Reports the available and total space on a partition
vos partinfo -server <machine name> [-partition <partition name>] [-cell <cell name>] [-noauth] [-localauth] [-verbose] [-help] vos p -s <machine name> [-p <partition name>] [-c <cell name>] [-n] [-l] [-v] [-h]
The vos partinfo command reports the amount of space available and total size on either all of the partitions on the indicated file server machine (if the -partition argument is omitted) or the specified partition on that file server machine. The Volume Location Database (VLDB) is not consulted.
The partition-related statistics in this command's output do not always agree with the corresponding values in the output of the standard UNIX df command. The statistics reported by this command can be up to five minutes old, because the Cache Manager polls the File Server for partition information at that frequency. Also, on some operating systems, the df command's report of partition size includes reserved space not included in this command's calculation, and so is likely to be about 10% larger.
The output reports the amount of space available and total space for each specified partition.
The following command displays all partitions on the file server machine fs2.abc.com.
% vos partinfo fs2.abc.com Free space on partition /vicepa: 27301 K blocks out of total 549197 Free space on partition /vicepb: 13646 K blocks out of total 69194 Free space on partition /vicepc: 31798 K blocks out of total 320315 Free space on partition /vicepd: 33302 K blocks out of total 494954
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