Logs error messages from the Tape Coordinator process
The TE_device_name file logs error messages generated by the Backup System Tape Coordinator (butc process) that controls the tape device or backup data file indicated by device_name.
As the Tape Coordinator initializes, it creates the file in ASCII format in the /usr/afs/backup directory. If there is an existing file, the Tape Coordinator renames it to TE_device_name.old, overwriting the existing TE_device_name.old file if it exists.
For a tape device, the Tape Coordinator derives the variable device_name portion of the filename from the device pathname listed in the local /usr/afs/backup/tapeconfig file, by stripping off the initial /dev/ string and replacing any other slashes in the name with underscores. For example, the filename for a device called /dev/rmt/4m is TE_rmt_4m. Similarly, for a backup data file the Tape Coordinator strips off the initial slash (/) and replaces any other slashes in the name with underscores. For example, the filename for a backup data file called /var/tmp/FILE is TE_var_tmp_FILE.
The messages in the file describe the error and warning conditions the Tape Coordinator encounters as it operates. For instance, a message can list the volumes that are inaccessible during a dump operation, or warn that the Tape Coordinator is overwriting a tape or backup data file. The messages also appear in the /usr/afs/backup/TL_device_name file, which traces most of the Tape Coordinator's actions.
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