Displays the time stamps on an AFS binary file
bos getdate -server <machine name> -file <files to check>+ [-dir <destination dir>] [-cell <cell name>] [-noauth] [-localauth] [-help] bos getd -s <machine name> -f <files to check>+ [-d <destination dir>] [-c <cell name>] [-n] [-l] [-h]
The bos getdate command displays the time stamps on the current version, .BAK version (if any) and .OLD version (if any) of each binary file named by the -file argument. (The BOS Server automatically creates .BAK and .OLD versions when new binaries are installed with the bos install command.) The files must reside in the /usr/afs/bin directory on the server machine named by the -server argument unless the -dir argument indicates an alternate directory.
To revert to the .BAK version of a binary, use the bos uninstall command. To remove obsolete binary files from the /usr/afs/bin directory, use the bos prune command.
All server machines of the same AFS system type show the same timestamps if the binaries were installed properly on the binary distribution machine for this machine's system type, and if all other machines of that type are running the appropriate upclientbin process.
For each file specified with the -file argument, the output displays the time stamp on the current (unmarked), .BAK, and .OLD version. The output explicitly reports that a version does not exist, rather than simply omitting it.
The following command examines the time stamps on the files with basename kaserver on the machine fs2.abc.com:
% bos getdate -server fs2.abc.com -file kaserver File /usr/afs/bin/kaserver dated Mon Jan 4 10:00:36 1999. .BAK file dated Wed Dec 9 18:55:04 1998, no .OLD file.
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