Lists volume set entries from the Backup Database
backup listvolsets [-name <volume set name>] [-localauth] [-cell <cell name>] [-help] backup listv [-n <volume set name>] [-l] [-c <cell name>] [-h]
The backup listvolsets command displays the Backup Database records for either
The entry for each volume set begins with the Volume set header and the volume set's name. A temporary volume set's name is followed by the string (temporary). Each volume entry follows on a separate line, indicating the entry's index number and the server, partition, and volume names it matches. The output uses the metacharacter notation described on the backup addvolentry reference page. Use the index number to identify volume entries when deleting them with the backup delvolentry command.
The following example shows the volume entries in the three volume sets currently defined in the Backup Database:
% backup listvolsets Volume set user: Entry 1: server .*, partition .*, volumes: user.*\.backup Volume set sun Entry 1: server .*, partition .*, volumes: sun4x_55\..* Entry 2: server .*, partition .*, volumes: sun4x_56\..* Volume set rs Entry 1: server .*, partition .*, volumes: rs_aix42\..*
Privilege Required
The issuer must be listed in the /usr/afs/etc/UserList file on every machine where the Backup Server is running, or must be logged onto a server machine as the local superuser root if the -localauth flag is included.
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