#!/usr/bin/perl use warnings; use strict; use Getopt::Long; use Pod::Usage; use File::Path; use File::Temp; use File::Basename; use Cwd; my $help; my $man; my $tagPoint; my $last; my $outDir = "."; my $errorCount = 0; # Find a command in the PATH. sub which { my $command = shift; my @paths = split(/:/, $ENV{'PATH'}); my $path; # Add some common locations for the commands we need. push(@paths, qw(/sbin /usr/bin /usr/local/bin)); # Search for the command. foreach $path (@paths) { my $bin = File::Spec->catfile($path, $command); if (-x $bin) { return $bin; # Return the first one found. } } return undef; } GetOptions( "help|?" => \$help, "man" => \$man, "tagpoint=s" => \$tagPoint, "last=s" => \$last, "dir=s" => \$outDir, ) or pod2usage(2); pod2usage(1) if $help; pod2usage(-exitstatus => 0, -verbose => 2) if $man; my $tagName = shift; my $notused = shift; # Used to be "version". pod2usage(2) if !defined($tagName); if (defined $notused) { warn "Warning: argument '$notused' is ignored.\n"; } # Tag the repository if ($tagPoint) { system ("git tag -s $tagName $tagPoint") == 0 or die "git tag failed with : $!"; # Push the tag upstream system ("git push ssh://gerrit.openafs.org:29418/openafs tag $tagName") == 0 or die "git push failed with : $!"; } my $version = `git describe --abbrev=4 $tagName`; chomp $version; if (!$version) { die "Failed to describe $tagName.\n"; } my $suffix = $version; $suffix =~ s/openafs-[^-]*-//; $suffix =~ s/_/./g; my $name = "openafs-$suffix"; # Grab the tagged code into a temporary directory my $tempDir = File::Temp::tempdir(); system ("git archive --format=tar --prefix=$name/ $tagName ". " | tar -C $tempDir -x") == 0 or die "Git archive failed with: $?"; # Make the output path, if not already present. File::Path::mkpath($outDir); # Construct the ChangeLog if ($last) { system("git log $last..$tagName > $outDir/ChangeLog"); } else { system("git log $tagName > $outDir/ChangeLog"); } # Describe the tree open(my $fh, ">", "$tempDir/$name/.version") or die "Failed to open $tempDir/$name/.version: $!\n"; print $fh "$version\n"; close($fh); # Run regen.sh to create the rest of the tree system ("cd $tempDir/$name && ./regen.sh") == 0 or die $!; # A list of files to compress my @toCompress; # Create the documentation tarball system("tar -cf $outDir/$name-doc.tar -C $tempDir $name/doc") == 0 or die "Unable to create documentation tarball : $!"; push @toCompress, "$outDir/$name-doc.tar"; # Remove the docs directory (we've already build a tarball for it) File::Path::rmtree("$tempDir/$name/doc"); # Create the source tarball (both .gz and .bz2) system("tar -cf $outDir/$name-src.tar -C $tempDir $name") == 0 or die "Unable to create source code tarball : $!"; push @toCompress, "$outDir/$name-src.tar"; # Construct the diffs, and zip them if ($last) { system("git diff $last..$tagName > $outDir/$name.diff") == 0 or die "Unable to create diff : $!"; push @toCompress, "$outDir/$name.diff"; } my @toMD; # Compress everything that needs squashing, # and also set up a list for checksumming. foreach my $file (@toCompress) { system("gzip < $file > $file.gz") == 0 or die "Unable to create gzip file of '$file' : $!"; push @toMD, "$file.gz"; system("bzip2 < $file > $file.bz2") == 0 or die "Unable to create bzip file of '$file' : $!"; push @toMD, "$file.bz2"; # Delete the uncompressed tar files. if ($file =~ /\.tar$/) { unlink($file); } else { # Otherwise, queue this file for checksumming. push @toMD, $file; } } # Generate message digest files. my $cwd = getcwd() or die "Failed getcwd(): $!"; my $md5 = which('md5'); my $md5sum = which('md5sum'); my $shasum = which("shasum"); my $sha256sum = which("sha256sum"); foreach my $pathname (@toMD) { my $directory = dirname($pathname); my $file = basename($pathname); my $rc; chdir($directory) or die "Failed cd $directory: $!"; if ($md5) { $rc = system("$md5 -q $file > $file.md5"); if ($rc != 0) { warn "Command failed: $md5 -q $file, code=$rc"; $errorCount += 1; } } elsif ($md5sum) { $rc = system("$md5sum $file > $file.md5"); if ($rc != 0) { warn "Command failed: md5sum $file, code=$rc"; $errorCount += 1; } } else { warn "MD5 utility not found. Not producing $file.md5"; $errorCount += 1; } if ($shasum) { $rc = system("$shasum -a 256 $file > $file.sha256"); if ($rc != 0) { warn "Command failed: $shasum -a 256 $file, code=$rc"; $errorCount += 1; } } elsif ($sha256sum) { $rc = system("$sha256sum $file > $file.sha256"); if ($rc != 0) { warn "Command failed: $sha256sum $file, code=$rc"; $errorCount += 1; } } else { warn "SHA256 utility program not found. Not producing $file.sha256"; $errorCount += 1; } chdir($cwd) or die "Failed cd $cwd: $!"; } if ($errorCount != 0) { die "Failed to create all files; $errorCount errors encountered."; } __END__ =head1 NAME make-release - Make an OpenAFS release from git =head1 SYNOPSIS make-release [options] Options: --help brief help message --man full documentation --tagpoint create new tag --last generate changelog and diffs from this point --dir output results into this directory =head1 DESCRIPTION make-release constructs an OpenAFS release from a local git clone. If run with just the standard arguments, it will extract the contents of the specified tag into the current directory, creating src and doc tarballs, gzipping and bzipping them, and generating digest files. It will also create a ChangeLog file, listing all of the changes in that release. This standard behaviour may be modified by the following options =head1 OPTIONS =over 8 =item B<--last> I Generate the ChangeLog starting from I. Also generate a openafs-$version.diff file in the output directory containing all of the changes between I and the current tag =item B<--dir> I Instead of generating all of the output in the current directory, place it in , which is created if it does not already exist. =item B<--tagpoint> I Rather than using an existing tag, create a new one on the specified commit, or on the tip of the specified branch. This will GPG sign the new tag, and push it into gerrit. =back =cut