Makes `std.meta.trait.hasFn` work as expected for opaque types with function declarations. Alternative is to add clause directly to `std.meta.trait.hasFn` to account for opaque types.
We already have a LICENSE file that covers the Zig Standard Library. We
no longer need to remind everyone that the license is MIT in every single
Previously this was introduced to clarify the situation for a fork of
Zig that made Zig's LICENSE file harder to find, and replaced it with
their own license that required annual payments to their company.
However that fork now appears to be dead. So there is no need to
reinforce the copyright notice in every single file.
* src/codegen/spirv.zig
* src/link/SpirV.zig
We're going to want to improve the stage2 test harness to print
the source file name when a compile error occurs otherwise std lib
contributors are going to see some confusing CI failures when they cause
stage2 AstGen compile errors.
* doc/
* lib/std/enums.zig
* lib/std/fmt.zig
* lib/std/hash/auto_hash.zig
* lib/std/math.zig
* lib/std/mem.zig
* lib/std/meta.zig
* test/behavior/alignof.zig
* test/behavior/bitcast.zig
* test/behavior/bugs/1421.zig
* test/behavior/cast.zig
* test/behavior/ptrcast.zig
* test/behavior/type_info.zig
* test/behavior/vector.zig
Master branch added `try` to a bunch of testing function calls, and some
lines also had changed how to refer to the native architecture and other
`@import("builtin")` stuff.
- Use an enum of all field names instead of string literals
- Create a struct type with all fields optional instead of relying on
anonymous struct literals
This should provide better type inference, compile errors, and a
(subjectively) cleaner API.
These AST nodes now have a flags field and then a bunch of optional
trailing objects. The end result is lower memory usage and consequently
better performance. This is part of an ongoing effort to reduce the
amount of memory parsed ASTs take up.
Running `zig fmt` on the std lib:
* cache-misses: 2,554,321 => 2,534,745
* instructions: 3,293,220,119 => 3,302,479,874
* peak memory: 74.0 MiB => 73.0 MiB
Holding the entire std lib AST in memory at the same time:
93.9 MiB => 88.5 MiB
This is useful for saving memory when allocating an object that has many
optional components. The optional objects are allocated sequentially in
memory, and a single integer is used to represent each optional object
and whether it is present based on each corresponding bit.