std.os.linux: Move clone() here and stop exporting it.

This commit is contained in:
Alex Rønne Petersen 2024-08-01 23:46:09 +02:00 committed by Andrew Kelley
parent 75f78bfb77
commit f9f8942008
13 changed files with 414 additions and 441 deletions

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@ -29,10 +29,6 @@ comptime {
@export(wasm_start, .{ .name = "_start", .linkage = .strong });
if (native_os == .linux) {
@export(clone, .{ .name = "clone" });
if (builtin.link_libc) {
@export(strcmp, .{ .name = "strcmp", .linkage = .strong });
@export(strncmp, .{ .name = "strncmp", .linkage = .strong });
@ -188,401 +184,3 @@ test "strncmp" {
try std.testing.expect(strncmp("b", "a", 1) > 0);
try std.testing.expect(strncmp("\xff", "\x02", 1) > 0);
// TODO we should be able to put this directly in std/linux/x86_64.zig but
// it causes a segfault in release mode. this is a workaround of calling it
// across .o file boundaries. fix comptime @ptrCast of nakedcc functions.
fn clone() callconv(.Naked) void {
switch (native_arch) {
.x86 => {
// __clone(func, stack, flags, arg, ptid, tls, ctid)
// +8, +12, +16, +20, +24, +28, +32
// syscall(SYS_clone, flags, stack, ptid, tls, ctid)
// eax, ebx, ecx, edx, esi, edi
asm volatile (
\\ pushl %%ebp
\\ movl %%esp,%%ebp
\\ pushl %%ebx
\\ pushl %%esi
\\ pushl %%edi
\\ // Setup the arguments
\\ movl 16(%%ebp),%%ebx
\\ movl 12(%%ebp),%%ecx
\\ andl $-16,%%ecx
\\ subl $20,%%ecx
\\ movl 20(%%ebp),%%eax
\\ movl %%eax,4(%%ecx)
\\ movl 8(%%ebp),%%eax
\\ movl %%eax,0(%%ecx)
\\ movl 24(%%ebp),%%edx
\\ movl 28(%%ebp),%%esi
\\ movl 32(%%ebp),%%edi
\\ movl $120,%%eax
\\ int $128
\\ testl %%eax,%%eax
\\ jnz 1f
\\ popl %%eax
\\ xorl %%ebp,%%ebp
\\ calll *%%eax
\\ movl %%eax,%%ebx
\\ movl $1,%%eax
\\ int $128
\\ popl %%edi
\\ popl %%esi
\\ popl %%ebx
\\ popl %%ebp
\\ retl
.x86_64 => {
asm volatile (
\\ movl $56,%%eax // SYS_clone
\\ movq %%rdi,%%r11
\\ movq %%rdx,%%rdi
\\ movq %%r8,%%rdx
\\ movq %%r9,%%r8
\\ movq 8(%%rsp),%%r10
\\ movq %%r11,%%r9
\\ andq $-16,%%rsi
\\ subq $8,%%rsi
\\ movq %%rcx,(%%rsi)
\\ syscall
\\ testq %%rax,%%rax
\\ jnz 1f
\\ xorl %%ebp,%%ebp
\\ popq %%rdi
\\ callq *%%r9
\\ movl %%eax,%%edi
\\ movl $60,%%eax // SYS_exit
\\ syscall
\\1: ret
.aarch64, .aarch64_be => {
// __clone(func, stack, flags, arg, ptid, tls, ctid)
// x0, x1, w2, x3, x4, x5, x6
// syscall(SYS_clone, flags, stack, ptid, tls, ctid)
// x8, x0, x1, x2, x3, x4
asm volatile (
\\ // align stack and save func,arg
\\ and x1,x1,#-16
\\ stp x0,x3,[x1,#-16]!
\\ // syscall
\\ uxtw x0,w2
\\ mov x2,x4
\\ mov x3,x5
\\ mov x4,x6
\\ mov x8,#220 // SYS_clone
\\ svc #0
\\ cbz x0,1f
\\ // parent
\\ ret
\\ // child
\\1: ldp x1,x0,[sp],#16
\\ blr x1
\\ mov x8,#93 // SYS_exit
\\ svc #0
.arm, .armeb, .thumb, .thumbeb => {
// __clone(func, stack, flags, arg, ptid, tls, ctid)
// r0, r1, r2, r3, +0, +4, +8
// syscall(SYS_clone, flags, stack, ptid, tls, ctid)
// r7 r0, r1, r2, r3, r4
asm volatile (
\\ stmfd sp!,{r4,r5,r6,r7}
\\ mov r7,#120
\\ mov r6,r3
\\ mov r5,r0
\\ mov r0,r2
\\ and r1,r1,#-16
\\ ldr r2,[sp,#16]
\\ ldr r3,[sp,#20]
\\ ldr r4,[sp,#24]
\\ svc 0
\\ tst r0,r0
\\ beq 1f
\\ ldmfd sp!,{r4,r5,r6,r7}
\\ bx lr
\\1: mov r0,r6
\\ bl 3f
\\2: mov r7,#1
\\ svc 0
\\ b 2b
\\3: bx r5
.riscv32 => {
// __clone(func, stack, flags, arg, ptid, tls, ctid)
// a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6
// syscall(SYS_clone, flags, stack, ptid, tls, ctid)
// a7 a0, a1, a2, a3, a4
asm volatile (
\\ # Save func and arg to stack
\\ addi a1, a1, -8
\\ sw a0, 0(a1)
\\ sw a3, 4(a1)
\\ # Call SYS_clone
\\ mv a0, a2
\\ mv a2, a4
\\ mv a3, a5
\\ mv a4, a6
\\ li a7, 220 # SYS_clone
\\ ecall
\\ beqz a0, 1f
\\ # Parent
\\ ret
\\ # Child
\\1: lw a1, 0(sp)
\\ lw a0, 4(sp)
\\ jalr a1
\\ # Exit
\\ li a7, 93 # SYS_exit
\\ ecall
.riscv64 => {
// __clone(func, stack, flags, arg, ptid, tls, ctid)
// a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6
// syscall(SYS_clone, flags, stack, ptid, tls, ctid)
// a7 a0, a1, a2, a3, a4
asm volatile (
\\ # Save func and arg to stack
\\ addi a1, a1, -16
\\ sd a0, 0(a1)
\\ sd a3, 8(a1)
\\ # Call SYS_clone
\\ mv a0, a2
\\ mv a2, a4
\\ mv a3, a5
\\ mv a4, a6
\\ li a7, 220 # SYS_clone
\\ ecall
\\ beqz a0, 1f
\\ # Parent
\\ ret
\\ # Child
\\1: ld a1, 0(sp)
\\ ld a0, 8(sp)
\\ jalr a1
\\ # Exit
\\ li a7, 93 # SYS_exit
\\ ecall
.mips, .mipsel, .mips64, .mips64el => {
// __clone(func, stack, flags, arg, ptid, tls, ctid)
// 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
// syscall(SYS_clone, flags, stack, ptid, tls, ctid)
// 2 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
asm volatile (
\\ # Save function pointer and argument pointer on new thread stack
\\ and $5, $5, -8
\\ subu $5, $5, 16
\\ sw $4, 0($5)
\\ sw $7, 4($5)
\\ # Shuffle (fn,sp,fl,arg,ptid,tls,ctid) to (fl,sp,ptid,tls,ctid)
\\ move $4, $6
\\ lw $6, 16($sp)
\\ lw $7, 20($sp)
\\ lw $9, 24($sp)
\\ subu $sp, $sp, 16
\\ sw $9, 16($sp)
\\ li $2, 4120
\\ syscall
\\ beq $7, $0, 1f
\\ nop
\\ addu $sp, $sp, 16
\\ jr $ra
\\ subu $2, $0, $2
\\ beq $2, $0, 1f
\\ nop
\\ addu $sp, $sp, 16
\\ jr $ra
\\ nop
\\ lw $25, 0($sp)
\\ lw $4, 4($sp)
\\ jalr $25
\\ nop
\\ move $4, $2
\\ li $2, 4001
\\ syscall
.powerpc, .powerpcle => {
// __clone(func, stack, flags, arg, ptid, tls, ctid)
// 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
// syscall(SYS_clone, flags, stack, ptid, tls, ctid)
// 0 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
asm volatile (
\\ # store non-volatile regs r30, r31 on stack in order to put our
\\ # start func and its arg there
\\ stwu 30, -16(1)
\\ stw 31, 4(1)
\\ # save r3 (func) into r30, and r6(arg) into r31
\\ mr 30, 3
\\ mr 31, 6
\\ # create initial stack frame for new thread
\\ clrrwi 4, 4, 4
\\ li 0, 0
\\ stwu 0, -16(4)
\\ #move c into first arg
\\ mr 3, 5
\\ #mr 4, 4
\\ mr 5, 7
\\ mr 6, 8
\\ mr 7, 9
\\ # move syscall number into r0
\\ li 0, 120
\\ sc
\\ # check for syscall error
\\ bns+ 1f # jump to label 1 if no summary overflow.
\\ #else
\\ neg 3, 3 #negate the result (errno)
\\ 1:
\\ # compare sc result with 0
\\ cmpwi cr7, 3, 0
\\ # if not 0, jump to end
\\ bne cr7, 2f
\\ #else: we're the child
\\ #call funcptr: move arg (d) into r3
\\ mr 3, 31
\\ #move r30 (funcptr) into CTR reg
\\ mtctr 30
\\ # call CTR reg
\\ bctrl
\\ # mov SYS_exit into r0 (the exit param is already in r3)
\\ li 0, 1
\\ sc
\\ 2:
\\ # restore stack
\\ lwz 30, 0(1)
\\ lwz 31, 4(1)
\\ addi 1, 1, 16
\\ blr
.powerpc64, .powerpc64le => {
// __clone(func, stack, flags, arg, ptid, tls, ctid)
// 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
// syscall(SYS_clone, flags, stack, ptid, tls, ctid)
// 0 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
asm volatile (
\\ # create initial stack frame for new thread
\\ clrrdi 4, 4, 4
\\ li 0, 0
\\ stdu 0,-32(4)
\\ # save fn and arg to child stack
\\ std 3, 8(4)
\\ std 6, 16(4)
\\ # shuffle args into correct registers and call SYS_clone
\\ mr 3, 5
\\ #mr 4, 4
\\ mr 5, 7
\\ mr 6, 8
\\ mr 7, 9
\\ li 0, 120 # SYS_clone = 120
\\ sc
\\ # if error, negate return (errno)
\\ bns+ 1f
\\ neg 3, 3
\\ # if we're the parent, return
\\ cmpwi cr7, 3, 0
\\ bnelr cr7
\\ # we're the child. call fn(arg)
\\ ld 3, 16(1)
\\ ld 12, 8(1)
\\ mtctr 12
\\ bctrl
\\ # call SYS_exit. exit code is already in r3 from fn return value
\\ li 0, 1 # SYS_exit = 1
\\ sc
.sparc64 => {
// __clone(func, stack, flags, arg, ptid, tls, ctid)
// i0, i1, i2, i3, i4, i5, sp
// syscall(SYS_clone, flags, stack, ptid, tls, ctid)
// g1 o0, o1, o2, o3, o4
asm volatile (
\\ save %%sp, -192, %%sp
\\ # Save the func pointer and the arg pointer
\\ mov %%i0, %%g2
\\ mov %%i3, %%g3
\\ # Shuffle the arguments
\\ mov 217, %%g1
\\ mov %%i2, %%o0
\\ # Add some extra space for the initial frame
\\ sub %%i1, 176 + 2047, %%o1
\\ mov %%i4, %%o2
\\ mov %%i5, %%o3
\\ ldx [%%fp + 0x8af], %%o4
\\ t 0x6d
\\ bcs,pn %%xcc, 2f
\\ nop
\\ # The child pid is returned in o0 while o1 tells if this
\\ # process is # the child (=1) or the parent (=0).
\\ brnz %%o1, 1f
\\ nop
\\ # Parent process, return the child pid
\\ mov %%o0, %%i0
\\ ret
\\ restore
\\ # Child process, call func(arg)
\\ mov %%g0, %%fp
\\ call %%g2
\\ mov %%g3, %%o0
\\ # Exit
\\ mov 1, %%g1
\\ t 0x6d
\\ # The syscall failed
\\ sub %%g0, %%o0, %%i0
\\ ret
\\ restore
else => @compileError("Implement clone() for this arch."),

View File

@ -65,6 +65,27 @@ pub const socketcall = syscall_bits.socketcall;
pub const syscall_pipe = syscall_bits.syscall_pipe;
pub const syscall_fork = syscall_bits.syscall_fork;
pub fn clone(
func: *const fn (arg: usize) callconv(.C) u8,
stack: usize,
flags: u32,
arg: usize,
ptid: *i32,
tp: usize, // aka tls
ctid: *i32,
) usize {
// Can't directly call a naked function; cast to C calling convention first.
return @as(*const fn (
*const fn (arg: usize) callconv(.C) u8,
) callconv(.C) usize, @ptrCast(&syscall_bits.clone))(func, stack, flags, arg, ptid, tp, ctid);
pub const ARCH = arch_bits.ARCH;
pub const Elf_Symndx = arch_bits.Elf_Symndx;
pub const F = arch_bits.F;
@ -77,7 +98,6 @@ pub const Stat = arch_bits.Stat;
pub const VDSO = arch_bits.VDSO;
pub const blkcnt_t = arch_bits.blkcnt_t;
pub const blksize_t = arch_bits.blksize_t;
pub const clone = arch_bits.clone;
pub const dev_t = arch_bits.dev_t;
pub const ino_t = arch_bits.ino_t;
pub const mcontext_t = arch_bits.mcontext_t;

View File

@ -98,10 +98,36 @@ pub fn syscall6(
const CloneFn = *const fn (arg: usize) callconv(.C) u8;
/// This matches the libc clone function.
pub extern fn clone(func: CloneFn, stack: usize, flags: u32, arg: usize, ptid: *i32, tls: usize, ctid: *i32) usize;
pub fn clone() callconv(.Naked) usize {
// __clone(func, stack, flags, arg, ptid, tls, ctid)
// r0, r1, r2, r3, +0, +4, +8
// syscall(SYS_clone, flags, stack, ptid, tls, ctid)
// r7 r0, r1, r2, r3, r4
asm volatile (
\\ stmfd sp!,{r4,r5,r6,r7}
\\ mov r7,#120 // SYS_clone
\\ mov r6,r3
\\ mov r5,r0
\\ mov r0,r2
\\ and r1,r1,#-16
\\ ldr r2,[sp,#16]
\\ ldr r3,[sp,#20]
\\ ldr r4,[sp,#24]
\\ svc 0
\\ tst r0,r0
\\ beq 1f
\\ ldmfd sp!,{r4,r5,r6,r7}
\\ bx lr
\\1: mov r0,r6
\\ bl 3f
\\2: mov r7,#1 // SYS_exit
\\ svc 0
\\ b 2b
\\3: bx r5
pub fn restore() callconv(.Naked) noreturn {
switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {

View File

@ -98,10 +98,35 @@ pub fn syscall6(
const CloneFn = *const fn (arg: usize) callconv(.C) u8;
/// This matches the libc clone function.
pub extern fn clone(func: CloneFn, stack: usize, flags: u32, arg: usize, ptid: *i32, tls: usize, ctid: *i32) usize;
pub fn clone() callconv(.Naked) usize {
// __clone(func, stack, flags, arg, ptid, tls, ctid)
// x0, x1, w2, x3, x4, x5, x6
// syscall(SYS_clone, flags, stack, ptid, tls, ctid)
// x8, x0, x1, x2, x3, x4
asm volatile (
\\ // align stack and save func,arg
\\ and x1,x1,#-16
\\ stp x0,x3,[x1,#-16]!
\\ // syscall
\\ uxtw x0,w2
\\ mov x2,x4
\\ mov x3,x5
\\ mov x4,x6
\\ mov x8,#220 // SYS_clone
\\ svc #0
\\ cbz x0,1f
\\ // parent
\\ ret
\\ // child
\\1: ldp x1,x0,[sp],#16
\\ blr x1
\\ mov x8,#93 // SYS_exit
\\ svc #0
pub const restore = restore_rt;

View File

@ -190,10 +190,48 @@ pub fn syscall7(
const CloneFn = *const fn (arg: usize) callconv(.C) u8;
/// This matches the libc clone function.
pub extern fn clone(func: CloneFn, stack: usize, flags: u32, arg: usize, ptid: *i32, tls: usize, ctid: *i32) usize;
pub fn clone() callconv(.Naked) usize {
// __clone(func, stack, flags, arg, ptid, tls, ctid)
// 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
// syscall(SYS_clone, flags, stack, ptid, tls, ctid)
// 2 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
asm volatile (
\\ # Save function pointer and argument pointer on new thread stack
\\ and $5, $5, -8
\\ subu $5, $5, 16
\\ sw $4, 0($5)
\\ sw $7, 4($5)
\\ # Shuffle (fn,sp,fl,arg,ptid,tls,ctid) to (fl,sp,ptid,tls,ctid)
\\ move $4, $6
\\ lw $6, 16($sp)
\\ lw $7, 20($sp)
\\ lw $9, 24($sp)
\\ subu $sp, $sp, 16
\\ sw $9, 16($sp)
\\ li $2, 4120 # SYS_clone
\\ syscall
\\ beq $7, $0, 1f
\\ nop
\\ addu $sp, $sp, 16
\\ jr $ra
\\ subu $2, $0, $2
\\ beq $2, $0, 1f
\\ nop
\\ addu $sp, $sp, 16
\\ jr $ra
\\ nop
\\ lw $25, 0($sp)
\\ lw $4, 4($sp)
\\ jalr $25
\\ nop
\\ move $4, $2
\\ li $2, 4001 # SYS_exit
\\ syscall
pub fn restore() callconv(.Naked) noreturn {
asm volatile (

View File

@ -126,10 +126,71 @@ pub fn syscall6(
const CloneFn = *const fn (arg: usize) callconv(.C) u8;
/// This matches the libc clone function.
pub extern fn clone(func: CloneFn, stack: usize, flags: usize, arg: usize, ptid: *i32, tls: usize, ctid: *i32) usize;
pub fn clone() callconv(.Naked) usize {
// __clone(func, stack, flags, arg, ptid, tls, ctid)
// 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
// syscall(SYS_clone, flags, stack, ptid, tls, ctid)
// 0 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
asm volatile (
\\ # store non-volatile regs r30, r31 on stack in order to put our
\\ # start func and its arg there
\\ stwu 30, -16(1)
\\ stw 31, 4(1)
\\ # save r3 (func) into r30, and r6(arg) into r31
\\ mr 30, 3
\\ mr 31, 6
\\ # create initial stack frame for new thread
\\ clrrwi 4, 4, 4
\\ li 0, 0
\\ stwu 0, -16(4)
\\ #move c into first arg
\\ mr 3, 5
\\ #mr 4, 4
\\ mr 5, 7
\\ mr 6, 8
\\ mr 7, 9
\\ # move syscall number into r0
\\ li 0, 120 # SYS_clone
\\ sc
\\ # check for syscall error
\\ bns+ 1f # jump to label 1 if no summary overflow.
\\ #else
\\ neg 3, 3 #negate the result (errno)
\\ 1:
\\ # compare sc result with 0
\\ cmpwi cr7, 3, 0
\\ # if not 0, jump to end
\\ bne cr7, 2f
\\ #else: we're the child
\\ #call funcptr: move arg (d) into r3
\\ mr 3, 31
\\ #move r30 (funcptr) into CTR reg
\\ mtctr 30
\\ # call CTR reg
\\ bctrl
\\ # mov SYS_exit into r0 (the exit param is already in r3)
\\ li 0, 1
\\ sc
\\ 2:
\\ # restore stack
\\ lwz 30, 0(1)
\\ lwz 31, 4(1)
\\ addi 1, 1, 16
\\ blr
pub const restore = restore_rt;

View File

@ -126,10 +126,51 @@ pub fn syscall6(
const CloneFn = *const fn (arg: usize) callconv(.C) u8;
/// This matches the libc clone function.
pub extern fn clone(func: CloneFn, stack: usize, flags: usize, arg: usize, ptid: *i32, tls: usize, ctid: *i32) usize;
pub fn clone() callconv(.Naked) usize {
// __clone(func, stack, flags, arg, ptid, tls, ctid)
// 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
// syscall(SYS_clone, flags, stack, ptid, tls, ctid)
// 0 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
asm volatile (
\\ # create initial stack frame for new thread
\\ clrrdi 4, 4, 4
\\ li 0, 0
\\ stdu 0,-32(4)
\\ # save fn and arg to child stack
\\ std 3, 8(4)
\\ std 6, 16(4)
\\ # shuffle args into correct registers and call SYS_clone
\\ mr 3, 5
\\ #mr 4, 4
\\ mr 5, 7
\\ mr 6, 8
\\ mr 7, 9
\\ li 0, 120 # SYS_clone = 120
\\ sc
\\ # if error, negate return (errno)
\\ bns+ 1f
\\ neg 3, 3
\\ # if we're the parent, return
\\ cmpwi cr7, 3, 0
\\ bnelr cr7
\\ # we're the child. call fn(arg)
\\ ld 3, 16(1)
\\ ld 12, 8(1)
\\ mtctr 12
\\ bctrl
\\ # call SYS_exit. exit code is already in r3 from fn return value
\\ li 0, 1 # SYS_exit = 1
\\ sc
pub const restore = restore_rt;

View File

@ -95,9 +95,40 @@ pub fn syscall6(
const CloneFn = *const fn (arg: usize) callconv(.C) u8;
pub extern fn clone(func: CloneFn, stack: usize, flags: u32, arg: usize, ptid: *i32, tls: usize, ctid: *i32) usize;
pub fn clone() callconv(.Naked) usize {
// __clone(func, stack, flags, arg, ptid, tls, ctid)
// a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6
// syscall(SYS_clone, flags, stack, ptid, tls, ctid)
// a7 a0, a1, a2, a3, a4
asm volatile (
\\ # Save func and arg to stack
\\ addi a1, a1, -8
\\ sw a0, 0(a1)
\\ sw a3, 4(a1)
\\ # Call SYS_clone
\\ mv a0, a2
\\ mv a2, a4
\\ mv a3, a5
\\ mv a4, a6
\\ li a7, 220 # SYS_clone
\\ ecall
\\ beqz a0, 1f
\\ # Parent
\\ ret
\\ # Child
\\1: lw a1, 0(sp)
\\ lw a0, 4(sp)
\\ jalr a1
\\ # Exit
\\ li a7, 93 # SYS_exit
\\ ecall
pub const restore = restore_rt;

View File

@ -95,9 +95,40 @@ pub fn syscall6(
const CloneFn = *const fn (arg: usize) callconv(.C) u8;
pub extern fn clone(func: CloneFn, stack: usize, flags: u32, arg: usize, ptid: *i32, tls: usize, ctid: *i32) usize;
pub fn clone() callconv(.Naked) usize {
// __clone(func, stack, flags, arg, ptid, tls, ctid)
// a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6
// syscall(SYS_clone, flags, stack, ptid, tls, ctid)
// a7 a0, a1, a2, a3, a4
asm volatile (
\\ # Save func and arg to stack
\\ addi a1, a1, -16
\\ sd a0, 0(a1)
\\ sd a3, 8(a1)
\\ # Call SYS_clone
\\ mv a0, a2
\\ mv a2, a4
\\ mv a3, a5
\\ mv a4, a6
\\ li a7, 220 # SYS_clone
\\ ecall
\\ beqz a0, 1f
\\ # Parent
\\ ret
\\ # Child
\\1: ld a1, 0(sp)
\\ ld a0, 8(sp)
\\ jalr a1
\\ # Exit
\\ li a7, 93 # SYS_exit
\\ ecall
pub const restore = restore_rt;

View File

@ -178,10 +178,51 @@ pub fn syscall6(
const CloneFn = *const fn (arg: usize) callconv(.C) u8;
/// This matches the libc clone function.
pub extern fn clone(func: CloneFn, stack: usize, flags: usize, arg: usize, ptid: *i32, tls: usize, ctid: *i32) usize;
pub fn clone() callconv(.Naked) usize {
// __clone(func, stack, flags, arg, ptid, tls, ctid)
// i0, i1, i2, i3, i4, i5, sp
// syscall(SYS_clone, flags, stack, ptid, tls, ctid)
// g1 o0, o1, o2, o3, o4
asm volatile (
\\ save %%sp, -192, %%sp
\\ # Save the func pointer and the arg pointer
\\ mov %%i0, %%g2
\\ mov %%i3, %%g3
\\ # Shuffle the arguments
\\ mov 217, %%g1 # SYS_clone
\\ mov %%i2, %%o0
\\ # Add some extra space for the initial frame
\\ sub %%i1, 176 + 2047, %%o1
\\ mov %%i4, %%o2
\\ mov %%i5, %%o3
\\ ldx [%%fp + 0x8af], %%o4
\\ t 0x6d
\\ bcs,pn %%xcc, 2f
\\ nop
\\ # The child pid is returned in o0 while o1 tells if this
\\ # process is # the child (=1) or the parent (=0).
\\ brnz %%o1, 1f
\\ nop
\\ # Parent process, return the child pid
\\ mov %%o0, %%i0
\\ ret
\\ restore
\\ # Child process, call func(arg)
\\ mov %%g0, %%fp
\\ call %%g2
\\ mov %%g3, %%o0
\\ # Exit
\\ mov 1, %%g1 # SYS_exit
\\ t 0x6d
\\ # The syscall failed
\\ sub %%g0, %%o0, %%i0
\\ ret
\\ restore
pub const restore = restore_rt;

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@ -141,6 +141,8 @@ pub fn syscall6(
pub const clone = @import("arm-eabi.zig").clone;
pub fn restore() callconv(.Naked) noreturn {
asm volatile (
\\ mov r7, %[number]

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@ -118,10 +118,48 @@ pub fn socketcall(call: usize, args: [*]const usize) usize {
const CloneFn = *const fn (arg: usize) callconv(.C) u8;
/// This matches the libc clone function.
pub extern fn clone(func: CloneFn, stack: usize, flags: u32, arg: usize, ptid: *i32, tls: usize, ctid: *i32) usize;
pub fn clone() callconv(.Naked) usize {
// __clone(func, stack, flags, arg, ptid, tls, ctid)
// +8, +12, +16, +20, +24, +28, +32
// syscall(SYS_clone, flags, stack, ptid, tls, ctid)
// eax, ebx, ecx, edx, esi, edi
asm volatile (
\\ pushl %%ebp
\\ movl %%esp,%%ebp
\\ pushl %%ebx
\\ pushl %%esi
\\ pushl %%edi
\\ // Setup the arguments
\\ movl 16(%%ebp),%%ebx
\\ movl 12(%%ebp),%%ecx
\\ andl $-16,%%ecx
\\ subl $20,%%ecx
\\ movl 20(%%ebp),%%eax
\\ movl %%eax,4(%%ecx)
\\ movl 8(%%ebp),%%eax
\\ movl %%eax,0(%%ecx)
\\ movl 24(%%ebp),%%edx
\\ movl 28(%%ebp),%%esi
\\ movl 32(%%ebp),%%edi
\\ movl $120,%%eax // SYS_clone
\\ int $128
\\ testl %%eax,%%eax
\\ jnz 1f
\\ popl %%eax
\\ xorl %%ebp,%%ebp
\\ calll *%%eax
\\ movl %%eax,%%ebx
\\ movl $1,%%eax // SYS_exit
\\ int $128
\\ popl %%edi
\\ popl %%esi
\\ popl %%ebx
\\ popl %%ebp
\\ retl
pub fn restore() callconv(.Naked) noreturn {
switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {

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@ -100,10 +100,31 @@ pub fn syscall6(
const CloneFn = *const fn (arg: usize) callconv(.C) u8;
/// This matches the libc clone function.
pub extern fn clone(func: CloneFn, stack: usize, flags: usize, arg: usize, ptid: *i32, tls: usize, ctid: *i32) usize;
pub fn clone() callconv(.Naked) usize {
asm volatile (
\\ movl $56,%%eax // SYS_clone
\\ movq %%rdi,%%r11
\\ movq %%rdx,%%rdi
\\ movq %%r8,%%rdx
\\ movq %%r9,%%r8
\\ movq 8(%%rsp),%%r10
\\ movq %%r11,%%r9
\\ andq $-16,%%rsi
\\ subq $8,%%rsi
\\ movq %%rcx,(%%rsi)
\\ syscall
\\ testq %%rax,%%rax
\\ jnz 1f
\\ xorl %%ebp,%%ebp
\\ popq %%rdi
\\ callq *%%r9
\\ movl %%eax,%%edi
\\ movl $60,%%eax // SYS_exit
\\ syscall
\\1: ret
pub const restore = restore_rt;