Administration Reference
Displays data collections from the File Server process
xstat_fs_test [initcmd] -fsname <File Server name(s) to monitor>+
-collID <Collection(s) to fetch>+ [-onceonly]
[-frequency <poll frequency, in seconds>]
[-period <data collection time, in minutes>] [-debug] [-help]
xstat_fs_test [initcmd] -fs <File Server name(s) to monitor>+
-c <Collection(s) to fetch>+ [-o]
[-fr <poll frequency, in seconds>]
[-p <data collection time, in minutes>] [-d] [-h]
The xstat_fs_test command tests the routines in the
libxstat_fs.a library and displays the data collections
associated with the File Server (the fs process). The
command executes in the foreground.
The command produces a large volume of output; to save it for later
analysis, direct it to a file.
- initcmd
- Accommodates the command's use of the AFS command parser, and is
- -fsname
- Specifies the fully qualified hostname of each file server machine for
which to monitor the File Server process.
- -collID
- Specifies each data collection to return, which defines the type and
amount of data the command interpreter gathers about the File Server.
Data is returned in a predefined data structure.
There are three acceptable values:
- 0
- Provides profiling information about the numbers of times different
internal File Server routines were called since the File Server
started. This value is not currently implemented; it returns no
- 1
- Reports various internal performance statistics related to the File Server
(for example, vnode cache entries and Rx protocol activity).
- 2
- Reports all of the internal performance statistics provided by the
1 setting, plus some additional, detailed performance figures about
the File Server (for example, minimum, maximum, and cumulative statistics
regarding File Server RPCs, how long they take to complete, and how many
- -onceonly
- Gathers statistics just one time. Omit this flag to have the
command continue to probe the Cache Manager for statistics at the frequency
specified by the -frequency argument; in this case press
<Ctrl-c> to stop the probes.
- -frequency
- Sets the frequency in seconds at which the program initiates probes to the
Cache Manager. The default is 30 seconds.
- -period
- Sets the number of minutes the program runs; at the end of this
period of time, the program exits. The default is 10 minutes.
- -debug
- Displays a trace on the standard output stream as the command runs.
- -help
- Prints the online help for this command. All other valid options
are ignored.
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