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<TITLE>Administration Reference</TITLE>
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<H1>Administration Reference</H1>
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<HR><H2><A NAME="HDRTYPO_CONV" HREF="auarf002.htm#ToC_7">Typographical Conventions</A></H2>
<P>This document uses the following typographical
<P><LI>Command and option names appear in <B>bold type</B> in syntax
definitions, examples, and running text. Names of directories, files,
machines, partitions, volumes, and users also appear in <B>bold
<P><LI>Variable information appears in <I>italic type</I>. This
includes user-supplied information on command lines and the parts of prompts
that differ depending on who issues the command. New terms also appear
in <I>italic type</I>.
<P><LI>Examples of screen output and file contents appear in <TT>monospace
<P>In addition, the following symbols appear in command syntax definitions,
both in the documentation and in AFS online help statements. When
issuing a command, do not type these symbols.
<P><LI>Square brackets <B>[ ]</B> surround optional items.
<P><LI>Angle brackets <B>&lt; ></B> surround user-supplied values in AFS
<P><LI>A superscripted plus sign <B>+</B> follows an argument that accepts
more than one value.
<P><LI>The percent sign <TT>%</TT> represents the regular command shell
prompt. Some operating systems possibly use a different character for
this prompt.
<P><LI>The number sign <TT>#</TT> represents the command shell prompt for the
local superuser <B>root</B>. Some operating systems possibly use a
different character for this prompt.
<P><LI>The pipe symbol <B> |</B> in a command syntax statement separates
mutually exclusive values for an argument.
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