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<TITLE>Administration Reference</TITLE>
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<H1>Administration Reference</H1>
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<H2><A NAME="HDRBOS_LISTUSERS" HREF="auarf002.htm#ToC_122">bos listusers</A></H2>
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<P>Lists the privileged users from the <B>/usr/afs/etc/UserList</B> file
<PRE><B>bos listusers -server</B> &lt;<VAR>machine&nbsp;name</VAR>> [<B>-cell</B> &lt;<VAR>cell&nbsp;name</VAR>>]
[<B>-noauth</B>] [<B>-localauth</B>] [<B>-help</B>]
<B>bos listu -s</B> &lt;<VAR>machine&nbsp;name</VAR>> [<B>-c</B> &lt;<VAR>cell&nbsp;name</VAR>>] [<B>-n</B>] [<B>-l</B>] [<B>-h</B>]
<P>The <B>bos listusers</B> command lists the user names from the
<B>/usr/afs/etc/UserList</B> file on the file server machine named by the
<B>-server</B> argument. The users are authorized to issue
privileged <B>bos</B> and <B>vos</B> commands.
<P>To edit the list of users, use the <B>bos adduser</B> and <B>bos
removeuser</B> commands.
</B><DD>Indicates the server machine from which to display the <B>UserList</B>
file. Identify the machine by IP address or its host name (either
fully-qualified or abbreviated unambiguously). For details, see the
introductory reference page for the <B>bos</B> command suite.
<P>For consistent performance in the cell, the output must be the same on
every server machine. The <B>bos adduser</B> reference page
explains how to keep the machines synchronized.
</B><DD>Names the cell in which to run the command. Do not combine this
argument with the <B>-localauth</B> flag. For more details, see the
introductory <B>bos</B> reference page.
</B><DD>Assigns the unprivileged identity <B>anonymous</B> to the
issuer. Do not combine this flag with the <B>-localauth</B>
flag. For more details, see the introductory <B>bos</B> reference
</B><DD>Constructs a server ticket using a key from the local
<B>/usr/afs/etc/KeyFile</B> file. The <B>bos</B> command
interpreter presents the ticket to the BOS Server during mutual
authentication. Do not combine this flag with the <B>-cell</B> or
<B>-noauth</B> options. For more details, see the introductory
<B>bos</B> reference page.
</B><DD>Prints the online help for this command. All other valid options
are ignored.
<P>The output lists the user name of each user entitled to issue privileged
<B>bos</B> and <B>vos</B> commands.
<P>The following example lists the users from <B>UserList</B> file on the
machine <B></B>.
<PRE> % <B>bos listusers</B>
SUsers are: pat smith jones terry
<P><STRONG>Privilege Required</STRONG>
<P><STRONG>Related Information</STRONG>
<P><A HREF="auarf023.htm#HDRKEYFILE">KeyFile</A>
<P><A HREF="auarf035.htm#HDRUSERLIST">UserList</A>
<P><A HREF="auarf093.htm#HDRBOS_INTRO">bos</A>
<P><A HREF="auarf096.htm#HDRBOS_ADDUSER">bos adduser</A>
<P><A HREF="auarf112.htm#HDRBOS_REMOVEUSER">bos removeuser</A>
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