c backend: use an explicit map of reserved idents

rather than unconditionally prepending double underscore to all
identifiers. Also, use the prefix `zig_e_` instead of `__`. Also, avoid
triggering this escaping when rendering an identifier and there has
already been a prefix printed.
This commit is contained in:
Andrew Kelley 2022-01-25 20:49:43 -07:00
parent fbe5336f3b
commit 618055db50

View File

@ -72,15 +72,129 @@ pub fn typeToCIdentifier(t: Type) std.fmt.Formatter(formatTypeAsCIdentifier) {
return .{ .data = t };
const reserved_idents = std.ComptimeStringMap(void, .{
.{ "_Alignas", {
} },
.{ "_Alignof", {} },
.{ "_Atomic", {} },
.{ "_Bool", {} },
.{ "_Complex", {} },
.{ "_Decimal128", {} },
.{ "_Decimal32", {} },
.{ "_Decimal64", {} },
.{ "_Generic", {} },
.{ "_Imaginary", {} },
.{ "_Noreturn", {} },
.{ "_Pragma", {} },
.{ "_Static_assert", {} },
.{ "_Thread_local", {} },
.{ "alignas", {} },
.{ "alignof", {} },
.{ "asm", {} },
.{ "atomic_bool", {} },
.{ "atomic_char", {} },
.{ "atomic_char16_t", {} },
.{ "atomic_char32_t", {} },
.{ "atomic_int", {} },
.{ "atomic_int_fast16_t", {} },
.{ "atomic_int_fast32_t", {} },
.{ "atomic_int_fast64_t", {} },
.{ "atomic_int_fast8_t", {} },
.{ "atomic_int_least16_t", {} },
.{ "atomic_int_least32_t", {} },
.{ "atomic_int_least64_t", {} },
.{ "atomic_int_least8_t", {} },
.{ "atomic_intmax_t", {} },
.{ "atomic_intptr_t", {} },
.{ "atomic_llong", {} },
.{ "atomic_long", {} },
.{ "atomic_ptrdiff_t", {} },
.{ "atomic_schar", {} },
.{ "atomic_short", {} },
.{ "atomic_size_t", {} },
.{ "atomic_uchar", {} },
.{ "atomic_uint", {} },
.{ "atomic_uint_fast16_t", {} },
.{ "atomic_uint_fast32_t", {} },
.{ "atomic_uint_fast64_t", {} },
.{ "atomic_uint_fast8_t", {} },
.{ "atomic_uint_least16_t", {} },
.{ "atomic_uint_least32_t", {} },
.{ "atomic_uint_least64_t", {} },
.{ "atomic_uint_least8_t", {} },
.{ "atomic_uintmax_t", {} },
.{ "atomic_uintptr_t", {} },
.{ "atomic_ullong", {} },
.{ "atomic_ulong", {} },
.{ "atomic_ushort", {} },
.{ "atomic_wchar_t", {} },
.{ "auto", {} },
.{ "bool", {} },
.{ "break", {} },
.{ "case", {} },
.{ "char", {} },
.{ "complex", {} },
.{ "const", {} },
.{ "continue", {} },
.{ "default", {} },
.{ "do", {} },
.{ "double", {} },
.{ "else", {} },
.{ "enum", {} },
.{ "extern ", {} },
.{ "float", {} },
.{ "for", {} },
.{ "fortran", {} },
.{ "goto", {} },
.{ "if", {} },
.{ "imaginary", {} },
.{ "inline", {} },
.{ "int", {} },
.{ "int16_t", {} },
.{ "int32_t", {} },
.{ "int64_t", {} },
.{ "int8_t", {} },
.{ "intptr_t", {} },
.{ "long", {} },
.{ "noreturn", {} },
.{ "register", {} },
.{ "restrict", {} },
.{ "return", {} },
.{ "short ", {} },
.{ "signed", {} },
.{ "size_t", {} },
.{ "sizeof", {} },
.{ "ssize_t", {} },
.{ "static", {} },
.{ "static_assert", {} },
.{ "struct", {} },
.{ "switch", {} },
.{ "thread_local", {} },
.{ "typedef", {} },
.{ "uint16_t", {} },
.{ "uint32_t", {} },
.{ "uint64_t", {} },
.{ "uint8_t", {} },
.{ "uintptr_t", {} },
.{ "union", {} },
.{ "unsigned", {} },
.{ "void", {} },
.{ "volatile", {} },
.{ "while ", {} },
fn formatIdent(
ident: []const u8,
comptime fmt: []const u8,
options: std.fmt.FormatOptions,
writer: anytype,
) !void {
_ = fmt;
_ = options;
try writer.writeAll("__"); // Add double underscore to avoid conflicting with C's reserved keywords
const solo = fmt.len != 0 and fmt[0] == ' '; // space means solo; not part of a bigger ident.
if (solo and reserved_idents.has(ident)) {
try writer.writeAll("zig_e_");
for (ident) |c, i| {
switch (c) {
'a'...'z', 'A'...'Z', '_' => try writer.writeByte(c),
@ -612,7 +726,7 @@ pub const DeclGen = struct {
const field_ty = ty.unionFields().values()[index].ty;
const field_name = ty.unionFields().keys()[index];
if (field_ty.hasRuntimeBits()) {
try writer.print(".{} = ", .{fmtIdent(field_name)});
try writer.print(".{ } = ", .{fmtIdent(field_name)});
try dg.renderValue(writer, field_ty, union_obj.val);
if (ty.unionTagType()) |_| {
@ -796,7 +910,7 @@ pub const DeclGen = struct {
try buffer.appendSlice("} ");
const name_start = buffer.items.len;
try buffer.writer().print("zig_S_{s};\n", .{fmtIdent(fqn)});
try buffer.writer().print("zig_S_{};\n", .{fmtIdent(fqn)});
const rendered = buffer.toOwnedSlice();
errdefer dg.typedefs.allocator.free(rendered);
@ -852,7 +966,7 @@ pub const DeclGen = struct {
const name_start = buffer.items.len;
try buffer.writer().print("zig_U_{s};\n", .{fmtIdent(fqn)});
try buffer.writer().print("zig_U_{};\n", .{fmtIdent(fqn)});
const rendered = buffer.toOwnedSlice();
errdefer dg.typedefs.allocator.free(rendered);
@ -1140,7 +1254,7 @@ pub const DeclGen = struct {
try w.writeByte('&');
return dg.renderDeclName(decl, w);
.identifier => |ident| return w.print("{}", .{fmtIdent(ident)}),
.identifier => |ident| return w.print("{ }", .{fmtIdent(ident)}),
.bytes => |bytes| return w.writeAll(bytes),
@ -1154,7 +1268,7 @@ pub const DeclGen = struct {
const gpa = dg.module.gpa;
const name = try decl.getFullyQualifiedName(gpa);
defer gpa.free(name);
return writer.print("{}", .{fmtIdent(name)});
return writer.print("{ }", .{fmtIdent(name)});
@ -2785,12 +2899,14 @@ fn structFieldPtr(f: *Function, inst: Air.Inst.Index, struct_ptr_ty: Type, struc
const local = try f.allocLocal(inst_ty, .Const);
switch (struct_ptr) {
.local_ref => |i| {
try writer.print(" = {s}t{d}.{s}{};\n", .{ addrof, i, payload, fmtIdent(field_name) });
try writer.print(" = {s}t{d}.{s}{ };\n", .{
addrof, i, payload, fmtIdent(field_name),
else => {
try writer.print(" = {s}", .{addrof});
try f.writeCValue(writer, struct_ptr);
try writer.print("->{s}{};\n", .{ payload, fmtIdent(field_name) });
try writer.print("->{s}{ };\n", .{ payload, fmtIdent(field_name) });
return local;
@ -2816,7 +2932,7 @@ fn airStructFieldVal(f: *Function, inst: Air.Inst.Index) !CValue {
const local = try f.allocLocal(inst_ty, .Const);
try writer.writeAll(" = ");
try f.writeCValue(writer, struct_byval);
try writer.print(".{s}{};\n", .{ payload, fmtIdent(field_name) });
try writer.print(".{s}{ };\n", .{ payload, fmtIdent(field_name) });
return local;