#!/usr/bin/env perl use strict; use warnings; use lib $ENV{C_TAP_SOURCE} . "/tests-lib/perl5"; use afstest qw(obj_path); use Test::More tests=>4; use POSIX qw(:sys_wait_h :signal_h); my $port = 4000; my $rxperf = obj_path("src/tools/rxperf/rxperf"); # Start up an rxperf server my $pid = fork(); if ($pid == -1) { fail("Failed to fork rxperf server"); exit(1); } elsif ($pid == 0) { exec({$rxperf} "rxperf", "server", "-p", $port, "-u", "1024", "-H", "-N"); die("Kabooom ?"); } pass("Started rxperf server"); # Start up an rxperf client, and run a test is(0, system("$rxperf client -c rpc -p $port -S 1048576 -R 1048576 -T 30 -u 1024 -H -N"), "single threaded client ran successfully"); is (0, system("$rxperf client -c rpc -p $port -S 1048576 -R 1048576 -T 1 -t 30 -u 1024 -H -N"), "multi threaded client ran succesfully"); # Kill the server, and check its exit code kill("TERM", $pid); waitpid($pid, 0); my $ecode = ${^CHILD_ERROR_NATIVE}; if (WIFSIGNALED($ecode) && WTERMSIG($ecode) != SIGTERM) { fail("Server died with signal ".WTERMSIG($ecode)); } elsif (WIFEXITED($ecode) && WEXITSTATUS($ecode) != 0) { fail("Server exited with code". WEXITSTATUS($ecode)); } else { pass("Server exited succesfully"); }