132 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Jeffrey Altman
b9fc404bdf windows-default-trace-log-off-20050827
Now that OAFW is ready for a stable series, we will default "fs trace"
to off on non-Debug builds.   It can be set to on via the TraceOption
registry value.  (see registry.txt)
2005-08-28 04:43:55 +00:00
Jeffrey Altman
48b0320b20 windows-trace-log-to-dbgview-20050820
Added a new option for viewing the trace log data in real time

This delta was composed from multiple commits as part of the CVS->Git migration.
The checkin message with each commit was inconsistent.
The following are the additional commit messages.

Include the Thread ID in the output to make it usable for debugging


alter the afsd_init.log tag for the TraceOption to not be
Windows Event Log specific.
2005-08-26 14:39:31 +00:00
Jeffrey Altman
128ec84945 windows-version-1-5-20050817
Development version to 1.5.xxxx
2005-08-17 11:38:55 +00:00
Jeffrey Altman
adbded1213 windows-version-1-4-20050817
Update version to 1.4.0000   Yay!!!!!
2005-08-17 11:22:50 +00:00
Asanka Herath
14408c7e88 windows-byte-range-locks-20050816
Byte range locks:

   The OpenAFS Windows client has to fake byte range locks given no
   server side support for such locks.  This is implemented as keyed
   byte range locks on the cache manager.

   Keyed byte range locks:

   Each cm_scache_t structure keeps track of a list of keyed locks.
   The key for a lock is essentially a token which identifies an owner
   of a set of locks (referred to as a client).  The set of keys used
   within a specific cm_scache_t structure form a namespace that has a
   scope of just that cm_scache_t structure.  The same key value can
   be used with another cm_scache_t structure and correspond to a
   completely different client.  However it is advantageous for the
   SMB or IFS layer to make sure that there is a 1-1 mapping between
   client and keys irrespective of the cm_scache_t.

   Assume a client C has key Key(C) (although, since the scope of the
   key is a cm_scache_t, the key can be Key(C,S), where S is the
   cm_scache_t.  But assume a 1-1 relation between keys and clients).
   A byte range (O,+L) denotes byte addresses (O) through (O+L-1)
   inclusive (a.k.a. [O,O+L-1]).  The function Key(x) is implemented
   through cm_generateKey() function for both SMB and IFS.

   The cache manager will set a lock on the AFS file server in order
   to assert the locks in S->fileLocks.  If only shared locks are in
   place for S, then the cache manager will obtain a LockRead lock,
   while if there are any exclusive locks, it will obtain a LockWrite
   lock.  If the exclusive locks are all released while the shared
   locks remain, then the cache manager will downgrade the lock from
   LockWrite to LockRead.

   Lock states:

   A lock exists iff it is in S->fileLocks for some cm_scache_t
   S. Existing locks are in one of the following states: ACTIVE,

   The following sections describe each lock and the associated

   1. ACTIVE: A lock L is ACTIVE iff the cache manager has asserted
      the lock with the AFS file server.  This type of lock can be
      exercised by a client to read or write to the locked region (as
      the lock allows).

      1.1 ACTIVE->LOST: When the AFS file server fails to extend a
        server lock that was required to assert the lock.

      1.2 ACTIVE->DELETED: Lock is released.

   2. WAITLOCK: A lock is in a WAITLOCK state if the cache manager
      grants the lock but the lock is yet to be asserted with the AFS
      file server.  Once the file server grants the lock, the state
      will transition to an ACTIVE lock.

      2.1 WAITLOCK->ACTIVE: The server granted the lock.

      2.2 WAITLOCK->DELETED: Lock is abandoned, or timed out during

      2.3 WAITLOCK->LOST: One or more locks from this client were
        marked as LOST.  No further locks will be granted to this
        client until al lost locks are removed.

   3. WAITUNLOCK: A lock is in a WAITUNLOCK state if the cache manager
      receives a request for a lock that conflicts with an existing
      ACTIVE or WAITLOCK lock.  The lock will be placed in the queue
      and will be granted at such time the conflicting locks are
      removed, at which point the state will transition to either

      3.1 WAITUNLOCK->ACTIVE: The conflicting lock was removed.  The
        current serverLock is sufficient to assert this lock, or a
        sufficient serverLock is obtained.

      3.2 WAITUNLOCK->WAITLOCK: The conflicting lock was removed,
        however the required serverLock is yet to be asserted with the

      3.3 WAITUNLOCK->DELETED: The lock is abandoned or timed out.

      3.5 WAITUNLOCK->LOST: One or more locks from this client were
        marked as LOST.  No further locks will be granted to this
        client until all lost locks are removed.

   4. LOST: A lock L is LOST if the server lock that was required to
      assert the lock could not be obtained or if it could not be
      extended, or if other locks by the same client were LOST.
      Effectively, once a lock is LOST, the contract between the cache
      manager and that specific client is no longer valid.

      The cache manager rechecks the server lock once every minute and
      extends it as appropriate.  If this is not done for 5 minutes,
      the AFS file server will release the lock.  Once released, the
      lock cannot be re-obtained without verifying that the contents
      of the file hasn't been modified since the time the lock was
      released.  Doing so may cause data corruption.

      4.1 LOST->DELETED: The lock is released.

      4.2 LOST->ACTIVE: The lock is reassertd.  This requires
        verifying that the file was not modified in between.

      4.3 LOST->WAITLOCK: All LOST ACTIVE locks from this client were
        reasserted.  The cache manager can reinstate this waiting

      4.4 LOST->WAITUNLOCK: All LOST ACTIVE locks from this client
        were reasserted.  The cache manager can reinstate this waiting

   5. DELETED: The lock is no longer relevant.  Eventually, it will
      get removed from the cm_scache_t. In the meantime, it will be
      treated as if it does not exist.

      5.1 DELETED->not exist: The lock is removed from the

   6* A lock L is ACCEPTED if it is ACTIVE or WAITLOCK.
      These locks have been accepted by the cache manager, but may or
      may not have been granted back to the client.

   7* A lock L is QUEUED if it is ACTIVE, WAITLOCK or WAITUNLOCK.

   8* A lock L is EFFECTIVE if it is ACTIVE or LOST.

   9* A lock L is WAITING if it is WAITLOCK or WAITUNLOCK.

   Lock operation:

   A client C can READ range (Offset,+Length) of cm_scache_t S iff:

   1. for all _a_ in (Offset,+Length), one of the following is true:

       1.1 There does NOT exist an ACTIVE lock L in S->fileLocks such
         that _a_ in (L->LOffset,+L->LLength) (IOW: byte _a_ of S is


         For each LOST lock M in S->fileLocks such that
         _a_ in (M->LOffset,+M->LLength), M->LockType is shared AND
         M->key != Key(C).

         (Note: If this is a different client from one whose shared
         lock was LOST, then the contract between this client and the
         cache manager is indistinguishable from that where no lock
         was lost.  If an exclusive lock was lost, then the range is
         considered unsafe for consumption.)

       1.3 There is an ACTIVE lock L in S->fileLocks such that: L->key
         == Key(C) && _a_ in (L->LOffset,+L->LLength) (IOW: byte _a_
         of S is owned by C under lock L)

       1.4 There is an ACTIVE lock L in S->fileLocks such that _a_ in
         (L->LOffset,L->+LLength) && L->LockType is shared (IOW: byte
         _a_ of S is shared) AND there is no LOST lock M such that _a_
         in (M->LOffset,+M->LLength) and M->key == Key(C)

   A client C can WRITE range (Offset,+Length) of cm_scache_t S iff:

   2. for all _a_ in (Offset,+Length), one of the following is true:

       2.1 Byte _a_ of S is unowned (as above) AND for each LOST lock
         L in S->fileLocks _a_ NOT in (L->LOffset,+L->LLength).

       2.2 Byte _a_ of S is owned by C under lock L (as above) AND
         L->LockType is exclusive.

   A client C can OBTAIN a lock L on cm_scache_t S iff:

   3. for all _a_ in (L->LOffset,+L->LLength), ALL of the following is

       3.1 L->LockType is exclusive IMPLIES there does NOT exist a QUEUED lock
         M in S->fileLocks such that _a_ in (M->LOffset,+M->LLength).

         (Note: If we count all QUEUED locks then we hit cases such as
         cascading waiting locks where the locks later on in the queue
         can be granted without compromising file integrity.  On the
         other hand if only ACCEPTED locks are considered, then locks
         that were received earlier may end up waiting for locks that
         were received later to be unlocked. The choice of QUEUED
         locks were made so that large locks don't consistently get
         trumped by smaller locks which were requested later.)

       3.2 L->LockType is shared IMPLIES for each QUEUED lock M in
         S->fileLocks, if _a_ in (M->LOffset,+M->LLength) then
         M->LockType is shared.

   4. For each LOST lock M in S->fileLocks, M->key != Key(C)

         (Note: If a client loses a lock, it loses all locks.
         Subsequently, it will not be allowed to obtain any more locks
         until all existing LOST locks that belong to the client are
         released.  Once all locks are released by a single client,
         there exists no further contract between the client and AFS
         about the contents of the file, hence the client can then
         proceed to obtain new locks and establish a new contract.)

   A client C can only unlock locks L in S->fileLocks which have
   L->key == Key(C).

   The representation and invariants are as follows:

   - Each cm_scache_t structure keeps:

       - A queue of byte-range locks (cm_scache_t::fileLocks) which
         are of type cm_file_lock_t.

       - A record of the highest server-side lock that has been
         obtained for this object (cm_scache_t::serverLock), which is
         one of (-1), LockRead, LockWrite.

       - A count of ACCEPTED exclusive and shared locks that are in the
         queue (cm_scache_t::sharedLocks and

   - Each cm_file_lock_t structure keeps:

       - The type of lock (cm_file_lock_t::LockType)

       - The key associated with the lock (cm_file_lock_t::key)

       - The offset and length of the lock (cm_file_lock_t::LOffset
         and cm_file_lock_t::LLength)

       - The state of the lock.

       - Time of issuance or last successful extension

   Semantic invariants:

       I1. The number of ACCEPTED locks in S->fileLocks are
           (S->sharedLocks + S->exclusiveLocks)

   External invariants:

       I3. S->serverLock is the lock that we have asserted with the
           AFS file server for this cm_scache_t.

       I4. S->serverLock == LockRead iff there is at least one ACTIVE
           shared lock, but no ACTIVE exclusive locks.

       I5. S->serverLock == LockWrite iff there is at least one ACTIVE
           exclusive lock.

       I6. If a WAITUNLOCK lock L exists in S->fileLocks, then all
           locks that L is waiting on are ahead of L in S->fileLocks.

       I7. If L is a LOST lock, then for each lock M in S->fileLocks,
           M->key == L->key IMPLIES M is LOST or DELETED.


This delta was composed from multiple commits as part of the CVS->Git migration.
The checkin message with each commit was inconsistent.
The following are the additional commit messages.

Byte range locks added to change list


should improve error codes, and allow lock promotions and demotions
by releasing locks.


More improvements to the byte range locking.  Handle errors caused
by a failure to have locking privs; report sharing violations when
opening files; lie about locks on read-only volumes; implement
shared read/write file creation in the smb layer.


remove assertion


must reference count local references to objects if the lock
is being released


Do not use a variable until you assign it a value


remove an unwanted assertion and move the resetting of scp->serverLock
to -1 into cm_LockMarkSCacheLost() so that others do not forget to set
it.  cm_LockMarkSCacheLost() is always called when the scp->mx is held
so it is ok to do so.
2005-08-16 17:17:13 +00:00
Jeffrey Altman
eb00f91374 windows-smb-error-codes-20050815
Do not return error codes from the SMB/CIFS server that can be interpretted
by the SMB/CIFS client as meaning that the AFS Client Service is not
2005-08-15 18:27:52 +00:00
Jeffrey Altman
7c34c9b5c0 windows-afscreds-20050814
When tokens expire, do not display an obtain tokens dialog if there
is no network connectivity to the kdc for the realm associated with
the cell.

In the en_US build, stop displaying the expiration time of tokens
after the tokens expire.
2005-08-14 12:25:06 +00:00
Jeffrey Altman
7e95d1bc89 windows-notes-20050806
updates for 1.3.8700
2005-08-06 01:38:53 +00:00
Jeffrey Altman
2da4a84732 windows-doc-updates-20050728
updates for 1.3.8600
2005-07-28 23:15:50 +00:00
Jeffrey Altman
f21fa57453 windows-aclent-deadlock-20050713
Discovered a deadlock due to a violation of lock order.  We may not
attempt to obtain a lock on a cm_scache_t mutex while holding the
2005-07-13 15:22:06 +00:00
Jeffrey Altman
25ecdbd2c4 windows-notes-20050630
latest updates including new afs-install-notes section on debugging
2005-06-30 06:02:50 +00:00
Jeffrey Altman
b60eb36f4b windows-notes-20050628
2005-06-29 03:42:14 +00:00
Jeffrey Altman
329a792344 window-afsifs-20050617
Updates to the afsifs-20050615 DELTA.
* Fix the build system
* Reformat the code
* Update docs
2005-06-17 17:07:46 +00:00
Jeffrey Altman
01845badd5 windows-notes-20050605
updates for 1.3.84
2005-06-05 15:45:02 +00:00
Jeffrey Altman
c915a6bce7 windows-notes-20050529
Update notes for 1.3.8300
2005-05-30 05:13:13 +00:00
Jeffrey Altman
2d13013120 windows-notes-20050523
more fixes
2005-05-23 14:57:55 +00:00
Jeffrey Altman
9bb874fc2c windows-notes-20050518
2005-05-18 23:27:19 +00:00
Jeffrey Altman
144e51ccd0 windows-notes-20050509
latest updates
2005-05-10 04:31:56 +00:00
Jeffrey Altman
e89913282c windows-notes-20050429

This delta was composed from multiple commits as part of the CVS->Git migration.
The checkin message with each commit was inconsistent.
The following are the additional commit messages.

remove AFS Gateway option
2005-04-29 20:49:58 +00:00
Jeffrey Altman
bd6345779e winnotes-20050427
more updates
2005-04-27 16:28:00 +00:00
Jeffrey Altman
e2d6d9bf2e windows-winlogon-logon-event-20050414
Apparently the problem with multi-domain forests with cross-
 realm trusts to non-Windows realms was not entirely solved.
 The authentication to the AFS SMB service failed because
 the wrong name was being used.  Using ASU as an example,
 the authentication was being performed with the name
 "QAAD\user" (an account in the forest root) and not
 "user@ASU.EDU (the MIT Kerberos principal used to login with)

 The solution was to add an additional dependency on KFW
 in order or to be able to easily obtain the client principal
 name stored in the MSLSA ccache TGT.  This information is
 used in two locations:

 - the pioctl() function

 - a new WinLogon Event Handler for the "logon" event.

 The pioctl function will now be able to use the correct
 name when calling WNetAddConnection2() and the "logon"
 event handler will now be able to call WNetAddConnection2().
 The hope is that the "logon" event handler will be called
 before the profile is loaded but I have not guarrantee
 that will happen.
2005-04-14 06:46:34 +00:00
Jeffrey Altman
54d6578ae6 windows-notes-20050404
final updates before 1.3.81
2005-04-04 12:51:02 +00:00
Jeffrey Altman
6beff57613 windows-notes-20050402
updates for version 1.3.81
2005-04-02 10:06:44 +00:00
Jeffrey Altman
ab67e8970f windows-notes-20050317
final notes for 1.3.80
2005-03-17 17:50:22 +00:00
Jeffrey Altman
0949ca36fa windows-notes-20050314
Update notes to describe fix for cross realm trusts to Windows
multi-domain forests
2005-03-15 00:55:56 +00:00
Jeffrey Altman
01a4455f37 windows-1380-20050310
updates for 1.3.80

This delta was composed from multiple commits as part of the CVS->Git migration.
The checkin message with each commit was inconsistent.
The following are the additional commit messages.

update issues list
2005-03-11 07:30:00 +00:00
Jeffrey Altman
0b90d69f8a windows-pcache-20050310
This patch applies all of the work done to add persistent cache support,
cache manager debugging, and a variety of bug fixes.  A full description
will be committed within doc/txt/winnotes as part of a later commit.
2005-03-11 05:33:12 +00:00
Jeffrey Altman
e41837e876 winnotes-update-20050126
add dr watson info to install notes.

update changes list
2005-01-26 15:51:46 +00:00
Jeffrey Altman
d3fc023d07 windows-notes-20050104
2005-01-05 04:23:58 +00:00
Jeffrey Altman
d3d4af7795 windows-virtual-memory-20041224
* The variable used to determine whether a file or virtual memory
    mapped cache is used was not properly initialized to a default
    value. If the registry setting "NonPersistentCaching" was not
    set, the choice would be random.   Properly initialized to be

 * The memory mapped view was never unmapped before closing the file
   at service shutdown.  This is now properly cleaned up.

 * Default location of Cache file is now %TEMP%\AFSCache
2004-12-24 17:21:06 +00:00
Jeffrey Altman
a69e758875 windows-notes-20041216
document bug found in 1.3.75/76 release
2004-12-16 20:11:08 +00:00
Jeffrey Altman
3400f8d4da windows-notes-20041213
update notes for 1.3.7600
2004-12-13 14:02:32 +00:00
Jeffrey Altman
e9c5e2af89 windows-multihomed-20041209
FIXES 16564

Add support for VL_GetEntryByNameU and VL_GetAddrs for the purpose
of working with multi-homed servers
2004-12-09 23:14:01 +00:00
Jeffrey Altman
e8e9a297bc wix-update-20041208
Add new Property for StoreAnsiFilenames

This delta was composed from multiple commits as part of the CVS->Git migration.
The checkin message with each commit was inconsistent.
The following are the additional commit messages.

Add property for StoreAnsiFilenames
2004-12-08 10:19:57 +00:00
Jeffrey Altman
882a979857 winnotes-20041207
update text files for StoreAnsiFilenames.

This delta was composed from multiple commits as part of the CVS->Git migration.
The checkin message with each commit was inconsistent.
The following are the additional commit messages.

Allow users to choose to store file names in AFS using ANSI code pages
instead of OEM code pages.
2004-12-07 12:41:15 +00:00
Jeffrey Altman
86420864cd winnotes-20041204
make note that the contents of this file are no longer up to date
2004-12-04 21:28:21 +00:00
Jeffrey Altman
53f0da3fb0 windows-notes-upd-20041130
update docs
2004-11-30 07:40:11 +00:00
Dave Tanner
081993a627 windows-ini-file-mapping-20041124
Install registry values to force a mapping from afsdsbmt.ini file updates
via the old profile API to the new HKLM\Software\OpenAFS\Client\Submounts
2004-11-25 01:25:30 +00:00
Jeffrey Altman
487bf88c40 windows-updates-20041124
update docs

This delta was composed from multiple commits as part of the CVS->Git migration.
The checkin message with each commit was inconsistent.
The following are the additional commit messages.

conditionalize the cleanup of language files on their existence


reformat parts of afsd_init.c

add support for version number checking to afsd_service.exe


Fix the afs_config.exe submount dialog operations:  Edit Submount name and
Remove submount entry.


Fix the version info data stored in the resource block to
use the same language identifier as is advertised.
2004-11-24 18:42:31 +00:00
Jeffrey Altman
06edeed70c windows-misc-20041122
the VC++ 2003 Toolkit is missing some important libraries.
remove it from the README-NT file

This delta was composed from multiple commits as part of the CVS->Git migration.
The checkin message with each commit was inconsistent.
The following are the additional commit messages.

update docs


simplify the freelance import from afs_freelance.ini code.  don't generate
an new file if the old one does not exist.

begin conversion from old string functions to new strsafe functions.
this will need to be done for all of the afsd_service.exe source
modules before we can regularly use VS .NET 2005

Add support for VL_GetEntryByNameN.  Still need to figure out what needs
to be done for VL_GetEntryByNameU.  (multi-homed support)


fix a deadlock situation if an Obtain Tokens dialog is produced
by an expiration event and the user chooses to cancel instead of
obtain new credentials.
2004-11-23 03:49:05 +00:00
Jeffrey Altman
8e3f7c5cb0 winnotes-upd-20041109
windows note updates for 1.3.74
2004-11-09 12:47:36 +00:00
Jeffrey Altman
c7f18e4946 windows-docs-20041027
Documentation updates
2004-10-28 02:22:25 +00:00
Jeffrey Altman
1fd9a66fc6 winnotes-updates-20041017
Updates for 1.3.72

New FlushOnHibernate registry option
2004-10-17 22:00:24 +00:00
Jeffrey Altman
4050980d3c winnotes-20041012
Update documentation files with latest changes
2004-10-13 03:48:24 +00:00
Jeffrey Altman
d69e6641e5 kfw-hklm-registry-fix-20040922
Fix the registry query in afskfw.lib to read the HKLM machine value
even if the HKCU key is present.

Update text in the install notes to better describe the krb524
2004-09-22 16:04:59 +00:00
Jeffrey Altman
b400902339 windows-force-krb524-20030921
Provide mechanisms to force the use of krb524 via afscreds, afslogon,
and aklog.  afslogon and afscreds rely on a new "Use524" registry value
(see registry.txt) and aklog has a new "-m" command line option.
2004-09-22 07:00:56 +00:00
Jeffrey Altman
a135e0d30c cifs-pattern-match-20040921
The pattern matching algorithm was failing to match strings when the
pattern terminated in a '*'.  The logic was also too complex because
it failed to simply the patterns prior to processing.  Any combination
of '*' and '?' == '*' according to the Windows file name pattern
matching rules.

This delta was composed from multiple commits as part of the CVS->Git migration.
The checkin message with each commit was inconsistent.
The following are the additional commit messages.
FIXES 15365

The pattern matching algorithm was failing to match strings when the
pattern terminated in a '*'.  The logic was also too complex because
it failed to simply the patterns prior to processing.  Any combination
of '*' and '?' == '*' according to the Windows file name pattern
matching rules.
2004-09-21 21:05:14 +00:00
Jeffrey Altman
e07406e551 windows-links-20040921
FIXES 15250

  * smb_ReceiveCoreRename() was factored to produce smb_Rename()
    which is used by both the original function and the new
    smb_ReceiveNTRename().  smb_ReceiveNTRename() supports the
    creation of HardLinks in addition to Renaming.  smb_Link()
    is a new function which creates HardLinks via cm_Link().
    cm_Link() is a new vnodeops function which creates links
    using RXAFS_Link().

    smb_ReceiveNTRename() does not support the File Copy and
    Move Cluster Information operations described in its interface.
    ReceiveNTRename is under documented in CIFS-TR-1p00_FINAL.pdf.

  * When opening files via symlinks, we should follow the symlinks
    until we reach the actual file stat cache entry.  The stat cache
    entry of the file should then be stored in the FID instead of
    stat scache entry of the symlink.

  * return bad operation errors for all unimplemented functions
    even if we do not know the functions exist.

  * Log bad packets and unknown operation packets to the trace log


  * Update list of known CIFS operations to include all those listed
    in CIFS-TR-1p00_FINAL.pdf.
2004-09-21 15:00:08 +00:00
Jeffrey Altman
f31658317a windows-misc-20040907
* modify registry.txt to replace QWORD with DWORD

This delta was composed from multiple commits as part of the CVS->Git migration.
The checkin message with each commit was inconsistent.
The following are the additional commit messages.

* add expanded registry support to "submounts"
2004-09-08 06:52:20 +00:00
Jeffrey Altman
40d2f5f7c0 windows-admin-group-20040823
Update text files for 1.3.71 and describe the new Windows Authorization
Group "AFS Client Admins"

This delta was composed from multiple commits as part of the CVS->Git migration.
The checkin message with each commit was inconsistent.
The following are the additional commit messages.

Add support for "AFS Client Admins" windows authortization group


NTMakefile changes for Admin Group
2004-08-23 16:49:45 +00:00