/* * Copyright 2000, International Business Machines Corporation and others. * All Rights Reserved. * * This software has been released under the terms of the IBM Public * License. For details, see the LICENSE file in the top-level source * directory or online at http://www.openafs.org/dl/license10.html */ #define IDS_NEXT 0 #define IDS_FINISH 1 #define IDS_HELP_TITLE 2 #define IDS_HELP_DESC 3 #define IDS_CANCEL_DESC 4 #define IDS_PARTITION_ALREADY_CREATED 5 #define IDS_NOT_A_FS_SERVER 6 #define IDS_ROOT_AFS_ALREADY_EXISTS 7 #define IDS_NO_PARTITION_EXISTS 8 #define IDS_ALREADY_REPLICATED 9 #define IDS_ROOT_AFS_DOESNT_EXIST 10 #define IDS_ALREADY_CONFIGURED 11 #define IDS_NOTHING_TO_CONFIGURE 12 #define IDS_EXIT 13 #define IDS_START_FS_STEP 16 #define IDS_CANCEL_CONFIG_MSG 17 #define IDS_WIZARD_APP_TITLE 18 #define IDS_CANCEL_PENDING 19 #define IDS_CHECK_FS_CONFIG 20 #define IDS_CHECK_DB_CONFIG 21 #define IDS_CHECK_BAK_CONFIG 22 #define IDS_CHECK_PARTITION 23 #define IDS_CHECK_ROOT_AFS 24 #define IDS_CHECK_REP 25 #define IDS_CANCEL_GET_CONFIG 26 #define IDS_ALREADY_A_BACKUP_SERVER 27 #define IDS_NOT_A_DB_SERVER 28 #define IDS_ALREADY_A_SYS_CONTROL_SERVER 29 #define IDS_ALREADY_A_SYS_CONTROL_CLIENT 30 #define IDS_SC_NOT_A_DB_OR_FS_SERVER 31 #define IDS_DRIVE 32 #define IDS_NAME_OR_ERROR 33 #define IDS_BIN_NOT_A_DB_OR_FS_SERVER 34 #define IDS_CHECK_SCS 35 #define IDS_CHECK_SCC 36 #define IDS_SIZE 37 #define IDS_ERROR_SEP 38 #define IDS_MUST_CONFIG_FS 39 #define IDS_MUST_CONFIG_DB 40 #define IDS_MUST_MAKE_PARTITION 41 #define IDS_MUST_CREATE_ROOT_AFS 42 #define IDS_MUST_REPLICATE 43 #define IDS_CHECK_AFS_CLIENT 44 #define IDS_ERROR_HOST_NAME 45 #define IDS_ERROR_DRIVE_COMPRESSED 46 #define IDS_ERROR_CFG_HOST_OPEN 47 #define IDS_STOP_CLIENT_STEP 48 #define IDS_ERROR_LOCAL_HOST_NAME 49 #define IDS_GET_TOKENS_ERROR 50 #define IDS_CANT_SALVAGE_WHEN_FS_NOT_CONFIGURED 51 #define IDS_SALVAGING 52 #define IDS_CURRENT_SALVAGE_LOG 53 #define IDS_FINAL_SALVAGE_LOG 54 #define IDS_SALVAGE_COMPLETE 55 #define IDS_CANT_GET_SALVAGE_LOG 56 #define IDS_ERROR_SAVING_SALVAGE_LOG_TO_DISK 57 #define IDS_VALIDATION_ERROR_TEMPLATE 58 #define IDS_CELL_NAME_VALIDATION_TYPE 59 #define IDS_SERVER_NAME_VALIDATION_TYPE 60 #define IDS_PASSWORD_VALIDATION_TYPE 61 #define IDS_UID_VALIDATION_TYPE 62 #define IDS_USER_NAME_VALIDATION_TYPE 63 #define IDS_ERROR_AFS_CLIENT_NOT_INSTALLED 64 #define IDS_ERROR_AFS_CLIENT_CHECK 65 #define IDS_ERROR_FS_IS_NOT_NTFS 66 #define IDS_ERROR_DRIVE_HAS_DATA 67 #define IDS_PARTITION_STEP_DESC 68 #define IDS_ERROR_DRIVE_CONTAINS_NT 69 #define IDS_DB_STEP_DESC 70 #define IDS_FS_STEP_DESC 71 #define IDS_SCC_STEP_DESC 72 #define IDS_SCS_STEP_DESC 73 #define IDS_ROOT_AFS_STEP_DESC 74 #define IDS_REP_STEP_DESC 75 #define IDS_PARTITIONS_PAGE_TITLE 76 #define IDS_CONFIGURE 77 #define IDS_DB_AND_BK_STEP_DESC 78 #define IDS_PARTITION_STEP 80 #define IDS_CONFIG_COMMON_FUNCS 81 #define IDS_START_DB_STEP 82 #define IDS_START_SCC_STEP 83 #define IDS_START_SCS_STEP 84 #define IDS_CREATE_ROOT_AFS_STEP 85 #define IDS_REP_STEP 86 #define IDS_START_AUTH_STEP 87 #define IDS_SERVICES_PAGE_TITLE 88 #define IDS_CONFIG_SUCCEEDED 89 #define IDS_CONFIG_CANCELED 90 #define IDS_CONFIG_FAILED 91 #define IDS_ERROR_NO_LICENSE_NUM 92 #define IDS_VERIFY_CLIENT_INSTALL_STEP 93 #define IDS_SET_SERVER_LICENSE_STEP 94 #define IDS_DEFINE_CELL_NAME_STEP 95 #define IDS_DEFINE_CELL_MEMBERSHIP_STEP 96 #define IDS_START_BOS_SERVER_STEP 97 #define IDS_START_AUTH_SERVER_STEP 98 #define IDS_CREATE_PRINCIPAL_AND_KEY_STEP 99 #define IDS_START_DB_AND_BK_STEP 100 #define IDS_CREATE_ADMIN_PRINCIPAL_STEP 101 #define IDS_START_CLIENT_STEP 102 #define IDS_SET_ROOT_ACL_STEP 103 #define IDS_CREATE_ROOT_CELL_STEP 104 #define IDS_MOUNT_ROOT_CELL_STANDARD_STEP 105 #define IDS_SET_ROOT_CELL_ACL_STEP 106 #define IDS_MOUNT_ROOT_CELL_RW_STEP 107 #define IDS_ENABLE_AUTH_CHECKING_STEP 108 #define IDS_OBTAIN_ADMIN_CREDS_STEP 109 #define IDS_RESTART_SERVERS_STEP 110 #define IDS_ALREADY_A_FS_SERVER 111 #define IDS_ALREADY_A_DB_SERVER 112 #define IDS_INTRO_PAGE 113 #define IDS_INFO_PAGE 114 #define IDS_FS_PAGE 115 #define IDS_DB_PAGE 116 #define IDS_CFG_TOOL_APP_TITLE 117 #define IDS_BK_PAGE 118 #define IDS_ROOT_AFS_PAGE 119 #define IDS_NAME 120 #define IDS_REP_PAGE 121 #define IDS_SC_PAGE 122 #define IDS_CONFIG_PAGE 123 #define IDS_PARTITION_PAGE 128 #define IDS_GRAPHIC_FONT 129 #define IDS_CURRENT_STEP 130 #define IDS_ADD_TO_CELLSERVDB_STEP 131 #define IDS_RESTART_ALL_DB_SERVERS_STEP 132 #define IDS_CONFIG_SUCCEEDED_NEED_CELLSERVDB_UPDATE 133 #define IDS_SYS_CONTROL_SERVER_ONLY_MSG 134 #define IDS_DONT_CONFIG_SYS_CONTROL_SERVER_MSG 144 #define IDS_CLIENT_CELL_WILL_CHANGE 145 #define IDS_INFO_PAGE2 146 #define IDS_CONFIG_SUCCEEDED_FIRST_SERVER 147 #define IDS_CONFIG_SCS 148 #define IDS_CONFIG_INTO_CELL_MSG 149 #define IDS_VIEW_LOG 150 #define IDS_VIEW_LOG_ERROR 151 #define IDS_ERROR_NO_LOG_FILE 152 #define IDS_UPDATING_CELLSERVDB_HOST_SUCCEEDED 153 #define IDS_UPDATING_CELLSERVDB_HOST_FAILED 154 #define IDS_CELL_NAME_LEN_ERROR 155 #define IDS_CONFIG_CHECK_FAILED 156 #define IDS_YES 157 #define IDS_NO 160 #define IDS_FREE 161 #define IDS_TOTAL 162 #define IDS_DRIVE2 163 #define IDS_SERVICE_STATUS 164 #define IDS_SERVICE 165 #define IDS_FS_RUNNING 166 #define IDS_FS_STOPPED 167 #define IDS_DB_RUNNING 176 #define IDS_DB_STOPPED 177 #define IDS_BK_RUNNING 178 #define IDS_BK_STOPPED 179 #define IDS_SC_RUNNING 180 #define IDS_SCS_STOPPED 181 #define IDS_SC_STOPPED 182 #define IDS_SCC_STOPPED 183 #define IDS_FS_HOW_TO_RUN 184 #define IDS_FS_HOW_TO_STOP 185 #define IDS_DB_HOW_TO_RUN 186 #define IDS_DB_HOW_TO_STOP 187 #define IDS_BK_HOW_TO_RUN 188 #define IDS_BK_HOW_TO_STOP 192 #define IDS_SCS_HOW_TO_RUN 193 #define IDS_SCS_HOW_TO_STOP 194 #define IDS_DB_PARTIAL_CONFIG 195 #define IDS_DB_DETAILS 196 #define IDS_BK_DISABLED 197 #define IDS_BK_ENABLE 198 #define IDS_SC_DISABLED 199 #define IDS_SC_ENABLE 200 #define IDS_FS_WILL_RUN 201 #define IDS_FS_WILL_STOP 202 #define IDS_DB_WILL_RUN 203 #define IDS_DB_WILL_STOP 204 #define IDS_BK_WILL_RUN 205 #define IDS_BK_WILL_STOP 206 #define IDS_SCS_WILL_RUN 207 #define IDS_SCS_WILL_STOP 208 #define IDS_ERROR_DRIVE_ALREADY_HAS_AFS 209 #define IDS_VOLUME_HAS_NO_NAME 210 #define IDS_PARTITION_CREATED 211 #define IDS_PARTITION_EXISTS 212 #define IDS_SCS_RUNNING 213 #define IDS_WARNING_DRIVE_HAS_RECYCLE_BIN 214 #define IDS_SCC_WILL_RUN 215 #define IDS_SCC_WILL_STOP 216 #define IDS_SCC_RUNNING 217 #define IDS_SCC_HOW_TO_RUN 218 #define IDS_SCC_HOW_TO_STOP 219 #define IDS_SCS_ENABLE 220 #define IDS_SCC_ENABLE 221 #define IDS_UNCONFIG_DB_STEP 222 #define IDS_UNCONFIG_DB_STEP_DESC 223 #define IDS_UNCONFIG_DB_AND_BK_STEP 224 #define IDS_UNCONFIG_DB_AND_BK_STEP_DESC 225 #define IDS_UNCONFIG_BK_STEP 226 #define IDS_UNCONFIG_BK_STEP_DESC 227 #define IDS_UNCONFIG_FS_STEP 228 #define IDS_UNCONFIG_FS_STEP_DESC 229 #define IDS_UNCONFIG_SCS_STEP 230 #define IDS_UNCONFIG_SCS_STEP_DESC 231 #define IDS_UNCONFIG_SCC_STEP 232 #define IDS_UNCONFIG_SCC_STEP_DESC 233 #define IDS_INVALIDATE_CONFIG_INFO_STEP 234 #define IDS_GET_OTHER_HOSTNAME 235 #define IDS_CLOSE 236 #define IDS_CELLSERVDB_UPDATE_ERR_MSG 237 #define IDS_DELETE_PARTITION_PROMPT 238 #define IDS_INVALIDATE_CFG_INFO 239 #define IDS_CELL_IS_GONE_MUST_EXIT 240 #define IDS_CFG_MAN_CANT_CONTINUE 241 #define IDS_CONFIG_INFO_INVALIDATED 242 #define IDS_GET_TOKENS_FAILED 243 #define IDS_START_BK_STEP 256 #define IDS_BK_STEP_DESC 257 #define IDS_CONFIG_ERROR 258 #define IDS_CREATE_PARTITION_ERROR 259 #define IDS_REMOVE_PARTITION_ERROR 260 #define IDS_READ_PARTITIONS_ERROR 261 #define IDS_CELLSERVDB_UPDATE_PROBLEM 262 #define IDS_GET_PARTITION_LIST_ERROR 263 #define IDS_EXPORTED 264 #define IDS_CANT_DELETE_EXPORTED_PARTITION 265 #define IDS_CHECK_CONFIG_INFO 266 #define IDS_ERROR_CFG_HOST_CLOSE 267 #define IDS_FAILED_OPEN_CELL 268 #define IDS_FAILED_OPEN_NULL_CELL 269 #define IDS_CREATE_ROOT_VOLUMES_IF_NECESSARY_PROMPT 270 #define IDS_REP_ROOT_VOLUMES_IF_NECESSARY_PROMPT 271 #define IDS_TRANSARC_AFS_SERVER 272 #define IDS_CANT_INIT_ADMIN_LIBS 273 #define IDS_CANT_OPEN_LOG_FILE 274 #define IDS_NEED_CLIENT_INFO 275 #define IDS_NEED_SERVER_INFO 276 #define IDS_ADVANCED_OPEN 277 #define IDS_ADVANCED_CLOSED 278 #define IDS_BOS_OPEN_FAILED 279 #define IDS_SALVAGE_ERROR 280 #define IDS_INVALID_NUM_SALVAGE_PROCESSSES 281 #define IDS_WRONG_CELL 282 #define IDS_CELLSERVDB_UPDATE_ERRORS_ARE_IN_LOG_FILE 283 #define IDS_GET_CREDENTIALS_STEP 284 #define IDS_MUST_ENTER_SCS_NAME 285 #define IDS_NOT_SAME_CELL 286 #define IDS_LAST_DB_SERVER 287 #define IDS_BAD_PW 288 #define IDS_ERROR_CLIENT_VERSION 289 #define IDS_CANT_MAP_ROOT_AFS 290 #define IDS_NO_MSG_STEP 291 #define IDS_PARTITION_NAME_VALIDATION_TYPE 304 #define IDS_VOLUME_NAME_VALIDATION_TYPE 305 #define IDS_NUM_SALVAGE_PROCS_VALIDATION_TYPE 306 #define IDS_PATH_NAME_VALIDATION_TYPE 307 #define IDS_FILE_NAME_VALIDATION_TYPE 308 #define IDS_GENERIC_VALIDATION_TYPE 309 #define IDI_APP_ICON 100 #define IDD_WIZARD 101 #define IDB_GRAPHIC_256 102 #define IDI_FOLDER 103 #define IDB_GRAPHIC_16 104 #define IDI_FILE 105 #define IDD_INITIAL_CONFIG 106 #define IDD_PARTITION_PAGE 107 #define IDI_UPSERVER 108 #define IDD_DB_SERVER_PAGE 109 #define IDD_ROOT_VOLUMES_PAGE 110 #define IDD_GET_CURRENT_CONFIG 111 #define IDD_FILE_SERVER_PAGE 112 #define IDD_REPLICATION_PAGE 113 #define IDD_CONFIG_SERVER_PAGE 114 #define IDD_INFO_PAGE 115 #define IDD_CREATE_PARTITION 116 #define IDD_INTRO_PAGE 117 #define IDD_BACKUP_SERVER_PAGE 118 #define IDD_SYS_CONTROL_PAGE 119 #define IDD_INFO_PAGE2_FIRST_SERVER 120 #define IDD_INFO_PAGE2_NOT_FIRST_SERVER 121 #define IDI_DISABLED_DISK_DRIVE 122 #define IDD_SERVICES_PAGE 123 #define IDI_DISK_DRIVE 124 #define IDD_PARTITIONS_PAGE 125 #define IDD_SERVICES_PAGE1 126 #define IDI_DISK_DRIVE_WITH_WARNING 127 #define IDI_AFS_DISK_DRIVE 128 #define IDD_ADMIN_INFO 129 #define IDD_CONFIG_SERVER 130 #define IDD_CELLSERVDB_ERRORS 131 #define IDD_SALVAGE 132 #define IDD_SALVAGE1 133 #define IDD_GET_PW 134 #define IDD_SALVAGE_RESULTS 135 #define IDC_OPERATION 836 #define IDC_PROGRESS 837 #define IDC_OPERATION2 838 #define IDNEXT 1001 #define IDC_CREATE_PARTITIONS 1002 #define IDBACK 1003 #define IDC_PARTITION_LIST 1004 #define IDC_CREATE_ROOT_VOLUMES 1006 #define IDC_DONT_CONFIG_DB_SERVER 1009 #define IDC_WIZARD_LEFTPANE 1010 #define IDC_SALVAGE 1011 #define IDC_WIZARD_RIGHTPANE 1012 #define IDC_REFORMAT 1013 #define IDC_PARTITION_NAME 1016 #define IDC_DRIVE_LIST 1017 #define IDC_NAME_STATIC 1018 #define IDC_VICEP_STATIC 1019 #define IDC_MSG 1020 #define IDC_CONFIG_PROGRESS 1022 #define IDC_LOGO 1023 #define IDC_PARTITION_COVER 1024 #define IDC_SHOULD_CONFIG_FILE_SERVER 1025 #define IDC_PARTITION_MSG 1026 #define IDC_DB_DETAILS 1027 #define IDC_NO_DRIVES_NOTE 1028 #define IDC_ASK_CREATE_PARTITION 1029 #define IDC_DISK_ADMIN_NOTE 1030 #define IDC_SELECT_DRIVE 1031 #define IDC_CREATE_FS_QUESTION 1032 #define IDC_CONFIG_DB_SERVER 1033 #define IDC_DB_SERVER_QUESTION 1034 #define IDC_CREATE_PARTITION 1035 #define IDC_DONT_CREATE_PARTITION 1036 #define IDC_BK_SERVICE 1037 #define IDC_REPLICATE 1038 #define IDC_FILE_SERVER 1039 #define IDC_DB_SERVER 1040 #define IDC_PARTITION 1041 #define IDC_ROOT_AFS_VOLUME 1042 #define IDC_DONT_CONFIG_FILE_SERVER 1043 #define IDC_REPLICATION 1044 #define IDC_DONT_CREATE_ROOT_VOLUMES 1046 #define IDC_NAME_LABEL 1047 #define IDC_FS_SERVICE 1048 #define IDC_SC_SERVICE 1049 #define IDC_ROOT_AFS_MSG 1050 #define IDC_FS_ACTION_MSG 1051 #define IDC_DB_SERVICE 1052 #define IDC_DONT_REPLICATE 1053 #define IDC_SERVER_PW 1054 #define IDC_DB_ACTION_MSG 1055 #define IDC_CANT_REPLICATE_MSG 1056 #define IDC_ADMIN_NAME 1057 #define IDC_VERIFY_PW 1058 #define IDC_BK_ACTION_MSG 1059 #define IDC_ADMIN_PW 1060 #define IDC_SC_ACTION_MSG 1061 #define IDC_CELL_NAME 1062 #define IDC_VERIFY_ADMIN_PW 1063 #define IDC_AFS_UID 1065 #define IDC_HOSTNAME 1066 #define IDC_CANT_BACKUP_MSG 1067 #define IDC_CONFIG_BACKUP_SERVER 1068 #define IDC_DONT_CONFIG_BACKUP_SERVER 1069 #define IDC_BACKUP_SERVER_QUESTION 1071 #define IDC_SYS_CONTROL_MACHINE_QUESTION 1073 #define IDC_SYS_CONTROL_CLIENT 1074 #define IDC_SC_CLIENT 1075 #define IDC_SYS_CONTROL_SERVER 1076 #define IDC_SC_SERVER 1077 #define IDC_DONT_CONFIGURE 1078 #define IDC_AGGR_FRAME 1079 #define IDC_SYS_CONTROL_MACHINE 1080 #define IDC_SC_MACHINE 1081 #define IDC_SYS_CONTROL_MACHINE_LABEL 1082 #define IDC_SC_MACHINE_LABEL 1083 #define IDC_ARGS_FRAME 1085 #define IDC_CANT_CONFIG_MSG 1091 #define IDC_JOIN_EXISTING_CELL 1092 #define IDC_ROOT_AFS_QUESTION 1095 #define IDC_REPLICATE_QUESTION 1096 #define IDC_ALL_NEEDED_MSG 1097 #define IDC_FOLLOWING_STEPS_MSG 1098 #define IDC_STEP1 1099 #define IDC_STEP2 1100 #define IDC_STEP3 1101 #define IDC_STEP4 1102 #define IDC_STEP5 1103 #define IDC_STEP6 1104 #define IDC_STEP7 1105 #define IDC_STEP8 1106 #define IDC_CURRENT_STEP 1107 #define IDC_PERCENT_COMPLETE 1108 #define IDC_REMOVE 1109 #define IDC_PERCENT_COMPLETE_LABEL 1110 #define IDC_CURRENT_STEP_LABEL 1111 #define IDC_STATUS_MSG 1112 #define IDC_STEP1_GRAPHIC 1113 #define IDC_STEP2_GRAPHIC 1114 #define IDC_STEP3_GRAPHIC 1115 #define IDC_STEP4_GRAPHIC 1116 #define IDC_STEP5_GRAPHIC 1117 #define IDC_STEP6_GRAPHIC 1118 #define IDC_STEP7_GRAPHIC 1119 #define IDC_STEP8_GRAPHIC 1120 #define IDC_CELL_NAME_FRAME 1121 #define IDC_SERVER_PW_FRAME 1122 #define IDC_ADMIN_INFO_FRAME 1123 #define IDC_CELL_NAME_LABEL 1124 #define IDC_CELL_NAME_PROMPT 1125 #define IDC_SERVER_PW_PROMPT 1126 #define IDC_SERVER_PW_LABEL 1127 #define IDC_ADMIN_INFO_PROMPT 1128 #define IDC_VERIFY_PW_LABEL 1129 #define IDC_ADMIN_NAME_LABEL 1130 #define IDC_CELL_NAME_PROMPT2 1131 #define IDC_ADMIN_PW_LABEL 1132 #define IDC_PRINCIPAL_LABEL 1133 #define IDC_DB_STATUS_MSG 1134 #define IDC_BK_STATUS_MSG 1136 #define IDC_SYS_CONTROL_CLIENT_DESC 1137 #define IDC_VERIFY_ADMIN_PW_LABEL 1138 #define IDC_SC_STATUS_MSG 1139 #define IDC_HOSTNAME_PROMPT 1140 #define IDC_FS_STATUS_MSG 1141 #define IDC_SCS_PROMPT 1141 #define IDC_HOSTNAME_FRAME 1142 #define IDC_HOSTNAME_LABEL 1143 #define IDC_SCM_PROMPT 1144 #define IDC_SCS_FRAME 1144 #define IDC_FIRST_SERVER 1145 #define IDC_SCS_LABEL 1145 #define IDC_AFS_UID_SPINNER 1146 #define IDC_PRINCIPAL 1147 #define IDC_USE_THIS_UID 1148 #define IDC_USE_NEXT_UID 1149 #define IDC_TITLE 1150 #define IDC_VALID_CONFIG_INFO 1151 #define IDC_SCS 1152 #define IDC_SCC 1153 #define IDC_SCM 1154 #define IDC_BAK 1155 #define IDC_CLIENT_INSTALLED 1156 #define IDC_FORCE_ERROR 1157 #define IDC_ADMIN_UID 1158 #define IDC_SALVAGE_MSG 1159 #define IDC_REFORMAT_MSG 1160 #define IDC_REMOVE_MSG 1161 #define IDC_CREATE 1162 #define IDC_CLOSE 1163 #define IDC_SC_ACTION_MSG2 1164 #define IDC_SCS_ACTION_MSG 1165 #define IDC_SCS_STATUS_MSG 1166 #define IDC_SCC_ACTION_MSG 1167 #define IDC_SCC_STATUS_MSG 1168 #define IDC_BUTTON2 1169 #define IDC_LIST 1171 #define IDC_CREATE_MSG 1172 #define IDC_SERVER 1173 #define IDC_VOLUME 1175 #define IDC_VOLUME_NAME 1176 #define IDC_ADVANCED 1177 #define IDC_LOG_FILE 1178 #define IDC_NUM_PROCESSES 1179 #define IDC_TEMP_DIR 1180 #define IDC_TEMP_DIR_LABEL 1182 #define IDC_LOG_FILE_LABEL 1184 #define IDC_NUM_PROCESSES_CHECKBOX 1186 #define IDC_DAMAGED_VOLUMES 1187 #define IDC_SMALL_BLOCK_READS 1188 #define IDC_FORCE_SALVAGE 1189 #define IDC_FORCE_REBUILD 1190 #define IDC_LIST_DAMAGED_INODES 1191 #define IDC_LIST_OWNED_INDOES 1192 #define IDC_VOLUME_NAME_LABEL 1194 #define IDC_ADVANCED_FRAME 1195 #define IDC_PW 1197 #define IDC_LOG 1198 #define IDC_LOG_TITLE 1199 #define IDC_SALVAGE_STATUS 1200 // Next default values for new objects // #ifdef APSTUDIO_INVOKED #ifndef APSTUDIO_READONLY_SYMBOLS #define _APS_NO_MFC 1 #define _APS_3D_CONTROLS 1 #define _APS_NEXT_RESOURCE_VALUE 326 #define _APS_NEXT_COMMAND_VALUE 40001 #define _APS_NEXT_CONTROL_VALUE 1201 #define _APS_NEXT_SYMED_VALUE 102 #endif #endif