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synced 2025-01-31 21:47:45 +00:00
Make the mentions of subcommands in the fs command introduction links to the relevant pages, and add to README a to-do note to do this for the rest of the introductory pages. Fix links to man pages that contain underscores by working around a bug in Pod::Simple.
133 lines
3.9 KiB
Executable File
133 lines
3.9 KiB
Executable File
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
package OpenAFS::HTML;
use strict;
use vars qw(@ISA);
use Pod::Simple::Search;
@ISA = qw(Pod::Simple::HTML);
sub do_man_link {
my ($self, $token) = @_;
my $page = $token->attr ('to');
my ($name, $section) = ($page =~ /^([^\(]+)\((\d+)\)$/);
return unless $name;
my @url = ('..', $section, $name);
return join ('/', map { $self->pagepath_url_escape ($_) } @url)
# Underscore isn't allowed in man page names in Pod::Simple 3.04, so links
# like L<fs_setacl(8)> show up as POD links. Discover that case and dispatch
# everything else to the standard do_pod_link implementation.
sub do_pod_link {
my ($self, $token) = @_;
my $target = $token->attr ('to');
if ($target && $target =~ /^([^\s\(]+)\((\d+)\)$/) {
return $self->do_man_link ($token);
} else {
return $self->SUPER::do_pod_link ($token);
sub VERSION () { '1.1' }
$Pod::Simple::HTML::Tagmap{'item-bullet'} = '<li><p>';
$Pod::Simple::HTML::Tagmap{'/item-bullet'} = '</p></li>';
$Pod::Simple::HTML::Tagmap{'item-number'} = '<li><p>';
$Pod::Simple::HTML::Tagmap{'/item-number'} = '</p></li>';
package main;
use strict;
use File::Copy;
use Pod::Simple::HTMLBatch;
our $HEADER = <<'EOH';
<title>OpenAFS Reference Manual</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" title="style" type="text/css" href="style.css" media="all">
<body class='contentspage'>
<h1>OpenAFS Reference Manual</h1>
our %HEADINGS = (1 => 'User Commands',
5 => 'Configuration and Data Files',
8 => 'Administrator Commands');
# Scan all of the POD files and build a list of section, name, and short
# description, returning that as an array.
sub scan_names {
my @index;
for my $dir (qw(pod1 pod5 pod8)) {
my $section = $dir;
$section =~ s/^pod//;
opendir (D, $dir) or die "Cannot open $dir: $!\n";
for my $file (sort grep { !/^\./ && !/CVS/ } readdir D) {
open (F, "$dir/$file") or die "Cannot open $dir/$file: $!\n";
my ($name, $desc);
local $_;
while (<F>) {
last if /^=head1/ && !/^=head1\s+NAME\b/;
next unless /\s+-\s+/;
($name, $desc) = split (/\s+-\s+/, $_, 2);
unless ($name) {
warn "$dir/$file: cannot find NAME section, skipping\n";
my $page = $file;
$page =~ s/\.pod$//;
push (@index, [ $section, $name, $page, $desc ]);
closedir D;
return @index;
unless (-d 'html') {
mkdir ('html', 0755) or die "Cannot create html directory: $!\n";
for my $dir (qw(pod1 pod5 pod8)) {
my $section = $dir;
$section =~ s/^pod//;
mkdir ("html/$section", 0755) unless -d "html/$section";
my $conv = Pod::Simple::HTMLBatch->new;
$conv->verbose (0);
$conv->index (undef);
$conv->contents_file (undef);
$conv->add_css ('../style.css', 1);
$conv->css_flurry (0);
$conv->javascript_flurry (0);
$conv->html_render_class ('OpenAFS::HTML');
$conv->batch_convert ($dir, "html/$section");
copy ('style.css', 'html/style.css') or die "Cannot copy style.css: $!\n";
open (INDEX, '> html/index.html')
or die "Cannot create html/index.html: $!\n";
print INDEX "<table>\n";
my @index = scan_names;
my $current;
for my $entry (@index) {
my ($section, $name, $page, $desc) = @$entry;
for ($name, $desc) {
if (!$current || $section != $current) {
print INDEX qq(<tr><td> </td></tr>\n);
print INDEX qq(<tr class="heading"><th colspan="2">);
print INDEX qq($HEADINGS{$section}</th></tr>\n);
$current = $section;
print INDEX qq(<tr><td><a href="$section/$page.html">$name</a></td>);
print INDEX qq(<td>$desc</td></tr>\n);
print INDEX "</table>\n</body>\n</html>\n";