IDX5538 networkdefined IDX5539 networkas computing environment IDX5540 environmenttypes compared IDX5541 mainframecomputing environment IDX5542 personalcomputing environment IDX5543 file systemdefined IDX5544 distributed file system IDX5545 server/client model IDX5546 serverdefinition IDX5547 clientdefinition IDX5548 file server machine IDX5549 serverprocessdefinition IDX5550 clientmachinedefinition IDX5551 personalworkstationas typical AFS machine IDX5552 cell IDX5553 local cell IDX5554 celllocal IDX5555 foreign cell IDX5556 cellforeign IDX5557 transparent access as AFS feature IDX5558 accesstransparent (AFS feature) IDX5559 volumedefinition IDX5560 volumein load balancing IDX5561 volumecorrespondence with directory IDX5562 directorycorrespondence with volume IDX5563 correspondenceof volumes and directories IDX5564 volumeas unit ofreplication IDX5565 volumeas unit ofbackup IDX5566 volumeas unit ofresource management IDX5567 mount pointdefinition IDX5568 root directory IDX5569 directoryroot IDX5570 volumeroot directory of IDX5571 volumemounting IDX5572 replicationdefinition IDX5573 clone IDX5574 caching IDX5575 AFSreducing traffic in IDX5576 networkreducing traffic through caching IDX5577 slowed performancepreventing in AFS IDX5578 callback IDX5579 consistency guaranteescached data IDX5580 AFSserver processes used in IDX5581 serverprocesslist of AFS IDX5582 File Serverdescription IDX5583 BOS Serverdescription IDX5584 system outagesreducing IDX5585 outagesBOS Server role in, IDX5586 Authentication Serverdescription IDX5587 AFSAFS UID IDX5588 usernameuse by Kerberos IDX5589 UNIXUIDfunctional difference from AFS UID IDX5590 Kerberosuse of usernames IDX5591 protectionin AFS IDX5592 Protection Serverdescription IDX5593 protectionin UNIX IDX5594 accessACL IDX5595 groupdefinition IDX5596 Protection Database IDX5597 Volume Serverdescription IDX5598 VL Serverdescription IDX5599 VLDB IDX5600 VL Serverimportance to transparent access IDX5601 Update Serverdescription IDX5602 Update Serverserver portion IDX5603 Update Serverclient portion IDX5604 Backup SystemBackup Server described IDX5605 Backup Serverdescription IDX5606 Salvagerdescription IDX5607 ntpddescription IDX5608 Cache Managerfunctions of IDX5609 AFSdifferences from UNIX summarized IDX5610 UNIXdifferences from AFS summarized IDX5611 differencesbetween AFS and UNIX, summarized IDX5612 protectionAFS compared to UNIX IDX5613 authenticationAFS compared to UNIX IDX5614 passwordAFS compared to UNIX IDX5615 chmod commandAFS compared to UNIX IDX5616 commandschmod (AFS compared to UNIX) IDX5617 setuid programssetting mode bits IDX5618 chown commandAFS compared to UNIX IDX5619 commandschown (AFS compared to UNIX) IDX5620 chgrp commandAFS compared to UNIX IDX5621 commandschgrp (AFS compared to UNIX) IDX5622 ftpd commandAFS compared to UNIX IDX5623 commandsftpd (AFS compared to UNIX) IDX5624 groups commandAFS compared to UNIX IDX5625 commandsgroups (AFS compared to UNIX) IDX5626 inetd commandAFS compared to UNIX IDX5627 commandsinetd (AFS compared to UNIX) IDX5628 ln commandAFS compared to UNIX IDX5629 commandsln (AFS compared to UNIX) IDX5630 rcp commandAFS compared to UNIX IDX5631 commandsrcp (AFS compared to UNIX) IDX5632 rlogind commandAFS compared to UNIX IDX5633 commandsrlogind (AFS compared to UNIX) IDX5634 rsh commandAFS compared to UNIX IDX5635 commandsrsh (AFS compared to UNIX) IDX5636 fsck commandAFS compared to UNIX IDX5637 commandsfsck (AFS compared to UNIX) IDX5638 fsck commandAFS version IDX5639 commandsfsck (AFS version) IDX5640 directorieslost+found IDX5641 lost+found directory IDX5642 hard linkAFS restrictions on IDX5643 restrictionson hard links in AFS IDX5644 fsync system callfor files saved on AFS client IDX5645 close system callfor files saved on AFS client IDX5646 writesystem call for files saved on AFS client IDX5647 setuid programsrestrictions on IDX5648 cellnamechoosing IDX5649 choosingnamecell IDX5650 conventionscell name IDX5651 Internetconventions for cell name IDX5652 InternetNetwork Information Center IDX5653 Network Information Center (for Internet) IDX5654 settingcell name IDX5655 cellnamesetting IDX5656 server machinesetting home cell IDX5657 client machinesetting home cell IDX5658 ThisCell file (client)how used by programs IDX5659 participationin AFS global namespace IDX5660 AFSglobal namespace IDX5661 global namespace IDX5662 conventionsAFS pathnames IDX5663 AFSroot directory (/afs)on client machine IDX5664 directories/afs IDX5665 cellnameat second level in file tree IDX5666 directories/afs/cellname IDX5667 cellnameat second level in file tree IDX5668 cellmaking local visible to foreign IDX5669 local cellmaking visible to foreign cells IDX5670 foreign cellmaking local cell visible IDX5671 filesglobal CellServDB IDX5672 CellServDB file maintained by AFS Product Supportas global update source IDX5673 filesCellServDB.local IDX5674 CellServDB.local file IDX5675 cellmaking foreign visible to local IDX5676 local cellmaking foreign cells visible in IDX5677 foreign cellmaking visible in local cell IDX5678 client machinemaking foreign cell visible IDX5679 cellgranting local access to foreign users IDX5680 local cellgranting foreign users access to IDX5681 cellfilespace configuration issues IDX5682 configuringfilespace, issues IDX5683 file treeconventionsfor configuring IDX5684 AFSroot directory (/afs)in cell filespace IDX5685 directories/afs IDX5686 cellnameat second level in file tree IDX5687 directories/afs/cellname IDX5688 symbolic linkat second level of AFS pathname IDX5689 file treeconventionsthird level IDX5690 directoriesconventional under /afs/cell_name IDX5691 volume nameconventions for IDX5692 conventionsvolume names IDX5693 volumeseparate for each top level directory IDX5694 file treecreating volumes to match top level directories IDX5695 volume namerestrictions IDX5696 restrictionson volume names IDX5697 volume nametwo required IDX5698 volumeroot (root.afs and root.cell) IDX5699 root volumes (root.afs and root.cell) IDX5700 volumegrouping related on same partition IDX5701 disk partitiongrouping related volumes on IDX5702 replicationappropriate volumes IDX5703 volumetype to replicate IDX5704 volumewhere to place replicated IDX5705 read-only volumeselecting site IDX5706 server machineconfiguration issues IDX5707 configuringfile server machine, issues IDX5708 roles for server machinesummary IDX5709 server machineroles forsummary IDX5710 server machinefirst installed IDX5711 database server machinereason to run three IDX5712 distributionof databases IDX5713 databases, distributed IDX5714 distributed databases IDX5715 server machineprotecting directories on local disk IDX5716 local diskprotecting on file server machine IDX5717 server machinemonitoring IDX5718 file server machinerebooting, about IDX5719 rebootingfile server machine, limiting IDX5720 weekly restart of BOS Server (automatic)about IDX5721 restart times for BOS Serverabout IDX5722 client machineconfiguration issues IDX5723 configuringclient machine, issues IDX5724 client machinefiles required on local disk IDX5725 local diskfiles required on client machine IDX5726 filerequired on client machine local disk IDX5727 client machineenabling access to foreign cell IDX5728 at-sys (@sys) variable in pathnames IDX5729 sys (@sys) variable in pathnames IDX5730 variables@sys in pathnames IDX5731 user accountconfiguration issues IDX5732 usernamechoosing IDX5733 usernameusername IDX5734 choosingnameuser IDX5735 anonymous userAFS UID reserved IDX5736 AFS UIDreservedanonymous user IDX5737 usernamepart of volume name IDX5738 choosingnameuser volume IDX5739 mount pointchoosing name for user volume IDX5740 choosingnameuser volume mount point IDX5741 directoriesfor grouping user home directories IDX5742 user accountsuggestions for grouping home directories IDX5743 filecreating standard ones in new user account IDX5744 user accountcreatingstandard files in IDX5745 creatingstandard files in new user account IDX5746 groupAFS GID IDX5747 grouprestrictions IDX5748 groupprivacy flags IDX5749 privacy flags on Protection Database entry IDX5750 system:administrators groupabout IDX5751 system:anyuser groupabout IDX5752 system:authuser groupabout IDX5753 groupsystem-defined IDX5754 AFS UIDreservedsystem-defined groups IDX5755 authenticationAFS separate from UNIX IDX5756 AFSauthentication separate from UNIX IDX5757 tokensone-per-cell rule IDX5758 commandspagsh IDX5759 pagsh command IDX5760 commandsklog with -setpag flag IDX5761 klog commandwith -setpag flag IDX5762 PAGcreating with klog or pagsh command IDX5763 creatingPAG with klog or pagsh command IDX5764 process authentication groupPAG IDX5765 login utilityAFS version IDX5766 local password filewhen using AFS--modified login utility IDX5767 login utilityAFS version's interaction with local password file IDX5768 passwordlocal password file IDX5769 local password filewhen not using AFS-modified login utility IDX5770 tokensdisplaying for user IDX5771 tokenscommand IDX5772 commandstokens IDX5773 listingtokens held by issuer IDX5774 commandsklog IDX5775 klog command IDX5776 server processcreating ticket (tokens) for IDX5777 ticketstokens IDX5778 tokenscreating for server process IDX5779 authenticated identityacquiring with klog command IDX5780 unlog command IDX5781 commandsunlog IDX5782 discardingtokens IDX5783 tokensdiscarding with unlog command IDX5784 tokenssetting default lifetimes for users IDX5785 passwordchanging in AFS IDX5786 kpasswd command IDX5787 commandskpasswd IDX5788 kas commandssetpassword IDX5789 commandskas setpassword IDX5790 passwordexpiration IDX5791 passwordlifetime IDX5792 kas commandssetfields IDX5793 commandskas setfields IDX5794 Authentication Databasepassword lifetime, setting IDX5795 passwordrestricting reuse IDX5796 passwordconsequences of multiple failed authentication attempts IDX5797 kas commandssetfields IDX5798 commandskas setfields IDX5799 authenticationconsequences of multiple failures IDX5800 passwordchecking quality of IDX5801 kpasswd command IDX5802 commandskpasswd IDX5803 commandskpasswd IDX5804 kas commandssetpassword IDX5805 kpwvalid program IDX5806 Kerberossupport for in AFS IDX5807 commandsklog.krb IDX5808 commandspagsh.krb IDX5809 commandstokens.krb IDX5810 klog.krb command IDX5811 pagsh.krb command IDX5812 tokens.krb command IDX5813 securityAFS features IDX5814 AFSsecurity features IDX5815 networkencrypted communication in AFS IDX5816 encrypted network communication IDX5817 securityencrypted network communication IDX5818 securitysuggestions for improving IDX5819 root superuserlimiting logins IDX5820 mutual authentication IDX5821 distributed file systemsecurity issues IDX5822 shared secret IDX5823 server encryption keydefined IDX5824 ticket-granter IDX5825 server encryption key IDX5826 tokensdata in IDX5827 session key IDX5828 remote servicesmodifications for AFS IDX5829 commandsftp (AFS compared to UNIX) IDX5830 ftpd commandAFS compared to UNIX IDX5831 commandsftpd (AFS compared to UNIX) IDX5832 inetd commandAFS compared to UNIX IDX5833 commandsinetd (AFS compared to UNIX) IDX5834 rcp commandAFS compared to UNIX IDX5835 commandsrcp (AFS compared to UNIX) IDX5836 rlogind commandAFS compared to UNIX IDX5837 commandsrlogind (AFS compared to UNIX) IDX5838 rsh commandAFS compared to UNIX IDX5839 commandsrsh (AFS compared to UNIX) IDX5840 server machineadministering IDX5841 administeringserver machine IDX5842 usr/afs/bin directory on server machinescontents listed IDX5843 directory/usr/afs/bin on server machines IDX5844 server process binariesin /usr/afs/bin IDX5845 filesbackup command binary IDX5846 backup commandsbinary in /usr/afs/bin IDX5847 filesbos command binary IDX5848 bos commandsbinary in /usr/afs/bin IDX5849 bosserverbinary in /usr/afs/bin IDX5850 bosserverBOS Server IDX5851 filesbosserver binary IDX5852 programsbosserver IDX5853 processesBOS Server, binary in /usr/afs/bin IDX5854 BOS Serverbinary in /usr/afs/bin IDX5855 buserverbinary in /usr/afs/bin IDX5856 buserverBackup Server IDX5857 filesbuserver IDX5858 programsbuserver IDX5859 processesBackup Server, binary in /usr/afs/bin IDX5860 Backup Serverbinary in /usr/afs/bin IDX5861 fileserverbinary in /usr/afs/bin IDX5862 fileserverFile Server IDX5863 filesfileserver IDX5864 programsfileserver IDX5865 processesFile Server, binary in /usr/afs/bin IDX5866 File Serverbinary in /usr/afs/bin IDX5867 fileskas command binary IDX5868 kas commandsbinary in /usr/afs/bin IDX5869 kaserver processbinary in /usr/afs/bin IDX5870 kaserver processAuthentication Server IDX5871 fileskaserver binary file IDX5872 programskaserver IDX5873 processesAuthentication Server, binary in /usr/afs/bin IDX5874 Authentication Serverbinary in /usr/afs/bin IDX5875 ntpdbinary in /usr/afs/bin IDX5876 filesntpd IDX5877 programsntpd IDX5878 processesNTPD, binary in /usr/afs/bin IDX5879 NTPD IDX5880 Network Time Protocol DaemonNTPD IDX5881 ntpdcbinary in /usr/afs/bin IDX5882 filesntpdc IDX5883 programsntpdc IDX5884 filespts command binary IDX5885 pts commandsbinary in /usr/afs/bin IDX5886 ptserver processbinary in /usr/afs/bin IDX5887 ptserver processProtection Server IDX5888 filesptserver binary IDX5889 programsptserver IDX5890 processesProtection Server, binary in /usr/afs/bin IDX5891 Protection Serverbinary in /usr/afs/bin IDX5892 runntpbinary in /usr/afs/bin IDX5893 runntpNTPD IDX5894 filesrunntp IDX5895 programsrunntp IDX5896 Salvagerbinary in /usr/afs/bin IDX5897 SalvagerSalvager IDX5898 filessalvager IDX5899 programssalvager IDX5900 processesSalvager, binary in /usr/afs/bin IDX5901 Salvagerbinary in /usr/afs/bin IDX5902 udebugbinary in /usr/afs/bin IDX5903 filesudebug IDX5904 commandsudebug IDX5905 programsudebug IDX5906 upclientbinary in /usr/afs/bin IDX5907 upclientUpdate Server IDX5908 filesupclient IDX5909 programsupclient IDX5910 processesUpdate Server, binaries in /usr/afs/bin IDX5911 Update Serverbinaries in /usr/afs/bin IDX5912 upserverbinary in /usr/afs/bin IDX5913 upserverUpdate Server IDX5914 filesupserver IDX5915 programsupserver IDX5916 vlserverbinary in /usr/afs/bin IDX5917 vlserverVL Server IDX5918 filesvlserver IDX5919 programsvlserver IDX5920 processesVL Server, binary in /usr/afs/bin IDX5921 VL Serverbinary in /usr/afs/bin IDX5922 Volume Location ServerVL Server IDX5923 volserverbinary in /usr/afs/bin IDX5924 volserverVolume Server IDX5925 filesvolserver IDX5926 programsvolserver IDX5927 processesVolume Server, binary in /usr/afs/bin IDX5928 Volume Serverbinary in /usr/afs/bin IDX5929 filesvos command binary IDX5930 vos commandsbinary in /usr/afs/bin IDX5931 usr/afs/etc directory on server machinescontents listed IDX5932 directory/usr/afs/etc IDX5933 filesserver configuration, in /usr/afs/etc directory IDX5934 common configuration files (server) IDX5935 server machineconfiguration files in /usr/afs/etc IDX5936 Update Serverdistributing server configuration files IDX5937 CellServDB file (server)about IDX5938 filesCellServDB (server) IDX5939 KeyFile filefunction of IDX5940 filesKeyFile IDX5941 server encryption key IDX5942 ThisCell file (server) IDX5943 filesThisCell (server) IDX5944 UserList file IDX5945 filesUserList IDX5946 usr/afs/local directory on server machinescontents listed IDX5947 directory/usr/afs/local on server machines IDX5948 local configuration files (server) IDX5949 file server machineconfiguration files in /usr/afs/local IDX5950 BosConfig file IDX5951 filesBosConfig IDX5952 NetInfo file (server version) IDX5953 filesNetInfo (server version) IDX5954 NetRestrict file (server version) IDX5955 filesNetRestrict (server version) IDX5956 NoAuth file IDX5957 filesNoAuth IDX5958 SALVAGE.fs file IDX5959 filesSALVAGE.fs IDX5960 salvage.lock file IDX5961 filessalvage.lock IDX5962 sysid file IDX5963 filessysid IDX5964 File Serverinterfaces registered in VLDBlisted in sysid file IDX5965 VLDBserver machine interfaces registeredlisted in sysid file IDX5966 usr/afs/db directory on server machinescontents listed IDX5967 directory/usr/afs/db on server machines IDX5968 database files IDX5969 replicated database files IDX5970 log filesfor replicated databases IDX5971 file server machinedatabase files in /usr/afs/db IDX5972 filesbdb.DB0 IDX5973 bdb.DB0 file IDX5974 filesbdb.DBSYS1 IDX5975 bdb.DBSYS1 file IDX5976 fileskaserver.DB0 IDX5977 kaserver.DB0 file IDX5978 fileskaserver.DBSYS1 IDX5979 kaserver.DBSYS1 file IDX5980 filesprdb.DB0 IDX5981 prdb.DB0 file IDX5982 filesprdb.DBSYS1 IDX5983 prdb.DBSYS1 file IDX5984 filesvldb.DB0 IDX5985 vldb.DB0 file IDX5986 filesvldb.DBSYS1 IDX5987 vldb.DBSYS1 file IDX5988 usr/afs/logs directory on server machinescontents listed IDX5989 directory/usr/afs/logs on server machines IDX5990 file server machinecore files in /usr/afs/logs IDX5991 file server machinelog files in /usr/afs/logs IDX5992 log filesfor server processes IDX5993 core filesfor server processes IDX5994 AuthLog file IDX5995 filesAuthLog IDX5996 BackupLog file IDX5997 filesBackupLog IDX5998 BosLog file IDX5999 filesBosLog IDX6000 filesFileLog IDX6001 FileLog file IDX6002 filesSalvageLog IDX6003 SalvageLog file IDX6004 VLLog file IDX6005 filesVLLog IDX6006 VolserLog file IDX6007 filesVolserLog IDX6008 vicep directory on server machinescontents listed IDX6009 directory/vicep on server machines IDX6010 volume headerin /vicep directories IDX6011 partitionhousing AFS volumes IDX6012 file server machinepartitions, naming IDX6013 V.vol_ID.vol file IDX6014 filesV.vol_ID.vol IDX6015 FORCESALVAGE file IDX6016 filesFORCESALVAGE IDX6017 roles for server machine IDX6018 server machineroles summarized IDX6019 simple file server machine IDX6020 server machinesimple file server role IDX6021 database server machinedefined IDX6022 server machinedatabase server role IDX6023 Backup Serverruns on database server machine IDX6024 Authentication Serverruns on database server machine IDX6025 Protection Serverruns on database server machine IDX6026 VL Serverruns on database server machine IDX6027 binary distribution machinedefined IDX6028 server machinebinary distribution role IDX6029 Update Serverserver portionon binary distribution machine IDX6030 Update Serverclient portionfor binaries IDX6031 system control machine IDX6032 configuration filesserver machine, common IDX6033 server machinesystem control role IDX6034 Update Serverserver portionon system control machine IDX6035 Update Serverclient portionfor configuration files IDX6036 determiningroles taken by server machine IDX6037 identifyingroles taken by server machine IDX6038 server machinedetermining roles IDX6039 roles for server machinedetermining IDX6040 database server machineidentifying with bos status IDX6041 determiningidentity of database server machines IDX6042 identifyingdatabase server machine IDX6043 system control machineidentifying with bos status IDX6044 determiningidentity of system control machine IDX6045 identifyingsystem control machine IDX6046 binary distribution machineidentifying with bos status IDX6047 determiningidentity of binary distribution machine IDX6048 identifyingbinary distribution machine IDX6049 simple file server machineidentifying with bos status IDX6050 determiningidentity of:simple file server machines IDX6051 identifyingsimple file server machine IDX6052 distributionof databases IDX6053 database, distributedadministrative database IDX6054 distributed databaseadministrative database IDX6055 administrative databaseabout replicating IDX6056 database server machinemaintaining IDX6057 Ubikoperation described IDX6058 synchronization site (Ubik)defined IDX6059 secondary site (Ubik) IDX6060 coordinator (Ubik)defined IDX6061 Ubikautomatic updates IDX6062 automaticupdate to admin. databases by Ubik IDX6063 Ubikrequirements summarized IDX6064 database server processneed to run all on every database server machine IDX6065 CellServDB file (server)importance to Ubik operation IDX6066 clocksneed to synchronize for Ubik IDX6067 Ubikfeatures summarized IDX6068 processlightweight Ubik IDX6069 Ubikserver and client portions IDX6070 consistency guaranteesadministrative databases IDX6071 Ubikconsistency guarantees IDX6072 Ubikelection of coordinator IDX6073 coordinator (Ubik)election procedure described IDX6074 election of Ubik coordinator IDX6075 flexible synchronization site (Ubik) IDX6076 synchronization site (Ubik)flexibility IDX6077 Ubikmajority defined IDX6078 majoritydefined for Ubik IDX6079 outagesdue to Ubik election IDX6080 system outagesdue to Ubik election IDX6081 administrative databasebacking up IDX6082 backing upadministrative databases IDX6083 administrative databaserestoring IDX6084 restoringadministrative databases IDX6085 installingserver process binaries, about IDX6086 server process binariesinstalling IDX6087 BOS Servermaintainer of server process binaries IDX6088 server processbinariesserver process binaries IDX6089 directories (server)/usr/afs/bin IDX6090 server machineneed for consistent version of software IDX6091 installingserver binaries IDX6092 server process binariesinstalling IDX6093 command suitebinariesinstalling IDX6094 file server machineinstalling command and process binaries IDX6095 server processrestarting for changed binaries IDX6096 file extension.BAK IDX6097 file extension.OLD IDX6098 BAK version of binary filecreated by bos install command IDX6099 OLD version of binary filecreated by bos install command IDX6100 savingprevious version of server binaries IDX6101 bos commandsinstall IDX6102 commandsbos install IDX6103 uninstallingserver process and command suite binaries IDX6104 revertingto old version of server process and command binaries IDX6105 server process binariesuninstalling IDX6106 server process binariesreverting to old version IDX6107 command suitebinariesuninstalling IDX6108 server machineuninstalling command & process binaries IDX6109 BAK version of binary fileused by bos uninstall command IDX6110 OLD version of binary fileused by bos uninstall command IDX6111 bos commandsuninstall IDX6112 commandsbos install IDX6113 server process binariesdisplaying time stamp IDX6114 command suitebinariesdisplaying time stamp IDX6115 time stampon binary file, listing IDX6116 dateon binary file, listing IDX6117 compilationdate of, listing on binary file IDX6118 displayingtime stamp on binary file IDX6119 bos commandsgetdate IDX6120 commandsbos getdate IDX6121 BAK version of binary fileremoving obsolete IDX6122 OLD version of binary fileremoving obsolete IDX6123 removingobsolete .BAK and .OLD version of binaries IDX6124 server process binariesremoving obsolete IDX6125 command suitebinariesremoving obsolete IDX6126 removingcore files from /usr/afs/logs IDX6127 core filesremoving from /usr/afs/logs directory IDX6128 usr/afs/bin directoryremoving obsolete .BAK and .OLD files IDX6129 commandsbos prune IDX6130 bos commandsprune IDX6131 commandswhich IDX6132 commandsstrings IDX6133 strings command IDX6134 which command IDX6135 CellServDB file (server)maintaining IDX6136 filesCellServDB (server) IDX6137 database server processuse of CellServDB file IDX6138 Ubikuse of CellServDB file IDX6139 server processuse of CellServDB file IDX6140 CellServDB file (server)effect of wrong information in IDX6141 system control machineCellServDB file, distributing to server machines IDX6142 distributionof CellServDB file (server) IDX6143 Update ServerCellServDB file (server), distributing IDX6144 bos commandslisthosts IDX6145 commandsbos listhosts IDX6146 CellServDB file (server)displaying IDX6147 displayingCellServDB file (server) IDX6148 database server machinedisplaying list in server CellServDB file IDX6149 displayingdatabase server machines in server CellServDB file IDX6150 addingdatabase server machineto server CellServDB file IDX6151 database server machineaddingto server CellServDB file IDX6152 CellServDB file (server)adding database server machine IDX6153 addingCellServDB file (server) entry for database server machine IDX6154 database server machineCellServDB file (server) entryadding IDX6155 database server processrestarting after adding entry to server CellServDB file IDX6156 Protection Serverrestarting after adding entry to server CellServDB file IDX6157 Authentication Serverrestarting after adding entry to server CellServDB file IDX6158 VL Serverrestarting after adding entry to server CellServDB file IDX6159 Backup Serverrestarting after adding entry to server CellServDB file IDX6160 bos commandsaddhost IDX6161 commandsbos addhost IDX6162 removingdatabase server machinefrom server CellServDB file IDX6163 database server machineremovingfrom server CellServDB file IDX6164 CellServDB file (server)removing database server machine IDX6165 database server machineCellServDB file (server) entryremoving IDX6166 database server processrestarting after removing entry from server CellServDB file IDX6167 Protection Serverrestarting after removing entry from server CellServDB file IDX6168 Authentication Serverrestarting after removing entry from server CellServDB file IDX6169 VL Serverrestarting after removing entry from server CellServDB file IDX6170 Backup Serverrestarting after removing entry from server CellServDB file IDX6171 bos commandsremovehost IDX6172 commandsbos removehost IDX6173 authorization checkingcompared to authentication IDX6174 authenticationcompared to authorization checking IDX6175 privileged commands IDX6176 commandsprivileged, defined IDX6177 anonymous useridentity assigned to unauthenticated user IDX6178 authorization checkingdefined IDX6179 controllingauthorization checking for entire cell IDX6180 authorization checkingcontrolling cell-wide IDX6181 restartingserver processwhen changing authorization checking IDX6182 authorization checkingand restarting processes IDX6183 bos commandssetauth IDX6184 commandsbos setauth IDX6185 authorization checkingdisabling IDX6186 turning off authorization checking IDX6187 disablingauthorization checking IDX6188 authorization checkingenabling IDX6189 enabling authorization checking IDX6190 turning on authorization checking IDX6191 mutual authenticationpreventing IDX6192 preventingmutual authentication IDX6193 bos commandsmutual authentication, bypassing IDX6194 kas commandsmutual authentication, bypassing IDX6195 pts commandsmutual authentication, bypassing IDX6196 vos commandsmutual authentication, bypassing IDX6197 kas commandsinteractive IDX6198 commandskas interactive IDX6199 enteringkas interactive mode IDX6200 interactive mode (kas commands) IDX6201 fs commandsmutual authentication, bypassing IDX6202 addingdisk to file server machine IDX6203 installingdisk on file server machine IDX6204 diskfile server machineadding/installing IDX6205 file server machinediskadding/installing IDX6206 mountingdisk on file server machine IDX6207 commandsvos listpart IDX6208 vos commandslistpart IDX6209 filesfile systems registry (fstab) IDX6210 file systems registry fileadding new disk to file server machine IDX6211 etc/fstab filefile systems registry file IDX6212 fstab filefile systems registry file IDX6213 removingdisk from file server machine IDX6214 diskfile server machineremoving IDX6215 file server machinediskremoving IDX6216 unmountingfile server machine disk IDX6217 vos commandsmovewhen removing file server machine disk IDX6218 umount command IDX6219 commandsumount IDX6220 file systems registry fileremoving disk from file server machine IDX6221 File Serveruse of NetInfo file IDX6222 File Serveruse of NetRestrict file IDX6223 File Serveruse of sysid file IDX6224 Ubikuse of NetInfo and NetRestrict files IDX6225 database server machineuse of NetInfo and NetRestrict files IDX6226 File Serverinterfaces registered in VLDB server entry IDX6227 settingserver machine interfaces registered in VLDB IDX6228 controllingserver machine interfaces registered in VLDB IDX6229 displayingserver entries from VLDB IDX6230 displayingVLDB server entries IDX6231 server entry in VLDB IDX6232 NetInfo file (server version)creating/editing IDX6233 creatingNetInfo file (server version) IDX6234 editingNetInfo file (server version) IDX6235 NetRestrict file (server version)creating/editing IDX6236 creatingNetRestrict file (server version) IDX6237 editingNetRestrict file (server version) IDX6238 vos commandslistaddrs IDX6239 commandsvos listaddrs IDX6240 vos commandschangeaddr IDX6241 commandsvos changeaddr IDX6242 rebootingserver machine, instructions IDX6243 server machinerebooting IDX6244 BOS Serverrole in reboot of server machine IDX6245 commandsbos exec IDX6246 bos commandsexec IDX6247 monitoringserver processes IDX6248 BOS Servermonitoring server processes IDX6249 server processdifferent names for IDX6250 BOS Serveras bosserver process IDX6251 server processbosserver IDX6252 usr/afs/bin/bosserver IDX6253 BOS Serverwhen to contact IDX6254 contacting processesBOS Server IDX6255 bos commandssummary of functions IDX6256 Backup Serveras buserver process IDX6257 server processbuserver IDX6258 Backup Serverwhen to contact IDX6259 contacting processesBackup Server IDX6260 fs process IDX6261 server processfs IDX6262 File Serveras part of fs process IDX6263 Volume Serveras part of fs process IDX6264 Salvageras part of fs process IDX6265 file systemsalvagerSalvager IDX6266 File Serverwhen to contact IDX6267 contacting processesFile Server IDX6268 Volume Serverwhen to contact IDX6269 contacting processesVolume Server IDX6270 Salvagerwhen to contact IDX6271 contacting processesSalvager IDX6272 Authentication Serveras kaserver process IDX6273 server processkaserver IDX6274 Authentication Serverwhen to contact IDX6275 contacting processesAuthentication Server IDX6276 Protection Serveras ptserver process IDX6277 server processptserver IDX6278 Protection Serverwhen to contact IDX6279 contacting processesProtection Server IDX6280 runntp process IDX6281 ntpdinvoked by runntp process IDX6282 server processrunntp IDX6283 ntpdwhen to contact IDX6284 contacting processesNTPD IDX6285 Update Serveras upserver and upclient processes IDX6286 server processupserver IDX6287 server processupclient IDX6288 Update Serverwhen to contact IDX6289 contacting processesUpdate Server IDX6290 VL Serveras vlserver process IDX6291 server processvlserver IDX6292 VL Serverwhen to contact IDX6293 contacting processesVL Server IDX6294 vos commandssummary of functions IDX6295 BosConfig fileinformation IDX6296 filesBosConfig IDX6297 simple-type server processdefined IDX6298 server processsimple type, defined IDX6299 fs-type server processdefined IDX6300 server processfs type, defined IDX6301 File Serveras part of fs process IDX6302 Volume Serveras part of fs process IDX6303 Salvageras part of fs process IDX6304 cron-type server processdefined IDX6305 server processcron type, defined IDX6306 status flag for process in BosConfig fileRun and Not Run, meaning of IDX6307 Run status flag in BosConfig filedefined IDX6308 NotRun status flag in BosConfig filedefined IDX6309 processstatus flag in BosConfig file IDX6310 command parametersin BosConfig file IDX6311 BOS Serveruse of BosConfig file IDX6312 BOS Servermemory state IDX6313 memory state of BOS Server IDX6314 database server processabout starting and stopping IDX6315 Authentication Serverabout starting and stopping IDX6316 Protection Serverabout starting and stopping IDX6317 VL Serverabout starting and stopping IDX6318 Backup Serverabout starting and stopping IDX6319 startingdatabase server process, about IDX6320 stoppingdatabase server process, about IDX6321 Update Serverabout starting and stopping IDX6322 displayingserver process status IDX6323 server processdisplaying status IDX6324 statusdisplaying for server process IDX6325 displayingentries from BosConfig file IDX6326 server processdisplaying entry in BosConfig IDX6327 BosConfig filedisplaying entries IDX6328 bos commandsstatus IDX6329 commandsbos status IDX6330 initializingserver process IDX6331 creatingserver process IDX6332 definingserver process in BosConfig file IDX6333 startingserver process IDX6334 server processcreating IDX6335 server processstarting IDX6336 server processstopping permanently IDX6337 server processremoving from BosConfig file IDX6338 server processcreating and starting IDX6339 server processdefining in BosConfig file IDX6340 simple server processdefining in BosConfig file IDX6341 cron server processdefining in BosConfig file IDX6342 fs server processdefining in BosConfig file IDX6343 BosConfig filecreating server process entry IDX6344 bos commandscreate IDX6345 commandsbos create IDX6346 simple processcreating with bos create command IDX6347 fs processcreating IDX6348 cron processcreating with bos create command IDX6349 removingserver process from BosConfig file IDX6350 BosConfig fileremoving server process entry IDX6351 stoppingserver processpermanently IDX6352 server processremoving from BosConfig file IDX6353 server processstopping permanently IDX6354 bos commandsdelete IDX6355 commandsbos delete IDX6356 startingserver process IDX6357 server processstarting up IDX6358 server processstopping permanently IDX6359 stoppingserver processpermanently IDX6360 Run status flag in BosConfig filechanging to NotRun IDX6361 status flag in BosConfig filechanging Run to NotRun IDX6362 BosConfig filechanging status flag from Run to NotRun IDX6363 server processstopping permanently IDX6364 bos commandsstop IDX6365 commandsbos stop IDX6366 NotRun status flag in BosConfig filechanging to Run IDX6367 status flag in BosConfig filechanging NotRun to Run IDX6368 BosConfig filechanging status flag from NotRun to Run IDX6369 commandsbos start IDX6370 bos commandsstart IDX6371 commandsbos shutdown IDX6372 bos commandsshutdown IDX6373 commandsbos startup IDX6374 bos commandsstartup IDX6375 server processrestarting immediately after stopping IDX6376 stoppingserver process and immediately restarting IDX6377 outagesdue to server process restart IDX6378 system outagesdue to server process restart IDX6379 server processrestarting by restarting BOS Server IDX6380 restartingserver processincluding BOS Server IDX6381 bos commandsrestartwith -bosserver flag IDX6382 bos commandsrestartincluding BOS Server IDX6383 commandsbos restartincluding BOS Server IDX6384 bos commandsrestartexcluding BOS Server IDX6385 commandsbos restartexcluding BOS Server IDX6386 server processrestartingexcept BOS Server IDX6387 restartingserver processexcept BOS Server IDX6388 bos commandsrestartselected processes IDX6389 commandsbos restartselected processes IDX6390 restartingserver processes IDX6391 server processrestarting specific processes IDX6392 core leakpreventing with scheduled restarts IDX6393 preventingcore leaks, with scheduled BOS Server restarts IDX6394 BOS Serverrestart times, displaying and setting IDX6395 automaticprocess restarts by BOS Server IDX6396 weekly restart of BOS Server (automatic)displaying and setting time IDX6397 restart time for BOS Server (automatic)displaying and setting time IDX6398 restart times for BOS Serverdisplaying and setting IDX6399 daily restart for new binariesdisplaying and setting time IDX6400 restart times for BOS Serversetting IDX6401 outagesdue to automatic server restart IDX6402 system outagesdue to automatic server restart IDX6403 BosConfig filerestart times defined IDX6404 bos commandsgetrestart IDX6405 commandsbos getrestart IDX6406 displayingBOS Server's automatic restart times IDX6407 bos commandssetrestart IDX6408 commandsbos setrestart IDX6409 settingBOS Server's automatic restart times IDX6410 file server machinedisplaying log files IDX6411 server processdisplaying log files IDX6412 log filesdisplaying IDX6413 displayinglog files for server processes IDX6414 filesdisplaying log files IDX6415 FileLog filedisplaying IDX6416 SalvageLog filedisplaying IDX6417 VLLog filedisplaying IDX6418 VolserLog filedisplaying IDX6419 BackupLog filedisplaying IDX6420 BosLog filedisplaying IDX6421 AuthLog filedisplaying IDX6422 Authentication Serverdisplaying log file IDX6423 Backup Serverdisplaying log file IDX6424 BOS Serverdisplaying log file IDX6425 File Serverdisplaying log file IDX6426 Salvagerdisplaying log file IDX6427 Volume Serverdisplaying log file IDX6428 bos commandsgetlog IDX6429 commandsbos getlog IDX6430 volumedefined IDX6431 read/write volumedefined IDX6432 read-only volumedefined IDX6433 sitevolume, defined IDX6434 volumesite, defined IDX6435 backup volumedefined IDX6436 volumebenefits for efficiency IDX6437 volumein load balancing IDX6438 volumeas unit of replication IDX6439 replicationdefined IDX6440 volumeas unit of backup IDX6441 VLDBvolume entry IDX6442 volumeentry in VLDB IDX6443 entry in VLDBfor volume IDX6444 volumeheadervolume header IDX6445 volume headerabout IDX6446 synchrony of VLDB and volume headersmaintained by VL and Volume Servers IDX6447 VLDBsynchronizing with volume headers IDX6448 volume headersynchronizing with VLDB IDX6449 maintainingsynchrony of VLDB with volume headers IDX6450 VL Serverrole in VLDB/volume header synchronization IDX6451 Volume Serverrole in VLDB/volume header synchronization IDX6452 mount pointdefined IDX6453 volumemountingabout IDX6454 mountingvolumeabout IDX6455 root directory IDX6456 Cache Manageras interpreter of mount points IDX6457 mount pointcreating multiple per volume IDX6458 volumemountingmore than once IDX6459 volumenamevolume name IDX6460 length restriction on volume names IDX6461 conventionsvolume names IDX6462 volume nameconventions IDX6463 creatingread/write volume IDX6464 volumeread/writeread/write volume IDX6465 read/write volumecreating IDX6466 defaultACL IDX6467 ACLdefault on new volume IDX6468 volume quotadefault for new volume IDX6469 defaultvolume quota IDX6470 commandsvos partinfo IDX6471 vos commandspartinfo IDX6472 vos commandscreatebasic instructions IDX6473 commandsvos createbasic instructions IDX6474 mountingread/write volume IDX6475 read/write volumemounting IDX6476 commandsfs mkmount IDX6477 fs commandsmkmountfor read/write volume IDX6478 cloningdefined IDX6479 clone IDX6480 vnode index IDX6481 backup volumespace-saving nature of IDX6482 replicationdetailed discussion IDX6483 volumereplicating IDX6484 volumeread-onlyread-only volume IDX6485 read-only volumecreating IDX6486 creatingread-only volume IDX6487 cloningfor replication IDX6488 read/write volumecloningfor replication IDX6489 stages in volume replication IDX6490 site definition stage in replication IDX6491 replicationsite definition stage IDX6492 release stage in replication IDX6493 replicationrelease stage IDX6494 replicationdetermining success of IDX6495 determiningsuccess of replication IDX6496 replicationneed for all-or-nothing release IDX6497 all-or-nothing release of read-only volumes IDX6498 read-only volumeneed for atomic release IDX6499 releasingread-only volume, need for atomicity IDX6500 ReleaseClone IDX6501 replicationrole of ReleaseClone IDX6502 New release site flag in VLDBas indicator of failed replication IDX6503 Old release site flag in VLDBas indicator of failed replication IDX6504 cloneforcing creation of new IDX6505 replicationforcing creation of new clone IDX6506 vos commandsreleaseforcing new cloning with -f flag IDX6507 releasingread-only volume, forcing new cloning IDX6508 criteria for replicating volumes IDX6509 replicationsuitable types of volumes IDX6510 suitability of volumes for replication IDX6511 read/write volumetypes suitable for replication IDX6512 mountingread-only volume IDX6513 read-only volumemounting IDX6514 variations possiblein replication IDX6515 replicationvariations possible in IDX6516 possible variationson replication IDX6517 read-only volumecreatinginstructions IDX6518 read/write volumereplication instructions IDX6519 read-only volumedefining site for in VLDB IDX6520 definingread-only site in VLDB IDX6521 addingread-only site definition in VLDB IDX6522 VLDBdefining read-only site in IDX6523 commandsvos addsite IDX6524 vos commandsaddsite IDX6525 releasingread-only volume IDX6526 read-only volumereleasing IDX6527 commandsvos releasebasic instructions IDX6528 vos commandsreleasebasic instructions IDX6529 read/write volumecloningfor backup version IDX6530 cloningfor backup IDX6531 creatingbackup volume IDX6532 volumebackupbackup volume IDX6533 backup volumecreating IDX6534 creatingmultiple backup volumes at once IDX6535 volumecreating backup version of many at once IDX6536 backup volumecreating multiple at once IDX6537 automatingcreation of backup volumes IDX6538 backup volumeautomating creation of IDX6539 volumeautomating creation of backup version IDX6540 backup volumesuggested schedule for creation of IDX6541 schedulingcreation of backup volumes IDX6542 cron-type server processused to automate volume backup IDX6543 mountingbackup volume IDX6544 backup volumemounting IDX6545 OldFiles directoryas mount point for backup volume IDX6546 commandsvos backup IDX6547 vos commandsbackup IDX6548 commandsfs mkmountwhen mounting backup volume IDX6549 fs commandsmkmountwhen mounting backup volume IDX6550 commandsvos backupsys IDX6551 vos commandsbackupsys IDX6552 mountingvolumegeneral instructions IDX6553 regular mount pointmount point IDX6554 mount pointregulardescribed IDX6555 read/write mount pointmount point IDX6556 mount pointread/writedescribed IDX6557 cellular mount pointmount point IDX6558 mount pointcellulardescribed IDX6559 mountingforeign volume in local cell IDX6560 displayingmount point IDX6561 displayingmount point IDX6562 mount pointdisplaying IDX6563 mount pointdistinguishing different types IDX6564 commandsfs lsmount IDX6565 fs commandslsmount IDX6566 creatingread/write or regular mount point IDX6567 mount pointcreating read/write or regular IDX6568 mount pointregularcreating IDX6569 mount pointread/writecreating IDX6570 commandsfs mkmountgeneral instructions IDX6571 fs commandsmkmountgeneral instructions IDX6572 creatingcellular mount point IDX6573 mount pointcreating cellular IDX6574 mount pointcellularcreating IDX6575 removingmount point IDX6576 unmountingvolume IDX6577 mount pointremoving IDX6578 commandsfs rmmount IDX6579 fs commandsrmmount IDX6580 displayingvolume information IDX6581 volumedisplaying information about IDX6582 displayingvolume's VLDB entry IDX6583 VLDBdisplaying volume entry IDX6584 volume entry (VLDB)displaying IDX6585 locked VLDB entrydisplaying IDX6586 commandsvos listvldbsyntax IDX6587 vos commandslistvldbsyntax IDX6588 sitecount in VLDB IDX6589 VLDBsite count for volume IDX6590 type flag for volumeVLDB entry IDX6591 VLDBvolume type flags IDX6592 releasestatus flags on site definitions in VLDB entry IDX6593 VLDBrelease status flags in volume entry IDX6594 status flagrelease, on site definitions in VLDB entry IDX6595 Not releasedstatus flag on site definition in VLDB entry IDX6596 Old releasestatus flag on site definition in VLDB entry IDX6597 New releasestatus flag on site definition in VLDB entry IDX6598 displayingvolume header IDX6599 volume headerdisplayingonly IDX6600 commandsvos listvolsyntax IDX6601 vos commandslistvolsyntax IDX6602 type flag for volumevolume header IDX6603 status flags in volume header IDX6604 On-line status flag in volume header IDX6605 Off-line status flag in volume header IDX6606 needs salvage status flag in volume header IDX6607 vos commandslistvoloutput with -fast flag IDX6608 vos commandslistvoloutput with -long flag IDX6609 read/write volumeID number in volume header IDX6610 read-only volumeID number in volume header IDX6611 backup volumeID number in volume header IDX6612 ReleaseClone volumeID number in volume header IDX6613 RWrite field in volume header IDX6614 ROnly field in volume header IDX6615 Backup field in volume header IDX6616 RClone field in volume header IDX6617 volume quotarecorded in volume header IDX6618 MaxQuota field in volume header IDX6619 creation daterecorded in volume header IDX6620 volumeCreation date in volume header IDX6621 update daterecorded in volume header IDX6622 volumeLast Update date in volume header IDX6623 accesscount, in volume header IDX6624 volumecounter in header for number of accesses IDX6625 vos commandslistvoloutput with -extended flag IDX6626 displayingVLDB entrywith volume header IDX6627 displayingVLDB entry with volume header IDX6628 VLDBdisplaying entrywith volume header IDX6629 entry in VLDBdisplaying, with volume header IDX6630 displayingvolume headerwith VLDB entry IDX6631 displayingvolume header with VLDB entry IDX6632 volume headerdisplayingwith VLDB entry IDX6633 commandsvos examinebasic instructions IDX6634 vos commandsexaminebasic instructions IDX6635 translatingvolume name to ID number IDX6636 learningvolume IDgiven volume name IDX6637 volume nametranslatingto volume ID number IDX6638 volume ID numberlearningfrom volume name IDX6639 vos commandsexamineto learn volume ID IDX6640 translatingvolume ID number to name IDX6641 learningvolume namegiven volume ID number IDX6642 volume namelearningfrom volume ID number IDX6643 volume ID numbertranslatingto volume name IDX6644 vos commandsexamineto learn volume name IDX6645 translatingvolume name/ID number to volume location IDX6646 learningvolume locationgiven volume name/ID number IDX6647 volume nametranslatingto volume location IDX6648 volume ID numbertranslatingto volume location IDX6649 volume locationlearning from volume name/ID number IDX6650 vos commandslistvldbto learn volume location IDX6651 translatingdirectory/file name to volume name IDX6652 learningvolume namegiven directory/file name IDX6653 directory/file nametranslating to volume name IDX6654 volume namelearningfrom directory/file name IDX6655 commandsfs listquota IDX6656 fs commandslistquota IDX6657 translatingdirectory/file name to volume ID number IDX6658 learningvolume IDgiven directory/file name IDX6659 directory/file nametranslating to volume ID number IDX6660 volume ID numberlearning from directory/file name IDX6661 commandsfs examine IDX6662 fs commandsexamine IDX6663 translatingdirectory/file name to volume location IDX6664 learningvolume locationgiven directory/file name IDX6665 directory/file nametranslating to volume location IDX6666 volume locationlearning from directory/file name IDX6667 volumelocationvolume location IDX6668 commandsfs whereis IDX6669 fs commandswhereis IDX6670 movingvolume IDX6671 volumemoving IDX6672 disk partitionmoving volumes to reduce overcrowding IDX6673 overcrowding of disk partitionmoving volumes to reduce IDX6674 overcrowding of disk partitioneffect on users IDX6675 failureof file storage due to full partition IDX6676 file storagefailed due to partition crowding IDX6677 read/write volumemoving IDX6678 backup volumeremoved by read/write move IDX6679 read-only volumemoving IDX6680 backup volumemoving IDX6681 commandsvos movebasic instructions IDX6682 vos commandsmovebasic instructions IDX6683 VLDBsynchronizing with volume headers IDX6684 volume headersynchronizing with VLDB IDX6685 volumesynchronizing VLDB and volume header IDX6686 intention flag in VLDB entry IDX6687 VLDBintention flag set by VL Server IDX6688 symptomsof VLDB/volume header desynchronization IDX6689 desynchronization of VLDB/volume headerssymptoms of IDX6690 synchrony of VLDB and volume headerssymptoms of lack of IDX6691 synchrony of VLDB and volume headersrestoring IDX6692 restoringsynchrony of VLDB and volume headers IDX6693 desynchronization of VLDB/volume headersfixing IDX6694 Salvagerrunning before VLDB/volume header resynchronization IDX6695 vos commandssyncvldbeffect IDX6696 vos commandssyncserveffect IDX6697 commandsvos syncvldb IDX6698 vos commandssyncvldbsyntax IDX6699 commandsvos syncserv IDX6700 vos commandssyncservsyntax IDX6701 volumesalvaging IDX6702 corruptionsymptoms and types IDX6703 symptomsvolume corruption IDX6704 volumesymptoms of corruption IDX6705 Salvagerinstructions for invoking IDX6706 file server machinesalvaging volumes IDX6707 salvagingvolumes IDX6708 partitionsalvaging all volumes IDX6709 bos commandssalvage IDX6710 commandsbos salvage IDX6711 volumequotavolume quota IDX6712 defaultvolume quota IDX6713 maximum volume quota IDX6714 settingvolume quotaon single volume IDX6715 volume quotasettingon single volume IDX6716 commandsfs setquota IDX6717 fs commandssetquota IDX6718 settingvolume quotaon multiple volumes IDX6719 volume quotasettingon multiple volumes IDX6720 commandsfs setvol IDX6721 fs commandssetvol IDX6722 commandsfs quota IDX6723 fs commandsquota IDX6724 displayingvolume quotapercent used IDX6725 volume quotadisplayingpercent used IDX6726 commandsfs listquota IDX6727 fs commandslistquota IDX6728 displayingvolume quotawith volume size IDX6729 volume quotadisplayingwith volume size IDX6730 displayingvolume size IDX6731 volumesize, displaying IDX6732 displayingvolume quotawith volume & partition info IDX6733 displayingvolume size IDX6734 volume quotadisplayingwith volume &partition info IDX6735 displayingdisk partition size IDX6736 disk partitiondisplaying size of single IDX6737 commandsfs examine IDX6738 fs commandsexamine IDX6739 volumeremovingbasic instructions IDX6740 removingmount point IDX6741 unmountingvolume IDX6742 mount pointremoving IDX6743 removingvolume IDX6744 read/write volumeremovingeffect of IDX6745 backup volumeremoved by read/write removal IDX6746 read-only volumeremovingeffect of IDX6747 volumeremovingalternate commands IDX6748 commandsvos zap IDX6749 vos commandszap IDX6750 commandsvos remsite IDX6751 vos commandsremsite IDX6752 commandsvos delentry IDX6753 vos commandsdelentry IDX6754 read/write volumeremovinginstructions IDX6755 commandsvos removebasic instructions IDX6756 vos commandsremovebasic instructions IDX6757 commandsfs rmmount IDX6758 fs commandsrmmountwhen removing volume IDX6759 dumpingvolumeswithout using AFS Backup System IDX6760 volumedumping without AFS Backup System IDX6761 read/write volumedumping IDX6762 read-only volumedumping IDX6763 backup volumedumping IDX6764 availability of datainterrupted by dumping IDX6765 dataavailability interrupted by dumping IDX6766 dumpingvolumesreasons IDX6767 full dumpcreating using vos command IDX6768 incremental dumpcreating using vos command IDX6769 dumpingvolumesusing vos command IDX6770 commandsvos dump IDX6771 vos commandsdump IDX6772 volumerestoringwith vos restore command IDX6773 restoringvolumes without using AFS Backup System IDX6774 commandsvos restore IDX6775 vos commandsrestoreto create new volume IDX6776 commandsfs mkmountwhen restoring volume IDX6777 fs commandsmkmountwhen restoring volume IDX6778 commandsvos restore IDX6779 vos commandsrestoreto overwrite volume IDX6780 renamingvolume IDX6781 volumerenaming IDX6782 changingvolume name IDX6783 volume namechangingbasic instructions IDX6784 read/write volumechanging name of IDX6785 read-only volumechanging name of IDX6786 backup volumechanging name of IDX6787 commandsvos renamebasic instructions IDX6788 vos commandsrenamebasic instructions IDX6789 commandsfs rmmount IDX6790 fs commandsrmmountwhen renaming volume IDX6791 commandsfs mkmountwhen renaming volume IDX6792 fs commandsmkmountwhen renaming volume IDX6793 lockingVLDB entry IDX6794 lockingVLDB entry IDX6795 VLDBlocking/unlocking entry IDX6796 entry in VLDBlocking/unlocking IDX6797 unlockingVLDB entry IDX6798 locked VLDB entryunlocking IDX6799 commandsvos lock IDX6800 vos commandslock IDX6801 commandsvos unlock IDX6802 vos commandsunlock IDX6803 commandsvos unlockvldb IDX6804 vos commandsunlockvldb IDX6805 Backup Systemintroduction IDX6806 volume set (Backup System)defined IDX6807 volume set (Backup System)volume entryvolume entry IDX6808 volume entry (Backup System)defined IDX6809 Backup Systemvolume setvolume set IDX6810 Backup Systemvolume entryvolume entry IDX6811 Backup Systemdumpdump IDX6812 Backup Systemdump setdump set IDX6813 dump (Backup System)appended, defined IDX6814 dump (Backup System)parent, defined IDX6815 dump (Backup System)defined IDX6816 dump (Backup System)full, defined IDX6817 dump (Backup System)incremental, defined IDX6818 dump (Backup System)initial, defined IDX6819 dump (Backup System)setdump set IDX6820 dump set (Backup System)defined IDX6821 Backup Systemdump hierarchydump hierarchy IDX6822 Backup Systemdump leveldump hierarchy IDX6823 dump levelsdefined IDX6824 dump hierarchy (Backup System)described IDX6825 dump hierarchy (Backup System)dump leveldefined IDX6826 dump hierarchy (Backup System)expiration date on dump leveldescribed IDX6827 Backup Systemdump namedump IDX6828 Backup Systemtape nametapes IDX6829 Backup Systemdump ID numberdump IDX6830 tapes (Backup System)namesdescribed IDX6831 dump (Backup System)ID number, described IDX6832 dump (Backup System)name, described IDX6833 tapes (Backup System)labeldescribed IDX6834 dump (Backup System)label, described IDX6835 Backup SystemfilemarksTape Coordinator IDX6836 Tape Coordinator (Backup System)filemarkdescribed IDX6837 Tape Coordinator (Backup System)described IDX6838 Backup SystemTape CoordinatorTape Coordinator IDX6839 Backup Systemport offsetsTape Coordinator IDX6840 Tape Coordinator (Backup System)port offset numberdefined IDX6841 Backup Databasedescribed IDX6842 Backup SystemBackup DatabaseBackup Database IDX6843 Backup Systemconfiguration overview IDX6844 tapes (Backup System)capacitydetermining IDX6845 Tape Coordinator (Backup System)filemarkdetermining size IDX6846 Tape Coordinator (Backup System)port offset numberassigning IDX6847 filestapeconfig IDX6848 tapeconfig file IDX6849 fms.log file IDX6850 filesfms.log IDX6851 log filesfms.log IDX6852 commandsfms IDX6853 fms command IDX6854 Tape Coordinator (Backup System)configuringmachine IDX6855 Tape Coordinator (Backup System)configuringtape device IDX6856 Tape Coordinator (Backup System)configuringAIX system IDX6857 AIXconfiguring tape device IDX6858 Tape Coordinator (Backup System)assigning file ownership IDX6859 usr/afs/backup directoryownership, assigning IDX6860 tapeconfig fileownership, assigning IDX6861 directories/usr/afs/backup IDX6862 commandsbackup addhost IDX6863 backup commandsaddhost IDX6864 Tape Coordinator (Backup System)adding to Backup Database IDX6865 Backup DatabaseTape Coordinatoradding entry IDX6866 backup commandsdelhost IDX6867 commandsbackup delhost IDX6868 Tape Coordinator (Backup System)removing from Backup Database IDX6869 Backup DatabaseTape Coordinatorremoving entry IDX6870 Tape Coordinator (Backup System)port offset numberdisplaying IDX6871 Backup Databaseport offset numbersdisplaying IDX6872 backup commandslisthosts IDX6873 commandsbackup listhosts IDX6874 regular expressionBackup System IDX6875 Backup Systemregular expressions IDX6876 Backup Databasevolume setcreating IDX6877 volume set (Backup System)creating IDX6878 commandsbackup addvolset IDX6879 backup commandsaddvolset IDX6880 volume entry (Backup System)creating IDX6881 Backup Databasevolume entrycreating IDX6882 commandsbackup addvolentry IDX6883 backup commandsaddvolentry IDX6884 Backup Databasevolume setdisplaying IDX6885 Backup Databasevolume entrydisplaying IDX6886 volume set (Backup System)displaying IDX6887 volume entry (Backup System)displaying IDX6888 backup commandslistvolsets IDX6889 commandsbackup listvolsets IDX6890 Backup Databasevolume setdeleting IDX6891 volume set (Backup System)deleting IDX6892 commandsbackup delvolset IDX6893 backup commandsdelvolset IDX6894 Backup Databasevolume entrydeleting from volume set IDX6895 volume set (Backup System)deleting volume entry IDX6896 volume entry (Backup System)deleting IDX6897 commandsbackup delvolentry IDX6898 backup commandsdelvolentry IDX6899 dump hierarchy (Backup System)creating IDX6900 dump hierarchy (Backup System)expiration datesassigning to dump levels IDX6901 expiration dates IDX6902 Backup Databaseexpiration dates IDX6903 dump hierarchy (Backup System)expiration dates IDX6904 dump levelsexpiration dates IDX6905 expiration datesabsolute IDX6906 expiration datesrelative IDX6907 Backup Systemrecycling schedule for tapes IDX6908 tape recycling schedules IDX6909 useCount counter on tape label (Backup System) IDX6910 Backup SystemuseCount counter on tape label IDX6911 recyclinguseCounts of tapes (Backup System) IDX6912 tape labelsuseCounts of tapes IDX6913 archivingtapes in Backup System IDX6914 tapes (Backup System)archiving IDX6915 Backup Databasedump levelsadding IDX6916 dump levelsin Backup Databaseadding IDX6917 dump hierarchy (Backup System)dump levelsadding IDX6918 expiration datessetting IDX6919 Backup Databaseexpiration datessetting IDX6920 dump hierarchy (Backup System)expiration datessetting IDX6921 dump levelsexpiration datessetting IDX6922 backup commandsadddump IDX6923 commandsbackup adddump IDX6924 expiration dateschanging IDX6925 Backup Databaseexpiration dateschanging IDX6926 dump hierarchy (Backup System)expiration dateschanging IDX6927 dump levelsexpiration dateschanging IDX6928 backup commandssetexp IDX6929 commandsbackup setexp IDX6930 Backup Databasedump levelsdeleting IDX6931 dump levelsin Backup Databasedeleting IDX6932 dump hierarchy (Backup System)dump levelsdeleting IDX6933 backup commandsdeldump IDX6934 commandsbackup deldump IDX6935 Backup Databasedump hierarchydisplaying IDX6936 Backup Databasedump levelsdisplaying IDX6937 dump hierarchy (Backup System)displaying IDX6938 dump levelsin Backup Databasedisplaying IDX6939 backup commandslistdumps IDX6940 commandsbackup listdumps IDX6941 tapes (Backup System)labelcreating IDX6942 tapes (Backup System)labeldisplaying IDX6943 tapes (Backup System)capacityrecording on label IDX6944 tapes (Backup System)namesassigning IDX6945 creatingtape label (Backup System) IDX6946 displayingtape label (Backup System) IDX6947 backup commandslabeltape IDX6948 commandsbackup labeltape IDX6949 backup commandsreadlabel IDX6950 commandsbackup readlabel IDX6951 Backup Systemautomating operations IDX6952 Backup Systemreducing operator intervention IDX6953 CFG_device_name file IDX6954 filesCFG_<device_name> IDX6955 Tape Coordinator (Backup System)device configuration file (CFG) IDX6956 configuration fileCFG_<device_name> configuration file IDX6957 UNMOUNT instruction in CFG_device_name file IDX6958 MOUNT instruction in CFG_device_name file IDX6959 Backup Systemautomating tape mounting and unmounting IDX6960 tape (Backup System)automating mounting and unmounting IDX6961 Tape Coordinator (Backup System)automating tape mounting and unmounting IDX6962 automatingtape mounting and unmounting by Backup System IDX6963 Backup Systemeliminating search/prompt for initial tape IDX6964 Tape Coordinator (Backup System)eliminating search/prompt for initial tape IDX6965 tapes (Backup System)eliminating search/prompt for initial IDX6966 AUTOQUERY instruction in CFG_device_name file IDX6967 ASK instruction in CFG_device_name file IDX6968 Backup Systemusing default responses to errors IDX6969 Tape Coordinator (Backup System)using default responses to errors IDX6970 NAME_CHECK instruction in CFG_device_name file IDX6971 Backup Systemeliminating check for proper tape name IDX6972 tape (Backup System)eliminating check for proper name IDX6973 Tape Coordinator (Backup System)eliminating check for proper tape name IDX6974 Backup Systeminterfaces IDX6975 AFSCELL environment variable IDX6976 variableAFSCELL IDX6977 Backup Systemrunning in foreign cell IDX6978 Backup Systeminteractive mode IDX6979 interactive mode (Backup System)features IDX6980 job ID numbers (Backup System) IDX6981 Backup Systemjob ID numbersabout IDX6982 backup commandsinteractive modeentering IDX6983 commandsbackupto enter interactive mode IDX6984 commandsbackup interactive IDX6985 interactive mode (Backup System)entering IDX6986 backup commandsquit IDX6987 commandsbackup quit IDX6988 interactive mode (Backup System)exiting IDX6989 backup commandsinteractive modeexiting IDX6990 interactive mode (Backup System)operationsdisplaying pending/running IDX6991 Backup Systeminteractive modedisplaying pending/running operations IDX6992 Backup Systemjob ID numbersdisplaying IDX6993 job ID numbers (Backup System)displaying IDX6994 backup commandsjobs IDX6995 commandsbackup jobs IDX6996 interactive mode (Backup System)operationscanceling pending/running IDX6997 Backup Systeminteractive modecanceling operations IDX6998 job ID numbers (Backup System)operationscanceling IDX6999 backup commandskill IDX7000 commandsbackup kill IDX7001 Tape Coordinator (Backup System)processstarting IDX7002 task ID numbers (Backup System) IDX7003 Tape Coordinator (Backup System)task ID numbers IDX7004 Tape Coordinator (Backup System)starting IDX7005 butc command IDX7006 commandsbutc IDX7007 Tape Coordinator (Backup System)stopping IDX7008 Tape Coordinator (Backup System)statusdisplaying IDX7009 backup commandsstatus IDX7010 commandsbackup status IDX7011 volumebacking up using Backup System IDX7012 Backup Systemdatabacking up/dumping IDX7013 dump set (Backup System)creating IDX7014 Backup Systemdumps, full and incremental defined IDX7015 dump set (Backup System)full dumps IDX7016 dump set (Backup System)incremental dumps IDX7017 full dump IDX7018 incremental dumpcreating with Backup System IDX7019 backing updata from AFS volumes IDX7020 dumpingdata IDX7021 dumpingfull dumps IDX7022 dumpingincremental dumps IDX7023 Backup Systemsuggestions for improving efficiency IDX7024 Backup Systemdump operation, overview IDX7025 dump ID numbers (Backup System) IDX7026 dumpingdump ID numbers IDX7027 Backup Systemdump ID numberassigning as part of dump operation IDX7028 Backup Databasedump recordscreating as part of dump operation IDX7029 dump (Backup System)creating Backup Database record IDX7030 dump (Backup System)appendedcreating IDX7031 backup commandsdump IDX7032 commandsbackup dump IDX7033 Backup Databasedump recordsdisplaying IDX7034 dump (Backup System)displaying Backup Database record IDX7035 dump (Backup System)ID number, displaying IDX7036 backup commandsdumpinfo IDX7037 commandsbackup dumpinfo IDX7038 Backup Databasedump ID numbers, displaying IDX7039 dump ID number (Backup System)displaying IDX7040 Backup Databasevolume dump historydisplaying IDX7041 volumeBackup System dump history, displaying IDX7042 backup commandsvolinfo IDX7043 commandsbackup volinfo IDX7044 Backup Systemscanning tapes IDX7045 tape (Backup System)scanning IDX7046 Backup Systemdump historyrecovering from tapes IDX7047 Backup Databasevolume dump historyrecovering from tapes IDX7048 Backup Systemvolume dump historyrecovering from tapes IDX7049 backup commandsscantape IDX7050 commandsbackup scantape IDX7051 volumerestoringusing Backup System IDX7052 partitionrestoring contents using Backup System IDX7053 file server machinerestoring partitions using Backup System IDX7054 Backup Systemrestoringdata IDX7055 Backup Systemdatarestoring IDX7056 Backup Systemdatarecovering IDX7057 Backup Systemrestoresfull IDX7058 Backup Systemrestoresdate-specific IDX7059 full restores IDX7060 date-specific restores IDX7061 restoringdata using Backup System IDX7062 Backup Systemrestoringbacked up data IDX7063 Backup Systemrestoringbackup data IDX7064 restoringexisting dataoverwriting IDX7065 volumeoverwriting contents during Backup System restore IDX7066 restoringexisting datapreserving IDX7067 volumepreserving contents during Backup System restore IDX7068 restoringdatathat no longer exists IDX7069 backup commandsvolrestore IDX7070 commandsbackup volrestore IDX7071 partitionrestoring using Backup Systemto the same location IDX7072 partitionrestoring using Backup Systemto a new location IDX7073 backup commandsdiskrestore IDX7074 commandsbackup diskrestore IDX7075 backup commandsvolsetrestore IDX7076 commandsbackup volsetrestore IDX7077 Backup Databaseadministering IDX7078 Backup Databaserestoring IDX7079 Backup Databasebacking up IDX7080 dumpingBackup Database to tape IDX7081 backing upBackup Database to tape IDX7082 restoringBackup Database from tape IDX7083 Backup Databaseverifying integrity IDX7084 backup commandsdbverify IDX7085 commandsbackup dbverify IDX7086 commandsbackup savedb IDX7087 backup commandssavedb IDX7088 commandsbackup restoredb IDX7089 backup commandsrestoredb IDX7090 dump set (Backup System)deleting from Backup Database IDX7091 Backup Systemdump recordsdeleting IDX7092 backup commandsdeletedump IDX7093 commandsbackup deletedump IDX7094 scout program IDX7095 monitoringfile server processes with scout IDX7096 monitoringfile server processes with afsmonitor IDX7097 monitoringCache Manager processes with afsmonitor IDX7098 monitoringCache Manager performance IDX7099 Cache Managermonitoring performance IDX7100 client machinemonitoring performance IDX7101 file systemmonitoring activity IDX7102 scout programfeatures summarized IDX7103 scout programrequirements IDX7104 requirementsscout program IDX7105 curses graphics utilityscout program requirements IDX7106 scout programsetting terminal type IDX7107 settingterminal type for scout IDX7108 terminal typesetting for scout program IDX7109 dumb terminaluse in scout program IDX7110 privilegerequired for scout program IDX7111 scout programbasename IDX7112 basenames in scout program IDX7113 scout programdisplay layout IDX7114 display layout in scout program window IDX7115 scout programbanner line IDX7116 banner line on the scout program screen IDX7117 scout programstatistics displayed IDX7118 statistics display by scout program IDX7119 Conn statistic from scout program IDX7120 Fetch statistic from scout program IDX7121 Store statistic from scout program IDX7122 activeclients statistic from scout program IDX7123 client machines statistic from scout program IDX7124 Ws statistic from scout program IDX7125 disk partitionmonitoring usage of IDX7126 monitoringdisk usage with scout program IDX7127 scout programmonitoring disk usage IDX7128 Disk attn statistic from scout program IDX7129 scout programprobe reporting line IDX7130 message line in scout program display IDX7131 scout programhighlighting in IDX7132 highlighting statistics in scout displayuse of reverse video IDX7133 scout programreverse video IDX7134 reverse videouse in scout program display IDX7135 outagesmonitoring with scout program IDX7136 scout programoutages, monitoring IDX7137 monitoringoutages with scout program IDX7138 File Servermonitoring with scout program IDX7139 file server machinemonitoring outages of IDX7140 scout programdisplay, resizing IDX7141 windowresizing scout display IDX7142 resizingscout display IDX7143 startingscout program IDX7144 scout programstarting IDX7145 initializingscout program IDX7146 scout programcommand syntax IDX7147 commandsscout IDX7148 scout programattention levels, setting IDX7149 highlighting statistics in scout displaysetting thresholds IDX7150 thresholds for statistics in scout displaysetting IDX7151 scout programstopping IDX7152 scout programexamples (command and display) IDX7153 examplesscout program display IDX7154 cmfx trace log (fstrace) IDX7155 trace log from (fstrace)cmfx IDX7156 cm event set (fstrace) IDX7157 event set (fstrace)cm IDX7158 activestate of fstrace event set IDX7159 inactive (state of fstrace event set) IDX7160 dormant (state of fstrace event set) IDX7161 persistent fstrace event set or trace log IDX7162 trace log (fstrace)persistence IDX7163 event set (fstrace)persistence IDX7164 privilegerequired for fstrace commands IDX7165 fstrace commandsprivilege requirements IDX7166 fstrace commandssetlog IDX7167 commandsfstrace setlog IDX7168 trace log (fstrace)configuring IDX7169 configuringtrace log (fstrace) IDX7170 fstrace commandssetset IDX7171 commandsfstrace setset IDX7172 event set (fstrace)setting IDX7173 settingevent set (fstrace) IDX7174 fstrace commandslsset IDX7175 commandsfstrace lsset IDX7176 event set (fstrace)displaying state IDX7177 displayingstate of event set (fstrace) IDX7178 fstrace commandslslog IDX7179 commandsfstrace lslog IDX7180 trace log (fstrace)displaying state IDX7181 displayingstate of trace log (fstrace) IDX7182 fstrace commandsdump IDX7183 commandsfstrace dump IDX7184 trace log (fstrace)dumping IDX7185 displayingcontents of trace log (fstrace) IDX7186 dumpingtrace log contents (fstrace) IDX7187 fstrace commandsclear IDX7188 commandsfstrace clear IDX7189 trace log (fstrace)clearing contents IDX7190 clearingcontents of trace log (fstrace) IDX7191 removingtrace log contents (fstrace) IDX7192 fstrace commandsexample of use IDX7193 afsmonitor programfeatures summarized IDX7194 afsmonitor programrequirements for running IDX7195 curses graphics utilityafsmonitor program IDX7196 xstat as requirement for running afsmonitor IDX7197 afsmonitor programsetting terminal type IDX7198 terminal typesetting for afsmonitor IDX7199 dumb terminaluse with afsmonitor IDX7200 privilegerequired for afsmonitor program IDX7201 afsmonitor programscreen layout IDX7202 afsmonitor programcreating configuration files for IDX7203 configuringafsmonitor program IDX7204 afsmonitor programcreating an output file IDX7205 afsmonitor programcommand syntax IDX7206 commandsafsmonitor IDX7207 afsmonitor programstopping IDX7208 xstat data collection facility IDX7209 xstat data collection facilitylibxstat_fs.a library IDX7210 xstat data collection facilitylibxstat_cm.a library IDX7211 data collectionwith xstat data collection facility IDX7212 collectingdata with xstat data collection facility IDX7213 File Servercollecting data with xstat data collection facility IDX7214 Cache Managercollecting data with xstat data collection facility IDX7215 File Serverxstat data collection facility libraries IDX7216 Cache Managerxstat data collection facility libraries IDX7217 libxstat_fs.a library IDX7218 libxstat_cm.a library IDX7219 libxstat_fs.a libraryroutines IDX7220 libxstat_cm.a libraryroutines IDX7221 File Serverxstat data collections IDX7222 Cache Managerxstat data collections IDX7223 xstat data collection facilitydata collections IDX7224 libxstat_fs.a librarydata collections IDX7225 libxstat_cm.a librarydata collections IDX7226 xstat data collection facilityobtaining more information IDX7227 libxstat_fs.a libraryobtaining more information IDX7228 libxstat_cm.a libraryobtaining more information IDX7229 xstat data collection facilityexample commands IDX7230 libxstat_fs.a libraryexample command using IDX7231 libxstat_cm.a libraryexample command using IDX7232 File Serverxstat example commands IDX7233 Cache Managerxstat example commands IDX7234 commandsxstat_fs_test IDX7235 libxstat_fs.a libraryxstat_fs_test example command IDX7236 File Serverxstat_fs_test example command IDX7237 xstat data collection facilityxstat_fs_test example command IDX7238 commandsxstat_cm_test IDX7239 libxstat_cm.a libraryxstat_cm_test example command IDX7240 Cache Managerxstat_cm_test example command IDX7241 xstat data collection facilityxstat_cm_test example command IDX7242 AFSauditing events on AIX server machines IDX7243 AIXauditing AFS eventsabout IDX7244 auditing AFS events on AIX server machines IDX7245 eventsauditing AFS on AIX server machines IDX7246 server encryption keydefined IDX7247 AFSserver encryption keyserver encryption key IDX7248 mutual authenticationserver encryption key's role IDX7249 server encryption keyrole in mutual authentication IDX7250 Ticket Granting Service IDX7251 TGS IDX7252 server ticket IDX7253 session key IDX7254 server encryption keychanging frequently IDX7255 key version numberdefined IDX7256 kvnokey version number IDX7257 KeyFile filestorage site for server encryption keys IDX7258 files/usr/afs/etc/KeyFile IDX7259 server encryption keyKeyFile file IDX7260 server encryption keyAuthentication Database IDX7261 Authentication Databasesite for AFS server encryption key IDX7262 Authentication Databaseafs entry IDX7263 server encryption keypassword-like nature IDX7264 Update Serverdistributor of KeyFile file IDX7265 system control machinesource for common KeyFile file IDX7266 checksum IDX7267 server encryption keychecksum displayed IDX7268 KeyFile filedisplaying IDX7269 displayingKeyFile file IDX7270 server encryption keydisplaying from KeyFile file IDX7271 displayingserver encryption keys in KeyFile file IDX7272 commandsbos listkeys IDX7273 bos commandslistkeys IDX7274 Authentication Databaseserver encryption keydisplaying IDX7275 displayingserver encryption key from Authentication Database IDX7276 afs entry in Authentication Databasedisplaying IDX7277 server encryption keydisplaying from Authentication Database IDX7278 commandskas examine IDX7279 kas commandsexamine, to inspect afs key IDX7280 addingserver encryption key to KeyFile file IDX7281 definingserver encryption key IDX7282 creatingserver encryption key IDX7283 server encryption keyadding to KeyFile file IDX7284 KeyFile fileadding server encryption key IDX7285 Authentication Databaseserver encryption keysetting IDX7286 definingserver encryption key in Authentication Database IDX7287 afs entry in Authentication Databasesetting server encryption key IDX7288 server encryption keysetting in Authentication Database IDX7289 bos commandsaddkeybasic instructions IDX7290 commandsbos addkey IDX7291 kas commandssetpassword IDX7292 commandskas setpassword IDX7293 removingserver encryption key from KeyFile file IDX7294 server encryption keyremoving from KeyFile file IDX7295 KeyFile fileremoving server encryption key IDX7296 commandsbos removekey IDX7297 bos commandsremovekey IDX7298 emergencyserver encryption keys mismatched IDX7299 server encryption keyemergency need to replace IDX7300 mutual authenticationfailure due to mismatched keys IDX7301 Ubikfailure due to mismatched server encryption keys IDX7302 handlingserver encryption key emergency IDX7303 NoAuth filecreating in emergencies IDX7304 unlog commandwhen handling key emergency IDX7305 klog commandwhen handling key emergency IDX7306 bos commandsaddkeywhen handling key emergency IDX7307 kas commandssetpassword , when handling key emergency IDX7308 client machineadministering IDX7309 administeringclient machine IDX7310 Cache Managerconfiguring and customizing IDX7311 configuringCache Manager IDX7312 Cache Managerdescribed IDX7313 usr/vice/etc directory IDX7314 directory/usr/vice/etc IDX7315 configuration filesclient machine IDX7316 client machineconfiguration files IDX7317 client machine/usr/vice/etc directory IDX7318 afsd program IDX7319 Cache Managerafsd initialization program IDX7320 filesafsd IDX7321 commandsafsd IDX7322 programsafsd IDX7323 filescacheinfo IDX7324 cacheinfo file IDX7325 CellServDB file (client)about IDX7326 filesCellServDB (client) IDX7327 NetInfo file (client version) IDX7328 filesNetInfo (client version) IDX7329 NetRestrict file (client version) IDX7330 filesNetRestrict (client version) IDX7331 ThisCell file (client) IDX7332 filesThisCell (client) IDX7333 AFSinitialization script IDX7334 filesAFS initialization script IDX7335 initialization script for AFS IDX7336 script for AFS initialization IDX7337 dynamic kernel loader programsdirectory for AFS library files IDX7338 filesAFS libraries used by dynamic kernel loader programs IDX7339 file IDX7340 IDX7341 usr/vice/cache directory IDX7342 directory/usr/vice/cache IDX7343 directorydisk cache IDX7344 cache files (client) IDX7345 client machinecache files IDX7346 CacheItems file IDX7347 filesCacheItems IDX7348 filesVolumeItems IDX7349 VolumeItems file IDX7350 filesVn IDX7351 Vn file (data cache) IDX7352 data cacheVn file in IDX7353 data cachedisk versus memory IDX7354 client machinedisk versus memory cache IDX7355 data cachesizerecommendations IDX7356 Cache Managersettingdisk cache location IDX7357 Cache Managerdisplayingcache size from cacheinfo file IDX7358 Cache Managersettingcache size in cacheinfo file IDX7359 Cache Managerdata cachedisplaying size set at reboot IDX7360 cacheinfo filesettingdisk cache location IDX7361 cacheinfo filedisplaying contents IDX7362 cacheinfo filesettingcache size IDX7363 changingdata cache size specified in cacheinfo file IDX7364 changingdisk cache location, in cacheinfo file IDX7365 client machinesettingdisk cache location IDX7366 client machinedata cache size set at rebootdisplaying IDX7367 client machinedisplayingdata cache size from cacheinfo file IDX7368 client machinesettingdata cache size in cacheinfo file IDX7369 displayingdata cache sizeset at reboot IDX7370 displayingdata cache sizespecified in cacheinfo file IDX7371 data cachesizesetting in cacheinfo file IDX7372 data cachechanging location of disk cache IDX7373 data cachesizeset at reboot, displaying IDX7374 data cachedisplaying size specified in cacheinfo file IDX7375 locationsetting for client IDX7376 settingdisk cache location in cacheinfo file IDX7377 data cachesizecurrent, displaying IDX7378 client machinedata cache sizedisplaying current IDX7379 Cache Managerdata cache sizedisplaying current IDX7380 displayingdata cache size, current IDX7381 fs commandsgetcacheparms IDX7382 commandsfs getcacheparms IDX7383 data cachesizesetting in cacheinfo file IDX7384 client machinedata cache sizesetting in cacheinfo file IDX7385 Cache Managerdata cache sizesetting in cacheinfo file IDX7386 settingdata cache size in cacheinfo file IDX7387 cacheinfo fileformat IDX7388 data cachesizesetting until next reboot IDX7389 changingdata cache size temporarily IDX7390 client machinedata cache sizesetting until next reboot IDX7391 Cache Managerdata cache sizesetting until next reboot IDX7392 fs commandssetcachesize IDX7393 commandsfs setcachesize IDX7394 data cachedisk cache sizeresetting to default value IDX7395 changingdisk cache size to default value IDX7396 resettingdisk cache size to default value IDX7397 cacheinfo fileresetting disk cache to size specified IDX7398 client machinedisk cache sizeresetting to default value IDX7399 Cache Managerdata cache sizeresetting to default value (for disk cache only) IDX7400 CellServDB file (client)about IDX7401 filesCellServDB file (client) IDX7402 database server machineclient knowledge of IDX7403 client machinedatabase server processes, contacting IDX7404 Cache Managerdatabase server processes, contacting IDX7405 Cache ManagerCellServDB file (client), using IDX7406 command interpretersCellServDB file (client), using IDX7407 CellServDB file (client)copied into kernel memory IDX7408 kernel memory (client)CellServDB file, reading into IDX7409 CellServDB file (client)correct format IDX7410 format of CellServDB file (client) IDX7411 maintainingCellServDB file (client) IDX7412 CellServDB file (client)maintaining IDX7413 CellServDB file (client)central update source for clients IDX7414 CellServDB file (client)global source from AFS Support IDX7415 CellServDB file (client)displaying IDX7416 displayingCellServDB file (client) IDX7417 database server machineCellServDB file (client), displaying IDX7418 client machineCellServDB file, displaying IDX7419 client machinedatabase server machines, displaying knowledge of IDX7420 fs commandslistcells IDX7421 commandsfs listcells IDX7422 addingdatabase server machineto client CellServDB file and kernel memory IDX7423 removingdatabase server machinefrom client CellServDB file and kernel memory IDX7424 database server machineaddingto client CellServDB file and kernel memory IDX7425 database server machineremovingfrom client CellServDB file and kernel memory IDX7426 client machinechanging list of cells in kernel memory IDX7427 cellchanging list in client kernel memory IDX7428 client machinechanging CellServDB file IDX7429 CellServDB file (client)changing IDX7430 packageto update client IDX7431 CellServDB file (client)updating with or without package IDX7432 updatingCellServDB file (client) with or without package IDX7433 fs commandsnewcell IDX7434 commandsfs newcell IDX7435 client machinecontrolling running of setuid programs IDX7436 Cache Managersetuid programs IDX7437 setuid programs IDX7438 fs commandsgetcellstatus IDX7439 commandsfs getcellstatus IDX7440 fs commandssetcell IDX7441 commandsfs setcell IDX7442 file server probe intervalsetting for a client machine IDX7443 settingclient-to-file-server probe interval IDX7444 Cache Managersettingprobe interval for File Server IDX7445 fs commandscheckservers IDX7446 commandsfs checkservers IDX7447 cellsetting home cell for client machine IDX7448 settinghome cell for client machine IDX7449 settingThisCell file (client), value in IDX7450 Cache Managersettinghome cell IDX7451 client machinesettinghome cell IDX7452 ThisCell file (client)setting value in IDX7453 flushingdata cache on client machine IDX7454 data cacheflushing (forcing update) IDX7455 Cache Managerflushing cache IDX7456 fileflushing from data cache on client machine IDX7457 directoryflushing from data cache on client machine IDX7458 volumeflushing from data cache on client machine IDX7459 mount pointflushing from data cache on client machine IDX7460 client machineflushing data cache IDX7461 fs commandsflush IDX7462 commandsfs flush IDX7463 fs commandsflushvolume IDX7464 commandsfs flushvolume IDX7465 fs commandscheckvolumes IDX7466 commandsfs checkvolumes IDX7467 fs commandsflushmount IDX7468 commandsfs flushmount IDX7469 Cache Managerpreference ranks for File Server and VL Server IDX7470 file server machineCache Manager preference ranks for IDX7471 displayingCache Manager preference ranks for file server machines IDX7472 settingCache Manager preferences for file server machines IDX7473 server preference ranks IDX7474 VL ServerCache Manager preference ranks for IDX7475 fs commandsgetserverprefs IDX7476 commandsfs getserverprefs IDX7477 fs commandssetserverprefs IDX7478 commandsfs setserverprefs IDX7479 preferencessetting IDX7480 Cache Manageruse of NetInfo file IDX7481 Cache Manageruse of NetRestrict file IDX7482 Cache Managerinterfaces registered with File Server IDX7483 File Serverclient interfaces registered IDX7484 settingclient interfaces registered with File Server IDX7485 displayingclient interfaces registered with File Server IDX7486 filesNetInfo (client version) IDX7487 NetInfo file (client version) IDX7488 creatingNetInfo file (client version) IDX7489 editingNetInfo file (client version) IDX7490 filesNetRestrict (client version) IDX7491 NetRestrict file (client version) IDX7492 creatingNetRestrict file (client version) IDX7493 editingNetRestrict file (client version) IDX7494 fs commandsgetclientaddrs IDX7495 commandsfs getclientaddrs IDX7496 fs commandssetclientaddrs IDX7497 commandsfs setclientaddrs IDX7498 Cache Managermessages displayed, controlling IDX7499 client machinemessages displayed, controlling IDX7500 fs commandsmessages IDX7501 commandsfs messages IDX7502 Cache Managersystem type name stored in kernel memory IDX7503 client machinesystem type name stored in Cache Manager memory IDX7504 fs commandssysname IDX7505 commandsfs sysname IDX7506 sys command IDX7507 commandssys IDX7508 asynchronyenabling for Cache Manager write operations IDX7509 synchronycontrolling for Cache Manager write operations IDX7510 Cache Managerenabling asynchrony for write operations IDX7511 fs commandsstorebehindsetting default asynchrony IDX7512 commandsfs storebehindsetting default asynchrony IDX7513 fs commandsstorebehindsetting asynchrony for specific files IDX7514 commandsfs storebehindsetting asynchrony for specific files IDX7515 fs commandsstorebehinddisplaying default asynchrony IDX7516 commandsfs storebehinddisplaying default asynchrony IDX7517 fs commandsstorebehinddisplaying asynchrony for specific files IDX7518 commandsfs storebehinddisplaying asynchrony for specific files IDX7519 configuringlocal disk of client with package IDX7520 clientconfiguring local disk with package IDX7521 disklocallocal disk IDX7522 local diskconfiguring on client, using package IDX7523 packageprototype file IDX7524 prototype files in packageabout IDX7525 packagepreparing prototype files IDX7526 prototype files in packagepreparing IDX7527 packagecompiling prototype files IDX7528 packageconfiguration files IDX7529 configuration filespackage program IDX7530 packagedirectory structure IDX7531 packageexample prototype files IDX7532 prototype files in packageexamples IDX7533 library files in package IDX7534 packagelibrary files IDX7535 examplesprototype files for package IDX7536 packageexample library files IDX7537 library files in packageexamples IDX7538 packagepreparing prototype files IDX7539 exampleslibrary files for package IDX7540 packageconfiguration file instructions IDX7541 configuration fileinstructions for package program IDX7542 D instructionpackage configuration file IDX7543 packageD instruction in configuration file IDX7544 packagedefining directory in configuration file IDX7545 directorycreating with package IDX7546 F instructionpackage configuration file IDX7547 packageF instruction in configuration file IDX7548 packagedefining file in configuration file IDX7549 filecreating with package IDX7550 L instructionpackage configuration file IDX7551 packageL instruction in configuration file IDX7552 packagedefining symbolic link in configuration file IDX7553 symbolic linkcreating with package IDX7554 B instructionpackage configuration file IDX7555 packageB instruction in configuration file IDX7556 packagedefining block special device in configuration file IDX7557 block special devicecreating with package IDX7558 C instructionpackage configuration file IDX7559 packageC instruction in configuration file IDX7560 packagedefining character special device in configuration file IDX7561 character special devicecreating with package IDX7562 S instructionpackage configuration file IDX7563 packageS instruction in configuration file IDX7564 packagedefining socket in configuration file IDX7565 socketcreating with package IDX7566 packageconstructing prototype and library files IDX7567 prototype files in packageconstructing IDX7568 library files in packageconstructing IDX7569 packageMakefile IDX7570 Makefile for package IDX7571 filespackage Makefile IDX7572 packagemodifying the Makefile IDX7573 Makefile for packagemodifying IDX7574 modifyingpackage Makefile IDX7575 compilingpackage prototype file IDX7576 packagecompiling prototype files IDX7577 package directory IDX7578 clientmodifying to run package IDX7579 packagemodifying clients to run IDX7580 modifyingclients to run package IDX7581 commandspackage IDX7582 package command IDX7583 user accounttwo methods for creating and deleting IDX7584 user accountcomponents IDX7585 useraccountuser account IDX7586 uss commandsprivilege required IDX7587 privilegerequired for uss commands IDX7588 uss commandsaddavoiding interruption IDX7589 uss commandsdeleteavoiding interruption IDX7590 previewinguser account creation/deletion with uss IDX7591 user accountuss commands to create/deletepreviewing IDX7592 user accountcreation using usspreviewing IDX7593 user accountdeletion using usspreviewing IDX7594 usspreviewing effect of command IDX7595 failureof uss account creationrecovering from IDX7596 ussaccountrecovering from account creation failure IDX7597 usscommandreissuing, effect of IDX7598 uss commandsoverwriting existing account components IDX7599 overwritingexisting directories/files/links with uss IDX7600 directoryoverwritten by uss if exists IDX7601 fileoverwritten by uss if exists IDX7602 hard linkoverwritten by uss if exists IDX7603 symbolic linkoverwritten by uss if exists IDX7604 local password filecreating entry for AFS userwith uss IDX7605 AFS UIDmatching with UNIX UID IDX7606 user accountmatching AFS and UNIX UIDs IDX7607 ussAFS UID, assigning IDX7608 assigningAFS UID with uss IDX7609 UNIX UIDmatching with AFS UID IDX7610 passwordsetting in local password filewith uss IDX7611 local password filesetting password inwith uss IDX7612 creatingcommon local password file with uss IDX7613 local password filecreating common source version with uss IDX7614 uss commandslocal password filecreating common source version IDX7615 local password filecreating common source version with uss IDX7616 passwd filelocal password file IDX7617 uss commandsconverting existing UNIX accounts IDX7618 convertingexisting UNIX accounts to AFS accountswith uss IDX7619 user accountconverting existing UNIX to AFSwith uss IDX7620 uss commandsadvantages over individual account-creation commands IDX7621 uss template fileadvantages IDX7622 uss template fileinstructions summarized IDX7623 uss template fileinstructions for different account types IDX7624 user accountcreating different types with uss IDX7625 creatinguser account types with uss IDX7626 constantsuss template file IDX7627 uss template fileconstants IDX7628 variablesin uss template file IDX7629 uss template filevariables IDX7630 number variablesuss template file IDX7631 uss template filenumber variables IDX7632 locationstandard for uss template file IDX7633 uss template filestandard locations IDX7634 rulesuss template file IDX7635 uss template filerules for constructing IDX7636 examplesuss template file IDX7637 uss template fileexamples IDX7638 uss commandsdirectorydistributing evenly with G instruction IDX7639 definingdirectory for even distribution of accounts with uss IDX7640 directorydefining for even distribution of accounts with uss IDX7641 uss template fileG instruction IDX7642 uss template filedirectoryG instruction for even distribution IDX7643 uss commandsvolumecreating with V instruction IDX7644 creatingvolume with uss IDX7645 volumecreating with uss IDX7646 uss template fileV instruction IDX7647 uss template filevolumecreating with V instruction IDX7648 uss template filezero-length IDX7649 uss commandsvolumesetting quota IDX7650 volume quotasettingwith uss IDX7651 uss template filequota on volume, setting with V instruction IDX7652 settingvolume quota with uss IDX7653 uss commandsvolumemounting IDX7654 creatingmount point with uss IDX7655 uss template filemount point, creating with V instruction IDX7656 mount pointcreating with uss IDX7657 user accountmethods for grouping IDX7658 uss commandsACL, setting on home directory IDX7659 ACLsetting on user home directory with uss IDX7660 uss template fileACL, settinguser home directory with V instruction IDX7661 settingACL on home directory with uss IDX7662 uss template fileD instruction IDX7663 uss commandsdirectorycreating IDX7664 uss template filedirectorycreating with D instruction IDX7665 creatingdirectory with uss IDX7666 directorycreating with uss IDX7667 D instructionuss template file IDX7668 ACLsetting for directory with uss IDX7669 settingACL for directory with uss IDX7670 uss template fileACL, settingdirectory created by D instruction IDX7671 uss commandsACL, setting for directory IDX7672 uss commandsfile, creating from prototype IDX7673 creatingfile with uss IDX7674 filecreating with uss IDX7675 uss template fileF instruction IDX7676 uss template filefilecreating from prototype IDX7677 F instructionuss template file IDX7678 uss commandsfile, creating by echoing one line IDX7679 creatingfile with uss IDX7680 filecreating with uss IDX7681 uss template fileE instruction IDX7682 uss template filefilecreating by echoing one line IDX7683 E instructionuss template file IDX7684 L instructionuss template file IDX7685 S instructionuss template file IDX7686 usshard link, creating IDX7687 creatinglink (hard or symbolic) with uss IDX7688 hard linkcreating with uss IDX7689 uss template fileL instruction IDX7690 uss template filehard link, creating IDX7691 usssymbolic link, creating IDX7692 symbolic linkcreating with uss IDX7693 uss template fileS instruction IDX7694 uss template filesymbolic link, creating IDX7695 A instructionuss template file IDX7696 uss commandspassword/authentication security, setting with A instruction IDX7697 uss template fileA instruction IDX7698 uss template filepassword/authentication security, setting with A instruction IDX7699 uss commandscommand, executing with X instruction IDX7700 executingcommand using uss template line IDX7701 commandsexecuting from uss template file IDX7702 uss template fileX instruction IDX7703 uss template filecommand, executing with X instruction IDX7704 X instructionuss template file IDX7705 creatinguser accountwith uss IDX7706 useraccountuser account IDX7707 user accountcreatingwith uss IDX7708 usernameassigningwith uss IDX7709 creatingProtection Database user entrywith uss IDX7710 creatingAuthentication Database entrywith uss IDX7711 Protection Databaseuser entrycreating with uss IDX7712 Authentication Databaseentrycreating with uss IDX7713 uss commandscreating individual user account IDX7714 AFS UIDassigningwith uss IDX7715 userAFS UID, assigning IDX7716 uss commandsadd IDX7717 commandsuss add IDX7718 deletinguser accounts with uss IDX7719 user accountdeleting with uss IDX7720 deletingProtection Database user entry with uss IDX7721 deletingAuthentication Database entry with uss IDX7722 Protection Databaseuser entrydeleting with uss IDX7723 Authentication Databaseentrydeleting with uss IDX7724 uss commandsdeleting individual user account IDX7725 uss commandsdelete IDX7726 commandsuss delete IDX7727 creatinguser accounts in bulk with uss IDX7728 user accountcreating/deleting many at once IDX7729 bulk mode in uss IDX7730 deletinguser accounts in bulk with uss IDX7731 uss commandscreating/deleting user accounts in bulk IDX7732 rulesfor uss bulk input file IDX7733 uss bulk input filerules for constructing IDX7734 uss commandsbulk IDX7735 commandsuss bulk IDX7736 administeringuser accounts IDX7737 local password filecreating entry for AFS userwith manual account creation IDX7738 AFS UIDmatching with UNIX UID IDX7739 UNIX UIDmatching with AFS UID IDX7740 passwordsetting in local password filewith manual account creation IDX7741 local password filesetting password inwith manual account creation IDX7742 convertingexisting UNIX accounts to AFS accountswith manual account creation IDX7743 user accountconverting existing UNIX to AFSwith manual account creation IDX7744 creatinguser accountwith individual commands IDX7745 user accountcreatingwith individual commands IDX7746 creatingProtection Database user entrywith pts createuser command IDX7747 creatingAuthentication Database entrywith kas create command IDX7748 Protection Databaseuser entrycreating with pts createuser command IDX7749 Authentication Databaseentrycreating with kas create command IDX7750 usernameassigningwith pts createuser command IDX7751 AFS UIDassigningwith pts createuser command IDX7752 userAFS UID, assigning IDX7753 assigningAFS UID to user IDX7754 pts commandscreateuseruser account IDX7755 commandspts createuseruser account IDX7756 kas commandscreate IDX7757 commandskas create IDX7758 vos commandscreatewhen creating user account IDX7759 commandsvos createwhen creating user account IDX7760 fs commandsmkmountwhen creating user account IDX7761 commandsfs mkmountwhen creating user account IDX7762 passwordimproving security IDX7763 authenticationimproving security IDX7764 loginlimiting failed attempts IDX7765 klog commandlimiting failed attempts IDX7766 kas commandssetfieldslimiting failed authentication attempts IDX7767 commandskas setfieldslimiting failed authentication attempts IDX7768 kas commandsunlock IDX7769 commandskas unlock IDX7770 kas commandssetfieldssetting password lifetime IDX7771 commandskas setfieldssetting password lifetime IDX7772 Authentication Databasepassword lifetime, setting IDX7773 kas commandssetfieldsprohibiting password reuse IDX7774 commandskas setfieldsprohibiting password reuse IDX7775 passwordsetting in Authentication Database IDX7776 settingpasswordin Authentication Database IDX7777 Authentication Databasepasswordsetting IDX7778 kas commandssetpassword IDX7779 commandskas setpassword IDX7780 usernamechanging IDX7781 changingusername IDX7782 renaminguser account components IDX7783 Protection Databasechanging username IDX7784 Authentication Databasechanging username IDX7785 pts commandsrenameusername IDX7786 commandspts renameusername IDX7787 kas commandsdeletewhen changing username IDX7788 commandskas deletewhen changing username IDX7789 kas commandscreatewhen changing username IDX7790 commandskas createwhen changing username IDX7791 vos commandsrenamewhen changing username IDX7792 commandsvos renamewhen changing username IDX7793 volume namechangingwhen renaming user IDX7794 renamingvolume when changing username IDX7795 changingvolume name when renaming user IDX7796 fs commandsrmmountwhen changing username IDX7797 commandsfs rmmount IDX7798 mount pointchanging when renaming user IDX7799 removingmount pointwhen changing username IDX7800 changingmount point when renaming user IDX7801 fs commandsmkmountwhen changing username IDX7802 commandsfs mkmountwhen changing username IDX7803 creatingmount point when changing username IDX7804 removinguser account components IDX7805 user accountremoving from system IDX7806 kas commandsdeletewhen removing user account IDX7807 commandskas delete IDX7808 Authentication Databaseentryremoving IDX7809 vos commandsremovewhen removing user account IDX7810 commandsvos remove IDX7811 volumeremovingwhen removing user account IDX7812 removingvolume when removing user account IDX7813 fs commandsrmmountwhen removing user account IDX7814 commandsfs rmmount IDX7815 mount pointremoving when removing user account IDX7816 removingmount point when removing user account IDX7817 pts commandsdeletewhen removing user account IDX7818 commandspts delete IDX7819 Protection Databaseuser entrydeleting IDX7820 removingProtection Database entry IDX7821 current protection subgroup IDX7822 CPS IDX7823 Protection Serverbuilding CPS IDX7824 File ServerCPS requested from Protection Server IDX7825 Protection Databaseuser entry, described IDX7826 userProtection Database entry, described IDX7827 machineProtection Database entry, described IDX7828 Protection Databasemachine entry, described IDX7829 groupProtection Database entry, described IDX7830 Protection Databasegroup entry IDX7831 system groupsdefined IDX7832 groupsystem IDX7833 membershipsystem groups IDX7834 system:anyuser group IDX7835 system:authuser group IDX7836 system:administrators group IDX7837 displayingProtection Database entry IDX7838 displayingowner of Protection Database entry IDX7839 displayingcreator of Protection Database entry IDX7840 displayingprivacy flags on Protection Database entry IDX7841 displayingmembership count in Protection Database entry IDX7842 displayinggroup-creation quota in Protection Database entry IDX7843 Protection Databasemembership countdisplaying IDX7844 Protection Databasegroup entrydisplaying IDX7845 Protection Databasemachine entrydisplaying IDX7846 Protection Databaseuser entrydisplaying IDX7847 Protection Databaseowner of entrydisplaying IDX7848 Protection Databasecreator of entrydisplaying IDX7849 Protection Databaseprivacy flagsdisplaying IDX7850 Protection Databasegroup creation quotadisplaying IDX7851 mappingAFS ID to group, machine, or username IDX7852 mappingusername to AFS UID IDX7853 mappingmachine name to AFS UID IDX7854 mappinggroup name to AFS GID IDX7855 AFS UIDdisplayingfor one user or machine IDX7856 AFS GIDdisplayingfor one group IDX7857 ownerProtection Database entrydisplaying IDX7858 creatorProtection Database entrydisplaying IDX7859 membersgroup, displaying IDX7860 privacy flags on Protection Database entrydisplaying IDX7861 groupProtection Database entrydisplaying IDX7862 groupownerdisplaying IDX7863 groupcreation quotaquota IDX7864 groupprivacy flags on Protection Database entrydisplaying IDX7865 machinegroup membershipsdisplaying number IDX7866 machineProtection Database entrydisplaying IDX7867 machineprivacy flags on Protection Database entrydisplaying IDX7868 quotagroup-creationdisplaying IDX7869 usergroup-creation quotadisplaying IDX7870 userProtection Database entrydisplaying IDX7871 userprivacy flags on Protection Database entrydisplaying IDX7872 usergroup membershipsdisplaying number IDX7873 pts commandsexamine IDX7874 commandspts examine IDX7875 AFS UIDdefinition IDX7876 AFS GIDdefinition IDX7877 UNIX UIDdifference from AFS UID IDX7878 displayinggroups to which user or machine belongs IDX7879 displayingmembers of group IDX7880 groupmembers, displaying IDX7881 groupmembership of machine or user, displaying IDX7882 usergroup memberships, displaying IDX7883 machinegroup memberships, displaying IDX7884 membersgroup, displaying IDX7885 pts commandsmembership IDX7886 commandspts membership IDX7887 groupgroups owned, displaying IDX7888 displayinggroups owned by a user or group IDX7889 grouporphaned, displaying IDX7890 orphaned group IDX7891 usergroups owned, displaying IDX7892 groupowned by user or group, displaying IDX7893 pts commandslistowned IDX7894 commandspts listowned IDX7895 displayingProtection Database entries (all) IDX7896 displayingowner of Protection Database entry IDX7897 displayingcreator of Protection Database entry IDX7898 Protection Databasegroup entrydisplaying all IDX7899 Protection Databasemachine entrydisplaying all IDX7900 Protection Databaseuser entrydisplaying all IDX7901 Protection Databaseowner of entrydisplaying for all IDX7902 Protection Databasecreator of entrydisplaying for all IDX7903 AFS UIDdisplayingfor all users and machines in Protection Database IDX7904 AFS GIDdisplayingfor all groups in Protection Database IDX7905 ownerProtection Database entrydisplaying all IDX7906 creatorProtection Database entrydisplaying all IDX7907 groupProtection Database entrydisplaying all IDX7908 groupownerdisplaying for all IDX7909 machineProtection Database entrydisplaying all IDX7910 userProtection Database entrydisplaying all IDX7911 pts commandslistentries IDX7912 commandspts listentries IDX7913 creatingProtection Database machine entry IDX7914 Protection Databasemachine entry, creating IDX7915 assigningAFS UID to machine IDX7916 machineProtection Database entry, creating IDX7917 machineAFS UID, assigning IDX7918 AFS UIDreusing, about IDX7919 pts commandscreateusermachine entry IDX7920 commandspts createusermachine entry IDX7921 creatingProtection Database group entry IDX7922 Protection Databasegroup entry, creating IDX7923 assigningAFS GID to group IDX7924 groupProtection Database entry, creating IDX7925 groupAFS GID, assigning IDX7926 groupname, assigning IDX7927 groupregular and prefix-less, defined IDX7928 regular groupgroup IDX7929 prefix-less groupgroup IDX7930 groupusing effectively IDX7931 private use of group IDX7932 groupprivate use IDX7933 shared use of group IDX7934 groupshared use IDX7935 group use of group IDX7936 groupgroup use IDX7937 self-owned group IDX7938 pts commandscreategroup IDX7939 commandspts creategroup IDX7940 ownerProtection Database entryrules for assigning IDX7941 rulesgroup names, assigning IDX7942 grouprules for naming IDX7943 groupself-owned, creating IDX7944 creatinggroup, self-owned IDX7945 changinggroup ownership to self-owned IDX7946 addingmembers to groups IDX7947 groupmembers, adding IDX7948 membersgroup, adding IDX7949 useradding to group IDX7950 machineadding to group IDX7951 pts commandsadduser IDX7952 commandspts adduser IDX7953 removinggroup members IDX7954 groupmembers, removing IDX7955 membersgroup, removing IDX7956 userremoving from group IDX7957 machineremoving from group IDX7958 pts commandsremoveuser IDX7959 commandspts removeuser IDX7960 removingProtection Database entry IDX7961 Protection Databaseentry, deleting IDX7962 groupProtection Database entrydeleting IDX7963 userProtection Database entrydeleting IDX7964 machineProtection Database entrydeleting IDX7965 pts commandsdelete IDX7966 commandspts delete IDX7967 changingProtection Database entryowner IDX7968 ownerProtection Database entrychanging IDX7969 Protection Databaseowner of entrychanging IDX7970 commandspts chown IDX7971 pts commandschown IDX7972 changingProtection Database entryname IDX7973 nameProtection Database entrychanging IDX7974 Protection Databaseentry namechanging IDX7975 groupProtection Database entryname, changing IDX7976 machineProtection Database entryname, changing IDX7977 commandspts renamemachine or group name IDX7978 pts commandsrenamemachine or group name IDX7979 settinggroup-creation quota in Protection Database entry IDX7980 Protection Databasegroup creation quotasetting IDX7981 quotagroup-creationsetting IDX7982 Protection Databasegroup creation quotasetting IDX7983 usergroup-creation quotasetting IDX7984 changinggroup-creation quota IDX7985 pts commandssetfieldssetting group creation quota IDX7986 commandspts setfieldssetting group creation quota IDX7987 groupprivacy flags on Protection Database entrysetting IDX7988 userprivacy flags on Protection Database entrysetting IDX7989 machineprivacy flags on Protection Database entrysetting IDX7990 settingprivacy flags on Protection Database entry IDX7991 privacy flags on Protection Database entrysetting IDX7992 Protection Databaseprivacy flagssetting IDX7993 pts commandssetfieldssetting privacy flags IDX7994 commandspts setfieldssetting privacy flags IDX7995 counterProtection Database (max user id, max group id) IDX7996 Protection Databasemax user id and max group id counters, displaying and setting IDX7997 AFS UIDcounter for automatic allocation, displaying and setting IDX7998 AFS GIDcounter for automatic allocation, displaying and setting IDX7999 pts commandslistmax IDX8000 commandspts listmax IDX8001 max user id counter (Protection Database)displaying IDX8002 max group id counter (Protection Database)displaying IDX8003 displayingcounters for AFS UID and AFS GID IDX8004 displayingAFS user id and max group id counters IDX8005 max user id counter (Protection Database)setting IDX8006 max group id counter (Protection Database)setting IDX8007 settingcounters for AFS UID and AFS GID IDX8008 settingAFS user id and max group id counters IDX8009 Protection DatabaseID counters, setting IDX8010 settingAFS UID and AFS GID counters IDX8011 Protection Databasesettingcounters for AFS UIDs IDX8012 AFS UIDsetting counters for automatic allocation IDX8013 settingAFS UID counters IDX8014 pts commandssetmax IDX8015 commandspts setmax IDX8016 protection of file datasee also: ACL IDX8017 protection of file dataAFS compared to UFSACL IDX8018 UFSfile protection compared to AFS IDX8019 protection of file dataAFS compared to UFSACL IDX8020 ACLcompared to UNIX protection IDX8021 directory-level data protectionimplications IDX8022 accesspermissions on ACL (see entries: permissions on ACL, ACL) IDX8023 permissions on ACLdefined IDX8024 ACLpermissions defined IDX8025 lookup ACL permissionl ACL permission IDX8026 l ACL permission IDX8027 insert ACL permissioni ACL permission IDX8028 i ACL permission IDX8029 delete ACL permissiond ACL permission IDX8030 d ACL permission IDX8031 administer ACL permissiona ACL permission IDX8032 a ACL permission IDX8033 readACL permissionr ACL permission) IDX8034 r ACL permission IDX8035 writeACL permissionwrite ACL permission IDX8036 w ACL permission IDX8037 lock ACL permissionk ACL permission IDX8038 k ACL permission IDX8039 undefined ACL permissions IDX8040 auxiliary ACL permissions IDX8041 ACLauxiliary permissions IDX8042 ACLshorthand notation for grouping permissions IDX8043 shorthand notationACL permissions IDX8044 all shorthand for ACL permissions IDX8045 none shorthand for ACL permissions IDX8046 readshorthand for ACL permissions IDX8047 writeshorthand for ACL permissions IDX8048 ACLnormal vs. negative permissions IDX8049 normal ACL permissionsdefined IDX8050 negative ACL permissionsdefined IDX8051 groupACL entry, usefulness of IDX8052 ACLgroup entries, usefulness IDX8053 system groupsusing on ACLs IDX8054 groupsystem-defined on ACLs IDX8055 ACLsystem groups on IDX8056 system:anyuser groupusing on ACLs IDX8057 system:authuser groupusing on ACLs IDX8058 ACLforeign users on IDX8059 ACLdisplaying IDX8060 displayingACL entries IDX8061 fs commandslistacl IDX8062 commandsfs listacl IDX8063 ACLsetting entries IDX8064 ACLediting entries IDX8065 ACLadding entries IDX8066 ACLremoving entries IDX8067 changingACL entries IDX8068 settingACL entries IDX8069 grantingfile access by setting ACL IDX8070 creatingACL entry IDX8071 addingACL entrynormal permissions IDX8072 removingACL entry IDX8073 fs commandssetacl IDX8074 commandsfs setacl IDX8075 fs commandssetaclwith -negative flag IDX8076 commandsfs setaclwith -negative flag IDX8077 creatingACL entry in negative permissions section IDX8078 addingACL entrynegative permissions IDX8079 denyingfile access with negative ACL entry IDX8080 ACLreplacing all entries IDX8081 ACLclearing IDX8082 replacingall entries on ACL IDX8083 erasingall ACL entries IDX8084 clearingall ACL entries IDX8085 removingall ACL entries IDX8086 fs commandssetaclwith -clear flag IDX8087 commandsfs setaclwith -clear flag IDX8088 ACLcopying between directories IDX8089 creatingACL as copy of another IDX8090 copyingACL between directories IDX8091 fs commandscopyacl IDX8092 commandsfs copyacl IDX8093 ACLremoving obsolete AFS IDs IDX8094 removingobsolete AFS IDs from ACL IDX8095 AFS UIDremoving obsolete from ACL IDX8096 AFS GIDremoving obsolete from ACL IDX8097 ACLcleaning IDX8098 commandsfs cleanacl IDX8099 fs commandscleanacl IDX8100 UNIXmode bits, interpretation in AFS IDX8101 UFSmode bits, interpretation in AFS IDX8102 mode bits (UNIX)interpretation in AFS IDX8103 administrative privilegethree types IDX8104 privilegeadministrative privilege IDX8105 pts commandsgranting privilege for IDX8106 fs commandsgranting privilege for IDX8107 privilegegranting for pts commands IDX8108 privilegegranting for fs commands IDX8109 grantingprivilege for fs commands IDX8110 grantingprivilege for pts commands IDX8111 system:administrators groupprivileges resulting IDX8112 system:administrators groupmembersdisplaying IDX8113 displayingsystem:administrators group members IDX8114 pts commandsmembershipdisplaying system:administrators group IDX8115 commandspts membershipdisplaying system:administrators group IDX8116 system:administrators groupmembersadding IDX8117 addingsystem:administrators group members IDX8118 pts commandsadduserfor system:administrators group IDX8119 commandspts adduserfor system:administrators group IDX8120 system:administrators groupmembersremoving IDX8121 removingsystem:administrators group members IDX8122 pts commandsremoveuserfor system:administrators group IDX8123 commandspts removeuserfor system:administrators group IDX8124 ADMIN flag in Authentication Database entryprivileges resulting IDX8125 kas commandsgranting privilege for IDX8126 privilegegranting for kas commands IDX8127 grantingprivilege for kas commands IDX8128 ADMIN flag in Authentication Database entrydisplaying IDX8129 displayingADMIN flag in Authentication Database entry IDX8130 kas commandsexamineto display ADMIN flag IDX8131 commandskas examineto display ADMIN flag IDX8132 commandskas setfieldssetting ADMIN flag IDX8133 kas commandssetfieldssetting ADMIN flag IDX8134 ADMIN flag in Authentication Database entrysetting or removing IDX8135 addingADMIN flag to Authentication Database entry IDX8136 settingADMIN flag in Authentication Database entry IDX8137 removingADMIN flag from Authentication Database entry IDX8138 UserList fileprivileges resulting IDX8139 grantingprivilege for kas commands IDX8140 bos commandsgranting privilege for IDX8141 vos commandsgranting privilege for IDX8142 backup commandsgranting privilege for IDX8143 privilegegranting for bos commands IDX8144 privilegegranting for vos commands IDX8145 privilegegranting for backup commands IDX8146 grantingprivilege for bos commands IDX8147 grantingprivilege for vos commands IDX8148 grantingprivilege for backup commands IDX8149 system control machineas distributor of UserList file IDX8150 UserList filedisplaying IDX8151 displayingUserList file IDX8152 bos commandslistusers IDX8153 commandsbos listusers IDX8154 UserList fileadding users IDX8155 addingUserList file users IDX8156 bos commandsadduser IDX8157 commandsbos adduser IDX8158 UserList fileremoving users IDX8159 removingUserList file users IDX8160 bos commandsremoveuser IDX8161 commandsbos removeuser IDX8162 NFS/AFS Translator IDX8163 translatorNFS/AFS IDX8164 AFSSERVER environment variable (NFS/AFS Translator) IDX8165 NFS/AFS TranslatorAFSCONF environment variable IDX8166 AFSCONF environment variable (NFS/AFS Translator) IDX8167 asynchronywhen AFS files saved on NFS clients IDX8168 synchronywhen AFS files saved on NFS clients IDX8169 delayed write operationswhen AFS files saved on NFS clients IDX8170 writeoperations delayed from NFS clients IDX8171 writesystem call for files saved on NFS client IDX8172 fsync system callfor files saved on NFS client IDX8173 close system callfor files saved on NFS client IDX8174 etc/exports file IDX8175 filesexports IDX8176 share command IDX8177 commandsshare IDX8178 fs commandsexportafs IDX8179 commandsfs exportafs IDX8180 commandsmount IDX8181 mount command IDX8182 knfs command IDX8183 commandsknfs IDX8184 tokensdisplaying with knfs command IDX8185 tokensdiscarding with knfs command IDX8186 afsmonitor programavailable statistics IDX8187 afsmonitor programCache Manager statistics IDX8188 afsmonitor programfile server statistics IDX8189 AIXauditing AFS eventslist of available events