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<TITLE>Administration Reference</TITLE>
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<H1>Administration Reference</H1>
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<H2><A NAME="HDRVOS_HELP" HREF="auarf002.htm#ToC_276">vos help</A></H2>
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<A NAME="IDX5697"></A>
<P>Displays the syntax of specified <B>vos</B> commands or functional
descriptions for all <B>vos</B> commands
<PRE><B>vos help</B> [<B>-topic</B> &lt;<VAR>help&nbsp;string</VAR>><SUP>+</SUP>] [<B>-help</B>]
<B>vos h</B> [<B>-t</B> &lt;<VAR>help&nbsp;string</VAR>><SUP>+</SUP>] [<B>-h</B>]
<P>The <B>vos help</B> command displays the complete online help entry
(short description and syntax statement) for each command operation code
specified by the <B>-topic</B> argument. If the <B>-topic</B>
argument is omitted, the output includes the first line (name and short
description) of the online help entry for every <B>vos</B> command.
<P>To list every <B>vos</B> command whose name or short description
includes a specified keyword, use the <B>vos apropos</B> command.
</B><DD>Identifies each command for which to display the complete online help
entry. Omit the <B>vos</B> part of the command name, providing only
the operation code (for example, specify <B>create</B>, not <B>vos
create</B>). If this argument is omitted, the output briefly
describes every <B>vos</B> command.
</B><DD>Prints the online help for this command. All other valid options
are ignored.
<P>The online help entry for each <B>vos</B> command consists of the
following two or three lines:
<P><LI>The first line names the command and briefly describes its
<P><LI>The second line lists aliases for the command, if any.
<P><LI>The final line, which begins with the string <TT>Usage</TT>, lists the
command's options in the prescribed order. Online help entries use
the same symbols (for example, brackets) as the reference pages in this
<P>The following command displays the online help entry for the <B>vos
create</B> command:
<PRE> % <B>vos help create</B>
vos create: create a new volume
Usage: vos create -server &lt;machine name> -partition &lt;partition name>
-name &lt;volume name> [-cell &lt;cell name>] [-noauth] [-localauth]
[-verbose] [-help]
<P><STRONG>Privilege Required</STRONG>
<P><STRONG>Related Information</STRONG>
<P><A HREF="auarf252.htm#HDRVOS_INTRO">vos</A>
<P><A HREF="auarf254.htm#HDRVOS_APROPOS">vos apropos</A>
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