Administration Reference

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pts adduser


Adds a user or machine to a Protection Database group


pts adduser -user <user name>+  -group <group name>+ 
            [-cell <cell name>]  [-noauth]  [-force]  [-help]
pts ad -u <user name>+  -g <group name>+  [-c <cell name>]  [-n]  [-f]  [-h]


The pts adduser command adds each user or machine entry named by the -user argument as a member of each group named by the -group argument.

To remove members of a group, use the pts removeuser command. To list the groups to which a user or machine belongs, or the members of a specified group, use the pts membership command.


After being added as a group member, a currently authenticated user must reauthenticate (for example, by issuing the klog command) to obtain permissions granted to the group on an access control list (ACL).


Specifies the name of each user or machine entry to add to each group named by the -group argument. The name of a machine entry resembles an IP address and can use the wildcard notation described on the pts createuser reference page. The user or machine entry must already exist in the Protection Database.

Specifies the complete name (including the owner prefix if applicable) of each group to which to add members. The group entry must already exist in the Protection Database.

Names the cell in which to run the command. For more details, see the introductory pts reference page.

Assigns the unprivileged identity anonymous to the issuer. For more details, see the introductory pts reference page.

Enables the command to continue executing as far as possible when errors or other problems occur, rather than halting execution at the first error.

Prints the online help for this command. All other valid options are ignored.


The following example adds user smith to the group system:administrators.

   % pts adduser -user smith -group system:administrators

The following example adds users jones, terry, and pat to the smith:colleagues group.

   % pts adduser -user jones terry pat -group smith:colleagues

The following example adds the machine entries in the ABC Corporation subnet to the group bin-prot. Because of the IP address range of the ABC Corporation subnet, the system administrator was able to group the machines into three machine entries (using the wildcard notation discussed on the pts createuser reference page).

   % pts adduser -user -group bin-prot

Privilege Required

The required privilege depends on the setting of the fourth privacy flag in the Protection Database entry for each group named by the -group argument (use the pts examine command to display the flags):

Related Information


pts createuser

pts examine

pts membership

pts removeuser

pts setfields

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