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<TITLE>Administration Reference</TITLE>
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<H1>Administration Reference</H1>
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<H2><A NAME="HDRFS_CHECKVOLUMES" HREF="auarf002.htm#ToC_148">fs checkvolumes</A></H2>
<A NAME="IDX4736"></A>
<A NAME="IDX4737"></A>
<A NAME="IDX4738"></A>
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<A NAME="IDX4745"></A>
<P>Forces the Cache Manager to update volume-related information
<PRE><B>fs checkvolumes</B> [<B>-help</B>]
<B>fs checkv</B> [<B>-h</B>]
<P>The <B>fs checkvolumes</B> command discards the table of mappings
between volume names and volume ID numbers that the Cache Manager stores in
memory and uses when fetching data from volumes. The next time an
application requests AFS data, the Cache Manager must contact the Volume
Location (VL) Server for volume location information, and then an appropriate
file server machine for the actual data.
<P>The Cache Manager updates the table of mappings periodically (by default,
hourly), but this command is useful if the issuer knows that a volume's
name has changed, or that new read-only replicas of a volume have been
released, because issuing it forces the Cache Manager to reference the changed
</B><DD>Prints the online help for this command. All other valid options
are ignored.
<P>The following message confirms that the command ran successfully.
<PRE> All volumeID/name mappings checked.
<P><STRONG>Privilege Required</STRONG>
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