IDX1000 filesdenying access
IDX1001 fs commandssetaclwith -negative flag
IDX1002 commandsfs setacl
IDX1003 examplescreating entry on negative permissions section of ACL
IDX1004 ACLreplacing all entries
IDX1005 ACLclearing
IDX1006 replacingall entries on ACL
IDX1007 erasing all ACL entries
IDX1008 clearing all ACL entries
IDX1009 removingall ACL entries
IDX1010 directoriesreplacing ACL
IDX1011 fs commandssetaclcompletely replacing ACL
IDX1012 examplesreplacing an ACL
IDX1013 ACLcopying between directories
IDX1014 creatingACL as copy of another
IDX1015 copyingACL between directories
IDX1016 directoriescopying ACLs between
IDX1017 commandsfs copyacl
IDX1018 fs commandscopyacl
IDX1019 examplescopying ACL between directories
IDX1020 UNIX, differences with AFSmode bits, interpretation
IDX1021 mode bits (UNIX)interpretation in AFS
IDX1022 commandschmod
IDX1023 chmod command
IDX1024 examplesusing chmod
IDX1025 machinesas members of groups
IDX1026 groupsmachines as members
IDX1027 private use of group
IDX1028 groupsprivate use
IDX1029 shared use of group
IDX1030 groupsshared use
IDX1031 group use of group
IDX1032 self-owned group
IDX1033 groupsgroup use
IDX1034 groupsgroup-owned groups
IDX1035 groupsself-owned groups
IDX1036 groupsnaming conventions
IDX1037 group-creation quotadefined
IDX1038 groupscreation quota
IDX1039 displayinggroup information
IDX1040 groupsdisplaying information
IDX1041 usersdisplaying group information
IDX1042 commandspts membership
IDX1043 pts commandsmembership
IDX1044 examplesdisplaying members of a group
IDX1045 displayinggroups owned by a group
IDX1046 commandspts listowned
IDX1047 userslisting groups owned
IDX1048 groupslisting groups owned
IDX1049 pts commandslistowned
IDX1050 examplesdisplaying groups a group owns
IDX1051 examplesdisplaying groups a user owns
IDX1052 commandspts examine
IDX1053 pts commandsexamine
IDX1054 displayinggroup owner
IDX1055 displayinggroup creator
IDX1056 displayinggroup-creation quota
IDX1057 groupsowner, displaying
IDX1058 groupscreator, displaying
IDX1059 usersdisplaying number of group memberships
IDX1060 group-creation quotadisplaying
IDX1061 AFSUIDs and GIDs
IDX1064 examplesdisplaying information about group
IDX1065 examplesdisplaying group information about a user
IDX1066 addingusers to groups
IDX1067 creatinggroups
IDX1068 groupscreating
IDX1069 groupsadding members
IDX1070 groupsowner as administrator
IDX1071 commandspts creategroup
IDX1072 pts commandscreategroup
IDX1073 groupsrules for assigning ownership
IDX1074 rules for assigning group names
IDX1075 examplescreating a group
IDX1076 groupsadding members
IDX1077 commandspts adduser
IDX1078 pts commandsadduser
IDX1079 usersadding as group members
IDX1080 examplesadding members to a group
IDX1081 groupsremoving members
IDX1082 groupsdeleting
IDX1083 removingusers from groups
IDX1084 deleting groups
IDX1085 removingusers from groups
IDX1086 usersremoving from groups
IDX1087 removingobsolete ACL entries
IDX1088 ACLremoving obsolete entries
IDX1089 commandspts removeuser
IDX1090 pts commandsremoveuser
IDX1091 examplesremoving group members
IDX1092 commandspts delete
IDX1093 pts commandsdelete
IDX1094 examplesdeleting a group
IDX1095 commandsfs cleanacl
IDX1096 fs commandscleanacl
IDX1097 examplesremoving deleted groups from ACLs
IDX1098 groupschanging name
IDX1099 changinggroup owner
IDX1100 changinggroup name
IDX1101 groupschanging owner
IDX1102 commandspts chown
IDX1103 pts commandschown
IDX1104 exampleschanging group owner
IDX1105 examplescreating a self-owned group
IDX1106 commandspts rename
IDX1107 pts commandsrename
IDX1108 exampleschanging group name
IDX1109 protectiongroup-related information
IDX1110 groupsprivacy flags
IDX1111 privacy flags on groups
IDX1112 s privacy flag on groups
IDX1113 o privacy flag on groups
IDX1114 m privacy flag on groups
IDX1115 a privacy flag on groups
IDX1116 r privacy flag on groups
IDX1117 commandspts setfields
IDX1118 pts commandssetfields
IDX1119 examplessetting group's privacy flags
IDX1120 troubleshootinginability to access, copy or save file
IDX1121 filesinability to access, copy or save
IDX1122 saving filesinability to
IDX1123 copyingfiles, inability to
IDX1124 directoriesinability to access
IDX1125 access to AFS filespacefailures, troubleshooting
IDX1126 troubleshootingaccidental removal from ACL
IDX1127 ACLaccidentally removed yourself
IDX1128 troubleshootingerror messages
IDX1129 error messages, troubleshooting
IDX1130 lost contact with fileserver (error message)
IDX1131 connection timed out (error message)
IDX1132 you don't have the required access rights (error message)
IDX1133 afs: failed to store file (error message)
IDX1134 failed to store file (error message)
IDX1135 NFSaccessing AFS from client
IDX1136 NFS/AFS Translator
IDX1137 AFSaccessing from NFS client machine
IDX1138 access to AFS filespacefrom NFS client machines
IDX1139 NFSissuing AFS commands on NFS client machine
IDX1140 commandsAFS, issuing on NFS client machine
IDX1141 authenticationto AFS on NFS client machines
IDX1142 knfs command
IDX1143 commandsknfs
IDX1144 syntax of AFS commands described
IDX1145 commandssyntax for AFS
IDX1146 commandssuite organization for AFS
IDX1147 suite, defined for AFS command
IDX1148 operation codes in AFS commandsdefined
IDX1149 arguments to AFS commands
IDX1150 switches on AFS commandsdefined
IDX1151 instances to AFS commands
IDX1152 flags on AFS commands
IDX1153 operation codes in AFS commandsabbreviating
IDX1154 switches on AFS commandsomitting
IDX1155 switches on AFS commandsabbreviating
IDX1156 directoriesshorthand notation for referencing
IDX1157 fs commandsintroduction
IDX1158 fs commandshelp flag
IDX1159 fs commandsgetting help
IDX1160 fs commandsprivileges required
IDX1161 pts commandsprivilege required
IDX1162 Protection Database
IDX1163 pts commandscell argument
IDX1164 pts commandsforce flag
IDX1165 pts commandshelp flag
IDX1166 pts commandsgetting help
IDX1167 helponline for AFS commands
IDX1168 online help
IDX1169 apropos operation code
IDX1170 helpoperation code in AFS command suites
IDX1171 helpexamples
IDX1172 keyword for apropos command
IDX747 AFSsharing information
IDX748 AFStransparent access
IDX749 client/server computing
IDX750 client machine
IDX751 server machines defined
IDX752 machinesserver
IDX753 machinesclient
IDX754 communicationbetween clients and servers
IDX755 distributed file system
IDX756 local machine
IDX757 AFSfilespace as extension of local filespace
IDX758 afs (/afs) directoryas root of AFS filespace
IDX759 root of AFS filespace
IDX760 cellsdefined
IDX761 site defined
IDX762 communicationamong cells and sites
IDX763 local cell, defined
IDX764 foreign cellsdefined
IDX765 cellslocal vs. foreign
IDX766 volumesdefined
IDX767 disk partitionuse in AFS
IDX768 mount points defined
IDX769 volumesaccessing via mount points
IDX770 examplesvolume/mount point interaction
IDX771 volumesvolume/mount point interaction
IDX772 caching files
IDX773 Cache Managerdescribed
IDX774 client machine
IDX775 filescaching
IDX776 filesupdating
IDX777 callbacks
IDX778 filesdenying access
IDX779 filessharing
IDX780 AFSsecurity
IDX781 security in AFS
IDX782 mutual authentication
IDX783 authenticationmutual
IDX784 password
IDX785 tokensas proof of authentication
IDX786 authenticationdefined
IDX787 tokensuse in mutual authentication
IDX788 ACLdescribed
IDX789 UNIX, differences with AFSfile transfer
IDX790 UNIX, differences with AFSsharing files
IDX791 filessharing
IDX792 UNIX, differences with AFSlogin
IDX793 UNIX, differences with AFSpasswords
IDX794 local password file (/etc/passwd)
IDX795 passwdfile
IDX796 ACLcompared to UNIX mode bits
IDX797 UNIX, differences with AFSfile access/protection
IDX798 UNIX, differences with AFScommands
IDX799 remote commands
IDX800 commandsftp
IDX801 ftp command
IDX802 commandsrcp
IDX803 rcp command
IDX804 commandsrsh
IDX805 rsh command
IDX806 chmod command
IDX807 commandschmod
IDX808 chown command
IDX809 commandschown
IDX810 chgrp command
IDX811 commandschgrp
IDX812 groups command
IDX813 commandsgroups
IDX814 inetd command
IDX815 commandsinetd
IDX816 login utility
IDX817 ln command
IDX818 commandsln
IDX819 logging in
IDX820 login utility
IDX821 commandslogin
IDX822 authenticationtokens as proof
IDX823 tokensas proof of authentication
IDX824 Cache Managertokens, use of
IDX826 process authentication group (PAG)
IDX827 setpag argument to klog command
IDX828 authenticationin a foreign cell
IDX829 authenticationas another user
IDX830 tokenslifetime
IDX831 lifetime of tokens
IDX832 commandsdlog
IDX833 commandsdpass
IDX834 dlog command
IDX835 dpass command
IDX836 authenticationwith DCE for DFS access
IDX837 klog command
IDX838 commandsklog
IDX839 tokensgetting
IDX840 checkingtokens
IDX841 commandstokens
IDX842 tokenscommand
IDX843 tokensdisplaying
IDX844 displayingtokens
IDX845 examplesauthenticating
IDX846 examplesauthenticating as another user
IDX847 examplesauthenticating in a foreign cell
IDX848 authenticationlimits on consecutive failed attempts
IDX849 kas commandsexamine
IDX850 commandskas examine
IDX851 limits on authentication attempts
IDX852 usersaccount lockout time
IDX853 tokensdestroying
IDX854 unauthenticating
IDX855 exiting an AFS session
IDX856 logging out
IDX857 quitting an AFS session
IDX858 commandsunlog
IDX859 unlog command
IDX860 examplesunauthenticating from selected cells
IDX861 filesaccessing AFS
IDX862 directoriesaccessing AFS
IDX863 pathnames
IDX864 AFSaccessing filespace
IDX865 access to AFS filespaceformat of pathnames
IDX866 afs (/afs) directoryas root of AFS filespace
IDX867 format of AFS pathnames
IDX868 foreign cellsaccessing
IDX869 system:anyuser groupcontrolling access by foreign users
IDX870 kas commandsexamine
IDX871 commandskas examine
IDX872 passwordexpiration date, displaying
IDX873 passwordreuse policy, displaying
IDX874 displayingpassword expiration date
IDX875 displayingpassword reuse policy
IDX876 passwordchanging AFS
IDX877 changingAFS password
IDX878 commandskpasswd
IDX879 kpasswd command
IDX880 commandspasswd
IDX881 passwdcommand
IDX882 passwordchanging UNIX
IDX883 changingUNIX password
IDX884 volume quota
IDX885 disk partitionconsequences when full
IDX886 fs commandsquota
IDX887 volume quotadisplaying percentage used
IDX888 commandsfs quota
IDX889 displayingpercentage of volume quota used
IDX890 examplesdisplaying volume quota percentage used
IDX891 fs commandslistquota
IDX892 volume quotadisplaying with other information
IDX893 commandsfs listquota
IDX894 displayingvolume quota with other information
IDX895 displayingdisk partition percentage space used
IDX896 disk partitiondisplaying percentage of space used
IDX897 examplesdisplaying volume quota and other information
IDX898 fs commandsexamine
IDX899 commandsfs examine
IDX900 volume quotadisplaying with other information
IDX901 displayingvolume quota with other information
IDX902 displayingdisk partition space available and total size
IDX903 disk partitiondisplaying space available and total size
IDX904 examplesdisplaying volume information
IDX905 filesdisplaying location
IDX906 directoriesdisplaying location
IDX907 fs commandswhereis
IDX908 commandsfs whereis
IDX909 displayingdirectory/file location
IDX910 displayingfile or directory location
IDX911 exampleslocating multiple files
IDX912 file server machineschecking status
IDX913 status of file server machines
IDX914 saving fileson inaccessible file server machines
IDX915 fs commandscheckservers
IDX916 commandsfs checkservers
IDX917 exampleschecking status of file servers
IDX918 foreign cellsenabling access
IDX919 commandsfs listcells
IDX920 fs commandslistcells
IDX921 commandsfs getserverprefs
IDX922 fs commandsgetserverprefs
IDX923 Cache Managerdisplaying file server preferences
IDX924 protectionfor files and directories
IDX925 access to AFS filespacegranting and denying to users
IDX926 directoriessetting access control list
IDX927 ACLdescribed
IDX928 access control listACL
IDX929 subdirectories, accessing
IDX930 access to AFS filespacecontrolling at directory level
IDX931 access permissions on ACLpermissions on ACLACL
IDX932 permissions on ACLdefined
IDX933 ACLpermissions defined
IDX934 lookup ACL permission
IDX935 l ACL permission
IDX936 insert ACL permission
IDX937 i ACL permission
IDX938 delete ACL permission
IDX939 d ACL permission
IDX940 administer ACL permission
IDX941 a ACL permission
IDX942 read ACL permission
IDX943 r ACL permission
IDX944 write ACL permission
IDX945 w ACL permission
IDX946 k ACL permission
IDX947 lock ACL permission
IDX948 auxiliary ACL permissions
IDX949 ACLauxiliary permissions
IDX950 ACLshorthand notation for grouping sets of permissions
IDX951 shorthand notation for ACL permissions
IDX952 permissions on ACLshorthand for
IDX953 all shorthand for ACL permissions
IDX954 none shorthand for ACL permissions
IDX955 read shorthand for ACL permissions
IDX956 write shorthand for ACL permissions
IDX957 ACLnormal vs. negative permissions
IDX958 ACLnormal permissions
IDX959 ACLnegative permissions
IDX960 permissions on ACLnormal vs. negative
IDX961 normal ACL permissionsdefined
IDX962 normal ACL permissionssetting
IDX963 negative ACL permissionsdefined
IDX964 negative ACL permissionssetting
IDX965 system groupsusing on ACLs
IDX966 system:anyuser groupusing on ACLs
IDX967 system:authuser group
IDX968 system:administrators group
IDX969 ACLforeign users on
IDX970 subdirectories, accessing
IDX971 access to AFS filespacecontrolling for subdirectories
IDX972 access to AFS filespaceenabling for service processes
IDX973 access to AFS filespaceenabling for users from foreign cells
IDX974 ACLdisplaying
IDX975 displayingACL entries
IDX976 permissions on ACLdisplaying
IDX977 fs commandslistacl
IDX978 commandsfs listacl
IDX979 examplesdisplaying ACL for single directory
IDX980 examplesdisplaying ACLs for multiple directories
IDX981 changingACLs
IDX982 setting permissions on ACL
IDX983 ACLsetting
IDX984 permissions on ACLsetting
IDX985 creatingACL entry in normal permissions section
IDX986 ACLcreating normal entry
IDX987 addingACL entry to normal permissions section
IDX988 granting access to AFS filespace
IDX989 access to AFS filespaceACL entries control
IDX990 directoriesgranting access
IDX991 filesgranting access
IDX992 commandsfs setacl
IDX993 fs commandssetacl
IDX994 examplesadding a user to an ACL
IDX995 creatingACL entry in negative permissions section
IDX996 ACLcreating negative entry
IDX997 addingACL entry to negative permissions section
IDX998 denying access with negative ACL entry
IDX999 directoriesdenying access