Using the NFS/AFS Translator
NFSaccessing AFS from client
NFS/AFS Translator
AFSaccessing from NFS client machine
access to AFS filespacefrom NFS client machines
cells use the Network File System (NFS) in addition to AFS. If you work on an NFS client machine, your system
administrator can configure it to access the AFS filespace through a program called the NFS/AFS
TranslatorTM. If you have an AFS account, you can access AFS as an
authenticated user while working on your NFS client machine. Otherwise, you access AFS as the
anonymous user.
Acceptable NFS/AFS Translator performance requires that NFS is functioning correctly.
Requirements for Using the NFS/AFS Translator
NFSissuing AFS commands on NFS client machine
commandsAFS, issuing on NFS client machine
For you to use the NFS/AFS Translator, your system
administrator must configure the following types of machines as indicated:
An NFS/AFS translator machine is an AFS client machine that also acts as an
NFS server machine. Its Cache Manager acts as the surrogate Cache Manager for your NFS client machine. Ask your
system administrator which translator machines you can use.
Your NFS client machine must have an NFS mount to a translator machine. Most often, your system
administrator mounts the translator machine's /afs directory and names the mount
/afs as well. This enables you to access the entire AFS filespace using standard
AFS pathnames. It is also possible to create mounts directly to subdirectories of
/afs, and to give NFS mounts different names on the NFS client
Your access to AFS is much more extensive if you have an AFS user account. If you do not, the AFS servers
recognize you as the anonymous user and only grant you the access available to
members of the system:anyuser group.
If your NFS client machine uses an operating system that AFS supports, your system administrator can
configure it to enable you to issue many AFS commands on the machine. Ask him or her about the configuration and
which commands you can issue.
Troubleshooting the NFS/AFS Translator
Acceptable performance by the NFS/AFS translator depends for the most part on NFS. Sometimes, problems that
appear to be AFS file server outages, broken connections, or inaccessible files are actually caused by NFS
This section describes some common problems and their possible causes. If other problems arise, contact your
system administrator, who can ask the AFS Product Support group for assistance if necessary.
To avoid degrading AFS performance, the Cache Manager on the translator machine does not immediately
send changes made on NFS client machines to the File Server. Instead, it checks every 60 seconds for such
changes and sends them then. It can take longer for changes made on an NFS client machine to be saved than for
changes made on an AFS client machine. The save operation must complete before the changes are visible on NFS
client machines that are using a different translator machine or on AFS client machines.
Your NFS Client Machine is Frozen
If your system administrator has used the recommended options when creating an NFS mount to an NFS/AFS
translator machine, then the mount is both hard and interruptible:
A hard mount means that the NFS client retries its requests if it does not receive a response
within the expected time frame. This is useful because requests have to pass through both the NFS and AFS client
software, which can sometimes take longer than the NFS client expects. However, it means that if the NFS/AFS
translator machine actually becomes inaccessible, your NFS client machine can become inoperative
(freeze or hang).
If the NFS mount is interruptible, then in the case of an NFS/AFS translator machine outage you
can press <Ctrl-c> or another interrupt signal to halt the NFS client's
repeated attempts to access AFS. You can then continue to work locally, or can NFS-mount another translator
machine. If the NFS mount is not interruptible, you must actually remove the mount to the inaccessible translator