Administering the Protection DatabaseThis chapter explains how to create and maintain user, machine, and group entries in the Protection Database.Summary of InstructionsThis chapter explains how to perform the following tasks by using the indicated commands:Display Protection Database entrypts examineMap user, machine or group name to AFS IDpts examineDisplay entry's owner or creatorpts examineDisplay number of users or machines belonging to grouppts examineDisplay number of groups user or machine belongs topts examineDisplay group-creation quotapts examineDisplay entry's privacy flagspts examineDisplay members of group, or groups that user or machine belongs topts membershipDisplay groups that user or group ownspts listownedDisplay all entries in Protection Databasepts listentriesCreate machine entrypts createuserCreate group entrypts creategroupAdd users and machines to groupspts adduserRemove users and machines from groupspts removeuserDelete machine or group entrypts deleteChange a group's ownerpts chownChange an entry's namepts renameSet group creation quotapts setfieldsSet entry's privacy flagspts setfieldsDisplay AFS ID counterspts listmaxSet AFS ID counterspts setmaxcurrent protection subgroupCPSProtection Serverbuilding CPSFile ServerCPS requested from Protection ServerProtection Databaseuser entry, describeduserProtection Database entry, describedmachineProtection Database entry, describedProtection Databasemachine entry, describedgroupProtection Database entry, describedProtection Databasegroup entryAbout the Protection DatabaseThe Protection Database stores information about AFS users, client machines, and groups which the File Server process uses
to determine whether clients are authorized to access AFS data.To obtain authenticated access to an AFS cell, a user must have an entry in the cell's Protection Database. The first time
that a user requests access to the data stored on a file server machine, the File Server on that machine contacts the Protection
Server to request the user's current protection subgroup (CPS), which lists all the
groups to which the user belongs. The File Server scans the access control list (ACL) of the directory that houses the data,
looking for groups on the CPS. It grants access in accordance with the permissions that the ACL extends to those groups or to
the user individually. (The File Server stores the CPS and uses it as long as the user has the same tokens. When a user's group
membership changes, he or she must reauthenticate for the File Server to recognize the change.)Only administrators who belong to the cell's system:administrators group can create user
entries (the group is itself defined in the Protection Database, as discussed in The System
Groups). Members of the system:administrators group can also create machine entries,
which can then be used to control access based on the machine from which the access request originates. After creating a machine
entry, add it to a Protection Database group and place the group on ACLs (a machine cannot appear on ACLs directly). A machine
entry can represent a single machine or multiple machines with consecutive IP addresses as specified by a wildcard notation. For
instructions, see Creating User and Machine Entries. Because all replicas of a volume share the
same ACL (the one on the volume's root directory mount point), machine entries enable you to replicate the volume that houses a
program's binary file while still complying with a machine-based license agreement as required by the program's manufacturer.
See Creating User and Machine Entries.A group entry is a list of user entries, machine entries, or both (groups cannot belong to other groups). Putting a group
on an ACL is a convenient way to extend or deny access to a set of users without listing them on the ACL individually.
Similarly, adding users to a group automatically grants them access to all files and directories for which the associated ACL
lists that group. Both administrators and regular users can create groups. system groupsdefinedgroupsystemmembershipsystem groupssystem:anyuser groupsystem:authuser groupsystem:administrators groupThe System GroupsIn addition to the groups that users and administrators can create, AFS defines the following three system groups. The
Protection Server creates them automatically when it builds the first version of a cell's Protection Database, and always
assigns them the same AFS GIDs. system:anyuserRepresents all users able to access the cell's filespace from the local and foreign cells, authenticated or not.
Its AFS GID is -101. The group has no stable membership listed in the Protection
Database. Accordingly, the pts examine command displays 0 in its membership field, and the pts
membership command does not list any members for it.Placing this group on an ACL is a convenient way to extend access to all users. The File Server automatically
places this group on the CPS of any user who requests access to data stored on a file server machine. (Every
unauthenticated user is assigned the identity anonymous and this group is the only
entry on the CPS for anonymous.)system:authuserRepresents all users who are able to access the cell's filespace from the local and foreign cells and who have
successfully obtained an AFS token in the local cell (are authenticated). Its AFS GID is -102. Like the system:anyuser group, it has no stable
membership listed in the Protection Database. Accordingly, the pts examine command
displays 0 in its membership field, and the
pts membership command does not list any members for it.Placing this group on an ACL is therefore a convenient way to extend access to all authenticated users. The File
Server automatically places this group on the CPS of any authenticated user who requests access to data stored on a
file server machine.system:administratorsRepresents the small number of cell administrators authorized to issue privileged pts commands and the fs commands that set quota. The ACL on
the root directory of every newly created volume grants all permissions to the group. Even if you remove that entry,
the group implicitly retains the a (administer), and
by default also the l (lookup), permission on every
ACL. Its AFS GID is -204. For instructions on administering this group, see Administering the system:administrators Group.Displaying Information from the Protection DatabaseThis section describes the commands you can use to display Protection Database entries and associated information. In
addition to name and AFS ID, the Protection Database stores the following information about each user, machine, or group entry.
The entry's owner, which is the user or group of users who can administer the entryThe entry's creator, which serves mostly as an audit trailA membership count, which indicates how many groups a user or machine belongs to, or how many members belong to a
groupA set of privacy flags, which control which users can administer or display information about the entryA group-creation quota, which defines how many groups a user can createA list of the groups to which a user or machine belongs, or of the users and machines that belong to a groupA list of the groups that a user or group ownsdisplayingProtection Database entrydisplayingowner of Protection Database entrydisplayingcreator of Protection Database entrydisplayingprivacy flags on Protection Database entrydisplayingmembership count in Protection Database entrydisplayinggroup-creation quota in Protection Database entryProtection Databasemembership countdisplayingProtection Databasegroup entrydisplayingProtection Databasemachine entrydisplayingProtection Databaseuser entrydisplayingProtection Databaseowner of entrydisplayingProtection Databasecreator of entrydisplayingProtection Databaseprivacy flagsdisplayingProtection Databasegroup creation quotadisplayingmappingAFS ID to group, machine, or usernamemappingusername to AFS UIDmappingmachine name to AFS UIDmappinggroup name to AFS GIDAFS UIDdisplayingfor one user or machineAFS GIDdisplayingfor one groupownerProtection Database entrydisplayingcreatorProtection Database entrydisplayingmembersgroup, displayingprivacy flags on Protection Database entrydisplayinggroupProtection Database entrydisplayinggroupownerdisplayinggroupcreation quotaquotagroupprivacy flags on Protection Database entrydisplayingmachinegroup membershipsdisplaying numbermachineProtection Database entrydisplayingmachineprivacy flags on Protection Database entrydisplayingquotagroup-creationdisplayingusergroup-creation quotadisplayinguserProtection Database entrydisplayinguserprivacy flags on Protection Database entrydisplayingusergroup membershipsdisplaying numberpts commandsexaminecommandspts examineTo display a Protection Database entryVerify that you belong to the system:administrators group, which enables you to
display an entry regardless of the setting of its first (s) privacy flag. By default, any
user can display a Protection Database entry. If necessary, issue the pts membership
command, which is fully described in To display the members of the system:administrators
% pts membership system:administratorsIssue the pts examine command to display one or more Protection Database entries.
% pts examine <user or group name or id>+
whereeIs the shortest acceptable abbreviation of examine (and check is an alias).user or group name or idSpecifies the name or AFS ID of each entry to display. Precede any AFS GID with a hyphen (-) because it is a negative integer.The output includes the following fields. Examples follow. NameSpecifies the entry's name. For a user, this is the name used when authenticating with AFS and the name that appears on ACL
entries.For a machine, this is the IP address of a single machine, or a wildcard notation that represents a group
of machines with consecutive IP addresses, as described in Creating User and Machine
Entries.For a group, this is the name that appears on ACL entries and in the list of groups output by the
pts membership command. The names of regular groups have
two parts, separated by a colon (:). The part before the colon indicates the
group's owner, and the part after is the unique name. A prefix-less group's name does not
have the owner prefix; only members of the system:administrators group can
create prefix-less groups. For further discussion of group names, see Creating
Groups.AFS UIDdefinitionAFS GIDdefinitionUNIX UIDdifference from AFS UIDidSpecifies the entry's unique AFS identification number. For user and machine entries, the AFS user ID (AFS UID)
is a positive integer; for groups, the AFS group ID (AFS GID) is a negative integer. AFS UIDs and GIDs have the same
function as their counterparts in the UNIX file system, but are used by the AFS servers and the Cache Manager
only.Normally, the Protection Server assigns an AFS UID or GID automatically when you create Protection Database
entries. Members of the system:administrators group can specify an ID if desired. For
further discussion, see Creating User and Machine Entries and Creating Groups.ownerNames the user or group who owns the entry and therefore can administer it (for more information about a group
owning another group, see Using Groups Effectively). Other users possibly have
administrative privileges, too, depending on the setting of the entry's privacy flags. For instructions on changing
the owner, see Changing a Group's Owner.creatorNames the user who created the entry, and serves as an audit trail. If the entry is deleted from the Protection
Database, the creator's group creation quota increases by one, even if the creator no longer owns the entry; see Setting Group-Creation Quota.The value anonymous in this field generally indicates that the entry was
created when the Protection Server was running in no-authentication mode, probably during initial configuration of the
cell's first file server machine. For a description of no-authentication mode, see Managing
Authentication and Authorization Requirements.membershipSpecifies the number of groups to which the user or machine belongs, or the number of users or machines that
belong to the group.flagsSpecifies who can display or change information in a Protection Database entry. The five flags, each
representing a different capability, always appear in the same order. For user entries, the default value is S----, which indicates that anyone
can issue the pts examine command on the entry, but only the user and members
of the system:administrators group can perform any other action.For machine entries, the default value is S----, which indicates that
anyone can issue the pts examine command on the entry, but only members of the
system:administrators group can perform any other action.For group entries, the default value is S-M--, which indicates that
anyone can issue the pts examine and pts
membership commands on the entry, but only the group's owner and members of the system:administrators group can perform any other action.For a complete description of possible values for the flags, see Setting the Privacy
Flags on Database quotaSpecifies how many more groups a user can create in the Protection Database. The value for a newly created user
entry is 20, but members of the system:administrators group can issue the pts setfields command at any time to change the value; see Setting
Group-Creation Quota.Group creation quota has no meaning for a machine or group entry: the Protection Server recognizes the issuer of
the pts creategroup command only as an authenticated user or as the anonymous user, never as a machine or group. The default value for group entries is 0 (zero),
and there is no reason to change it.The following examples show the output for a user called pat, a machine with IP address and a group called terry:friends:
% pts examine pat
Name: pat, id: 1020, owner: system:administrators, creator: admin,
membership: 12, flags: S----, group quota: 15.
% pts ex
Name:, id: 5151, owner: system:administrators, creator: admin,
membership: 1, flags: S----, group quota: 20.
% pts examine terry:friends
Name: terry:friends, id: -567, owner: terry, creator: terry,
membership: 12, flags: SOm--, group quota: 0.
displayinggroups to which user or machine belongsdisplayingmembers of groupgroupmembers, displayinggroupmembership of machine or user, displayingusergroup memberships, displayingmachinegroup memberships, displayingmembersgroup, displayingpts commandsmembershipcommandspts membershipTo display group membershipVerify that you belong to the system:administrators group, which enables you to
display an entry's group membership information regardless of the setting of its third (m) privacy flag. By default the owner and the user can display group membership for a user entry,
the owner for a machine entry, and anyone for a group entry. If necessary, issue the pts
membership command, which is fully described in To display the members of the
system:administrators group.
% pts membership system:administratorsIssue the pts membership command to display the list of
groups to which a user or machine belongs, or the list of users and machines that belong to a group.
% pts membership <user or group name or id>+
wheremIs the shortest acceptable abbreviation of membership.user or group name or idSpecifies the name or AFS UID of each user or machine for which to list the groups it belongs to, or the name
or AFS GID of each group for which to list the members.For user and machine entries, the output begins with the following string, and then each group appears on its own
Groups user_or_machine (id: AFS_UID) is a member of:
For group entries, the output begins with the following string, and then each member appears on its own line:
Members of group (id: AFS_GID) are:
For the system groups system:anyuser and system:authuser, the output includes the initial header string only, because these groups do not have a
stable membership listed in their Protection Database entry. See The System Groups.The following examples show the output for a user called terry and a group called
% pts mem terry
Groups terry (id: 5347) is a member of:
% pts mem terry:friends
Members of terry:friends (id: -567) are:
groupgroups owned, displayingdisplayinggroups owned by a user or groupgrouporphaned, displayingorphaned groupusergroups owned, displayinggroupowned by user or group, displayingpts commandslistownedcommandspts listownedTo list the groups that a user or group ownsVerify that you belong to the system:administrators group, which enables you to
display an entry's group ownership information regardless of the setting of its second (o) privacy flag. By default the owner can list the groups owned by group, and a user the groups he
or she owns. If necessary, issue the pts membership command, which is fully described in
To display the members of the system:administrators group.
% pts membership system:administratorsIssue the pts listowned command to list the groups owned by each user or group.
% pts listowned <user or group name or id>+
wherelistoIs the shortest acceptable abbreviation of listowned.user or group name or idSpecifies the name or AFS UID of each user, or the name or AFS GID or each group, for which to list the groups
owned.The output begins with the following string, and then each group appears on its own line:
Groups owned by user_or_group (id: AFS_ID) are:
The following examples show the output for a user called terry and a group called
% pts listo terry
Groups owned by terry (id: 5347) are:
% pts listo terry:friends
Groups owned by terry:friends (id: -567) are:
displayingProtection Database entries (all)displayingowner of Protection Database entrydisplayingcreator of Protection Database entryProtection Databasegroup entrydisplaying allProtection Databasemachine entrydisplaying allProtection Databaseuser entrydisplaying allProtection Databaseowner of entrydisplaying for allProtection Databasecreator of entrydisplaying for allAFS UIDdisplayingfor all users and machines in Protection DatabaseAFS GIDdisplayingfor all groups in Protection DatabaseownerProtection Database entrydisplaying allcreatorProtection Database entrydisplaying allgroupProtection Database entrydisplaying allgroupownerdisplaying for allmachineProtection Database entrydisplaying alluserProtection Database entrydisplaying allpts commandslistentriescommandspts listentriesTo display all Protection Database entriesVerify that you belong to the system:administrators group. If necessary, issue the
pts membership command, which is fully described in To display
the members of the system:administrators group.
% pts membership system:administratorsIssue the pts listentries command to display all Protection Database entries.
% pts listentries [-users] [-groups]
wherelisteIs the shortest acceptable abbreviation of listentries.-usersDisplays user and machine entries. The same output results if you omit both this flag and the -groups flag.-groupsDisplays group entries.The output is a table that includes the following columns. Examples follow. NameSpecifies the entry's name.IDSpecifies the entry's AFS identification number. For user and machine entries, the AFS user ID (AFS UID) is a
positive integer; for groups, the AFS group ID (AFS GID) is a negative integer.OwnerSpecifies the AFS ID of the user or group who owns the entry and therefore can administer it.CreatorSpecifies the AFS UID of the user who created the entry.The following example is from the Example Corporation cell. The issuer provides no options, so the output includes user and
machine entries.
% pts listentries
Name ID Owner Creator
anonymous 32766 -204 -204
admin 1 -204 32766
pat 1000 -204 1
terry 1001 -204 1
smith 1003 -204 1
jones 1004 -204 1 2000 -204 1 2001 -204 1
creatingProtection Database machine entryProtection Databasemachine entry, creatingassigningAFS UID to machinemachineProtection Database entry, creatingmachineAFS UID, assigningCreating User and Machine EntriesAn entry in the Protection Database is one of the two required components of every AFS user account, along with an entry
in the Authentication Database. It is best to create a Protection Database user entry only in the context of creating a complete
user account, by using the uss add or uss bulk command as
described in Creating and Deleting User Accounts with the uss Command Suite, or the pts createuser command as described in Creating AFS User Accounts.You can also use the pts createuser command to create Protection Database machine
entries, which can then be used to control access based on the machine from which the access request originates. After creating
a machine entry, add it to a Protection Database group and place the group on ACLs ( a machine cannot appear on ACLs directly).
Because all replicas of a volume share the same ACL (the one on the volume's root directory mount point), you can replicate the
volume that houses a program's binary file while still complying with a machine-based license agreement as required by the
program's manufacturer. If you do not place any other entries on the ACL, then only users working on the designated machines can
access the file.Keep in mind that creating an ACL entry for a group with machine entries in it extends access to both authenticated and
unauthenticated users working on the machine. However, you can deny access to unauthenticated users by omitting an entry for the
system:anyuser group from the ACLs of the parent directories in the file's pathname.
Conversely, if you want to enable unauthenticated users on the machine to access a file, then the ACL on every directory leading
to it must include an entry for either the system:anyuser group or a group to which the machine
entry belongs. For more information on the system:anyuser group, see The System Groups.Because a machine entry can include unauthenticated users, it is best not to add both machine entries and user entries to
the same group. In general, it is easier to use and administer nonmixed groups. A machine entry can represent a single machine,
or multiple machines with consecutive IP addresses (that is, all machines on a network or subnet) specified by a wildcard
notation. See the instructions in To create machine entries in the Protection Database.By default, the Protection Server assigns the next available AFS UID to a new user or machine entry. It is best to allow
this, especially for machine entries. For user entries, it makes sense to assign an AFS UID only if the user already has a UNIX
UID that the AFS UID needs to match (see Assigning AFS and UNIX UIDs that Match). When
automatically allocating an AFS UID, the Protection Server increments the max user id counter
by one and assigns the result to the new entry. Use the pts listmax command to display the
counter, as described in Displaying and Setting the AFS UID and GID Counters. AFS UIDreusing, aboutDo not reuse the AFS UIDs of users who have left your cell permanently or machine entries you have removed, even though
doing so seems to avoid the apparent waste of IDs. When you remove a user or machine entry from the Protection Database, the
fs listacl command displays the AFS UID associated with the former entry, rather than the name.
If you then assign the AFS UID to a new user or machine, the new user or machine automatically inherits permissions that were
granted to the previous possessor of the ID. To remove obsolete AFS UIDs from ACLs, use the fs
cleanacl command described in Removing Obsolete AFS IDs from ACLs.In addition to the name and AFS UID, the Protection Server records the following values in the indicated fields of a new
user or machine's entry. For more information and instructions on displaying an entry, see To display a
Protection Database entry. It sets the owner field to the system:administrators group, indicating that the group's members administer the entry.It sets the creator field to the username of the user who issued the pts createuser command (or the uss add or uss bulk command).It sets the membership field to 0 (zero), because
the new entry does not yet belong to any groups.It sets the flags field to S----; for explanation,
see Setting the Privacy Flags on Database Entries.It sets the group quota field to 20, meaning that
the new user can create 20 groups. This field has no meaning for machine entries. For further discussion, see Setting Group-Creation Quota.pts commandscreateusermachine entrycommandspts createusermachine entryTo create machine entries in the Protection DatabaseVerify that you belong to the system:administrators group. If necessary, issue the
pts membership command, which is fully described in To display
the members of the system:administrators group.
% pts membership system:administratorsIssue the pts createuser command to create one or more machine entries.
% pts createuser -name <user name>+
wherecuIs an alias for createuser (and createu is
the shortest acceptable abbreviation).-nameSpecifies an IP address in dotted-decimal notation for each machine entry. An entry can represent a single
machine or a set of several machines with consecutive IP addresses, using the wildcard notation described in the
following list. The letters W, X, Y, and Z each represent an actual number value in the field:
W.X.Y.Z represents a single machine, for example matches all machines whose IP addresses start with the first
three numbers. For example, matches both and, but does not match matches all machines whose IP addresses start with the first
two numbers. For example, the address matches both and, but does not match matches all machines whose IP addresses start with the first
number in the specified address. For example, the address matches
both and, but
does not match not define a machine entry with the name to match every machine.
The system:anyuser group is equivalent.The following example creates a machine entry that includes all of the machines in the 192.12 network.
% pts cu Database group entryProtection Databasegroup entry, creatingassigningAFS GID to groupgroupProtection Database entry, creatinggroupAFS GID, assigninggroupname, assigninggroupregular and prefix-less, definedregular groupgroupprefix-less groupgroupCreating GroupsBefore you can add members to a group, you must create the group entry itself. The instructions in this section explain
how to create both regular and prefix-less groups: A regular group's name is preceded by a prefix that indicates who owns the group, in the
following format:owner_name:group_nameAny user can create a regular group. Group names must always be typed in full, so a short group_name that indicates
the group's purpose or its members' common interest is practical. Groups with names like terry:1 and terry:2 are less useful because their purpose is
unclear. For more details on the required format for regular group names, see the instructions in To create groups.A prefix-less group, as its name suggests, has only one field in its name, equivalent to a
regular group's group_name field.Only members of the system:administrators group can create prefix-less groups. For
a discussion of their purpose, see Using Prefix-Less Groups.By default, the Protection Server assigns the next available AFS GID to a new group entry, and it is best to allow this.
When automatically allocating an AFS GID (which is a negative integer), the Protection Server decrements the max
group id counter by one and assigns the result to the new group. Use the pts
listmax command to display the counter, as described in Displaying and Setting the AFS UID
and GID Counters.In addition to the name and AFS GID, the Protection Server records the following values in the indicated fields of a new
group's entry. See To display a Protection Database entry. It sets the owner field to the issuer of the pts
creategroup command, or to the user or group specified by the -owner
argument.It sets the creator field to the username of the user who issued the pts creategroup command.It sets the membership field to 0 (zero), because
the group currently has no members.It sets the flags field to S-M--; for explanation,
see Setting the Privacy Flags on Database Entries.It sets the group quota field to 0, because this
field has no meaning for group entries.groupusing effectivelyprivate use of groupgroupprivate useshared use of groupgroupshared usegroup use of groupgroupgroup useself-owned groupUsing Groups EffectivelyThe main reason to create groups is to place them on ACLs, which enables you to control access for multiple users
without having to list them individually on the ACL. There are three basic ways to use groups, each suited to a different
purpose: Private use: you create a group and place it on the ACL of directories you own, without
necessarily informing the group's members that they belong to it. Members notice only that they can or cannot access the
directory in a certain way. You retain sole administrative control over the group, since you are the owner.The existence of the group and the identity of its members is not necessarily secret. Other users can use the
fs listacl command and see the group's name on a directory's ACL, or use the pts membership command to list the groups they themselves belong to. You can set the group's
third privacy flag to limit who can use the pts membership command to list the group's
membership, but a member of the system:administrators group always can; see Setting the Privacy Flags on Database Entries.Shared use: you inform the group's members that they belong to the group, but you still
remain the sole administrator. For example, the manager of a work group can create a group of all the members in the
work group, and encourage them to use it on the ACLs of directories that house information they want to share with other
members of the group.If you place a group owned by someone else on your ACLs, the group's owner can change the group's membership
without informing you. Someone new can gain or lose access in a way you did not intend and without your
knowledge.Group use: you create a group and then use the pts chown
command to assign ownership to a group, either another group or the group itself (the latter type is a self-owned
group). You inform the members of the owning group that they all can administer the owned group.The main advantage of designating a group as an owner is that it spreads responsibility for administering a group
among several people. A single person does not have to perform all administrative tasks, and if the original creator
leaves the group, ownership does not have to be transferred.However, everyone in the owner group can make changes that affect others negatively, such as adding or removing
people from the group inappropriately or changing the group's ownership to themselves exclusively. These problems can be
particularly sensitive in a self-owned group. Using an owner group works best if all the members
know and trust each other; it is probably wise to keep the number of people in an owner group small.pts commandscreategroupcommandspts creategroupTo create groupsIf creating a prefix-less group, verify that you belong to the system:administrators group. If necessary, issue the pts
membership command, which is fully described in To display the members of the
system:administrators group.
% pts membership system:administratorsIssue the pts creategroup command to create each group. All of the groups have the
same owner.
% pts creategroup -name <group name>+ [-owner <owner of the group>]
wherecgIs an alias for creategroup (and createg is
the shortest acceptable abbreviation). ownerProtection Database entryrules for assigningrulesgroup names, assigninggrouprules for naming-nameNames each group to create. The name can include up to 63 lowercase letters or numbers, but it is best not to
include punctuation characters, especially those that have a special meaning to the shell.A prefix-less group name cannot include the colon (:), because it is used to
separate the two parts of a regular group name:owner_name:group_nameThe Protection Server requires that the owner_name prefix of a regular group name accurately indicate the
group's owner. By default, you are recorded as the owner, and the owner_name must be your AFS username. You can
include the -owner argument to designate another AFS user, a regular group, or a
prefix-less group as the owner, providing the required value in the owner_name field: If the owner is a user, it must be the AFS username.If the owner is another regular group, it must match the owning group's owner_name field. For example,
if the owner is the group terry:associates, the owner field must be terry.If the owner is a prefix-less group, it must be the owning group's name.(For a discussion of why it is useful for a group to own another group, see Using
Groups Effectively.)-ownerIs optional and designates an owner other than the issuer of the command. Specify either an AFS username or
the name of a regular or prefix-less group that already has at least one member. Do not include this argument if you
want to make the group self-owned as described in Using Groups Effectively. For
instructions, see To create a self-owned group.Do not designate a machine as a group's owner. Because a machine cannot authenticate, there is no way for a
machine to administer the group.groupself-owned, creatingcreatinggroup, self-ownedchanginggroup ownership to self-ownedTo create a self-owned groupIssue the pts creategroup command to create a group. Do not include the -owner argument, because you must own a group to reassign ownership. For complete instructions, see
To create groups.
% pts creategroup <group name>
Issue the pts adduser command to add one or more members to the group (a group must
already have at least one member before owning another group). For complete instructions, see Adding and Removing Group Members.
% pts adduser -user <user name>+ -group <group name>+
Issue the pts chown command to assign group ownership to the group itself. For
complete instructions, see To change a group's owner.
% pts chown <group name> <new owner>
Using Prefix-Less GroupsMembers of the system:administrators group can create prefix-less groups, which are
particularly suitable for group use, which is described in Using Groups
Effectively.Suppose, for example, that the manager of the Example Corporation's Accounting Department, user smith, creates a group that includes all of the corporation's accountants and places the group on the
ACLs of directories that house departmental records. Using a prefix-less group rather than a regular group is appropriate for
the following reasons: The fact that smith created and owns the group is irrelevant, and a regular group
must be called smith:acctg. A prefix-less name like acctg is more appropriate.If another user (say jones) ever replaces smith
as manager of the Accounting Department, jones needs to become the new owner of the
group. If the group is a regular one, its owner_name prefix automatically changes to jones, but the change in the owner_name prefix does not propagate to any regular groups owned by
the group. Someone must use the pts rename command to change each one's owner_name
prefix from smith to jones.A possible solution is to create an authentication account for a fictional user called acctg and make it the owner of regular groups which have acctg as
their owner_name prefix. However, if the acctg account is also used for other purposes, then
the number of people who need to know user acctg's password is possibly larger than the
number of people who need to administer the groups it owns.A prefix-less group called acctg solves the problem of inappropriate owner names. The
groups that it owns have acctg as their owner_name prefix, which more accurately reflects
their purpose than having the manager's name there. Prefix-less groups are also more accountable than dummy authentication
accounts. Belonging to the group enables individuals to exercise the permissions granted to the group on ACLs, but users
continue to perform tasks under their own names rather than under the dummy username. Even if the group owns itself, only a
finite number of people can administer the group entry.Adding and Removing Group MembersUsers and machines can be members of groups; groups cannot belong to other groups. Newly created groups have no members at
all. To add them, use the pts adduser command; to remove them, use the pts removeuser command. addingmembers to groupsgroupmembers, addingmembersgroup, addinguseradding to groupmachineadding to grouppts commandsaddusercommandspts adduserTo add users and machines to groupsVerify that you belong to the system:administrators group, which enables you to add
members to a group regardless of the setting of its fourth (a) privacy flag. By default
the group's owner also has the necessary privilege. If necessary, issue the pts
membership command, which is fully described in To display the members of the
system:administrators group.
% pts membership system:administratorsIssue the pts adduser command to add one or more members to one or more groups.
% pts adduser -user <user name>+ -group <group name>+
whereadIs the shortest acceptable abbreviation of adduser.-userSpecifies each username or machine IP address to add as a member of each group named by the -group argument. A group cannot belong to another nameNames each group to which to add the new members.removinggroup membersgroupmembers, removingmembersgroup, removinguserremoving from groupmachineremoving from grouppts commandsremoveusercommandspts removeuserTo remove users and machines from groupsVerify that you belong to the system:administrators group, which enables you to
remove members from a group regardless of the setting of its fifth (r) privacy flag. By
default the group's owner also has the necessary privilege. If necessary, issue the pts
membership command, which is fully described in To display the members of the
system:administrators group.
% pts membership system:administratorsIssue the pts removeuser command to remove one or more members from one or more
% pts removeuser -user <user name>+ -group <group name>+
whereremIs the shortest acceptable abbreviation of removeuser.-userSpecifies each user or machine IP address to remove from each group named by the -group argument.-groupNames each group from which to remove members.Deleting Protection Database EntriesIt is best to delete a Protection Database user entry only if you are removing the complete user account. Use either the
uss delete command as described in Deleting Individual Accounts with
the uss delete Command, or the pts delete command as described in Removing a User Account.To remove machine and group entries, use the pts delete command as described in this
section. The operation has the following results: When you delete a machine entry, its name (IP address wildcard) is removed from groups.When you delete a group entry, its AFS GID appears on ACLs instead of the name. The group-creation
quota of the user who created the group increases by one, even if the user no longer owns the group.To remove obsolete AFS IDs from ACLs, use the fs cleanacl command as described in
Removing Obsolete AFS IDs from ACLs.removingProtection Database entryProtection Databaseentry, deletinggroupProtection Database entrydeletinguserProtection Database entrydeletingmachineProtection Database entrydeletingpts commandsdeletecommandspts deleteTo delete Protection Database entriesVerify that you belong to the system:administrators group or own the group you are
deleting. If necessary, issue the pts membership command, which is fully described in
To display the members of the system:administrators group.
% pts membership system:administratorsIssue the pts delete command to delete one or more entries from the Protection
% pts delete <user or group name or id>+
wheredelIs the shortest acceptable abbreviation of delete.user or group name or idSpecifies the IP address or AFS UID of each machine or the name or AFS GID or each group to remove.changingProtection Database entryownerownerProtection Database entrychangingChanging a Group's OwnerFor user and machine entries, the Protection Server automatically assigns ownership to the system:administrators group at creation time, and this cannot be changed. For group entries, you can
change ownership. This transfers administrative responsibility for it to another user or group (for information on group
ownership of other groups, see Using Groups Effectively).When you create a regular group, its owner_name prefix must accurately reflect its owner, as described in To create groups: If the owner is a user, owner_name is the username.If the owner is a regular group, owner_name is the owning group's owner_name prefix.If the owner is a prefix-less group, owner_name is the owner group's name.When you change a regular group's owner, the Protection Server automatically changes its owner_name prefix appropriately.
For example, if the user pat becomes the new owner of the group terry:friends, its name automatically changes to pat:friends, both in
the Protection Database and on ACLs.However, the Protection Server does not automatically change the owner_name prefix of any regular groups that the group
owns. To continue with the previous example, suppose that the group terry:friends owns the
group terry:pals. When pat becomes the new owner of terry:friends, the name terry:pals does not change. To change the
owner_name prefix of a regular group that is owned by another group (in the example, to change the group's name to pat:pals), use the pts rename command as described in Changing a Protection Database Entry's Name. Protection Databaseowner of entrychangingcommandspts chownpts commandschownTo change a group's ownerVerify that you belong to the system:administrators group or own the group for
which you are changing the owner. If necessary, issue the pts membership command, which
is fully described in To display the members of the system:administrators group.
% pts membership system:administrators(Optional) If you are changing the group's owner to another group (or to itself)
and want to retain administrative privilege on the owned group, verify that you belong to the new owner group. If
necessary, issue the pts membership command, which is fully described in To display group membership.
% pts membership <user or group name or id>
Use the pts adduser command to add yourself if necessary, as fully described in
To add users and machines to groups.
% pts adduser <user name> <group name>
Issue the pts chown command to change the group's owner.
% pts chown <group name> <new owner>
wherechoIs the shortest acceptable abbreviation of nameSpecifies the current name of the ownerNames the user or group to become the group's owner.(Optional) Issue the pts listowned command to
display any groups that the group owns. As discussed in the introduction to this section, the pts
chown command does not automatically change the owner_name prefix of any regular groups that a group owns.
% pts listowned <user or group name or id>
If you want to change their names to match the new owning group, use the pts rename
command on each one, as described in To change the name of a machine or group
% pts rename <old name> <new name>
changingProtection Database entrynamenameProtection Database entrychangingProtection Databaseentry namechanginggroupProtection Database entryname, changingmachineProtection Database entryname, changingChanging a Protection Database Entry's NameTo change the name of a Protection Database entry, use the pts rename command. It is best
to change a user entry's name only when renaming the entire user account, since so many components of the account
(Authentication Database entry, volume name, home directory mount point, and so on) share the name. For instructions, see Changing Usernames. A machine entry's name maps to the actual IP address of one or more machine, so
changing the entry's name is appropriate only if the IP addresses have changed.It is likely, then, that most often you need to change group names. The following types of name changes are possible:
Changing a regular group's name to another regular group name. The most common reason for this type of change is
that you have used the pts chown command to change the owner of the group. That operation
does not change the owner_name prefix of a regular group owned by the group whose name has been changed. Therefore, you
must use the pts rename command to change it appropriately. For example, when user
pat becomes the owner of the terry:friends group, its
name changes automatically to pat:friends, but the name of a group it owns, terry:pals, does not change. Use the pts rename command to rename
terry:pals to pat:pals. The Protection Server does not
accept changes to the owner_name prefix that do not reflect the true ownership (changing terry:pals to smith:pals is not possible).You can also use the pts rename command to change the group_name portion of a
regular group name, with or without changing the owner_name prefix.Both the group's owner and the members of the system:administrators group can
change its name to another regular group name.Changing a regular group's name to a prefix-less name. If you change a group's name in this way, you must also use
the pts rename command to change the name of any regular group that the group owns. Only
members of the system:administrators group can make this type of name change.Changing a prefix-less name to another prefix-less name. As with other name changes, the owner_name prefix of any
regular groups that the prefix-less group owns does not change automatically. You must issue the pts
rename command on them to maintain consistency.Both the group's owner and the members of the system:administrators group can
change its name to another prefix-less name.Changing a prefix-less name to a regular name. The owner_name prefix on the new name must accurately reflect the
group's ownership. As with other name changes, the owner_name prefix of any regular groups that the prefix-less group owns
does not change automatically. You must issue the pts rename command on them to maintain
consistency.Only members of the system:administrators group can make this type of name
change.commandspts renamemachine or group namepts commandsrenamemachine or group nameTo change the name of a machine or group entryVerify that you belong to the system:administrators group. If necessary, issue the
pts membership command, which is fully described in To display
the members of the system:administrators group.
% pts membership system:administratorsIssue the pts rename command to change the entry's name.
% pts rename <old name> <new name>
whererenIs the shortest acceptable abbreviation of rename.old nameSpecifies the entry's current nameSpecifies the new name. If the new name is for a regular group, the owner_name prefix must correctly indicate
the owner.settinggroup-creation quota in Protection Database entryquotagroup-creationsettingProtection Databasegroup creation quotasettingusergroup-creation quotasettingchanginggroup-creation quotaSetting Group-Creation QuotaTo prevent abuse of system resources, the Protection Server imposes a group-creation quota that limits how many more
groups a user can create. When a new user entry is created, the quota is set to 20, but members of the system:administrators group can use the pts setfields command to
increase or decrease it at any time.It is pointless to change group-creation quota for machine or group entries. It is not possible to authenticate as a group
or machine and then create groups.To display the group-creation quota, use the pts examine command to display a user
entry's group quota field, as described in To display a Protection
Database entry. pts commandssetfieldssetting group creation quotacommandspts setfieldssetting group creation quotaTo set group-creation quotaVerify that you belong to the system:administrators group. If necessary, issue the
pts membership command, which is fully described in To display
the members of the system:administrators group.
% pts membership system:administratorsIssue the pts setfields command to specify how many more groups each of one or more
users can create.
% pts setfields -nameorid <user or group name or id>+ \
-groupquota <set limit on group creation>
wheresetfIs the shortest acceptable abbreviation of setfields.-nameoridSpecifies the name or AFS UID of each user for which to set group-creation quota.-groupquotaDefines how many groups each user can create in addition to existing groups (in other words, groups that
already exist do not count against the quota). The value you specify overwrites the current value, rather than
incrementing it.groupprivacy flags on Protection Database entrysettinguserprivacy flags on Protection Database entrysettingmachineprivacy flags on Protection Database entrysettingsettingprivacy flags on Protection Database entryprivacy flags on Protection Database entrysettingProtection Databaseprivacy flagssettingSetting the Privacy Flags on Database EntriesMembers of the system:administrators group can always display and administer Protection
Database entries in any way, and regular users can display and administer their own entries and any group entries they own. The
privacy flags on a Protection Database entry determine who else can display certain information from the
entry, and who can add and remove members in a group.To display the flags, use the pts examine command as described in To display a Protection Database entry. The flags appear in the output's
flags field. To set the flags, include the -access argument to
the pts setfields command.The five flags always appear, and always must be set, in the following order:sControls who can issue the pts examine command to display the entry.oControls who can issue the pts listowned command to display the groups that a user
or group owns.mControls who can issue the pts membership command to display the groups a user or
machine belongs to, or which users or machines belong to a group.aControls who can issue the pts adduser command to add a user or machine to a group.
It is meaningful only for groups, but a value must always be set for it even on user and machine entries.rControls who can issue the pts removeuser command to remove a user or machine from
a group. It is meaningful only for groups, but a value must always be set for it even on user and machine entries.Each flag can take three possible types of values to enable a different set of users to issue the corresponding command:
A hyphen (-) designates the members of the system:administrators group and the entry's owner. For user entries, it designates the user in
addition.The lowercase version of the letter applies meaningfully to groups only, and designates members of the group in
addition to the individuals designated by the hyphen.The uppercase version of the letter designates everyone.For example, the flags SOmar on a group entry indicate that anyone can examine the
group's entry and display the groups that it owns, and that only the group's members can display, add, or remove its
members.The default privacy flags for user and machine entries are S----, meaning that anyone can
display the entry. The ability to perform any other functions is restricted to members of the system:administrators group and the entry's owner (as well as the user for a user entry).The default privacy flags for group entries are S-M--, meaning that all users can display
the entry and the members of the group, but only the entry owner and members of the system:administrators group can perform other functions. pts commandssetfieldssetting privacy flagscommandspts setfieldssetting privacy flagsTo set a Protection Database entry's privacy flagsVerify that you belong to the system:administrators group. If necessary, issue the
pts membership command, which is fully described in To display
the members of the system:administrators group.
% pts membership system:administratorsIssue the pts setfields command to set the privacy flags.
% pts setfields <user or group name or id>+ -access <set privacy flags>
wheresetfIs the shortest acceptable abbreviation of setfields.user or group name or idSpecifies the name or AFS UID of each user, the IP address or AFS UID of each machine, or the name or AFS GID
of each group for which to set the privacy flags.-accessSpecifies the set of privacy flags to associate with each entry. Provide a value for each of the five flags,
observing the following constraints: Provide a value for all five flags, even though the fourth and fifth flags are not meaningful for user
and machine entries.For self-owned groups, the hyphen is equivalent to a lowercase letter, because all the members of a
self-owned group own it.Set the first flag to lowercase s or uppercase S only. For user and machine entries, the Protection Server interprets the lowercase
s as equivalent to the hyphen.Set the second flag to the hyphen (-) or uppercase O only. For groups, the Protection Server interprets the hyphen as equivalent to
lowercase o (that is, members of a group can always list the groups that it
owns).Set the third flag to the hyphen (-), lowercase m, or uppercase M. For user and machine entries, the
lowercase m does not have a meaningful interpretation, because they have no
members.Set the fourth flag to the hyphen (-), lowercase a, or uppercase A. Although this flag does not have a
meaningful interpretation for user and machine entries (because they have no members), it must be set,
preferably to the hyphen.Set the fifth flag to the hyphen (-) or lowercase r only. Although this flag does not have a meaningful interpretation for user and
machine entries (because they have no members), it must be set, preferably to the hyphen.counterProtection Database (max user id, max group id)Protection Databasemax user id and max group id counters, displaying and settingAFS UIDcounter for automatic allocation, displaying and settingAFS GIDcounter for automatic allocation, displaying and settingDisplaying and Setting the AFS UID and GID CountersWhen you use the pts createuser command to create a user or machine entry in the
Protection Database, the Protection Server by default automatically allocates an AFS user ID (AFS UID) for it; similarly, it
allocates an AFS group ID (AFS GID) for each group entry you create with the pts creategroup
command. It tracks the next available AFS UID (which is a positive integer) and AFS GID (which is a negative integer) with the
max user id and max group id counters, respectively.Members of the system:administrators group can include the -id argument to either pts creation command to assign a specific ID to a
new user, machine, or group. It often makes sense to assign AFS UIDs explicitly when creating AFS accounts for users with
existing UNIX accounts, as discussed in Assigning AFS and UNIX UIDs that Match. It is also
useful if you want to establish ranges of IDs that correspond to departmental affiliations (for example, assigning AFS UIDs from
300 to 399 to members of one department, AFS UIDs from 400 to 499 to another department, and so on).To display the current value of the counters, use the pts listmax command. When you next
create a user or machine entry and do not specify its AFS UID, the Protection Server increments the max user
id counter by one and assigns that number to the new entry. When you create a new group and do not specify its
AFS GID, the Protection Server decrements the max group id counter by one (makes it more
negative), and assigns that number to the new group.You can change the value of either counter, or both, in one of two ways:Directly, using the pts setmax command.Indirectly, by using the -id argument to the pts
createuser command to assign an AFS UID that is larger than the max user id
counter, or by using the -id to the pts creategroup
command to assign an AFS GID that is less (more negative) than the max group id counter. In either case, the Protection
Server changes the counter to the value of the -id argument. The Protection Server does not
use the IDs between the previous value of the counter and the new one when allocating IDs automatically, unless you use the
pts setmax command to move the counter back to its old value.If the value you specify with the -id argument is less than the max
user id counter or greater (less negative) than the max group id counter,
then the counter does not change.pts commandslistmaxcommandspts listmaxmax user id counter (Protection Database)displayingmax group id counter (Protection Database)displayingdisplayingcounters for AFS UID and AFS GIDdisplayingAFS user id and max group id countersTo display the AFS ID countersIssue the pts listmax command to display the counters.
% pts listmaxwhere listm is an acceptable abbreviation of listmax.The following example illustrates the output's format. In this case, the next automatically assigned AFS UID is 5439 and
AFS GID is -469.
% pts listmax
Max user id is 5438 and max group id is -468.
max user id counter (Protection Database)settingmax group id counter (Protection Database)settingsettingcounters for AFS UID and AFS GIDsettingAFS user id and max group id countersProtection DatabaseID counters, settingsettingAFS UID and AFS GID countersProtection Databasesettingcounters for AFS UIDsAFS UIDsetting counters for automatic allocationsettingAFS UID counterspts commandssetmaxcommandspts setmaxTo set the AFS ID countersVerify that you belong to the system:administrators group. If necessary, issue the
pts membership command, which is fully described in To display
the members of the system:administrators group.
% pts membership system:administratorsIssue the pts setmax command to set the max user
id counter, the max group id counter, or both.
% pts setmax [-group <group max>] [-user <user max>]
wheresetmIs the shortest acceptable abbreviation of setmax.-groupSpecifies an integer one greater (less negative) than the AFS GID that the Protection Server is to assign to
the next group entry. Because the value is a negative integer, precede it with a hyphen (-).-userSpecifies an integer one less than the AFS UID that the Protection Server is to assign to the next user or
machine entry.