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<TITLE>Administration Guide</TITLE>
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<H1>Administration Guide</H1>
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<HR><H1><A NAME="Header_3" HREF="auagd002.htm#ToC_3">About This Guide</A></H1>
<P>This section describes the purpose, organization, and conventions of this
<HR><H2><A NAME="HDRWQ1" HREF="auagd002.htm#ToC_4">Audience and Purpose</A></H2>
<P>This guide describes the concepts and procedures that an
AFS<SUP><SUP>(R)</SUP></SUP> system administrator needs to know. It assumes
familiarity with UNIX<SUP><SUP>(R)</SUP></SUP> administration, but no previous
knowledge of AFS.
<P>This document describes AFS commands in the context of specific
tasks. Thus, it does not describe all commands in detail. Refer
to the <I>IBM AFS Administration Reference</I> for detailed command
<HR><H2><A NAME="HDRWQ2" HREF="auagd002.htm#ToC_5">Document Organization</A></H2>
<P>This document groups AFS administrative tasks into the
following conceptual sections:
<P><LI>Concepts and Configuration Issues
<P><LI>Managing File Server Machines
<P><LI>Managing Client Machines
<P><LI>Managing Users and Groups
<P>The individual chapters in each section contain the following:
<P><LI>A chapter overview
<P><LI>A quick reference list of the tasks and commands described in the chapter
<P><LI>An introduction to concepts that pertain to all of the tasks described in
the chapter
<P><LI>A set of sections devoted to specific tasks. Each section begins
with a discussion of concepts specific to that task, followed by step-by-step
instructions for performing the task. The instructions are as specific
as has been judged practical. If two related procedures differ from one
another in important details, separate sets of instructions are usually
<HR><H2><A NAME="HDRWQ3" HREF="auagd002.htm#ToC_6">How to Use This Document</A></H2>
<P>When you need to perform a specific administrative task,
follow these steps:
<P><LI>Determine if the task concerns file server machines, client machines, or
users and groups. Turn to the appropriate section in this document and
then to the appropriate chapter.
<P><LI>Read or review the general introductory material at the beginning of the
<P><LI>Read or review the introductory material concerning the specific task you
wish to perform.
<P><LI>Follow the step-by-step instructions for the task.
<P><LI>If necessary, refer to the <I>IBM AFS Administration Reference</I> for
more detailed information about the commands.
<HR><H2><A NAME="HDRWQ4" HREF="auagd002.htm#ToC_7">Related Documents</A></H2>
<P>The following documents are also included in the AFS
documentation set.
<P><I>IBM AFS Administration Reference</I>
<P>This reference manual details the syntax and effect of each AFS
command. It is intended for the experienced AFS administrator,
programmer, or user.
<P>The <I>IBM AFS Administration Reference</I> lists AFS files and
commands in alphabetical order. The reference page for each command
specifies its syntax, including the acceptable aliases and
abbreviations. It then describes the command's function,
arguments, and output if any. Examples and a list of related commands
are provided, as are warnings where appropriate.
<P>This manual complements the <I>IBM AFS Administration Guide</I>:
it does not include procedural information, but describes commands in more
detail than the <I>IBM AFS Administration Guide</I>.
<P><I>IBM AFS Quick Beginnings</I>
<P>This guide provides instructions for installing AFS server and client
machines. It is assumed that the installer is an experienced UNIX<SUP>
<SUP>(R)</SUP></SUP> system administrator.
<P>For predictable performance, machines must be installed and configured in
accordance with the instructions in this guide.
<P><I>IBM AFS Release Notes</I>
<P>This document provides information specific to each release of AFS, such as
a list of new features and commands, a list of requirements and limitations,
and instructions for upgrading server and client machines.
<P><I>IBM AFS User Guide</I>
<P>This guide presents the basic concepts and procedures necessary for using
AFS effectively. It assumes that the reader has some experience with
UNIX, but does not require familiarity with networking or AFS.
<P>The guide explains how to perform basic functions, including
authenticating, changing a password, protecting AFS data, creating groups, and
troubleshooting. It provides illustrative examples for each function
and describes some of the differences between the UNIX file system and
<HR><H2><A NAME="HDRTYPO_CONV" HREF="auagd002.htm#ToC_8">Typographical Conventions</A></H2>
<P>This document uses the following typographical
<P><LI>Command and option names appear in <B>bold type</B> in syntax
definitions, examples, and running text. Names of directories, files,
machines, partitions, volumes, and users also appear in <B>bold
<P><LI>Variable information appears in <I>italic type</I>. This
includes user-supplied information on command lines and the parts of prompts
that differ depending on who issues the command. New terms also appear
in <I>italic type</I>.
<P><LI>Examples of screen output and file contents appear in <TT>monospace
<P>In addition, the following symbols appear in command syntax definitions,
both in the documentation and in AFS online help statements. When
issuing a command, do not type these symbols.
<P><LI>Square brackets <B>[ ]</B> surround optional items.
<P><LI>Angle brackets <B>< ></B> surround user-supplied values in AFS
<P><LI>A superscripted plus sign <B>+</B> follows an argument that accepts
more than one value.
<P><LI>The percent sign <TT>%</TT> represents the regular command shell
prompt. Some operating systems possibly use a different character for
this prompt.
<P><LI>The number sign <TT>#</TT> represents the command shell prompt for the
local superuser <B>root</B>. Some operating systems possibly use a
different character for this prompt.
<P><LI>The pipe symbol <B> |</B> in a command syntax statement separates
mutually exclusive values for an argument.
<P>For additional information on AFS commands, including a description of
command string components, acceptable abbreviations and aliases, and how to
get online help for commands, see <A HREF="auagd023.htm#HDRCOMMANDS">Appendix B, Using AFS Commands</A>.
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