]]> ]]> ]> ;; PRINT (define %body-font-family% "Palatino") (define %mono-font-family% "Courier") (define %admon-font-family% "Helvetica") (define %title-font-family% "Helvetica") ; fix pdf rendering problem with glossdiv (element glossdiv (process-children)) (element (glossdiv title) ($lowtitle$ 2 2)) (define %division-title-quadding% 'start) (define %division-subtitle-quadding% 'start) (define %refentry-new-page% ;; REFENTRY refentry-new-page ;; PURP 'RefEntry' starts on new page? ;; DESC ;; If true, each 'RefEntry' begins on a new page. ;; /DESC ;; AUTHOR N/A ;; /REFENTRY #t) (element (formalpara title) ;; Change the way Formal Paragraph titles are displayed. ;; ;; borrowed from: ;; The GNOME Documentation Project's ;; Custom DocBook Stylesheet Layer ;; by Dave Mason dcm@redhat.com ($lowtitle$ 5 7)) (define %default-title-end-punct% ;; REFENTRY default-title-end-punct ;; PURP Default punctuation at the end of a run-in head. ;; DESC ;; The punctuation used at the end of a run-in head (e.g. on FORMALPARA). ;; /DESC ;; AUTHOR N/A ;; /REFENTRY ":") (element link ;; Wrap link text with " " on page #" ;; ;; No warnings about missing targets. Jade will do that for us, and ;; this way we can use -wno-idref if we really don't care. (let* ((endterm (attribute-string (normalize "endterm"))) (linkend (attribute-string (normalize "linkend"))) (target (element-with-id linkend)) (link-cont (make sequence (literal "\"") (process-children) (literal "\" on page ") (element-page-number-sosofo target)))) (if (node-list-empty? target) link-cont (make link destination: (node-list-address target) link-cont)))) (define %two-side% ;; REFENTRY two-side ;; PURP Is two-sided output being produced? ;; DESC ;; If '%two-side%' is true, headers and footers are alternated ;; so that the "outer" and "inner" headers will be correctly ;; placed in the bound document. ;; /DESC ;; AUTHOR N/A ;; /REFENTRY #t) (define %footnote-ulinks% ;; REFENTRY footnote-ulinks ;; PURP Generate footnotes for ULinks? ;; DESC ;; If true, the URL of each ULink will appear as a footnote. ;; Processing ULinks this way may be very, very slow. It requires ;; walking over every descendant of every component in order to count ;; both ulinks and footnotes. ;; /DESC ;; AUTHOR N/A ;; /REFENTRY #f) (define %show-comments% ;; REFENTRY show-comments ;; PURP Display Comment elements? ;; DESC ;; If true, comments will be displayed, otherwise they are suppressed. ;; Comments here refers to the 'Comment' element, which will be renamed ;; 'Remark' in DocBook V4.0, not SGML/XML comments which are unavailable. ;; /DESC ;; AUTHOR N/A ;; /REFENTRY #t) (define ($object-titles-after$) ;; REFENTRY object-titles-after ;; PURP List of objects who's titles go after the object ;; DESC ;; Titles of formal objects (Figures, Equations, Tables, etc.) ;; in this list will be placed below the object instead of above it. ;; ;; This is a list of element names, for example: ;; '(list (normalize "figure") (normalize "table"))'. ;; /DESC ;; AUTHOR N/A ;; /REFENTRY (list (normalize "figure") (normalize "table"))) (define %hsize-bump-factor% ;; REFENTRY hsize-bump-factor ;; PURP Font scaling factor ;; DESC ;; Internally, the stylesheet refers to font sizes in purely relative ;; terms. This is done by defining a scaled set of fonts ;; (sizes 1, 2, 3, etc.) ;; based at the default text font size (e.g. 10pt). The '%hsize-bump-factor%' ;; describes the ratio between scaled sizes. The default is 1.2. ;; ;; Each hsize is '%hsize-bump-factor%' times larger than ;; the previous hsize. For example, if the base size is 10pt, and ;; '%hsize-bump-factor%' ;; 1.2, hsize 1 is 12pt, hsize 2 is 14.4pt, hsize 3 is 17.28pt, etc. ;; /DESC ;; AUTHOR N/A ;; /REFENTRY 1.1) (define %paper-type% ;; REFENTRY paper-type ;; PURP Name of paper type ;; DESC ;; The paper type value identifies the sort of paper in use, for example, ;; 'A4' or 'USletter'. Setting the paper type is an ;; easy shortcut for setting the correct paper height and width. ;; ;; See %page-width% and %page-height concerning what other page size ;; are available. Some common examples are 'A4', 'USletter', ;; 'A4landscape', 'USlandscape'. ;; /DESC ;; AUTHOR N/A ;; /REFENTRY ;; "A4" "USletter") ;; HTML (define %html-ext% ;; REFENTRY html-ext ;; PURP Default extension for HTML output files ;; DESC ;; The default extension for HTML output files. ;; /DESC ;; AUTHOR N/A ;; /REFENTRY ".html") (define %show-comments% ;; REFENTRY show-comments ;; PURP Display Comment elements? ;; DESC ;; If true, comments will be displayed, otherwise they are suppressed. ;; Comments here refers to the 'Comment' element, which will be renamed ;; 'Remark' in DocBook V4.0, not SGML/XML comments which are unavailable. ;; /DESC ;; AUTHOR N/A ;; /REFENTRY #t) (define (chunk-element-list) (list (normalize "preface") (normalize "chapter") (normalize "appendix") (normalize "article") (normalize "glossary") (normalize "bibliography") (normalize "index") (normalize "colophon") (normalize "setindex") (normalize "reference") (normalize "refentry") (normalize "part") (normalize "book") ;; just in case nothing else matches... (normalize "set") ;; sets are definitely chunks... )) (define (chunk? #!optional (nd (current-node))) ;; 1. The (sgml-root-element) is always a chunk. ;; 2. If nochunks is #t or the dbhtml PI on the root element ;; specifies chunk='no', then the root element is the only ;; chunk. ;; 3. Otherwise, elements in the chunk-element-list are chunks ;; unless they're combined with their parent. ;; 4. Except for bibliographys, which are only chunks if they ;; occur in book or article. ;; (let* ((notchunk (or (and (equal? (gi nd) (normalize "bibliography")) (not (or (equal? (gi (parent nd)) (normalize "book")) (equal? (gi (parent nd)) (normalize "article"))))))) (maybechunk (not notchunk))) (if (node-list=? nd (sgml-root-element)) #t (if (or nochunks (equal? (dbhtml-value (sgml-root-element) "chunk") "no")) #f (if (member (gi nd) (chunk-element-list)) (if (combined-chunk? nd) #f maybechunk) #f))))) (define $generate-chapter-toc$ ;; REFENTRY generate-chapter-toc ;; PURP Should a Chapter Table of Contents be produced? ;; DESC ;; If true, an automatically generated ;; chapter TOC should be included. By default, it's true. It's false if ;; the output is going to a single file and the current node isn't the ;; root element. ;; /DESC ;; AUTHOR N/A ;; /REFENTRY (lambda () #f)) (define ($object-titles-after$) ;; REFENTRY object-titles-after ;; PURP List of objects who's titles go after the object ;; DESC ;; Titles of formal objects (Figures, Equations, Tables, etc.) ;; in this list will be placed below the object instead of above it. ;; ;; This is a list of element names, for example: ;; '(list (normalize "figure") (normalize "table"))'. ;; /DESC ;; AUTHOR N/A ;; /REFENTRY (list (normalize "figure") (normalize "table"))) (define %spacing-paras% ;; REFENTRY spacing-paras ;; PURP Block-element spacing hack ;; DESC ;; Should extraneous "P" tags be output to force the correct vertical ;; spacing around things like tables. This is ugly because different ;; browsers do different things. Turning this one can also create ;; illegal HTML. ;; /DESC ;; AUTHOR N/A ;; /REFENTRY #f) (define %default-title-end-punct% ;; REFENTRY default-title-end-punct ;; PURP Default punctuation at the end of a run-in head. ;; DESC ;; The punctuation used at the end of a run-in head (e.g. on FORMALPARA). ;; /DESC ;; AUTHOR N/A ;; /REFENTRY ":") (define (build-toc nd depth #!optional (chapter-toc? #f) (first? #t)) (let ((toclist (toc-list-filter (node-list-filter-by-gi (children nd) (append (division-element-list) (component-element-list) (section-element-list))))) (wrappergi (if first? "DIV" "DD")) (wrapperattr (if first? '(("CLASS" "TOC")) '()))) (if (or (<= depth 0) (node-list-empty? toclist) (and chapter-toc? (not %force-chapter-toc%) (<= (node-list-length toclist) 1))) (empty-sosofo) (make element gi: wrappergi attributes: wrapperattr (make element gi: "DL" (if first? (make element gi: "DT" (make element gi: "B" (literal (gentext-element-name (normalize "toc"))))) (empty-sosofo)) (let loop ((nl toclist)) (if (node-list-empty? nl) (empty-sosofo) (sosofo-append (toc-entry (node-list-first nl)) (build-toc (node-list-first nl) (- depth 1) chapter-toc? #f) (loop (node-list-rest nl))))))(make empty-element gi: "BR")))))