Managing Server Encryption KeysThis chapter explains how to maintain your cell's server encryption keys, which are vital for secure communications in
AFS.Summary of InstructionsThis chapter explains how to perform the following tasks by using the indicated commands:Add a new server encryption keybos addkey and kas setpasswordInspect key checksums in the Authentication Databasekas examineInspect key checksums in the KeyFilebos listkeysRemove an old server encryption keybos removekeyAbout Server Encryption Keysserver encryption keydefinedAFSserver encryption keyserver encryption keyAn encryption key is a string of octal numbers used to encrypt and decrypt packets of information. In AFS, a server
encryption key is the key used to protect information being transferred between AFS server processes and between them and their
clients. A server encryption key is essentially a password for a server process and like a user password is stored in the
Authentication Database.Maintaining your cell's server encryption keys properly is the most basic way to protect the information in your AFS
filespace from access by unauthorized users.Keys and Mutual Authentication: A Reviewmutual authenticationserver encryption key's roleserver encryption keyrole in mutual authenticationTicket Granting ServiceTGSserver ticketsession keyServer encryption keys play a central role in the mutual authentication between client and server processes in AFS. For
a more detailed description of mutual authentication, see A More Detailed Look at Mutual
Authentication.When a client wants to contact an AFS server, it first contacts the Ticket Granting Service (TGS) module of the
Authentication Server. After verifying the client's identity (based indirectly on the password of the human user whom the
client represents), the TGS gives the client a server ticket. This ticket is encrypted with the server's encryption key. (The
TGS also invents a second encryption key, called the session key, to be used only for a single episode of communication
between server and client. The server ticket and session key, together with other pieces of information, are collectively
referred to as a token.)The client cannot read the server ticket or token because it does not know the server encryption key. However, the
client sends it to the AFS server along with service requests, because the ticket proves to the AFS server processes that it
has already authenticated with the TGS. AFS servers trust the TGS to grant tickets only to valid clients. The fact that the
client possesses a ticket encrypted with the server's encryption key proves to the server that the client is valid. On the
other hand, the client assumes that only a genuine AFS server knows the server encryption key needed to decrypt the ticket.
The server's ability to decrypt the ticket and understand its contents proves to the client that the server is
legitimate.Maintaining AFS Server Encryption KeysAs you maintain your cell's server encryption keys, keep the following in mind. Change the key frequently to enhance your cell's security. Changing the key at least once a month is strongly
recommended.server encryption keychanging frequentlyThe AFS server encryption key currently in use is stored in two places. When you add a new key, you must make
changes in both places and make them in the correct order, as instructed in Adding Server
Encryption Keys. Failure to follow the instructions can seriously impair cell functioning, as clients and servers
become unable to communicate. The two storage sites for the current server encryption key are the following:
The file /usr/afs/etc/KeyFile on the local disk of every file server
machine. The file can list more than one key, each with an associated numerical identifier, the key version number
or kvno. A client token records the key version number of the key used to seal it, and the server process
retrieves the appropriate key from this file when the client presents the token.key version numberdefinedkvnokey version numberKeyFile filestorage site for server encryption keysfiles/usr/afs/etc/KeyFileserver encryption keyKeyFile fileThe afs entry in the Authentication Database. The current server encryption
key is in the entry's password field, just like an individual user's scrambled password. The Authentication
Server's Ticket Granting Service (TGS) uses this key to encrypt the tokens it gives to clients. There is only a
single key in the entry, because the TGS never needs to read existing tokens, but only to generate new ones by
using the current key.server encryption keyAuthentication DatabaseAuthentication Databasesite for AFS server encryption keyAuthentication Databaseafs entryFor instructions on creating the initial afs entry and KeyFile files as you install your cell's first server machine, see the OpenAFS Quick
Beginnings.At any specific time, the tokens that the Authentication Server's Ticket Granting Service gives to clients are
sealed with only one of the server encryption keys, namely the one stored in the afs
entry in the Authentication Database.When you add a new server encryption key, you cannot immediately remove the former key from the /usr/afs/etc/KeyFile file on the local disk of every AFS server machine. Any time that you add a
new key, it is likely that some clients still have valid, unexpired tokens sealed with the previous key. The more
frequently you change the server encryption key, the more such tickets there are likely to be. To be able to grant
service appropriately to clients with such tokens, an AFS server process must still be able to access the server
encryption key used to seal it.You can safely delete an old server encryption key only when it is certain that no clients have tokens sealed with
that key. In general, wait a period of time at least as long as the maximum token lifetime in your cell. By default, the
maximum token lifetime for users is 25 hours (except for users whose Authentication Database entries were created by
using the 3.0 version of AFS, for whom the default is 100 hours). You can use the -lifetime argument to the kas setfields command to change this
default.Instructions for removing obsolete keys appear in Removing Server Encryption
Keys.You create a new AFS server encryption key in much the same way regular users change their passwords, by providing
a character string that is converted into an encryption key automatically. See Adding Server
Encryption Keys.server encryption keypassword-like natureIn addition to using server encryption keys when communicating with clients, the server processes use them to
protect communications with other server processes. Therefore, all server machines in your cell must have the same
version of the KeyFile file. The easiest way to maintain consistency (if you run the
United States edition of AFS) is to use the Update Server to distribute the contents of the system control machine's
/usr/afs/etc directory to all of the other server machines. There are two implications:
You must run the upserver process on the system control machine and an
upclientetc process on all other server machines that references the system
control machine. The OpenAFS Quick Beginnings explains how to install both processes. For instructions on
verifying that the Update Server processes are running, see Displaying Process Status and
Information from the BosConfig File.Update Serverdistributor of KeyFile fileChange the KeyFile file only on the system control machine (except in the
types of emergencies discussed in Handling Server Encryption Key Emergencies). Any
changes you make on other server machines are overwritten the next time the upclientetc process retrieves the contents of the system control machine's /usr/afs/etc directory. By default, this happens every five minutes.system control machinesource for common KeyFile fileIf you run the international edition of AFS, do not use the Update Server to distribute the contents of the
/usr/afs/etc directory, particularly the KeyFile file.
The data in the file is too sensitive for transfer in unencrypted form, and because of United States government exports
regulations the international edition of AFS does not include the necessary encryption routines in a form that the
Update Server can use. You must instead modify the file on each server machine individually, taking care to enter the
same key on every server machine.Never edit the KeyFile directly with a text editor. Instead, always use the
appropriate bos commands as instructed in Adding Server
Encryption Keys and Removing Server Encryption Keys.Displaying Server Encryption KeysTo display the server encryption keys in the /usr/afs/etc/KeyFile file on any file server
machine, use the bos listkeys command. Use the kas examine
command to display the key in the Authentication Database's afs entry.checksumserver encryption keychecksum displayedBy default the commands do not display the actual string of octal digits that constitute a key, but rather a checksum, a
decimal number derived by encrypting a constant with the key. This prevents unauthorized users from easily accessing the actual
key, which they can then use to falsify or eavesdrop on protected communications. The bos
listkeys and kas examine commands generate the same checksum for a given key, so
displaying checksums rather than actual keys is generally sufficient. If you suspect that the keys differ in a way that the
checksums are not revealing, then you are probably experiencing authentication problems throughout your cell. The easiest
solution is to create a new server encryption key following the instructions in Adding Server
Encryption Keys or Handling Server Encryption Key Emergencies. Another common reason to
issue the bos listkeys command is to display the key version numbers currently in use, in
preparation for choosing the next one; here, the checksum is sufficient because the key itself is irrelevant.If it is important to display the actual octal digits, include the -showkey argument to
both the bos listkeys and kas examine commands.KeyFile filedisplayingdisplayingKeyFile fileserver encryption keydisplaying from KeyFile filedisplayingserver encryption keys in KeyFile filecommandsbos listkeysbos commandslistkeysTo display the KeyFile fileVerify that you are authenticated as a user listed in the /usr/afs/etc/UserList
file. If necessary, issue the bos listusers command, which is fully described in To display the users in the UserList file.
% bos listusers <machine name>
Issue the bos listkeys command to display the contents of one machine's /usr/afs/etc/KeyFile file.
% bos listkeys <machine name> [-showkey]
where listkIs the shortest acceptable abbreviation of listkeys.machine nameNames a file server machine. In the normal case, it is acceptable to name any machine, because correct cell
functioning requires that the KeyFile file be the same on all of them.-showkeyDisplays the octal digits that constitute each key.In the following example, the output displays a checksum for each server encryption key rather than the actual octal
digits. The penultimate line indicates when an administrator last changed the file, and the final line confirms that the
output is complete.
% bos listkeys
key 0 has cksum 972037177
key 1 has cksum 2825165022
Keys last changed on Wed Jan 13 11:20:29 1999.
All done.
Authentication Databaseserver encryption keydisplayingdisplayingserver encryption key from Authentication Databaseafs entry in Authentication Databasedisplayingserver encryption keydisplaying from Authentication Databasecommandskas examinekas commandsexamine, to inspect afs keyTo display the afs key from the Authentication DatabaseIssue the kas examine command to display the afs
entry in the Authentication Database.The Authentication Server performs its own authentication rather than accepting your existing AFS token. By default,
it authenticates your local (UNIX) identity, which possibly does not correspond to an AFS-privileged administrator.
Include the -admin argument to name an identity that has the
ADMIN flag on its Authentication Database entry. To verify that an entry has the flag,
issue the kas examine command as described in To check if the
ADMIN flag is set.
% kas examine afs [-showkey] \
-admin <admin principal to use for authentication>
Administrator's (admin_user) password: <admin_password>
where eIs the shortest acceptable abbreviation of examine.afsDesignates the afs entry.-showkeyDisplays the octal digits that constitute the key.-adminNames an administrative account with the ADMIN flag on its Authentication
Database entry, such as admin. The password prompt echoes it as admin_user. Enter
the appropriate password as admin_password.In the following example, the admin user displays the afs entry without using the -showkey flag. The second line shows the
key version number in parentheses and the key's checksum. The line that begins with the string last
mod reports the date on which the indicated administrator changed the key. There is no necessary relationship
between this date and the date reported by the bos listkeys command, because the latter date
changes for any type of change to the KeyFile file, not just a key addition. For a
description of the other lines in the output from the kas examine command, see its reference
page in the OpenAFS Administration Reference.
% kas examine afs -admin admin
Administrator's (admin) password: <admin_password>
User data for afs
key (1) cksum is 2825165022, last cpw: no date
password will never expire.
An unlimited number of unsuccessful authentications is permitted.
entry expires on never. Max ticket lifetime 100.00 hours.
last mod on Wed Jan 13 11:21:36 1999 by admin
permit password reuse
Adding Server Encryption Keysaddingserver encryption key to KeyFile filedefiningserver encryption keycreatingserver encryption keyserver encryption keyadding to KeyFile fileKeyFile fileadding server encryption keyAuthentication Databaseserver encryption keysettingdefiningserver encryption key in Authentication Databaseafs entry in Authentication Databasesetting server encryption keyserver encryption keysetting in Authentication DatabaseAs noted, AFS records server encryption keys in two separate places: In the file /usr/afs/etc/KeyFile on the local disk of each server machine, for use
by the AFS server processes running on the machineIn the afs entry in the Authentication Database, for use by the Ticket Granting
Service (TGS) when creating tokensTo ensure that server processes and the TGS share the same AFS server encryption key, execute all the steps in this
section without interruption.The following instructions include a step in which you restart the database server processes (the Authentication, Backup,
Protection, and Volume Location Server processes) on all database server machines. As a database server process starts, it reads
in the server encryption key that has the highest key version number in the KeyFile file and
uses it to protect the messages that it sends for synchronizing the database and maintaining quorum. It uses the same key
throughout its lifetime, which can be for an extended period, even if you remove the key from the KeyFile file. However, if one of the peer database server processes restarts and the others do not,
quorum and database synchronization break down because the processes are no longer using the same key: the restarted process is
using the key that currently has the highest key version number, and the other processes are still using the key they read in
when they originally started. To avoid this problem, it is safest to restart all of the database server processes when adding a
new key.After adding a new key, you can remove obsolete keys from the KeyFile file to prevent it
from becoming cluttered. However, you must take care not to remove keys that client or server processes are still using. For
discussion and instructions, see Removing Server Encryption Keys.To add a new server encryption keyVerify that you are authenticated as a user listed in the /usr/afs/etc/UserList
file. If necessary, issue the bos listusers command, which is fully described in To display the users in the UserList file.
% bos listusers <machine name>
Issue the bos listkeys command to display the key version
numbers that are already in use, as a first step in choosing the key version number for the new key.
% bos listkeys <machine name>
where listkIs the shortest acceptable abbreviation of listkeys.machine nameNames any file server machine.Choose a key version number for the new key, based on the output from Step 2 and the following requirements: A key version number must be an integer between 0 (zero) and 255 to comply with Kerberos standards. It is
simplest if you keep your key version numbers in sequence by choosing a key version number one greater than the
largest existing one.Do not reuse a key version number currently found in the KeyFile file,
particularly if it is also the one in the Authentication Database afs entry. Client
processes possibly still have tickets sealed with the key that originally had that key version number, but the
server processes start using the new key marked with that key version number. Because the keys do not match, the
server processes refuse requests from clients who hold legitimate tokens.bos commandsaddkeybasic instructionscommandsbos addkeyIssue the bos addkey command to create a new AFS server
encryption key in the KeyFile file.If you run the United States edition of AFS and use the Update Server to distribute the contents of the system
control machine's /usr/afs/etc directory, substitute the system control machine for the
machine name argument. (If you have forgotten which machine is the system control machine, see To
locate the system control machine.)If you run the international edition of AFS or do not use the Update Server, repeat the bos
addkey command, substituting each server machine in your cell for the machine name argument in turn.To avoid visible echoing of the string that corresponds to the new key, omit the -key argument from the command line; instead enter the string at the prompts that appear when you
omit it, as shown in the following syntax specification.
% bos addkey -server <machine name> -kvno <key version number>
input key: <afs_password>
Retype input key: <afs_password>
where addkIs the shortest acceptable abbreviation of addkey.-serverNames the cell's system control machine if you are using the Update Server, or each server machine in turn
if you are not.-kvnoSpecifies the new key's key version number as an integer from the range 0 (zero) through 255.Remember the number. You need to use it again in Step 6. If you are using the
international edition of AFS, be sure to type the same number each time you issue this command.afs_passwordIs a character string similar to a user password, of any length from one to about 1,000 characters. To
improve security, include nonalphabetic characters and make the string as long as is practical (you need to type
it only in this step and in Step 6). If you are using the international edition of
AFS, be sure to type the same string each time you issue this command.Do not enter an octal string directly. The BOS Server scrambles the character string into an octal string
appropriate for use as an encryption key before recording it in the KeyFile
file.If you are using the Update Server, wait for a few minutes while the Update Server distributes the new KeyFile file to all server machines. The maximum necessary waiting period is the largest value
provided for the -t argument to the upclientetc
process's initialization command used on any of the server machines; the default time is five minutes.To be certain that all machines have the same KeyFile file, issue the bos listkeys command for every file server machine and verify that the checksum for the new key is
the same on all machines.
% bos listkeys <machine name>
If you are not using the Update Server, try to complete Step 4 within five
minutes.kas commandssetpasswordcommandskas setpasswordIssue the kas setpassword command to enter the same key in
the afs entry in the Authentication Database.The Authentication Server performs its own authentication rather than accepting your existing AFS token. By default,
it authenticates your local (UNIX) identity, which possibly does not correspond to an AFS-privileged administrator.
Include the -admin argument to name an identity that has the
ADMIN flag on its Authentication Database entry. To verify that an entry has the flag,
issue the kas examine command as described in To check if the
ADMIN flag is set.
% kas setpassword -name afs -kvno <kvno> \
-admin <admin principal to use for authentication>
Administrator's (admin_user) password: <admin_password>
new_password: afs_password
Verifying, please re-enter new_password: <admin_password>
where spIs an acceptable alias for setpassword (setp is the shortest acceptable abbreviation).-name afsCreates the new key in the afs entry.-kvnoSpecifies the same key version number as in Step 4.-adminNames an administrative account with the ADMIN flag on its Authentication
Database entry, such as admin. The password prompt echoes it as admin_user. Enter
the appropriate password as admin_password.afs_passwordIs the same character string you entered in Step 4.(Optional.) If you want to verify that the keys you just created in the KeyFile file and the Authentication Database afs entry are
identical and have the same key version number, follow the instructions in Displaying Server
Encryption Keys.Issue the bos restart command to restart the database server processes on all
database server machines. This forces them to start using the key in the KeyFile file
that currently has the highest key version number.Repeat this command in quick succession for each database server machine, starting with the machine that has the
lowest IP address.
% bos restart <machine name> buserver kaserver ptserver vlserverwhere resIs the shortest acceptable abbreviation of restart.machine nameNames each database server machine in turn.buserver kaserver ptserver vlserverDesignates the Backup Server, Authentication Server, Protection Server, and Volume Location (VL) Server,
respectively.Removing Server Encryption Keysremovingserver encryption key from KeyFile fileserver encryption keyremoving from KeyFile fileKeyFile fileremoving server encryption keyYou can periodically remove old keys from the /usr/afs/etc/KeyFile file to keep it to a
reasonable size. To avoid disturbing cell functioning, do not remove an old key until all tokens sealed with the key and held by
users or client processes have expired. After adding a new key, wait to remove old keys at least as long as the longest token
lifetime you use in your cell. For Authentication Database user entries created under AFS version 3.1 or higher, the default
token lifetime is 25 hours; for entries created under AFS version 3.0, it is 100 hours.There is no command for removing the key from the afs entry in the Authentication
Database, because the key field in that entry must never be empty. Use the kas setpassword
command to replace the afs key, but only as part of the complete procedure detailed in To add a new server encryption key.Never remove from the KeyFile file the key that is currently in the afs entry in the Authentication Database. AFS server processes become unable to decrypt the tickets that
clients present to them.To remove a key from the KeyFile fileVerify that you are authenticated as a user listed in the /usr/afs/etc/UserList
file. If necessary, issue the bos listusers command, which is fully described in To display the users in the UserList file.
% bos listusers <machine name>
Issue the bos listkeys command to display the key version number of each key you
want to remove. The output also reveals whether it has been at least 25 hours since a new key was placed in the KeyFile file. For complete instructions for the bos listkeys
command, see To display the KeyFile file.
% bos listkeys <machine name>
Issue the kas examine command to verify that the key currently in the
Authentication Database's afs entry does not have the same key version number as any of
the keys you are removing from the KeyFile file. For detailed instructions for the
kas examine command, see To display the afs key from the
Authentication Database.
% kas examine afs -admin <admin principal to use for authentication>
Administrator's (admin_user) password: <admin_password>
commandsbos removekeybos commandsremovekeyIssue the bos removekey command to remove one or more server encryption keys from
the KeyFile file.If you run the United States edition of AFS and use the Update Server to distribute the contents of the system
control machine's /usr/afs/etc directory, substitute the system control machine for the
machine name argument. (If you have forgotten which machine is the system control machine, see To
locate the system control machine.)If you run the international edition of AFS or do not use the Update Server, repeat the bos
removekey command, substituting each server machine in your cell for the machine name argument in turn.
% bos removekey <machine name> <key version number>
where removekIs the shortest acceptable abbreviation of removekey.machine nameNames the cell's system control machine if you are using the Update Server, or each server machine in turn
if you are not.key version numberSpecifies the key version number of each key to remove.Handling Server Encryption Key Emergenciesemergencyserver encryption keys mismatchedserver encryption keyemergency need to replacemutual authenticationfailure due to mismatched keysUbikfailure due to mismatched server encryption keyshandlingserver encryption key emergencyIn rare circumstances, the AFS server processes can become unable to decrypt the server tickets that clients or peer
server processes are presenting. Activity in your cell can come to a halt, because the server processes believe that the tickets
are forged or expired, and refuse to execute any actions. This can happen on one machine or several; the effect is more serious
when more machines are involved.One common cause of server encryption key problems is that the client's ticket is encrypted with a key that the server
process does not know. Usually this means that the /usr/afs/etc/KeyFile on the server machine
does not include the key in the afs Authentication Database entry, which the Authentication
Server's Ticket Granting Service (TGS) module is using to encrypt server tickets.Another possibility is that the KeyFile files on different machines do not contain the
same keys. In this case, communications among server processes themselves become impossible. For instance, AFS's replicated
database mechanism (Ubik) breaks down if the instances of a database server process on the different database server machines
are not using the same key.The appearance of the following error message when you direct a bos command to a file
server machine in the local cell is one possible symptom of server encryption key mismatch. (Note, however, that you can also
get this message if you forget to include the -cell argument when directing the bos command to a file server machine in a foreign cell.)
bos: failed to contact host's bosserver (security object was passed a bad ticket).
The solution to server encryption key emergencies is to put a new AFS server encryption key in both the Authentication
Database and the KeyFile file on every server machine, so that the TGS and all server processes
again share the same key.Handling key emergencies requires some unusual actions. The reasons for these actions are explained in the following
sections; the actual procedures appear in the subsequent instructions.Prevent Mutual AuthenticationIt is necessary to prevent the server processes from trying to mutually authenticate with you as you deal with a key
emergency, because they possibly cannot decrypt your token. When you do not mutually authenticate, the server processes assign
you the identity anonymous. To prevent mutual authentication, use the unlog command to discard your tokens and include the -noauth flag on
every command where it is available.Disable Authorization Checking by HandBecause the server processes recognize you as the user anonymous when you do not
mutually authenticate, you must turn off authorization checking. Only with authorization checking disabled do the server
processes allow the anonymous user to perform privileged actions such as key creation.In an emergency, disable authorization checking by creating the file /usr/afs/local/NoAuth by hand. In normal circumstances, use the bos
setauth command instead.Work Quickly on Each MachineDisabling authorization checking is a serious security exposure, because server processes on the affected machine
perform any action for anyone. Disable authorization checking only for as long as necessary, completing all steps in an
uninterrupted session and as quickly as possible.Work at the ConsoleWorking at the console of each server machine on which you disable authorization checking ensures that no one else logs
onto the console while you are working there. It does not prevent others from connecting to the machine remotely (using the
telnet program, for example), which is why it is important to work quickly. The only way to
ensure complete security is to disable network traffic, which is not a viable option in many environments. You can improve
security in general by limiting the number of people who can connect remotely to your server machines at any time, as
recommended in Improving Security in Your Cell.Change Individual KeyFile FilesIf you use the Update Server to distribute the contents of the /usr/afs/etc directory,
an emergency is the only time when it is appropriate to change the KeyFile file on individual
machines instead. Updating each machine's file is necessary because mismatched keys can prevent the system control machine's
upserver process from mutually authenticating with upclientetc processes on other server machines, in which case the upserver process refuses to distribute its KeyFile file to
them.Even if it appears that the Update Server is working correctly, the only way to verify that is to change the key on the
system control machine and wait the standard delay period to see if the upclientetc processes
retrieve the key. During an emergency, it does not usually make sense to wait the standard delay period. It is more efficient
simply to update the file on each server machine separately. Also, even if the Update Server can distribute the file
correctly, other processes can have trouble because of mismatched keys. The following instructions add the new key file on the
system control machine first. If the Update Server is working, then it is distributing the same change as you are making on
each server machine individually.If your cell does not use the Update Server, or uses the international edition of AFS, you always change keys on server
machines individually. The following instructions are also appropriate for you.Two Component ProceduresThere are two subprocedures used frequently in the following instructions: disabling authorization checking and
reenabling it. For the sake of clarity, the procedures are detailed here; the instructions refer to them as necessary.Disabling Authorization Checking in an EmergencyBecome the local superuser root on the machine, if you are not already, by
issuing the su command.
% su root
Password: <root_password>
NoAuth filecreating in emergenciesCreate the file /usr/afs/local/NoAuth to disable
authorization checking.
# touch /usr/afs/local/NoAuthunlog commandwhen handling key emergencyDiscard your tokens, in case they were sealed with an incompatible key, which can prevent some commands from
# unlogReenabling Authorization Checking in an EmergencyBecome the local superuser root on the machine, if you are not already, by
issuing the su command.
% su root
Password: <root_password>
Remove the /usr/afs/local/NoAuth file.
# rm /usr/afs/local/NoAuthklog commandwhen handling key emergencyAuthenticate as an administrative identity that belongs to the system:administrators group and is listed in the /usr/afs/etc/UserList file.
# klog <admin_user>
Password: <admin_password>
If appropriate, log out from the console (or close the remote connection you are using), after issuing the
unlog command to destroy your tokens.To create a new server encryption key in emergenciesOn the system control machine, disable authorization
checking as instructed in Disabling Authorization Checking in an Emergency.Issue the bos listkeys command to display the key version
numbers already in use in the KeyFile file, as a first step in choosing the new key's key
version number.
# bos listkeys <machine name> -noauthwhere listkIs the shortest acceptable abbreviation of listkeys.machine nameSpecifies a file server machine.-noauthBypasses mutual authentication with the BOS Server. Include it in case the key emergency is preventing
successful mutual authentication.Choose a key version number for the new key, based on what you learned in Step 2 plus the following requirements: It is best to keep your key version numbers in sequence by choosing a key version number one greater than the
largest existing one.Key version numbers must be integers between 0 and 255 to comply with Kerberos standards.Do not reuse a key version number currently listed in the KeyFile
file.bos commandsaddkeywhen handling key emergencyOn the system control machine, issue the bos addkey command to create a new AFS server encryption key in the KeyFile file.
# bos addkey <machine name> -kvno <key version number> -noauth
input key: <afs_password>
Retype input key: <afs_password>
where addkIs the shortest acceptable abbreviation of addkey.machine nameNames the file server machine on which to define the new key in the KeyFile
file.-kvnoSpecifies the key version number you chose in Step 3, an integer in the range
0 (zero) through 255. You must specify the same number in Steps 7, 8, and 13.-noauthBypasses mutual authentication with the BOS Server. Include it in case the key emergency is preventing
successful mutual authentication.afs_passwordIs a character string similar to a user password, of any length from one to about 1,000 characters. To
improve security, make the string as long as is practical, and include nonalphabetic characters.Do not type an octal string directly. The BOS Server scrambles the character string into an octal string
appropriate for use as an encryption key before recording it in the KeyFile
file.Remember the string. You need to use it again in Steps 7, 8, and 13.On every database server machine in your cell (other than
the system control machine), disable authorization checking as instructed in Disabling
Authorization Checking in an Emergency. Do not repeat the procedure on the system control machine, if it is a
database server machine, because you already disabled authorization checking in Step 1. (If
you need to learn which machines are database server machines, use the bos listhosts
command as described in To locate database server machines.)Wait at least 90 seconds after finishing Step 5, to allow each
of the database server processes (the Authentication, Backup, Protection and Volume Location Servers) to finish electing a
new sync site. Then issue the udebug command to verify that the election worked properly.
Issue the following commands, substituting each database server machine's name for server machine in turn. Include the
system control machine if it is a database server machine.
# udebug <server machine> buserver
# udebug <server machine> kaserver
# udebug <server machine> ptserver
# udebug <server machine> vlserverFor each process, the output from all of the database server machines must agree on which one is the sync site for
the process. It is not, however, necessary that the same machine serves as the sync site for each of the four processes.
For each process, the output from only one machine must include the following string:
I am sync site ...
The output on the other machines instead includes the following line
I am not sync site
and a subsequent line that begins with the string Sync host and specifies the IP
address of the machine claiming to be the sync site.If the output does not meet these requirements or seems abnormal in another way, contact AFS Product Support for
assistance.On every database server machine in your cell (other than
the system control machine), issue the bos addkey command described in Step 4. Be sure to use the same values for afs_password and kvno as you used in that step.kas commandssetpassword , when handling key emergencyIssue the kas setpassword command to define the new key in
the Authentication Database's afs entry. It must match the key you created in Step 4 and Step 7.
# kas setpassword -name afs-kvno <key version number> -noauth
new_password: <afs_password>
Verifying, please re-enter new_password: <afs_password>
where spIs an acceptable alias for setpassword (setp is the shortest acceptable abbreviation).-kvnoIs the same key version number you specified in Step 4.afs_passwordIs the same character string you specified as afs_password in Step 4. It does
not echo visibly.On every database server machine in your cell (including the
system control machine if it is a database server machine), reenable authorization checking as instructed in Reenabling Authorization Checking in an Emergency. If the system control machine is not a
database server machine, do not perform this procedure until Step 11.Repeat Step 6 to verify that each database server process has properly elected a sync
site after being restarted in Step 9.On the system control machine (if it is not a database
server machine), reenable authorization checking as instructed in Reenabling Authorization
Checking in an Emergency. If it is a database server machine, you already performed the procedure in Step 9.On all remaining (simple) file server machines, disable authorization checking as
instructed in Disabling Authorization Checking in an Emergency.On all remaining (simple) file server machines, issue the
bos addkey command described in Step 4. Be sure to use the
same values for afs_password and kvno as you used in that step.On all remaining (simple) file server machines, reenable authorization checking as
instructed in Reenabling Authorization Checking in an Emergency.