Sending process signals to the File Server Process can change its behavior in the following ways: Process Signal OS Result --------------------------------------------------------------------- File Server XCPU Unix Prints a list of client IP Addresses. File Server USR2 Windows Prints a list of client IP Addresses. File Server POLL HPUX Prints a list of client IP Addresses. Any server TSTP Any Increases Debug level by a power of 5 -- 1,5,25,125, etc. This has the same effect as the -d XXX command-line option. Any Server HUP Any Resets Debug level to 0 File Server TERM Any Run minor instrumentation over the list of descriptors. Other Servers TERM Any Causes the process to quit. File Server QUIT Any Causes the File Server to Quit. Bos Server knows this. The basic metric of whether an AFS file server is doing well is the number of connections waiting for a thread, which can be found by running the following command: % rxdebug | grep waiting_for | wc -l Each line returned by C that contains the text "waiting_for" represents a connection that's waiting for a file server thread. If the blocked connection count is ever above 0, the server is having problems replying to clients in a timely fashion. If it gets above 10, roughly, there will be noticeable slowness by the user. The total number of connections is a mostly irrelevant number that goes essentially monotonically for as long as the server has been running and then goes back down to zero when it's restarted. The most common cause of blocked connections rising on a server is some process somewhere performing an abnormal number of accesses to that server and its volumes. If multiple servers have a blocked connection count, the most likely explanation is that there is a volume replicated between those servers that is absorbing an abnormally high access rate. To get an access count on all the volumes on a server, run: % vos listvol -long and save the output in a file. The results will look like a bunch of B output for each volume on the server. Look for lines like: 40065 accesses in the past day (i.e., vnode references) and look for volumes with an abnormally high number of accesses. Anything over 10,000 is fairly high, but some volumes like root.cell and other volumes close to the root of the cell will have that many hits routinely. Anything over 100,000 is generally abnormally high. The count resets about once a day. Another approach that can be used to narrow the possibilities for a replicated volume, when multiple servers are having trouble, is to find all replicated volumes for that server. Run: % vos listvldb -server where is one of the servers having problems to refresh the VLDB cache, and then run: % vos listvldb -server -part to get a list of all volumes on that server and partition, including every other server with replicas. Once the volume causing the problem has been identified, the best way to deal with the problem is to move that volume to another server with a low load or to stop any runaway programs that are accessing that volume unnecessarily. Often the volume will be enough information to tell what's going on. If you still need additional information about who's hitting that server, sometimes you can guess at that information from the failed callbacks in the F log in F on the server, or from the output of: % /usr/afsws/etc/rxdebug -rxstats but the best way is to turn on debugging output from the file server. (Warning: This generates a lot of output into FileLog on the AFS server.) To do this, log on to the AFS server, find the PID of the fileserver process, and do: kill -TSTP where is the PID of the file server process. This will raise the debugging level so that you'll start seeing what people are actually doing on the server. You can do this up to three more times to get even more output if needed. To reset the debugging level back to normal, use (The following command will NOT terminate the file server): kill -HUP The debugging setting on the File Server should be reset back to normal when debugging is no longer needed. Otherwise, the AFS server may well fill its disks with debugging output. The lines of the debugging output that are most useful for debugging load problems are: SAFS_FetchStatus, Fid = 2003828163.77154.82248, Host SRXAFS_FetchData, Fid = 2003828163.77154.82248 (The example above is partly truncated to highlight the interesting information). The Fid identifies the volume and inode within the volume; the volume is the first long number. So, for example, this was: % vos examine 2003828163 pubsw.matlab61 2003828163 RW 1040060 K On-line afssvr5.Stanford.EDU /vicepa RWrite 2003828163 ROnly 2003828164 Backup 2003828165 MaxQuota 3000000 K Creation Mon Aug 6 16:40:55 2001 Last Update Tue Jul 30 19:00:25 2002 86181 accesses in the past day (i.e., vnode references) RWrite: 2003828163 ROnly: 2003828164 Backup: 2003828165 number of sites -> 3 server afssvr5.Stanford.EDU partition /vicepa RW Site server afssvr11.Stanford.EDU partition /vicepd RO Site server afssvr5.Stanford.EDU partition /vicepa RO Site and from the Host information one can tell what system is accessing that volume. Note that the output of L also includes the access count, so once the problem has been identified, vos examine can be used to see if the access count is still increasing. Also remember that you can run vos examine on the read-only replica (e.g., pubsw.matlab61.readonly) to see the access counts on the read-only replica on all of the servers that it's located on.