/* * Copyright 2000, International Business Machines Corporation and others. * All Rights Reserved. * * This software has been released under the terms of the IBM Public * License. For details, see the LICENSE file in the top-level source * directory or online at http://www.openafs.org/dl/license10.html */ /* * INCLUDES _________________________________________________________________ * */ extern "C" { #include #include } #include "afscfg.h" #include "resource.h" #include "graphics.h" #include #include "get_cur_config.h" #include "partition_utils.h" extern "C" { #include #include } #include /* * DEFINITIONS _________________________________________________________________ * */ /* * PROTOTYPES _________________________________________________________________ * */ static void SetConfigDefaults(); static void RunCfgTool(); static void RunWizard(); static void CloseLibHandles(BOOL bExiting = FALSE); void RegisterWizardHelp(); void RegisterConfigToolHelp(); // These are the prototypes for the dialog procs of each wizard page. BOOL CALLBACK IntroPageDlgProc(HWND hRHS, UINT msg, WPARAM wp, LPARAM lp); BOOL CALLBACK InfoPageDlgProc(HWND hwndDlg, UINT msg, WPARAM wp, LPARAM lp); BOOL CALLBACK InfoPage2DlgProc(HWND hRHS, UINT msg, WPARAM wp, LPARAM lp); BOOL CALLBACK FileServerPageDlgProc(HWND hwndDlg, UINT msg, WPARAM wp, LPARAM lp); BOOL CALLBACK DBServerPageDlgProc(HWND hwndDlg, UINT msg, WPARAM wp, LPARAM lp); BOOL CALLBACK BackupPageDlgProc(HWND hwndDlg, UINT msg, WPARAM wp, LPARAM lp); BOOL CALLBACK PartitionPageDlgProc(HWND hwndDlg, UINT msg, WPARAM wp, LPARAM lp); BOOL CALLBACK RootAfsPageDlgProc(HWND hwndDlg, UINT msg, WPARAM wp, LPARAM lp); BOOL CALLBACK ReplicationPageDlgProc(HWND hwndDlg, UINT msg, WPARAM wp, LPARAM lp); BOOL CALLBACK SysControlPageDlgProc(HWND hwndDlg, UINT msg, WPARAM wp, LPARAM lp); BOOL CALLBACK ConfigServerPageDlgProc(HWND hwndDlg, UINT msg, WPARAM wp, LPARAM lp); static WIZARD_STATE g_aStates[] = { { sidSTEP_ONE, IDD_INTRO_PAGE, (DLGPROC)IntroPageDlgProc, 0 }, { sidSTEP_TWO, IDD_INFO_PAGE, (DLGPROC)InfoPageDlgProc, 0 }, { sidSTEP_THREE, IDD_INFO_PAGE2_FIRST_SERVER, (DLGPROC)InfoPage2DlgProc, 0 }, { sidSTEP_FOUR, IDD_INFO_PAGE2_NOT_FIRST_SERVER,(DLGPROC)InfoPage2DlgProc, 0 }, { sidSTEP_FIVE, IDD_FILE_SERVER_PAGE, (DLGPROC)FileServerPageDlgProc, 0 }, { sidSTEP_SIX, IDD_DB_SERVER_PAGE, (DLGPROC)DBServerPageDlgProc, 0 }, { sidSTEP_SEVEN, IDD_BACKUP_SERVER_PAGE, (DLGPROC)BackupPageDlgProc, 0 }, { sidSTEP_EIGHT, IDD_PARTITION_PAGE, (DLGPROC)PartitionPageDlgProc, 0 }, { sidSTEP_NINE, IDD_ROOT_VOLUMES_PAGE, (DLGPROC)RootAfsPageDlgProc, 0 }, { sidSTEP_TEN, IDD_REPLICATION_PAGE, (DLGPROC)ReplicationPageDlgProc, 0 }, { sidSTEP_ELEVEN, IDD_SYS_CONTROL_PAGE, (DLGPROC)SysControlPageDlgProc, 0 }, { sidSTEP_TWELVE, IDD_CONFIG_SERVER_PAGE, (DLGPROC)ConfigServerPageDlgProc, 0 } }; size_t g_nNumStates = sizeof(g_aStates) / sizeof(g_aStates[0]); // Res ID's of text descriptions of each state UINT g_StateDesc[] = { IDS_INTRO_PAGE, IDS_INFO_PAGE, IDS_INFO_PAGE2, IDS_INFO_PAGE2, IDS_FS_PAGE, IDS_DB_PAGE, IDS_BK_PAGE, IDS_PARTITION_PAGE, IDS_ROOT_AFS_PAGE, IDS_REP_PAGE, IDS_SC_PAGE, IDS_CONFIG_PAGE }; /* * EXPORTED VARIABLES _________________________________________________________________ * */ LPWIZARD g_pWiz = NULL; LPPROPSHEET g_pSheet = NULL; CFG_DATA g_CfgData; void *g_hToken = 0; void *g_hCell = 0; void *g_hClient = 0; void *g_hServer = 0; static void *hClientCell = 0; LOGFILE g_LogFile; /* * EXPORTED FUNCTIONS _________________________________________________________________ * */ extern "C" int WINAPI WinMain (HINSTANCE hInst, HINSTANCE hPrev, LPSTR pszCmdLineA, int nCmdShow) { afs_status_t nStatus; TaLocale_LoadCorrespondingModule (hInst); // Tell the applib our application's name TCHAR szAppName[cchRESOURCE]; AfsAppLib_SetAppName(GetResString(GetAppTitleID(), szAppName)); // Open the admin libraries int nResult = afsclient_Init(&nStatus); if (!nResult) { ShowError(0, nStatus, IDS_CANT_INIT_ADMIN_LIBS); return 0; } // Open the log file char szLogPath[MAX_PATH]; sprintf(szLogPath, "%s\\%s", AFSDIR_SERVER_LOGS_DIRPATH, LOG_FILE_NAME); if (!g_LogFile.Open(szLogPath)) ShowError(0, 0, IDS_CANT_OPEN_LOG_FILE); // Register the help file with the applib's help system AfsAppLib_RegisterHelpFile(TEXT("TaAfsCfg.hlp")); /* Start up sockets */ WSADATA WSAjunk; WSAStartup(0x0101, &WSAjunk); memset(&g_CfgData, 0, sizeof(CFG_DATA)); // Get this machine's local name char szLocalName[sizeof(g_CfgData.szLocalName) / sizeof(TCHAR)]; if (gethostname(szLocalName, sizeof(szLocalName)) != 0) { ShowError(GetFocus(), WSAGetLastError(), IDS_ERROR_LOCAL_HOST_NAME); return 0; } CopyAnsiToString(g_CfgData.szLocalName, szLocalName); // Turn the local name into a host name struct hostent *pHostEnt = gethostbyname(szLocalName); if (!pHostEnt) { ShowError(GetFocus(), WSAGetLastError(), IDS_ERROR_HOST_NAME); return 0; } CopyAnsiToString(g_CfgData.szHostname, pHostEnt->h_name, sizeof(g_CfgData.szHostname)); RegisterFastListClass(); // Get current config status BOOL bCanceled = FALSE; DWORD dwStatus = GetCurrentConfig(NULL, bCanceled); if (dwStatus || bCanceled) { if (!bCanceled) ShowError(GetFocus(), dwStatus, IDS_CONFIG_CHECK_FAILED); return 0; } // Run the appropriate interface if ((strstr(_strlwr(pszCmdLineA), "wizard") != 0)) RunWizard(); else RunCfgTool(); FreePartitionTable(); // Disconnect from the config and admin libraries CloseLibHandles(TRUE); return 0; } /* * This is a dialog proc that is shared by all of the wizard pages. It * handles things that are common to all of them. Each page also has its * own dialog proc. */ BOOL CALLBACK WizStep_Common_DlgProc(HWND hRHS, UINT msg, WPARAM wp, LPARAM lp) { // Get the dialog's resource ID int nIDD = GetWindowLong(hRHS, GWL_ID); if (AfsAppLib_HandleHelp(nIDD, hRHS, msg, wp, lp)) return TRUE; switch (msg) { case WM_INITDIALOG: MakeBold(hRHS, IDC_TITLE); RedrawGraphic(); break; case WM_COMMAND: switch (LOWORD(wp)) { case IDCANCEL: QueryCancelWiz(); return TRUE; } break; } return FALSE; } BOOL QueryCancelWiz() { int nChoice = Message(MB_YESNO, IDS_WIZARD_APP_TITLE, IDS_CANCEL_DESC); if (nChoice == IDYES) { g_LogFile.Write("User has chosen to cancel the program.\r\n"); if (g_pWiz) g_pWiz->Show(FALSE); return TRUE; } return FALSE; } /* * Accessor functions for the g_CfgData variable. There are versions * for both TCHARs and char *'s. */ TCHAR GetDeviceName() { return g_CfgData.chDeviceName; } LPTSTR GetPartitionName() { return g_CfgData.szPartitionName; } LPTSTR GetHostName() { return g_CfgData.szHostname; } LPTSTR GetSysControlMachine() { return g_CfgData.szSysControlMachine; } LPTSTR GetCellName() { return g_CfgData.szCellName; } LPTSTR GetServerPW() { return g_CfgData.szServerPW; } LPTSTR GetAdminName() { return g_CfgData.szAdminName; } LPTSTR GetAdminPW() { return g_CfgData.szAdminPW; } LPTSTR GetAdminUID() { return g_CfgData.szAdminUID; } LPTSTR GetLocalName() { return g_CfgData.szLocalName; } LPTSTR GetHostname() { return g_CfgData.szHostname; } LPTSTR GetCellServDbHostname() { return g_CfgData.szCellServDbHostname; } LPTSTR GetClientCellName() { return g_CfgData.szClientCellName; } LPTSTR GetSalvageLogFileName() { return g_CfgData.szSalvageLogFileName; } LPTSTR GetClientNetbiosName() { static TCHAR szValue[MAX_MACHINE_NAME_LEN + 1] = ""; if ( szValue[0] == 0 ) CopyAnsiToString(GetClientNetbiosNameA(), szValue); return szValue; } char GetDeviceNameA() { static char szValueA[2]; TCHAR devName[2] = TEXT("X"); devName[0] = g_CfgData.chDeviceName; CopyStringToAnsi(szValueA, devName); return szValueA[0]; } char *GetPartitionNameA() { static char szValueA[MAX_PARTITION_NAME_LEN + 1]; CopyStringToAnsi(szValueA, g_CfgData.szPartitionName); return szValueA; } char *GetSysControlMachineA() { static char szValueA[MAX_MACHINE_NAME_LEN + 1]; CopyStringToAnsi(szValueA, g_CfgData.szSysControlMachine); return szValueA; } char *GetCellNameA() { static char szValueA[MAX_CELL_NAME_LEN + 1]; CopyStringToAnsi(szValueA, g_CfgData.szCellName); return szValueA; } char *GetServerPWA() { static char szValueA[MAX_SERVER_PW_LEN + 1]; CopyStringToAnsi(szValueA, g_CfgData.szServerPW); return szValueA; } char *GetAdminNameA() { static char szValueA[MAX_ADMIN_NAME_LEN + 1]; CopyStringToAnsi(szValueA, g_CfgData.szAdminName); return szValueA; } char *GetAdminPWA() { static char szValueA[MAX_ADMIN_PW_LEN + 1]; CopyStringToAnsi(szValueA, g_CfgData.szAdminPW); return szValueA; } char *GetAdminUIDA() { static char szValueA[MAX_UID_LEN + 1]; CopyStringToAnsi(szValueA, g_CfgData.szAdminUID); return szValueA; } char *GetLocalNameA() { static char szValueA[MAX_MACHINE_NAME_LEN + 1]; CopyStringToAnsi(szValueA, g_CfgData.szLocalName); return szValueA; } char *GetHostnameA() { static char szValueA[MAX_MACHINE_NAME_LEN + 1]; CopyStringToAnsi(szValueA, g_CfgData.szHostname); return szValueA; } char *GetCellServDbHostnameA() { static char szValueA[MAX_MACHINE_NAME_LEN + 1]; CopyStringToAnsi(szValueA, g_CfgData.szCellServDbHostname); return szValueA; } char *GetClientCellNameA() { static char szValueA[MAX_CELL_NAME_LEN + 1]; CopyStringToAnsi(szValueA, g_CfgData.szClientCellName); return szValueA; } char *GetClientNetbiosNameA() { static char szValueA[MAX_MACHINE_NAME_LEN + 1]=""; if ( szValueA[0] == 0 ) lana_GetNetbiosName(szValueA, LANA_NETBIOS_NAME_FULL); return szValueA; } char *GetSalvageLogFileNameA() { static char szValueA[_MAX_PATH]; CopyStringToAnsi(szValueA, g_CfgData.szSalvageLogFileName); return szValueA; } BOOL GetLibHandles(afs_status_t *pStatus) { ASSERT(g_CfgData.szHostname[0]); int nResult; // ************************* NOTE ******************************** // * You MUST have already determined whether or not the host // * and client config info is valid before calling this function. // *************************************************************** // This function can be called at any time to get handles to the cell and // the config library. It will try to get the most powerful handle to the // cell that it can, and then use that to open the config library. If the // libraries are already open, it will close them first. Two handles to // the config library will be opened, one to the server to be configured, // and one to the client machine we are configuring from. // There are two types of cell handles, NULL and Standard. A null handle // can make calls to any server except DB servers. We need this primarily // to talk to the bos server to determine the machine's current configuration, // and to configure the client information if it is not already. A standard // handle can talk to any server. Standard handles can be either authenticated // or unauthenticated. // Close all current handles CloseLibHandles(); g_LogFile.Write("Getting handles to the cell and the config library.\r\n"); if (!hClientCell) { // Start by getting a null cell handle and using it to open the client // connection to the config library. g_LogFile.Write("Opening a NULL cell handle to use with the client config library handle.\r\n"); nResult = afsclient_NullCellOpen(&hClientCell, pStatus); if (!nResult) { g_LogFile.Write("Failed to open a NULL cell handle: %lx.\r\n", (unsigned long)*pStatus); return FALSE; } // Get the client handle. We never need a better handle than this // for the client, and so this handle will never be upgraded. g_LogFile.Write("Getting config handle for the client.\r\n"); if (!cfg_HostOpen(hClientCell, GetHostnameA(), &g_hClient, pStatus)) { g_LogFile.Write("Failed to get config handle: %lx.\r\n", (unsigned long)*pStatus); return FALSE; } } // Now we need to get the most powerful cell handle that we can and use it // to open the config library for the server. // If the client info is valid and we know what cell the server should be in, // and the client has that cell in its CellServDB, then we can get a Standard cell // handle. However there is an exception: if this is the first server in the // cell then there may not yet be an authentication server to talk to. In that // case we use a null cell handle. if (g_CfgData.bValidClientInfo && // Client config is valid g_CfgData.szCellName[0] && // We have a cell name (!g_CfgData.bFirstServer || g_CfgData.bAuthServerRunning)) // Auth server is running { g_LogFile.Write("Opening a non-NULL cell handle to use with the server config library handle.\r\n"); // Do we have the user info necessary to authenticate? BOOL bHaveUserInfo = g_CfgData.szAdminName[0] && g_CfgData.szAdminPW[0]; // Open a standard cell handle. szAdminName and szAdminPW will either be NULL, or // if they have been entered by the user, will be the admin name and password strings. if ((!g_CfgData.bFirstServer || g_CfgData.bAdminPrincipalCreated) && bHaveUserInfo) { g_LogFile.Write("Getting tokens in cell %s for user '%s'.\r\n", GetCellNameA(), GetAdminNameA()); nResult = afsclient_TokenGetNew(GetCellNameA(), GetAdminNameA(), GetAdminPWA(), &g_hToken, pStatus); } else { g_LogFile.Write("Getting unauthenticated tokens for cell '%s'.\r\n", GetCellNameA()); nResult = afsclient_TokenGetNew(GetCellNameA(), "", "", &g_hToken, pStatus); } if (!nResult) { g_LogFile.Write("Failed to get tokens for the specified cell: %lx.\r\n", (unsigned long)*pStatus); return FALSE; } // If the admin name and password are NULL, then this will be an unauthenticated // connection to the cell. g_LogFile.Write("Getting cell handle for cell %s.\r\n", GetCellNameA()); nResult = afsclient_CellOpen(GetCellNameA(), g_hToken, &g_hCell, pStatus); if (!nResult) { g_LogFile.Write("Failed to open the cell: %lx.\r\n", (unsigned long)*pStatus); return FALSE; } } else { g_LogFile.Write("Opening a NULL cell handle to use with the server config library handle.\r\n"); nResult = afsclient_NullCellOpen(&g_hCell, pStatus); if (!nResult) { g_LogFile.Write("Failed to open a NULL cell handle: %lx.\r\n", (unsigned long)*pStatus); return FALSE; } } // Get the server handle g_LogFile.Write("Getting config library handle for the server.\r\n"); if (!cfg_HostOpen(g_hCell, GetHostnameA(), &g_hServer, pStatus)) { g_LogFile.Write("Failed to get config library handle for the server: %lx.\r\n", (unsigned long)*pStatus); return FALSE; } return TRUE; } BOOL GetHandles(HWND hParentDlg) { afs_status_t nStatus; if (!GetLibHandles(&nStatus)) { ShowError(hParentDlg, nStatus, IDS_GET_TOKENS_ERROR); g_CfgData.szAdminPW[0] = 0; return FALSE; } return TRUE; } /* * Static FUNCTIONS _________________________________________________________________ * */ static void CloseLibHandles(BOOL bExiting) { afs_status_t nStatus; // We will close them in the reverse order of their creation. if (g_hServer) { cfg_HostClose(g_hServer, &nStatus); g_hServer = 0; } if (g_hCell) { afsclient_CellClose(g_hCell, &nStatus); g_hCell = 0; } if (g_hToken) { afsclient_TokenClose(g_hToken, &nStatus); g_hToken = 0; } // Only close the client cfg and cell handles if we are exiting. if (bExiting) { if (g_hClient) { cfg_HostClose(g_hClient, &nStatus); g_hClient = 0; } if (hClientCell) { afsclient_CellClose(hClientCell, &nStatus); hClientCell = 0; } } } static void SetConfigDefaults() { if (g_CfgData.bWizard) { if (g_CfgData.configFS == CS_NULL) g_CfgData.configFS = CS_CONFIGURE; if (g_CfgData.configDB == CS_NULL) g_CfgData.configDB = CS_CONFIGURE; if (g_CfgData.configBak == CS_NULL) g_CfgData.configBak = CS_CONFIGURE; if (g_CfgData.configPartition == CS_NULL) g_CfgData.configPartition = CS_CONFIGURE; if (g_CfgData.configRootVolumes == CS_NULL) g_CfgData.configRootVolumes = CS_CONFIGURE; if (g_CfgData.configRep == CS_NULL) g_CfgData.configRep = CS_CONFIGURE; if (g_CfgData.configSCS == CS_NULL) g_CfgData.configSCS = CS_DONT_CONFIGURE; if (g_CfgData.configSCC == CS_NULL) g_CfgData.configSCC = CS_DONT_CONFIGURE; } lstrcpy(g_CfgData.szAdminName, TEXT("admin")); lstrcpy(g_CfgData.szAdminUID, TEXT("0")); g_CfgData.bUseNextUid = TRUE; } // Prototypes for each property page's dialog proc BOOL CALLBACK PartitionsPageDlgProc(HWND hwndDlg, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); BOOL CALLBACK ServicesPageDlgProc(HWND hwndDlg, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); static void RunCfgTool() { // If the client info is invalid, then the config tool cannot run. Inform the user and // ask if they want to run the wizard instead. if (!g_CfgData.bValidClientInfo) { int nChoice = MsgBox(0, IDS_NEED_CLIENT_INFO, GetAppTitleID(), MB_YESNO | MB_ICONSTOP); if (nChoice == IDYES) RunWizard(); return; } // If the server info is invalid, then the config tool cannot run. The Wizard must be run // to initially configure the server. Inform the user and ask if they want to run the wizard instead. if (!g_CfgData.bValidServerInfo) { int nChoice = MsgBox(0, IDS_NEED_SERVER_INFO, GetAppTitleID(), MB_OKCANCEL | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION); if (nChoice == IDOK) RunWizard(); return; } g_CfgData.bWizard = FALSE; SetConfigDefaults(); RegisterConfigToolHelp(); // Create the prop sheet g_pSheet = PropSheet_Create(IDS_CFG_TOOL_APP_TITLE, TRUE); // Add the pages PropSheet_AddTab(g_pSheet, IDS_PARTITIONS_PAGE_TITLE, IDD_PARTITIONS_PAGE, (DLGPROC)PartitionsPageDlgProc, 0, TRUE, TRUE); PropSheet_AddTab(g_pSheet, IDS_SERVICES_PAGE_TITLE, IDD_SERVICES_PAGE, (DLGPROC)ServicesPageDlgProc, 0, TRUE); // Let the user see it PropSheet_ShowModal(g_pSheet); } static void RunWizard() { g_CfgData.bWizard = TRUE; SetConfigDefaults(); RegisterWizardHelp(); g_pWiz = new WIZARD; g_pWiz->SetDialogTemplate(IDD_WIZARD, IDC_WIZARD_LEFTPANE, IDC_WIZARD_RIGHTPANE, IDBACK, IDNEXT); g_pWiz->SetGraphic(IDB_GRAPHIC_16, IDB_GRAPHIC_256); g_pWiz->SetStates(g_aStates, g_nNumStates); g_pWiz->SetGraphicCallback(PaintPageGraphic); g_pWiz->SetState(sidSTEP_ONE); g_pWiz->Show(); delete g_pWiz; g_pWiz = 0; }