Displays the database server machines in each cell known to the Cache Manager
fs listcells [-numeric] [-help] fs listc [-n] [-h]
The fs listcells command formats and displays the list of the database server machines that the Cache Manager stores in kernel memory for its home cell and foreign cells.
At each reboot of the client machine, the Cache Manager copies the contents of /usr/vice/etc/CellServDB into kernel memory. To modify the list between reboots, use the fs newcell command.
The output includes a line for each cell included in the Cache Manager's kernel memory list, in the following format:
Cell cell on hosts database server machines
The Cache Manager stores IP addresses, but by default has them translated to hostnames before reporting them, by passing them to the cell's name service (such as the Domain Name Service or a local host table). The name service sometimes returns hostnames in uppercase letters, or an IP address if it cannot resolve a name.
Using the -numeric flag bypasses the translation to hostnames, which can result in significantly faster production of output. The output includes IP addresses only.
The following example shows output for several cells as illustrations of the different formats for machine names:
% fs listcells Cell abc.com on hosts fs1.abc.com fs2.abc.com fs3.abc.com Cell stateu.edu on hosts DB1.FS.STATEU.EDU DB2.FS.STATEU.EDU DB3.FS.STATEU.EDU Cell def.gov on hosts sv3.def.gov
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