About This Guide

This section describes the purpose, organization, and conventions of this document.

Audience and Purpose

This guide describes concepts and procedures for accessing information stored in the AFS filespace. It is intended for AFS users who are familiar with UNIX but not necessarily AFS.

The first chapter describes basic AFS concepts and guidelines for using it, and summarizes some of the differences between the UNIX file system and AFS. The remaining chapters explain how to perform basic AFS functions, including logging in, changing a password, listing information, protecting files, creating groups, and troubleshooting. Concepts important to a specific task or group of related tasks are presented in context, just prior to the procedures. Many examples are provided.

Instructions generally include only the commands and command options necessary for a specific task. For a complete list of AFS commands and description of all options available on every command, see the IBM AFS Administration Reference.

Document Organization

This document is divided into the following chapters.

An Introduction to AFS introduces the basic concepts and functions of AFS. To use AFS successfully, it is important to be familiar with the terms and concepts described in this chapter.

Using AFS describes how to use AFS's basic features: how to log in and authenticate, unlog, log out, access AFS files and directories in AFS, and change your password.

Displaying Information about AFS describes how to display information about AFS volume quota and location, file server machine status, and the foreign cells you can access.

Protecting Your Directories and Files describes how to protect your data using AFS access control lists (ACLs).

Using Groups describes how to create and manage groups.

Troubleshooting outlines step-by-step diagnostic and corrective steps for specific problems.

Appendix A, Using the NFS/AFS Translator describes how to use the NFS/AFS Translator to access the AFS filespace from an NFS client machine.

Appendix B, AFS Command Syntax and Online Help describes AFS command syntax and how to obtain online information about commands.

Appendix C, Glossary defines terms used in the IBM AFS User Guide.

How To Use This Document

Before you begin using AFS, read An Introduction to AFS. Next, follow the procedures outlined in Using AFS to get started using AFS as an authenticated user. It describes how to access files in the AFS filespace and how to end an AFS session. Consult the other chapters as you need to perform the tasks they describe.

Related Documents

The AFS Documentation Kit also includes the following documents:

Typographical Conventions

This document uses the following typographical conventions:

In addition, the following symbols appear in command syntax definitions, both in the documentation and in AFS online help statements. When issuing a command, do not type these symbols.

For additional information on AFS commands, including a description of command string components, acceptable abbreviations and aliases, and how to get online help for commands, see Appendix B, AFS Command Syntax and Online Help.