs_sc_numUpRecords: Number of (active) fileserver records currently marked up.</P
>fs_sc_numDownRecords: Number of (active) fileserver records currently marked down.</P
>fs_sc_sumOfRecordAges: Sum of fileserver record lifetimes.</P
>fs_sc_ageOfYoungestRecord: Age of youngest fileserver record.</P
>fs_sc_ageOfOldestRecord: Age of oldest fileserver record.</P
>fs_sc_numDowntimeIncidents: Number of (completed) downtime incidents.</P
>fs_sc_numRecordsNeverDown: Number of fileserver records never marked down.</P
>fs_sc_maxDowntimesInARecord: Maximum downtimes seen by any fileserver record.</P
>fs_sc_sumOfDowntimes: Sum of all (completed) downtimes, in seconds.</P
>fs_sc_shortestDowntime: Shortest downtime, in seconds.</P
>fs_sc_longestDowntime: Longest downtime, in seconds.</P
>fs_sc_down_0_10_min: Down time incidents: 0-10 minutes.</P
>fs_sc_down_10_30_min: Down time incidents: 10-30 minutes.</P
>fs_sc_down_half_1_hr: Down time incidents: 30-60 minutes.</P
>fs_sc_down_1_2_hr: Down time incidents: 1-2 hours.</P
>fs_sc_down_2_4_hr: Down time incidents: 2-4 hours.</P
>fs_sc_down_4_8_hr: Down time incidents: 4-8 hours.</P
>fs_sc_down_more_8_hr: Down time incidents: more than 8 hours.</P
>fs_sc_downDst_0: Down time incidents: 0 times.</P
>fs_sc_downDst_1: Down time incidents: 1 time.</P
>fs_sc_downDst_2_5: Down time incidents: 2-5 times.</P
>fs_sc_downDst_6_10: Down time incidents: 6-10 times.</P
>fs_sc_downDst_10_50: Down time incidents: 10-50 times.</P
>fs_sc_downDst_more_50: Down time incidents: more than 50 times.</P
>File Server Up/Down Statistics in Other Cells Group (FS_upDown_OC_group) <UL
>fs_oc_numTtlRecords: Number of fileserver records, active or inactive.</P
>fs_oc_numUpRecords: Number of (active) fileserver records currently marked up.</P
>fs_oc_numDownRecords: Number of (active) fileserver records currently marked down.</P
>fs_oc_sumOfRecordAges: Sum of server record lifetimes.</P
>fs_oc_ageOfYoungestRecord: Age of youngest fileserver record.</P
>fs_oc_ageOfOldestRecord: Age of oldest fileserver record.</P
>fs_oc_numDowntimeIncidents: Number of (completed) downtime incidents.</P
>fs_oc_numRecordsNeverDown: Number of fileserver records never marked down.</P
>fs_oc_maxDowntimesInARecord: Maximum downtimes seen by any fileserver.</P
>fs_oc_sumOfDowntimes: Sum of all (completed) downtimes, in seconds.</P
>fs_oc_shortestDowntime: Shortest downtime, in seconds.</P
>fs_oc_longestDowntime: Longest downtime, in seconds.</P
>fs_oc_down_0_10_min: Down time incidents: 0-10 minutes.</P
>fs_oc_down_10_30_min: Down time incidents: 10-30 minutes.</P
>fs_oc_down_half_1_hr: Down time incidents: 30-60 minutes.</P
>fs_oc_down_1_2_hr: Down time incidents: 1-2 hours.</P
>fs_oc_down_2_4_hr: Down time incidents: 2-4 hours.</P
>fs_oc_down_4_8_hr: Down time incidents: 4-8 hours.</P
>fs_oc_down_more_8_hr: Down time incidents: more than 8 hours.</P
>fs_oc_downDst_0: Down time incidents: 0 times.</P
>fs_oc_downDst_1: Down time incidents: 1 time.</P
>fs_oc_downDst_2_5: Down time incidents: 2-5 times.</P
>fs_oc_downDst_6_10: Down time incidents: 6-10 times.</P
>fs_oc_downDst_10_50: Down time incidents: 10-50 times.</P
>fs_oc_downDst_more_50: Down time incidents: more than 50 times.</P
>VL Server Up/Down Statistics in Same Cell Group (VL_upDown_SC_group) <UL
>vl_sc_numTtlRecords: Number of vlserver records, active or inactive.</P
>vl_sc_numUpRecords: Number of (active) vlserver records currently marked up.</P
>vl_sc_numDownRecords: Number of (active) vlserver records currently marked down.</P
>vl_sc_sumOfRecordAges: Sum of vlserver record lifetimes.</P
>vl_sc_ageOfYoungestRecord: Age of youngest vlserver record.</P
>vl_sc_ageOfOldestRecord: Age of oldest vlserver record.</P
>vl_sc_numDowntimeIncidents: Number of (completed) downtime incidents.</P
>vl_sc_numRecordsNeverDown: Number of vlserver records never marked down.</P
>vl_sc_maxDowntimesInARecord: Maximum downtimes seen by any vlserver record.</P
>vl_sc_sumOfDowntimes: Sum of all (completed) downtimes, in seconds.</P
>vl_sc_shortestDowntime: Shortest downtime, in seconds.</P
>vl_sc_longestDowntime: Longest downtime, in seconds.</P
>vl_sc_down_0_10_min: Down time incidents: 0-10 minutes.</P
>vl_sc_down_10_30_min: Down time incidents: 10-30 minutes.</P
>vl_sc_down_half_1_hr: Down time incidents: 30-60 minutes.</P
>vl_sc_down_1_2_hr: Down time incidents: 1-2 hours.</P
>vl_sc_down_2_4_hr: Down time incidents: 2-4 hours.</P
>vl_sc_down_4_8_hr: Down time incidents: 4-8 hours.</P
>vl_sc_down_more_8_hr: Down time incidents: more than 8 hours.</P
>vl_sc_downDst_0: Down time incidents: 0 times.</P
>vl_sc_downDst_1: Down time incidents: 1 time.</P
>vl_sc_downDst_2_5: Down time incidents: 2-5 times.</P
>vl_sc_downDst_6_10: Down time incidents: 6-10 times.</P
>vl_sc_downDst_10_50: Down time incidents: 10-50 times.</P
>vl_sc_downDst_more_50: Down time incidents: more than 50 times.</P
>VL Server Up/Down Statistics in Other Cells Group (VL_upDown_DC_group) <UL
>vl_oc_numTtlRecords: Number of vlserver records, active or inactive.</P
>vl_oc_numUpRecords: Number of (active) vlserver records currently marked up.</P
>vl_oc_numDownRecords: Number of (active) vlserver records currently marked down.</P
>vl_oc_sumOfRecordAges: Sum of vlserver record lifetimes.</P
>vl_oc_ageOfYoungestRecord: Age of youngest vlserver record.</P
>vl_oc_ageOfOldestRecord: Age of oldest vlserver record.</P
>vl_oc_numDowntimeIncidents: Number of (completed) downtime incidents.</P
>vl_oc_numRecordsNeverDown: Number of vlserver records never marked down.</P
>vl_oc_maxDowntimesInARecord: Maximum downtimes seen by any vlserver record.</P
>vl_oc_sumOfDowntimes: Sum of all (completed) downtimes, in seconds.</P
>vl_oc_shortestDowntime: Shortest downtime, in seconds.</P
>vl_oc_longestDowntime: Longest downtime, in seconds.</P
>vl_oc_down_0_10_min: Down time incidents: 0-10 minutes.</P
>vl_oc_down_10_30_min: Down time incidents: 10-30 minutes.</P
>vl_oc_down_half_1_hr: Down time incidents: 30-60 minutes.</P
>vl_oc_down_1_2_hr: Down time incidents: 1-2 hours.</P
>vl_oc_down_2_4_hr: Down time incidents: 2-4 hours.</P
>vl_oc_down_4_8_hr: Down time incidents: 4-8 hours.</P
>vl_oc_down_more_8_hr: Down time incidents: more than 8 hours.</P
>vl_oc_downDst_0: Down time incidents: 0 times.</P
>vl_oc_downDst_1: Down time incidents: 1 time.</P
>vl_oc_downDst_2_5: Down time incidents: 2-5 times.</P
>vl_oc_downDst_6_10: Down time incidents: 6-10 times.</P
>vl_oc_downDst_10_50: Down time incidents: 10-50 times.</P
>vl_oc_downDst_more_50: Down time incidents: more than 50 times.</P
>RPC Operation Measurements Section (RPCop_section)</A
>File Server RPC Operation Timings Group (FS_RPCopTimes_group) <UL
>FetchData_ops: Number of FetchData operations executed.</P
>FetchData_ops_ok: Number of successful FetchData operations.</P
>FetchData_sum: Sum of timings for FetchData operations.</P
>FetchData_sqr: Sum of squares of sample timings for FetchData operations.</P
>FetchData_min: Minimum execution time observed for FetchData operations.</P
>FetchData_max: Maximum execution time observed for FetchData operations.</P
>FetchACL_ops: Number of FetchACL operations executed.</P
>FetchACL_ops_ok: Number of successful FetchACL operations.</P
>FetchACL_sum: Sum of timings for FetchACL operations.</P
>FetchACL_sqr: Sum of squares of sample timings for FetchACL operations.</P
>FetchACL_min: Minimum execution time observed for FetchACL operations.</P
>FetchACL_max: Maximum execution time observed for FetchACL operations.</P
>FetchStatus_ops: Number of FetchStatus operations executed.</P
>FetchStatus_ops_ok: Number of successful FetchStatus operations.</P
>FetchStatus_sum: Sum of timings for FetchStatus operations.</P
>FetchStatus_sqr: Sum of squares of sample timings for FetchStatus operations.</P
>FetchStatus_min: Minimum execution time observed for FetchStatus operations.</P
>FetchStatus_max: Maximum execution time observed for FetchStatus operations.</P
>StoreData_ops: Number of StoreData operations executed.</P
>StoreData_ops_ok: Number of successful StoreData operations.</P
>StoreData_sum: Sum of timings for StoreData operations.</P
>StoreData_sqr: Sum of squares of sample timings for StoreData operations.</P
>StoreData_min: Minimum execution time observed for StoreData operations.</P
>StoreData_max: Maximum execution time observed for StoreData operations.</P
>StoreACL_ops: Number of StoreACL operations executed.</P
>StoreACL_ops_ok: Number of successful StoreACL operation.</P
>StoreACL_sum: Sum of timings for StoreACL operations.</P
>StoreACL_sqr: Sum of squares of sample timings for StoreACL operations.</P
>StoreACL_min: Minimum execution time observed for StoreACL operations.</P
>StoreACL_max: Maximum execution time observed for StoreACL operations.</P
>StoreStatus_ops: Number of StoreStatus operations executed.</P
>StoreStatus_ops_ok: Number of successful StoreStatus operations.</P
>StoreStatus_sum: Sum of timings for StoreStatus operations.</P
>StoreStatus_sqr: Sum of squares of sample timings for StoreStatus operations.</P
>StoreStatus_min: Minimum execution time observed for StoreStatus operations.</P
>StoreStatus_max: Maximum execution time observed for StoreStatus operations.</P
>RemoveFile_ops: Number of RemoveFile operations executed.</P
>RemoveFile_ops_ok: Number of successful RemoveFile operations.</P
>RemoveFile_sum: Sum of timings for RemoveFile operations.</P
>RemoveFile_sqr: Sum of squares of sample timings for RemoveFile operations.</P
>RemoveFile_min: Minimum execution time observed for RemoveFile operations.</P
>RemoveFile_max: Maximum execution time observed for RemoveFile operations.</P
>CreateFile_ops: Number of CreateFile operations executed.</P
>CreateFile_ops_ok: Number of successful CreateFile operations.</P
>CreateFile_sum: Sum of timings for CreateFile operations.</P
>CreateFile_sqr: Sum of squares of sample timings for CreateFile operations.</P
>CreateFile_min: Minimum execution time observed for CreateFile operations.</P
>CreateFile_max: Maximum execution time observed for CreateFile operations.</P
>Rename_ops: Number of Rename operations executed.</P
>Rename_ops_ok: Number of successful Rename operations.</P
>Rename_sum: Sum of timings for Rename operations.</P
>Rename_sqr: Sum of squares of sample timings for Rename operations.</P
>Rename_min: Minimum execution time observed for Rename operations.</P
>Rename_max: Maximum execution time observed for Rename operations.</P
>Symlink_ops: Number of Symlink operations executed.</P
>Symlink_ops_ok: Number of successful Symlink operations.</P
>Symlink_sum: Sum of timings for Symlink operations.</P
>Symlink_sqr: Sum of squares of sample timings for Symlink operations.</P
>Symlink_min: Minimum execution time observed for Symlink operations.</P
>Symlink_max: Maximum execution time observed for Symlink operations.</P
>Link_ops: Number of Link operations executed.</P
>Link_ops_ok: Number of successful Link operations.</P
>Link_sum: Sum of timings for Link operations.</P
>Link_sqr: Sum of squares of sample timings for Link operations.</P
>Link_min: Minimum execution time observed for Link operations.</P
>Link_max: Maximum execution time observed for Link operations.</P
>MakeDir_ops: Number of MakeDir operations executed.</P
>MakeDir_ops_ok: Number of successful MakeDir operations.</P
>MakeDir_sum: Sum of timings for MakeDir operations.</P
>MakeDir_sqr: Sum of squares of sample timings for MakeDir operations.</P
>MakeDir_min: Minimum execution time observed for MakeDir operations.</P
>MakeDir_max: Maximum execution time observed for MakeDir operations.</P
>RemoveDir_ops: Number of RemoveDir operations executed.</P
>RemoveDir_ops_ok: Number of successful RemoveDir operations.</P
>RemoveDir_sum: Sum of timings for RemoveDir operations.</P
>RemoveDir_sqr: Sum of squares of sample timings for RemoveDir operations.</P
>RemoveDir_min: Minimum execution time observed for RemoveDir operations.</P
>RemoveDir_max: Maximum execution time observed for RemoveDir operations.</P
>SetLock_ops: Number of SetLock operations executed.</P
>SetLock_ops_ok: Number of successful SetLock operations.</P
>SetLock_sum: Sum of timings for SetLock operations.</P
>SetLock_sqr: Sum of squares of sample timings for SetLock operations.</P
>SetLock_min: Minimum execution time observed for SetLock operations.</P
>SetLock_max: Maximum execution time observed for SetLock operations.</P
>ExtendLock_ops: Number of ExtendLock operations executed.</P
>ExtendLock_ops_ok: Number of successful ExtendLock operations.</P
>ExtendLock_sum: Sum of timings for ExtendLock operations.</P
>ExtendLock_sqr: Sum of squares of sample timings for ExtendLock operations.</P
>ExtendLock_min: Minimum execution time observed for ExtendLock operations.</P
>ExtendLock_max: Maximum execution time observed for ExtendLock operations.</P
>ReleaseLock_ops: Number of ReleaseLock operations executed.</P
>ReleaseLock_ops_ok: Number of successful ReleaseLock operations.</P
>ReleaseLock_sum: Sum of timings for ReleaseLock operations.</P
>ReleaseLock_sqr: Sum of squares of sample timings for StoreStatus operations.</P
>ReleaseLock_min: Minimum execution time observed for ReleaseLock operations.</P
>ReleaseLock_max: Maximum execution time observed for ReleaseLock operations.</P
>GetStatistics_ops: Number of GetStatistics operations executed.</P
>GetStatistics_ops_ok: Number of successful GetStatistics operations.</P
>GetStatistics_sum: Sum of timings for GetStatistics operations.</P
>GetStatistics_sqr: Sum of squares of sample timings for GetStatistics operations.</P
>GetStatistics_min: Minimum execution time observed for GetStatistics operations.</P
>GetStatistics_max: Maximum execution time observed for GetStatistics operations.</P
>GiveUpCallbacks_ops: Number of GiveUpCallbacks operations executed.</P
>GiveUpCallbacks_ops_ok: Number of successful GiveUpCallbacks operations.</P
>GiveUpCallbacks_sum: Sum of timings for GiveUpCallbacks operations.</P
>GiveUpCallbacks_sqr: Sum of squares of sample timings for GiveUpCallbacks operations.</P
>GiveUpCallbacks_min: Minimum execution time observed for GiveUpCallbacks operations.</P
>GiveUpCallbacks_max: Maximum execution time observed for GiveUpCallbacks operations.</P
>GetVolumeInfo_ops: Number of GetVolumeInfo operations executed.</P
>GetVolumeInfo_ops_ok: Number of successful GetVolumeInfo operations.</P
>GetVolumeInfo_sum: Sum of timings for GetVolumeInfo operations.</P
>GetVolumeInfo_sqr: Sum of squares of sample timings for GetVolumeInfo operations.</P
>GetVolumeInfo_min: Minimum execution time observed for GetVolumeInfo operations.</P
>GetVolumeInfo_max: Maximum execution time observed for GetVolumeInfo operations.</P
>GetVolumeStatus_ops: Number of GetVolumeStatus operations executed.</P
>GetVolumeStatus_ops_ok: Number of successful GetVolumeStatus operations.</P
>GetVolumeStatus_sum: Sum of timings for GetVolumeStatus operations.</P
>GetVolumeStatus_sqr: Sum of squares of sample timings for GetVolumeStatus operations.</P
>GetVolumeStatus_min: Minimum execution time observed for GetVolumeStatus operations.</P
>GetVolumeStatus_max: Maximum execution time observed for GetVolumeStatus operations.</P
>SetVolumeStatus_ops: Number of SetVolumeStatus operations executed.</P
>SetVolumeStatus_ops_ok: Number of successful SetVolumeStatus operations.</P
>SetVolumeStatus_sum: Sum of timings for SetVolumeStatus operations.</P
>SetVolumeStatus_sqr: Sum of squares of sample timings for SetVolumeStatus operations.</P
>SetVolumeStatus_min: Minimum execution time observed for SetVolumeStatus operations.</P
>SetVolumeStatus_max: Maximum execution time observed for SetVolumeStatus operations.</P
>GetRootVolume_ops: Number of GetRootVolume operations executed.</P
>GetRootVolume_ops_ok: Number of successful GetRootVolume operations.</P
>GetRootVolume_sum: Sum of timings for GetRootVolume operations.</P
>GetRootVolume_sqr: Sum of squares of sample timings for GetRootVolume operations.</P
>GetRootVolume_min: Minimum execution time observed for GetRootVolume operations.</P
>GetRootVolume_max: Maximum execution time observed for GetRootVolume operations.</P
>CheckToken_ops: Number of CheckToken operations executed.</P
>CheckToken_ops_ok: Number of successful CheckToken operations.</P
>CheckToken_sum: Sum of timings for CheckToken operations.</P
>CheckToken_sqr: Sum of squares of sample timings for CheckToken operations.</P
>CheckToken_min: Minimum execution time observed for CheckToken operations.</P
>CheckToken_max: Maximum execution time observed for CheckToken operations.</P
>GetTime_ops: Number of GetTime operations executed.</P
>GetTime_ops_ok: Number of successful GetTime operations.</P
>GetTime_sum: Sum of timings for GetTime operations.</P
>GetTime_sqr: Sum of squares of sample timings for GetTime operations.</P
>GetTime_min: Minimum execution time observed for GetTime operations.</P
>GetTime_max: Maximum execution time observed for GetTime operations.</P
>NGetVolumeInfo_ops: Number of NGetVolumeInfo operations executed.</P
>NGetVolumeInfo_ops_ok: Number of successful NGetVolumeInfo operations.</P
>NGetVolumeInfo_sum: Sum of timings for NGetVolumeInfo operations.</P
>NGetVolumeInfo_sqr: Sum of squares of sample timings for NGetVolumeInfo operations.</P
>NGetVolumeInfo_min: Minimum execution time observed for NGetVolumeInfo operations.</P
>NGetVolumeInfo_max: Maximum execution time observed for NGetVolumeInfo operations.</P
>BulkStatus_ops: Number of BulkStatus operations executed.</P
>BulkStatus_ops_ok: Number of successful BulkStatus operations.</P
>BulkStatus_sum: Sum of timings for BulkStatus operations.</P
>BulkStatus_sqr: Sum of squares of sample timings for BulkStatus operations.</P
>BulkStatus_min: Minimum execution time observed for BulkStatus operations.</P
>BulkStatus_max: Maximum execution time observed for BulkStatus operations.</P
>XStatsVersion_ops: Number of XStatsVersion operations executed.</P
>XStatsVersion_ops_ok: Number of successful XStatsVersion operations.</P
>XStatsVersion_sum: Sum of timings for XStatsVersion operations.</P
>XStatsVersion_sqr: Sum of squares of sample timings for XStatsVersion operations.</P
>XStatsVersion_min: Minimum execution time observed for XStatsVersion operations.</P
>XStatsVersion_max: Maximum execution time observed for XStatsVersion operations.</P
>GetXStats_ops: Number of GetXStats operations executed.</P
>GetXStats_ops_ok: Number of successful GetXStats operations.</P
>GetXStats_sum: Sum of timings for GetXStats operations.</P
>GetXstats_sqr: Sum of squares of sample timings for GetXStats operations.</P
>GetXStats_min: Minimum execution time observed for GetXStats operations.</P
>GetXStats_max: Maximum execution time observed for GetXStats operations.</P
>File Server RPC Operation Errors Group (FS_RPCopErrors_group) <UL
>FetchData_srv_err: Number of server-down errors during FetchData operations.</P
>FetchData_net_err: Number of network errors during FetchData operations.</P
>FetchData_prot_err_err: Number of protection violations during FetchData operations.</P
>FetchData_vol_err: Number of volume related errors during FetchData operations.</P
>FetchData_busy_err: Number of volume busy conditions during FetchData operations.</P
>FetchData_other_err: Number of miscellaneous other errors during FetchData operations.</P
>FetchACL_srv_err: Number of server-down errors during FetchACL operations.</P
>FetchACL_net_err: Number of network errors during FetchACL operations.</P
>FetchACL_prot_err: Number of protection violations during FetchACL operations.</P
>FetchACL_vol_err: Number of volume related errors during FetchACL operations.</P
>FetchACL_busy_err: Number of volume busy conditions encountered during FetchACL operations.</P
>FetchACL_other_err: Number of miscellaneous other errors during FetchACL operations.</P
>FetchStatus_srv_err: Number of server-down errors during FetchStatus operations.</P
>FetchStatus_net_err: Number of network errors during FetchStatus operations.</P
>FetchStatus_prot_err: Number of protection violations during FetchStatus operations.</P
>FetchStatus_vol_err: Number of volume related errors during FetchStatus operations.</P
>FetchStatus_busy_err: Number of volume busy conditions encountered during FetchStatus operations.</P
>FetchStatus_other_err: Number of miscellaneous other errors during FetchStatus operations.</P
>StoreData_srv_err: Number of server-down errors during StoreData operations.</P
>StoreData_net_err: Number of network errors during StoreData operations.</P
>StoreData_prot_err: Number of protection violations during StoreData operations.</P
>StoreData_vol_err: Number of volume related errors during StoreData operations.</P
>StoreData_busy_err: Number of volume busy conditions encountered during StoreData operations.</P
>StoreData_other_err: Number of miscellaneous other errors during StoreData operations.</P
>StoreACL_srv_err: Number of server-down errors during StoreACL operations.</P
>StoreACL_net_err: Number of network errors during StoreACL operations.</P
>StoreACL_prot_err: Number of protection violations during StoreACL operations.</P
>StoreACL_vol_err: Number of volume related errors during StoreACL operations.</P
>StoreACL_busy_err: Number of volume busy conditions encountered during StoreACL operations.</P
>StoreACL_other_err: Number of miscellaneous other errors during StoreACL operations.</P
>StoreStatus_srv_err: Number of server-down errors during StoreStatus operations.</P
>StoreStatus_net_err: Number of network errors during StoreStatus operations.</P
>StoreStatus_prot_err: Number of protection violations during StoreStatus operations.</P
>StoreStatus_vol_err: Number of volume related errors during StoreStatus operations.</P
>StoreStatus_busy_err: Number of volume busy conditions encountered during StoreStatus operations.</P
>StoreStatus_other_err: Number of miscellaneous other errors during StoreStatus operations.</P
>RemoveFile_srv_err: Number of server-down errors during RemoveFile operations.</P
>RemoveFile_net_err: Number of network errors during RemoveFile operations.</P
>RemoveFile_prot_err: Number of protection violations during RemoveFile operations.</P
>RemoveFile_vol_err: Number of volume related errors during RemoveFile operations.</P
>RemoveFile_busy_err: Number of volume busy conditions encountered during RemoveFile operations.</P
>RemoveFile_other_err: Number of miscellaneous other errors during RemoveFile operations.</P
>CreateFile_srv_err: Number of server-down errors during CreateFile operations.</P
>CreateFile_net_err: Number of network errors during CreateFile operations.</P
>CreateFile_prot_err: Number of protection violations during CreateFile operations.</P
>CreateFile_vol_err: Number of volume related errors during CreateFile operations.</P
>CreateFile_busy_err: Number of volume busy conditions encountered during CreateFile operations.</P
>CreateFile_other_err: Number of miscellaneous other errors during CreateFile operations.</P
>Rename_srv_err: Number of server-down errors during Rename operations.</P
>Rename_net_err: Number of network errors during Rename operations.</P
>Rename_prot_err: Number of protection violations during Rename operations.</P
>Rename_vol_err: Number of volume related errors during Rename operations.</P
>Rename_busy_err: Number of volume busy conditions encountered during Rename operations.</P
>Rename_other_err: Number of miscellaneous other errors during Rename operations.</P
>Symlink_srv_err: Number of server-down errors during Symlink operations.</P
>Symlink_net_err: Number of network errors during Symlink operations.</P
>Symlink_prot_err: Number of protection violations during Symlink operations.</P
>Symlink_vol_err: Number of volume related errors during Symlink operations.</P
>Symlink_busy_err: Number of volume busy conditions encountered during Symlink operations.</P
>Symlink_other_err: Number of miscellaneous other errors during Symlink operations.</P
>Link_srv_err: Number of server-down errors during Link operations.</P
>Link_net_err: Number of network errors during Link operations.</P
>Link_prot_err: Number of protection violations during Link operations.</P
>Link_vol_err: Number of volume related errors during Link operations.</P
>Link_busy_err: Number of volume busy conditions encountered during Link operations.</P
>Link_other_err: Number of miscellaneous other errors during Link operations.</P
>MakeDir_srv_err: Number of server-down errors during MakeDir operations.</P
>MakeDir_net_err: Number of network errors during MakeDir operations.</P
>MakeDir_prot_err: Number of protection violations during MakeDir operations.</P
>MakeDir_vol_err: Number of volume related errors during MakeDir operations.</P
>MakeDir_busy_err: Number of volume busy conditions encountered during MakeDir operations.</P
>MakeDir_other_err: Number of miscellaneous other errors during MakeDir operations.</P
>RemoveDir_srv_err: Number of server-down errors during RemoveDir operations.</P
>RemoveDir_net_err: Number of network errors during RemoveDir operations.</P
>RemoveDir_prot_err: Number of protection violations during RemoveDir operations.</P
>RemoveDir_vol_err: Number of volume related errors during RemoveDir operations.</P
>RemoveDir_busy_err: Number of volume busy conditions encountered during RemoveDir operations.</P
>RemoveDir_other_err: Number of miscellaneous other errors during RemoveDir operations.</P
>SetLock_srv_err: Number of server-down errors during SetLock operations.</P
>SetLock_net_err: Number of network errors during SetLock operations.</P
>SetLock_prot_err: Number of protection violations during SetLock operations.</P
>SetLock_vol_err: Number of volume related errors during SetLock operations.</P
>SetLock_busy_err: Number of volume busy conditions encountered during SetLock operations.</P
>SetLock_other_err: Number of miscellaneous other errors during SetLock operations.</P
>ExtendLock_srv_err: Number of server-down errors during ExtendLock operations.</P
>ExtendLock_net_err: Number of network errors during ExtendLock operations.</P
>ExtendLock_prot_err: Number of protection violations during ExtendLock operations.</P
>ExtendLock_vol_err: Number of volume related errors during ExtendLock operations.</P
>ExtendLock_busy_err: Number of volume busy conditions encountered during ExtendLock operations.</P
>ExtendLock_other_err: Number of miscellaneous other errors during ExtendLock operations.</P
>ReleaseLock_srv_err: Number of server-down errors during ReleaseLock operations.</P
>ReleaseLock_net_err: Number of network errors during ReleaseLock operations.</P
>ReleaseLock_prot_err: Number of protection violations during ReleaseLock operations.</P
>ReleaseLock_vol_err: Number of volume related errors during ReleaseLock operations.</P
>ReleaseLock_busy_err: Number of volume busy conditions encountered during ReleaseLock operations.</P
>ReleaseLock_other_err: Number of miscellaneous other errors during ReleaseLock operations.</P
>GetStatistics_srv_err: Number of server-down errors during GetStatistics operations.</P
>GetStatistics_net_err: Number of network errors during GetStatistics operations.</P
>GetStatistics_prot_err: Number of protection violations during GetStatistics operations.</P
>GetStatistics_vol_err: Number of volume related errors during GetStatistics operations.</P
>GetStatistics_busy_err: Number of volume busy conditions encountered during GetStatistics operations.</P
>GetStatistics_other_err: Number of miscellaneous other errors during GetStatistics operations.</P
>GiveUpCallbacks_srv_err: Number of server-down errors during GiveUpCallbacks operations.</P
>GiveUpCallbacks_net_err: Number of network errors during GiveUpCallbacks operations.</P
>GiveUpCallbacks_prot_err: Number of protection violations during GiveUpCallbacks operations.</P
>GiveUpCallbacks_vol_err: Number of volume related errors during GiveUpCallbacks operations.</P
>GiveUpCallbacks_busy_err: Number of volume busy conditions encountered during GiveUpCallbacks operations.</P
>GiveUpCallbacks_other_err: Number of miscellaneous other errors during GiveUpCallbacks operations.</P
>GetVolumeInfo_srv_err: Number of server-down errors during GetVolumeInfo operations.</P
>GetVolumeInfo_net_err: Number of network errors during GetVolumeInfo operations.</P
>GetVolumeInfo_prot_err: Number of protection violations during GetVolumeInfo operations.</P
>GetVolumeInfo_vol_err: Number of volume related errors during GetVolumeInfo operations.</P
>GetVolumeInfo_busy_err: Number of volume busy conditions encountered during GetVolumeInfo operations.</P
>GetVolumeInfo_other_err: Number of miscellaneous other errors during GetVolumeInfo operations.</P
>GetVolumeStatus_srv_err: Number of server-down errors during GetVolumeStatus operations.</P
>GetVolumeStatus_net_err: Number of network errors during GetVolumeStatus operations.</P
>GetVolumeStatus_prot_err: Number of protection violations during GetVolumeStatus operations.</P
>GetVolumeStatus_vol_err: Number of volume related errors during GetVolumeStatus operations.</P
>GetVolumeStatus_busy_err: Number of volume busy conditions encountered during GetVolumeStatus operations.</P
>GetVolumeStatus_other_err: Number of miscellaneous other errors during GetVolumeStatus operations.</P
>SetVolumeStatus_srv_err : Number of server-down errors during SetVolumeStatus operations.</P
>SetVolumeStatus_net_err: Number of network errors during SetVolumeStatus operations.</P
>SetVolumeStatus_prot_err: Number of protection violations during SetVolumeStatus operations.</P
>SetVolumeStatus_vol_err: Number of volume related errors during SetVolumeStatus operations.</P
>SetVolumeStatus_busy_err: Number of volume busy conditions encountered during SetVolumeStatus operations.</P
>SetVolumeStatus_other_err: Number of miscellaneous other errors during SetVolumeStatus operations.</P
>GetRootVolume_srv_err: Number of server-down errors during GetRootVolume operations.</P
>GetRootVolume_net_err: Number of network errors during GetRootVolume operations.</P
>GetRootVolume_prot_err: Number of protection violations during GetRootVolume operations.</P
>GetRootVolume_vol_err: Number of volume related errors during GetRootVolume operations.</P
>GetRootVolume_busy_err: Number of volume busy conditions encountered during GetRootVolume operations.</P
>GetRootVolume_other_err: Number of miscellaneous other errors during GetRootVolume operations.</P
>CheckToken_srv_err: Number of server-down errors during CheckToken operations.</P
>CheckToken_net_err: Number of network errors during CheckToken operations.</P
>CheckToken_prot_err: Number of protection violations during CheckToken operations.</P
>CheckToken_vol_err: Number of volume related errors during CheckToken operations.</P
>CheckToken_busy_err: Number of volume busy conditions encountered during CheckToken operations.</P
>CheckToken_other_err: Number of miscellaneous other errors during CheckToken operations.</P
>GetTime_srv_err: Number of server-down errors during GetTime operations.</P
>GetTime_net_err: Number of network errors during GetTime operations.</P
>GetTime_prot_err: Number of protection violations during GetTime operations.</P
>GetTime_vol_err: Number of volume related errors during GetTime operations.</P
>GetTime_busy_err: Number of volume busy conditions encountered during GetTime operations.</P
>GetTime_other_err: Number of miscellaneous other errors during GetTime operations.</P
>NGetVolumeInfo_srv_err: Number of server-down errors during NGetVolumeInfo operations.</P
>NGetVolumeInfo_net_err: Number of network errors during NGetVolumeInfo operations.</P
>NGetVolumeInfo_prot_err: Number of protection violations during NGetVolumeInfo operations.</P
>NGetVolumeInfo_vol_err: Number of volume related errors during NGetVolumeInfo operations.</P
>NGetVolumeInfo_busy_err: Number of volume busy conditions encountered during NGetVolumeInfo operations.</P
>NGetVolumeInfo_other_err: Number of miscellaneous other errors during NGetVolumeInfo operations.</P
>BulkStatus_srv_err: Number of server-down errors during BulkStatus operations.</P
>BulkStatus_net_err: Number of network errors during BulkStatus operations.</P
>BulkStatus_prot_err: Number of protection violations during BulkStatus operations.</P
>BulkStatus_vol_err: Number of volume related errors during BulkStatus operations.</P
>BulkStatus_busy_err: Number of volume busy conditions encountered during BulkStatus operations.</P
>BulkStatus_other_err: Number of miscellaneous other errors during BulkStatus operations.</P
>XStatsVersion_srv_err: Number of server-down errors during XStatsVersion operations.</P
>XStatsVersion_net_err: Number of network errors during XStatsVersion operations.</P
>XStatsVersion_prot_err: Number of protection violations during XStatsVersion operations.</P
>XStatsVersion_vol_err: Number of volume related errors during XStatsVersion operations.</P
>XStatsVersion_busy_err: Number of volume busy conditions encountered during XStatsVersion operations.</P
>XStatsVersion_other_err: Number of miscellaneous other errors during XStatsVersion operations.</P
>GetXStats_srv_err: Number of server-down errors during GetXStats operations.</P
>GetXStats_net_err: Number of network errors during GetXStats operations.</P
>GetXStats_prot_err: Number of protection violations during GetXStats operations.</P
>GetXStats_vol_err: Number of volume related errors during GetXStats operations.</P
>GetXStats_busy_err: Number of volume busy conditions encountered during GetXStats operations.</P
>GetXStats_other_err: Number of miscellaneous other errors during GetXStats operations.</P
>File Server RPC Transfer Timings Group (FS_RPCopBytes_group) <UL
>FetchData_xfers: Number of FetchData operations.</P
>FetchData_xfers_ok: Number of successful FetchData operations.</P
>FetchData_xfers_sum: Sum of timing values for FetchData operations.</P
>FetchData_xfers_sqr: Sum of squares of sample timings for FetchData operations.</P
>FetchData_xfers_min: Minimum transfer time observed for FetchData operations.</P
>FetchData_xfers_max: Maximum transfer time observed for FetchData operations.</P
>FetchData_xfers_bytes_sum: Sum of bytes transferred for FetchData operations.</P
>FetchData_xfers_bytes_min: Minimum byte transfer observed for FetchData operations.</P
>FetchData_xfers_bytes_max: Maximum byte transfer observed for FetchData operations.</P
>FetchData_xfers_bucket0: Tally in bucket0 for FetchData operations.</P
>FetchData_xfers_bucket1: Tally in bucket1 for FetchData operations.</P
>FetchData_xfers_bucket2: Tally in bucket2 for FetchData operations.</P
>FetchData_xfers_bucket3: Tally in bucket3 for FetchData operations.</P
>FetchData_xfers_bucket4: Tally in bucket4 for FetchData operations.</P
>FetchData_xfers_bucket5: Tally in bucket5 for FetchData operations.</P
>FetchData_xfers_bucket6: Tally in bucket6 for FetchData operations.</P
>FetchData_xfers_bucket7: Tally in bucket7 for FetchData operations.</P
>FetchData_xfers_bucket8: Tally in bucket8 for FetchData operations.</P
>StoreData_xfers: Number of StoreData operations.</P
>StoreData_xfers_ok: Number of successful StoreData operations.</P
>StoreData_xfers_sum: Sum of timing values for StoreData operations.</P
>StoreData_xfers_sqr: Sum of squares of sample timings for StoreData operations.</P
>StoreData_xfers_min: Minimum transfer time observed for StoreData operations.</P
>StoreData_xfers_max: Maximum transfer time observed for StoreData operations.</P
>StoreData_xfers_bytes_sum: Sum of bytes transferred for StoreData operations.</P
>StoreData_xfers_bytes_min: Minimum byte transfer observed for StoreData operations.</P
>StoreData_xfers_bytes_max: Maximum byte transfer observed for StoreData operations.</P
>StoreData_xfers_bucket0: Tally in bucket0 for StoreData operations.</P
>StoreData_xfers_bucket1: Tally in bucket1 for StoreData operations.</P
>StoreData_xfers_bucket2: Tally in bucket2 for StoreData operations.</P
>StoreData_xfers_bucket3: Tally in bucket3 for StoreData operations.</P
>StoreData_xfers_bucket4: Tally in bucket4 for StoreData operations.</P
>StoreData_xfers_bucket5: Tally in bucket5 for StoreData operations.</P
>StoreData_xfers_bucket6: Tally in bucket6 for StoreData operations.</P
>StoreData_xfers_bucket7: Tally in bucket7 for StoreData operations.</P
>StoreData_xfers_bucket8: Tally in bucket8 for StoreData operations.</P
>Cache Manager RPC Operation Timings Group (CM_RPCopTimes_group) <UL
>CallBack_ops: Number of CallBack operations executed.</P
>CallBack_ops_ok: Number of successful CallBack operations.</P
>CallBack_ops_sum: Sum of timings for CallBack operations.</P
>CallBack_ops_min: Minimum execution time observed for CallBack operations.</P
>CallBack_ops_max: Maximum execution time observed for CallBack operations.</P
>CallBack_ops_sqr: Sum of the square of CallBack operations executed.</P
>InitCallBackState_ops: Number of InitCallBackState operations executed.</P
>InitCallBackState_ops_ok: Number of successful InitCallBackState operations.</P
>InitCallBackState_ops_sum: Sum of timings for InitCallBackState operations.</P
>InitCallBackState_ops_min: Minimum execution time observed for InitCallBackState operations.</P
>InitCallBackState_ops_max: Maximum execution time observed for InitCallBackState operations.</P
>InitCallBackState_ops_sqr: Sum of squares of timings for InitCallBackState operations.</P
>Probe_ops: Number of Probe operations executed.</P
>Probe_ops_ok: Number of successful Probe operations.</P
>Probe_ops_sum: Sum of timings for Probe operations.</P
>Probe_ops_min: Minimum execution time observed for Probe operations.</P
>Probe_ops_max: Maximum execution time observed for Probe operations.</P
>Probe_ops_sqr: Sum of squares of timings for Probe operations.</P
>GetLock_ops: Number of GetLock operations executed.</P
>GetLock_ops_ok: Number of successful GetLock operations.</P
>GetLock_ops_sum: Sum of timings for GetLock operations.</P
>GetLock_ops_min: Minimum execution time observed for GetLock operations.</P
>GetLock_ops_max: Maximum execution time observed for GetLock operations.</P
>GetLock_ops_sqr: Sum of squares of timings for GetLock operations.</P
>GetCE_ops: Number of GetCE operations executed.</P
>GetCE_ops_ok: Number of successful GetCE operations.</P
>GetCE_ops_sum: Sum of timings for GetCE operations.</P
>GetCE_ops_min: Minimum execution time observed for GetCE operations.</P
>GetCE_ops_max: Maximum execution time observed for GetCE operations.</P
>GetCE_ops_sqr: Sum of squares of timings for GetCE operations.</P
>XStatsVersion_CM_ops: Number of XStatsVersion operations executed.</P
>XStatsVersion_CM_ops_ok: Number of successful XStatsVersion operations.</P
>XStatsVersion_CM_ops_sum: Sum of timings for XStatsVersion operations.</P
>XStatsVersion_CM_ops_min: Minimum execution time observed for XStatsVersion operations.</P
>XStatsVersion_CM_ops_max: Maximum execution time observed for XStatsVersion operations.</P
>XStatsVersion_CM_ops_sqr: Sum of squares of timings for XStatsVersion operations.</P
>GetXStats_CM_ops: Number of GetXStats operations executed.</P
>GetXStats_CM_ops_ok: Number of successful GetXStats operations.</P
>GetXStats_CM_ops_sum: Sum of timings for GetXStats operations.</P
>GetXStats_CM_ops_min: Minimum execution time observed for GetXStats operations.</P
>GetXStats_CM_ops_max: Maximum execution time observed for GetXStats operations.</P
>GetXStats_CM_ops_sqr: Sum of squares of timings for GetXStats operations.</P
>Authentication and Replicated File Access Section (Auth_Access_section)</A
>Authentication Information for Cache Manager Group (Auth_Stats_group) <UL
>curr_PAGs: Current number of PAGs.</P
>curr_Records: Current number of records in table.</P
>curr_AuthRecords: Current number of of authenticated records (with valid ticket).</P
>curr_UnauthRecords: Current number of of unauthenticated records (without any ticket at all).</P
>curr_MaxRecordsInPAG: Maximum records for a single PAG.</P
>curr_LongestChain: Length of longest current hash chain.</P
>PAGCreations: Number of PAG creations.</P
>TicketUpdates: Number of ticket additions/refreshes.</P
>HWM_PAGS: High water mark - number of PAGs.</P
>HWM_Records: High water mark - number of records.</P
>HWM_MaxRecordsInPAG: High water mark - maximum records for a single PAG.</P
>HWM_LongestChain: High water mark - longest hash chain.</P
>Unreplicated File Access Group (Access_Stats_group) <UL
>unreplicatedRefs: Number of references to unreplicated data.</P
>replicatedRefs: Number of references to replicated data.</P
>numReplicasAccessed: Number of replicas accessed.</P
>maxReplicasPerRef: Maximum number of replicas accessed per reference.</P
>refFirstReplicaOK: Number of references satisfied by 1st replica.</P
>The File Server Statistics</A
>File Server statistics are classified into the following sections and groups: <UL
>PerfStats_section: Performance Statistics Section. <UL
>VnodeCache_group: Vnode Cache Group.</P
>Directory_group: Directory Package Group.</P
>Rx_group: Rx Group.</P
>HostModule_group: Host Module Fields Group.</P
>misc_group: Miscellaneous Variables Group.</P
>RPCop_section: RPC Operations Section. <UL
>RPCopTimes_group: Individual RPC Operation Timings.</P
>RPCopBytes_group: Byte Information for Certain RPC Operations.</P
>All File Server variables categorized under the above sections and groups names are listed below.</P
>Performance Statistics Section (PerfStats_section)</A
>Vnode Cache Group (VnodeCache_group) <UL
>vcache_L_Entries: Number of entries in LARGE vnode cache.</P
>vcache_L_Allocs: Number of allocs (large).</P
>vcache_L_Gets: Number of gets (large).</P
>vcache_L_Reads: Number of reads (large).</P
>vcache_L_Writes: Number of writes (large).</P
>vcache_S_Entries: Number of entries in SMALL vnode cache.</P
>vcache_S_Allocs: Number of allocs (small).</P
>vcache_S_Gets: Number of gets (small).</P
>vcache_S_Reads: Number of reads (small).</P
>vcache_S_Writes: Number of writes (small).</P
>vcache_H_Entries: Number of entries in HEADER vnode cache.</P
>vcache_H_Gets: Number of gets (header)</P
>vcache_H_Replacements: Number of replacements (header)</P
>Directory Package Group (Directory_group) <UL
>dir_Buffers: Number of buffers in use.</P
>dir_Calls: Number of read calls made.</P
>dir_IOs: I/O operations performed.</P
>Rx Group (Rx_group) <UL
>rx_packetRequests: Packet allocation requests.</P
>rx_noPackets_RcvClass: Failed packet requests (receive class).</P
>rx_noPackets_SendClass: Failed packet requests (send class).</P
>rx_noPackets_SpecialClass: Failed packet requests (special class).</P
>rx_socketGreedy: Did SO_GREEDY succeed?</P
>rx_bogusPacketOnRead: Short packets received.</P
>rx_bogusHost: Host address from bogus packets.</P
>rx_noPacketOnRead: Read packets with no packet there.</P
>rx_noPacketBuffersOnRead: Packets dropped due to buffer shortage.</P
>rx_selects: Selects waiting on packet or timeout.</P
>rx_sendSelects: Selects forced upon sends.</P
>rx_packetsRead_RcvClass: Packets read (receive class).</P
>rx_packetsRead_SendClass: Packets read (send class).</P
>rx_packetsRead_SpecialClass: Packets read (special class).</P
>rx_dataPacketsRead: Unique data packets read off wire.</P
>rx_ackPacketsRead: ACK packets read.</P
>rx_dupPacketsRead: Duplicate data packets read.</P
>rx_spuriousPacketsRead: Inappropriate packets read.</P
>rx_packetsSent_RcvClass: Packets sent (receive class).</P
>rx_packetsSent_SendClass: Packets sent (send class).</P
>rx_packetsSent_SpecialClass: Packets sent (special class).</P
>rx_ackPacketsSent: ACK packets sent.</P
>rx_pingPacketsSent: Ping packets sent.</P
>rx_abortPacketsSent: Abort packets sent.</P
>rx_busyPacketsSent: Busy packets sent.</P
>rx_dataPacketsSent: Unique data packets sent.</P
>rx_dataPacketsReSent: Retransmissions sent.</P
>rx_dataPacketsPushed: Retransmissions pushed by NACK.</P
>rx_ignoreAckedPacket: Packets with ACKed flag on rxi_Start.</P
>rx_totalRtt_Sec and rx_totalRtt_Usec: Total round trip time (in seconds and milliseconds).</P
>rx_minRtt_Sec and rx_minRtt_Usec: Minimum round trip time (in seconds and milliseconds).</P
>rx_maxRtt_Sec and rx_maxRtt_Usec: Maximum round trip time (in seconds and milliseconds).</P
>rx_nRttSamples: Round trip samples.</P
>rx_nServerConns: Total server connections.</P
>rx_nClientConns: Total client connections.</P
>rx_nPeerStructs: Total peer structures.</P
>rx_nCallStructs: Total call structures.</P
>rx_nFreeCallStructs: Total free call structures.</P
>Host Module Fields Group (HostModule_group) <UL
>host_NumHostEntries: Number of host entries.</P
>host_HostBlocks: Blocks in use for hosts.</P
>host_NonDeletedHosts: Non-deleted hosts.</P
>host_HostsInSameNetOrSubnet: Hosts in same subnet as server.</P
>host_HostsInDiffSubnet: Hosts in different subnet than server.</P
>host_HostsInDiffNetwork: Hosts in different network than server.</P
>host_NumClients: Number of client entries.</P
>host_ClientBlocks: Blocks in use for clients.</P
>Miscellaneous Variables Group (misc_group) <UL
>numPerfCalls: Number of performance calls received.</P
>RPC Operations Section (RPCop_section)</A
>Individual RPC Operation Timings Group (RPCopTimes_group) <UL
>epoch: Time when data collection began.</P
>FetchData_ops: Number of FetchData operations executed.</P
>FetchData_ops_ok: Number of successful FetchData operations.</P
>FetchData_sum: Sum of timings for FetchData operations.</P
>FetchData_sqr: Sum of squares of sample timings for FetchData operations.</P
>FetchData_min: Minimum execution time observed for FetchData operations.</P
>FetchData_max: Maximum execution time observed for FetchData operations.</P
>FetchACL_ops: Number of FetchACL operations executed.</P
>FetchACL_ops_ok: Number of successful FetchACL operations.</P
>FetchACL_sum: Sum of timings for FetchACL operations.</P
>FetchACL_sqr: Sum of squares of sample timings for FetchACL operations.</P
>FetchACL_min: Minimum execution time observed for FetchACL operations.</P
>FetchACL_max: Maximum execution time observed for FetchACL operations.</P
>FetchStatus_ops: Number of FetchStatus operations executed.</P
>FetchStatus_ops_ok: Number of successful FetchStatus operations.</P
>FetchStatus_sum: Sum of timings for FetchStatus operations.</P
>FetchStatus_sqr: Sum of squares of sample timings for FetchStatus operations.</P
>FetchStatus_min: Minimum execution time observed for FetchStatus operations.</P
>FetchStatus_max: Maximum execution time observed for FetchStatus operations.</P
>StoreData_ops: Number of StoreData operations executed.</P
>StoreData_ops_ok: Number of successful StoreData operations.</P
>StoreData_sum: Sum of timings for StoreData operations.</P
>StoreData_sqr: Sum of squares of sample timings for StoreData operations.</P
>StoreData_min: Minimum execution time observed for StoreData operations.</P
>StoreData_max: Maximum execution time observed for StoreData operations.</P
>StoreACL_ops: Number of StoreACL operations executed.</P
>StoreACL_ops_ok: Number of successful StoreACL operations.</P
>StoreACL_sum: Sum of timings for StoreACL operations.</P
>StoreACL_sqr: Sum of squares of sample timings for StoreACL operations.</P
>StoreACL_min: Minimum execution time observed for StoreACL operations.</P
>StoreACL_max: Maximum execution time observed for StoreACL operations.</P
>StoreStatus_ops: Number of StoreStatus operations executed.</P
>StoreStatus_ops_ok: Number of successful StoreStatus operations.</P
>StoreStatus_sum: Sum of timings for StoreStatus operations.</P
>StoreStatus_sqr: Sum of squares of sample timings for StoreStatus operations.</P
>StoreStatus_min: Minimum execution time observed for StoreStatus operations.</P
>StoreStatus_max: Maximum execution time observed for StoreStatus operations.</P
>RemoveFile_ops: Number of RemoveFile operations executed.</P
>RemoveFile_ops_ok: Number of successful RemoveFile operations.</P
>RemoveFile_sum: Sum of timings for RemoveFile operations.</P
>RemoveFile_sqr: Sum of squares of sample timings for RemoveFile operations.</P
>RemoveFile_min: Minimum execution time observed for RemoveFile operations.</P
>RemoveFile_max: Maximum execution time observed for RemoveFile operations.</P
>CreateFile_ops: Number of CreateFile operations executed.</P
>CreateFile_ops_ok: Number of successful CreateFile operations.</P
>CreateFile_sum: Sum of timings for CreateFile operations.</P
>CreateFile_sqr: Sum of squares of sample timings for CreateFile operations.</P
>CreateFile_min: Minimum execution time observed for CreateFile operations.</P
>CreateFile_max: Maximum execution time observed for CreateFile operations.</P
>Rename_ops: Number of Rename operations executed.</P
>Rename_ops_ok: Number of successful Rename operations.</P
>Rename_sum: Sum of timings for Rename operations.</P
>Rename_sqr: Sum of squares of sample timings for Rename operations.</P
>Rename_min: Minimum execution time observed for Rename operations.</P
>Rename_max: Maximum execution time observed for Rename operations.</P
>Symlink_ops: Number of Symlink operations executed.</P
>Symlink_ops_ok: Number of successful Symlink operations.</P
>Symlink_sum: Sum of timings for Symlink operations.</P
>Symlink_sqr: Sum of squares of sample timings for Symlink operations.</P
>Symlink_min: Minimum execution time observed for Symlink operations.</P
>Symlink_max: Maximum execution time observed for Symlink operations.</P
>Link_ops: Number of Link operations executed.</P
>Link_ops_ok: Number of successful Link operations.</P
>Link_sum: Sum of timings for Link operations.</P
>Link_sqr: Sum of squares of sample timings for Link operations.</P
>Link_min: Minimum execution time observed for Link operations.</P
>Link_max: Maximum execution time observed for Link operations.</P
>MakeDir_ops: Number of MakeDir operations executed.</P
>MakeDir_ops_ok: Number of successful MakeDir operations.</P
>MakeDir_sum: Sum of timings for MakeDir operations.</P
>MakeDir_sqr: Sum of squares of sample timings for MakeDir operations.</P
>MakeDir_min: Minimum execution time observed for MakeDir operations.</P
>MakeDir_max: Maximum execution time observed for MakeDir operations.</P
>RemoveDir_ops: Number of RemoveDir operations executed.</P
>RemoveDir_ops_ok: Number of successful RemoveDir operations.</P
>RemoveDir_sum: Sum of timings for RemoveDir operations.</P
>RemoveDir_sqr: Sum of squares of sample timings for RemoveDir operations.</P
>RemoveDir_min: Minimum execution time observed for RemoveDir operations.</P
>RemoveDir_max: Maximum execution time observed for RemoveDir operations.</P
>SetLock_ops: Number of SetLock operations executed.</P
>SetLock_ops_ok: Number of successful SetLock operations.</P
>SetLock_sum: Sum of timings for SetLock operations.</P
>SetLock_sqr: Sum of squares of sample timings for SetLock operations.</P
>SetLock_min: Minimum execution time observed for SetLock operations.</P
>SetLock_max: Maximum execution time observed for SetLock operations.</P
>ExtendLock_ops: Number of ExtendLock operations executed.</P
>ExtendLock_ops_ok: Number of successful ExtendLock operations.</P
>ExtendLock_sum: Sum of timings for ExtendLock operations.</P
>ExtendLock_sqr: Sum of squares of sample timings for ExtendLock operations.</P
>ExtendLock_min: Minimum execution time observed for ExtendLock operations.</P
>ExtendLock_max: Maximum execution time observed for ExtendLock operations.</P
>ReleaseLock_ops: Number of ReleaseLock operations executed.</P
>ReleaseLock_ops_ok: Number of successful ReleaseLock operations.</P
>ReleaseLock_sum: Sum of timings for ReleaseLock operations.</P
>ReleaseLock_sqr: Sum of squares of sample timings for ReleaseLock operations.</P
>ReleaseLock_min: Minimum execution time observed for ReleaseLock operations.</P
>ReleaseLock_max: Maximum execution time observed for ReleaseLock operations.</P
>GetStatistics_ops: Number of GetStatistics operations executed.</P
>GetStatistics_ops_ok: Number of successful GetStatistics operations.</P
>GetStatistics_sum: Sum of timings for GetStatistics operations.</P
>GetStatistics_sqr: Sum of squares of sample timings for GetStatistics operations.</P
>GetStatistics_min: Minimum execution time observed for GetStatistics operations.</P
>GetStatistics_max: Maximum execution time observed for GetStatistics operations.</P
>GiveUpCallbacks_ops: Number of GiveUpCallbacks operations executed.</P
>GiveUpCallbacks_ops_ok: Number of successful GiveUpCallbacks operations.</P
>GiveUpCallbacks_sum: Sum of timings for GiveUpCallbacks operations.</P
>GiveUpCallbacks_sqr: Sum of squares of sample timings for GiveUpCallbacks operations.</P
>GiveUpCallbacks_min: Minimum execution time observed for GiveUpCallbacks operations.</P
>GiveUpCallbacks_max: Maximum execution time observed for GiveUpCallbacks operations.</P
>GetVolumeInfo_ops: Number of GetVolumeInfo operations executed.</P
>GetVolumeInfo_ops_ok: Number of successful GetVolumeInfo operations.</P
>GetVolumeInfo_sum: Sum of timings for GetVolumeInfo operations.</P
>GetVolumeInfo_sqr: Sum of squares of sample timings for GetVolumeInfo operations.</P
>GetVolumeInfo_min: Minimum execution time observed for GetVolumeInfo operations.</P
>GetVolumeInfo_max: Maximum execution time observed for GetVolumeInfo operations.</P
>GetVolumeStatus_ops: Number of GetVolumeStatus operations executed.</P
>GetVolumeStatus_ops_ok: Number of successful GetVolumeStatus operations.</P
>GetVolumeStatus_sum: Sum of timings for GetVolumeStatus operations.</P
>GetVolumeStatus_sqr: Sum of squares of sample timings for GetVolumeStatus operations.</P
>GetVolumeStatus_min: Minimum execution time observed for GetVolumeStatus operations.</P
>GetVolumeStatus_max: Maximum execution time observed for GetVolumeStatus operations.</P
>SetVolumeStatus_ops: Number of SetVolumeStatus operations executed.</P
>SetVolumeStatus_ops_ok: Number of successful SetVolumeStatus operations.</P
>SetVolumeStatus_sum: Sum of timings for SetVolumeStatus operations.</P
>SetVolumeStatus_sqr: Sum of squares of sample timings for SetVolumeStatus operations.</P
>SetVolumeStatus_min: Minimum execution time observed for SetVolumeStatus operations.</P
>SetVolumeStatus_max: Maximum execution time observed for SetVolumeStatus operations.</P
>GetRootVolume_ops: Number of GetRootVolume operations executed.</P
>GetRootVolume_ops_ok: Number of successful GetRootVolume operations.</P
>GetRootVolume_sum: Sum of timings for GetRootVolume operations.</P
>GetRootVolume_sqr: Sum of squares of sample timings for GetRootVolume operations.</P
>GetRootVolume_min: Minimum execution time observed for GetRootVolume operations.</P
>GetRootVolume_max: Maximum execution time observed for GetRootVolume operations.</P
>CheckToken_ops: Number of CheckToken operations executed.</P
>CheckToken_ops_ok: Number of successful CheckToken operations.</P
>CheckToken_sum: Sum of timings for CheckToken operations.</P
>CheckToken_sqr: Sum of squares of sample timings for CheckToken operations.</P
>CheckToken_min: Minimum execution time observed for CheckToken operations.</P
>CheckToken_max: Maximum execution time observed for CheckToken operations.</P
>GetTime_ops: Number of GetTime operations executed.</P
>GetTime_ops_ok: Number of successful GetTime operations.</P
>GetTime_sum: Sum of timings for GetTime operations.</P
>GetTime_sqr: Sum of squares of sample timings for GetTime operations.</P
>GetTime_min: Minimum execution time observed for GetTime operations.</P
>GetTime_max: Maximum execution time observed for GetTime operations.</P
>NGetVolumeInfo_ops: Number of NGetVolumeInfo operations executed.</P
>NGetVolumeInfo_ops_ok: Number of successful NGetVolumeInfo operations.</P
>NGetVolumeInfo_sum: Sum of timings for NGetVolumeInfo operations.</P
>NGetVolumeInfo_sqr: Sum of squares of sample timings for NGetVolumeInfo operations.</P
>NGetVolumeInfo_min: Minimum execution time observed for NGetVolumeInfo operations.</P
>NGetVolumeInfo_max: Maximum execution time observed for NGetVolumeInfo operations.</P
>BulkStatus_ops: Number of BulkStatus operations executed.</P
>BulkStatus_ops_ok: Number of successful BulkStatus operations.</P
>BulkStatus_sum: Sum of timings for BulkStatus operations.</P
>BulkStatus_sqr: Sum of squares of sample timings for BulkStatus operations.</P
>BulkStatus_min: Minimum execution time observed for BulkStatus operations.</P
>BulkStatus_max: Maximum execution time observed for BulkStatus operations.</P
>XStatsVersion_ops: Number of XStatsVersion operations executed.</P
>XStatsVersion_ops_ok: Number of successful XStatsVersion operations.</P
>XStatsVersion_sum: Sum of timings for XStatsVersion operations.</P
>XStatsVersion_sqr: Sum of squares of sample timings for XStatsVersion operations.</P
>XStatsVersion_min: Minimum execution time observed for XStatsVersion operations.</P
>XStatsVersion_max: Maximum execution time observed for XStatsVersion operations.</P
>GetXStats_ops: Number of GetXStats operations executed.</P
>GetXStats_ops_ok: Number of successful GetXStats operations.</P
>GetXStats_sum: Sum of timings for GetXStats operations.</P
>GetXStats_sqr: Sum of squares of sample timings for GetXStats operations.</P
>GetXStats_min: Minimum execution time observed for GetXStats operations.</P
>GetXStats_max: Maximum execution time observed for GetXStats operations.</P
>Byte Information for Certain RPC Operations Group (RPCopBytes_group) <UL
>FetchData_xfers: Number of FetchData operations.</P
>FetchData_xfers_ok: Number of successful FetchData operations.</P
>FetchData_xfers_sum: Sum of timing values for FetchData operations.</P
>FetchData_xfers_sqr: Sum of squares of sample timings for FetchData operations.</P
>FetchData_xfers_min: Minimum transfer time observed for FetchData operations.</P
>FetchData_xfers_max: Maximum transfer time observed for FetchData operations.</P
>FetchData_xfers_bytes_sum: Sum of bytes transferred for FetchData operations.</P
>FetchData_xfers_bytes_min: Minimum byte transfer observed for FetchData operations.</P
>FetchData_xfers_bytes_max: Maximum byte transfer observed for FetchData operations.</P
>FetchData_xfers_bucket0: Tally in bucket0 for FetchData operations.</P
>FetchData_xfers_bucket1: Tally in bucket1 for FetchData operations.</P
>FetchData_xfers_bucket2: Tally in bucket2 for FetchData operations.</P
>FetchData_xfers_bucket3: Tally in bucket3 for FetchData operations.</P
>FetchData_xfers_bucket4: Tally in bucket4 for FetchData operations.</P
>FetchData_xfers_bucket5: Tally in bucket5 for FetchData operations.</P
>FetchData_xfers_bucket6: Tally in bucket6 for FetchData operations.</P
>FetchData_xfers_bucket7: Tally in bucket7 for FetchData operations.</P
>FetchData_xfers_bucket8: Tally in bucket8 for FetchData operations.</P
>StoreData_xfers: Number of StoreData operations.</P
>StoreData_xfers_ok: Number of successful StoreData operations.</P
>StoreData_xfers_sum: Sum of timing values for StoreData operations.</P
>StoreData_xfers_sqr: Sum of squares of sample timings for StoreData operations.</P
>StoreData_xfers_min: Minimum transfer time observed for StoreData operations.</P
>StoreData_xfers_max: Maximum transfer time observed for StoreData operations.</P
>StoreData_xfers_bytes_sum: Sum of bytes transferred for StoreData operations.</P
>StoreData_xfers_bytes_min: Minimum byte transfer observed for StoreData operations.</P
>StoreData_xfers_bytes_max: Maximum byte transfer observed for StoreData operations.</P
>StoreData_xfers_bucket0: Tally in bucket0 for StoreData operations.</P
>StoreData_xfers_bucket1: Tally in bucket1 for StoreData operations.</P
>StoreData_xfers_bucket2: Tally in bucket2 for StoreData operations.</P
>StoreData_xfers_bucket3: Tally in bucket3 for StoreData operations.</P
>StoreData_xfers_bucket4: Tally in bucket4 for StoreData operations.</P
>StoreData_xfers_bucket5: Tally in bucket5 for StoreData operations.</P
>StoreData_xfers_bucket6: Tally in bucket6 for StoreData operations.</P
>StoreData_xfers_bucket7: Tally in bucket7 for StoreData operations.</P
>StoreData_xfers_bucket8: Tally in bucket8 for StoreData operations.</P
SUMMARY="Footer navigation table"
>Using AFS Commands</TD
>AIX Audit Events</TD