* add reserved field to match musl struct definition so that
it will work with musl libc.
* add libc getrusage so that it will work with libc
what's not done in this branch is:
* test coverage. See #1629, which should also aim to provide
general test coverage for the std lib.
* rusage struct bits for non-linux operating systems
* `RunStep` moved to lib/std/build/run.zig and gains ability to compare
output and exit code against expected values. Multiple redundant
locations in the test harness code are replaced to use `RunStep`.
* `WriteFileStep` moved to lib/std/build/write_file.zig and gains
ability to write more than one file into the cache directory, for
when the files need to be relative to each other. This makes
usage of `WriteFileStep` no longer problematic when parallelizing
zig build.
* Added `CheckFileStep`, which can be used to validate that the output
of another step produced a valid file. Multiple redundant locations
in the test harness code are replaced to use `CheckFileStep`.
* Added `TranslateCStep`. This exposes `zig translate-c` to the build
system, which is likely to be rarely useful by most Zig users;
however Zig's own test suite uses it both for translate-c tests and
for run-translated-c tests.
* Refactored ad-hoc code to handle source files coming from multiple
kinds of sources, into `std.build.FileSource`.
* Added `std.build.Builder.addExecutableFromWriteFileStep`.
* Added `std.build.Builder.addExecutableSource`.
* Added `std.build.Builder.addWriteFiles`.
* Added `std.build.Builder.addTranslateC`.
* Added `std.build.LibExeObjStep.addCSourceFileSource`.
* Added `std.build.LibExeObjStep.addAssemblyFileFromWriteFileStep`.
* Added `std.build.LibExeObjStep.addAssemblyFileSource`.
* Exposed `std.fs.base64_encoder`.
* `std.mem.Compare` is now `std.math.Order` and the enum tags
renamed to follow new style convention.
* `std.mem.compare` is renamed to `std.mem.order`.
* new function `std.math.order`
* move test from std/io/test.zig to std/os/test.zig
* do glibc version check, and make direct system call if
glibc is too old
* disable test when not linking libc, to avoid not working
with outdated qemu version on the CI server. see #4019
In the code review I accidentally encouraged Luna to remove some
handling of errors that are possible according to POSIX, but I think how
Luna had it before was better, so I fixed it, and now the branch should
be good to merge.