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<TITLE>Administration Reference</TITLE>
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<H1>Administration Reference</H1>
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<H2><A NAME="HDRBOS_ADDHOST" HREF="auarf002.htm#ToC_108">bos addhost</A></H2>
<A NAME="IDX4451"></A>
<A NAME="IDX4452"></A>
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<A NAME="IDX4455"></A>
<P>Adds a database server machine to the <B>/usr/afs/etc/CellServDB</B>
<PRE><B>bos addhost -server</B> &lt;<VAR>machine&nbsp;name</VAR>> <B>-host</B> &lt;<VAR>host&nbsp;name</VAR>><SUP>+</SUP>
[<B>-cell</B> &lt;<VAR>cell&nbsp;name</VAR>>] [<B>-noauth</B>] [<B>-localauth</B>] [<B>-help</B>]
<B>bos addh -s</B> &lt;<VAR>machine&nbsp;name</VAR>> <B>-ho</B> &lt;<VAR>host&nbsp;name</VAR>><SUP>+</SUP>
[<B>-c</B> &lt;<VAR>cell&nbsp;name</VAR>>] [<B>-n</B>] [<B>-l</B>] [<B>-he</B>]
<P>The <B>bos addhost</B> command adds an entry for each database server
machine specified with the <B>-host</B> argument to the
<B>/usr/afs/etc/CellServDB</B> file on the machine named by the
<B>-server</B> argument.
<P>After executing this command (and waiting for the Update Server to
propagate the changes, if it is used), restart the database server processes
on all database server machines to force election of a quorum that includes
the new set of machines listed in the <B>/usr/afs/etc/CellServDB</B>
file. The <I>IBM AFS Quick Beginnings</I> explains in more detail
how to add and remove database server machines.
<P>It is best to maintain a one-to-one mapping between hostnames and IP
addresses on a multihomed database server machine (this is actually the
conventional configuration for any AFS machine). The BOS Server uses
the <B>gethostbyname(&nbsp;)</B> routine to obtain the IP address
associated with the hostname specified by the <B>-host</B>
argument. If there is more than one address, the BOS Server records in
the <B>CellServDB</B> entry the one that appears first in the list of
addresses returned by the routine. The routine possibly returns
addresses in a different order on different machines, which can create
</B><DD>Identifies the server machine on which to change the
<B>/usr/afs/etc/CellServDB</B> file. Identify the machine by IP
address or its host name (either fully-qualified or abbreviated
unambiguously). For details, see the introductory reference page for
the <B>bos</B> command suite.
<P>In cells that run the United States edition of AFS and use the Update
Server to distribute the contents of the <B>/usr/afs/etc</B> directory, it
is conventional to specify only the system control machine as a value for the
<B>-server</B> argument. In cells that run the international
version of AFS, repeat the command for each file server machine. For
further discussion, see the introductory reference page for the <B>bos</B>
command suite.
</B><DD>Specifies the fully-qualified host name (such as
<B></B>) of each database server machine to
register in the <B>CellServDB</B> file.
</B><DD>Names the cell in which to run the command. Do not combine this
argument with the <B>-localauth</B> flag. For more details, see the
introductory <B>bos</B> reference page.
</B><DD>Assigns the unprivileged identity <B>anonymous</B> to the
issuer. Do not combine this flag with the <B>-localauth</B>
flag. For more details, see the introductory <B>bos</B> reference
</B><DD>Constructs a server ticket using a key from the local
<B>/usr/afs/etc/KeyFile</B> file. The <B>bos</B> command
interpreter presents the ticket to the BOS Server during mutual
authentication. Do not combine this flag with the <B>-cell</B> or
<B>-noauth</B> options. For more details, see the introductory
<B>bos</B> reference page.
</B><DD>Prints the online help for this command. All other valid options
are ignored.
<P>The following command adds the database server machines
<B></B> and <B></B>
to the <B>/usr/afs/etc/CellServDB</B> file on the machine
<B></B> (the system control machine).
<PRE> % <B>bos addhost -server -host</B>
<P><STRONG>Privilege Required</STRONG>
<P>The issuer must be listed in the <B>/usr/afs/etc/UserList</B> file on
the machine named by the <B>-server</B> argument, or must be logged onto a
server machine as the local superuser <B>root</B> if the
<B>-localauth</B> flag is included.
<P><STRONG>Related Information</STRONG>
<P><A HREF="auarf020.htm#HDRSV_CSDB">CellServDB (server version)</A>
<P><A HREF="auarf023.htm#HDRKEYFILE">KeyFile</A>
<P><A HREF="auarf035.htm#HDRUSERLIST">UserList</A>
<P><A HREF="auarf093.htm#HDRBOS_INTRO">bos</A>
<P><A HREF="auarf106.htm#HDRBOS_LISTHOSTS">bos listhosts</A>
<P><A HREF="auarf110.htm#HDRBOS_REMOVEHOST">bos removehost</A>
<P><I>IBM AFS Quick Beginnings</I>
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