This is useful during porting work where you're mainly concerned with tests that
e.g. run under QEMU. Combine with the new -Dtest-target-filter for an even more
streamlined workflow.
Updates the build runner to unconditionally require a zig lib directory
parameter. This parameter is needed in order to correctly understand
file system inputs from zig compiler subprocesses, since they will refer
to "the zig lib directory", and the build runner needs to place file
system watches on directories in there.
The build runner's fanotify file watching implementation now accounts
for when two or more Cache.Path instances compare unequal but ultimately
refer to the same directory in the file system.
Breaking change: std.Build no longer has a zig_lib_dir field. Instead,
there is the Graph zig_lib_directory field, and individual Compile steps
can still have their zig lib directories overridden. I think this is
unlikely to break anyone's build in practice.
The compiler now sends a "file_system_inputs" message to the build
runner which shares the full set of files that were added to the cache
system with the build system, so that the build runner can watch
properly and redo the Compile step. This is implemented for whole cache
mode but not yet for incremental cache mode.
This has been planned for quite some time; this commit finally does it.
Also implements file system watching integration in the make()
implementation for UpdateSourceFiles and fixes the reporting of step
caching for both.
WriteFile does not yet have file system watching integration.
I'm so sorry.
This commit was just meant to be making all types fully resolve by
queueing resolution at the moment of their creation. Unfortunately, a
lot of dominoes ended up falling. Here's what happened:
* I added a work queue job to fully resolve a type.
* I realised that from here we could eliminate `Sema.types_to_resolve`
if we made function codegen a separate job. This is desirable for
simplicity of both spec and implementation.
* This led to a new AIR traversal to detect whether any required type is
unresolved. If a type in the AIR failed to resolve, then we can't run
* Because full type resolution now occurs by the work queue job, a bug
was exposed whereby error messages for type resolution were associated
with the wrong `Decl`, resulting in duplicate error messages when the
type was also resolved "by" its owner `Decl` (which really *all*
resolution should be done on).
* A correct fix for this requires using a different `Sema` when
performing type resolution: we need a `Sema` owned by the type. Also
note that this fix is necessary for incremental compilation.
* This means a whole bunch of functions no longer need to take `Sema`s.
* First-order effects: `resolveTypeFields`, `resolveTypeLayout`, etc
* Second-order effects: `Type.abiAlignmentAdvanced`, `Value.orderAgainstZeroAdvanced`, etc
The end result of this is, in short, a more correct compiler and a
simpler language specification. This regressed a few error notes in the
test cases, but nothing that seems worth blocking this change.
Oh, also, I ripped out the old code in `test/src/Cases.zig` which
introduced a dependency on `Compilation`. This dependency was
problematic at best, and this code has been unused for a while. When we
re-enable incremental test cases, we must rewrite their executor to use
the compiler server protocol.
tidy gives a false positive:
line 304 column 9 - Warning: moved <style> tag to <head>! fix-style-tags: no to avoid.
I noticed that `--show-warnings no` still incorrectly causes exit code 1.
I was unable to find an alternative to tidy.
There was already `zig build test-fmt` but now `zig build test` depends
on that one.
The CI scripts no longer need explicit logic since they already do
`zig build test`.
Deprecated aliases that are now compile errors:
- `std.fs.MAX_PATH_BYTES` (renamed to `std.fs.max_path_bytes`)
- `std.mem.tokenize` (split into `tokenizeAny`, `tokenizeSequence`, `tokenizeScalar`)
- `std.mem.split` (split into `splitSequence`, `splitAny`, `splitScalar`)
- `std.mem.splitBackwards` (split into `splitBackwardsSequence`, `splitBackwardsAny`, `splitBackwardsScalar`)
- `std.unicode`
+ `utf16leToUtf8Alloc`, `utf16leToUtf8AllocZ`, `utf16leToUtf8`, `fmtUtf16le` (all renamed to have capitalized `Le`)
+ `utf8ToUtf16LeWithNull` (renamed to `utf8ToUtf16LeAllocZ`)
- `std.zig.CrossTarget` (moved to `std.Target.Query`)
Deprecated `lib/std/std.zig` decls were deleted instead of made a `@compileError` because the `refAllDecls` in the test block would trigger the `@compileError`. The deleted top-level `std` namespaces are:
- `std.rand` (renamed to `std.Random`)
- `std.TailQueue` (renamed to `std.DoublyLinkedList`)
- `std.ChildProcess` (renamed/moved to `std.process.Child`)
This is not exhaustive. Deprecated aliases that I didn't touch:
+ `*`
+ `std.Build.*`
+ `std.builtin.Mode`
+ `std.zig.c_translation.CIntLiteralRadix`
+ anything in `src/`
This commit adds several fixes and improvements for the Zig compiler
test harness.
1. -Dskip-translate-c option added for skipping the translate-c tests.
2. translate-c/run-translated-c tests in test/cases/* have been added to
the steps test-translate-c and test-run-translated-c. Closes#18224.
3. Custom name added to the CheckFile step for the translate-c step to
better communicate which test failed.
4. Test manifest key validation added to return an error if a manifest
contains an invalid key.
* Introduce `-Ddebug-extensions` for enabling compiler debug helpers
* Replace safety mode checks with `std.debug.runtime_safety`
* Replace debugger helper checks with `!builtin.strip_debug_info`
Sometimes, you just have to debug optimized compilers...
Part of #19063.
Primarily, this moves Aro from deps/ to lib/compiler/ so that it can be
lazily compiled from source. src/aro_translate_c.zig is moved to
lib/compiler/aro_translate_c.zig and some of Zig CLI logic moved to a
main() function there.
aro_translate_c.zig becomes the "common" import for clang-based
Not all of the compiler was able to be detangled from Aro, however, so
it still, for now, remains being compiled with the main compiler
sources due to the clang-based translate-c depending on it. Once
aro-based translate-c achieves feature parity with the clang-based
translate-c implementation, the clang-based one can be removed from Zig.
Aro made it unnecessarily difficult to depend on with these .def files
and all these Zig module requirements. I looked at the .def files and
made these observations:
- The canonical source is llvm .def files.
- Therefore there is an update process to sync with llvm that involves
regenerating the .def files in Aro.
- Therefore you might as well just regenerate the .zig files directly
and check those into Aro.
- Also with a small amount of tinkering, the file size on disk of these
generated .zig files can be made many times smaller, without
compromising type safety in the usage of the data.
This would make things much easier on Zig as downstream project,
particularly we could remove those pesky stubs when bootstrapping.
I have gone ahead with these changes since they unblock me and I will
have a chat with Vexu to see what he thinks.
* make test names contain the fully qualified name
* make test filters match the fully qualified name
* allow multiple test filters, where a test is skipped if it does not
match any of the specified filters
This introduces the new test step `test-c-import`, and removes the
ability of the behavior tests to `@cImport` paths relative to `test`.
This allows the behavior tests to be run without translate c.
Zig deflate compression/decompression implementation. It supports compression and decompression of gzip, zlib and raw deflate format.
This PR replaces current compress/gzip and compress/zlib packages. Deflate package is renamed to flate. Flate is common name for deflate/inflate where deflate is compression and inflate decompression.
There are breaking change. Methods signatures are changed because of removal of the allocator, and I also unified API for all three namespaces (flate, gzip, zlib).
Currently I put old packages under v1 namespace they are still available as compress/v1/gzip, compress/v1/zlib, compress/v1/deflate. Idea is to give users of the current API little time to postpone analyzing what they had to change. Although that rises question when it is safe to remove that v1 namespace.
Here is current API in the compress package:
// deflate
fn compressor(allocator, writer, options) !Compressor(@TypeOf(writer))
fn Compressor(comptime WriterType) type
fn decompressor(allocator, reader, null) !Decompressor(@TypeOf(reader))
fn Decompressor(comptime ReaderType: type) type
// gzip
fn compress(allocator, writer, options) !Compress(@TypeOf(writer))
fn Compress(comptime WriterType: type) type
fn decompress(allocator, reader) !Decompress(@TypeOf(reader))
fn Decompress(comptime ReaderType: type) type
// zlib
fn compressStream(allocator, writer, options) !CompressStream(@TypeOf(writer))
fn CompressStream(comptime WriterType: type) type
fn decompressStream(allocator, reader) !DecompressStream(@TypeOf(reader))
fn DecompressStream(comptime ReaderType: type) type
// xz
fn decompress(allocator: Allocator, reader: anytype) !Decompress(@TypeOf(reader))
fn Decompress(comptime ReaderType: type) type
// lzma
fn decompress(allocator, reader) !Decompress(@TypeOf(reader))
fn Decompress(comptime ReaderType: type) type
// lzma2
fn decompress(allocator, reader, writer !void
// zstandard:
fn DecompressStream(ReaderType, options) type
fn decompressStream(allocator, reader) DecompressStream(@TypeOf(reader), .{})
struct decompress
The proposed naming convention:
- Compressor/Decompressor for functions which return type, like Reader/Writer/GeneralPurposeAllocator
- compressor/compressor for functions which are initializers for that type, like reader/writer/allocator
- compress/decompress for one shot operations, accepts reader/writer pair, like read/write/alloc
/// Compress from reader and write compressed data to the writer.
fn compress(reader: anytype, writer: anytype, options: Options) !void
/// Create Compressor which outputs the writer.
fn compressor(writer: anytype, options: Options) !Compressor(@TypeOf(writer))
/// Compressor type
fn Compressor(comptime WriterType: type) type
/// Decompress from reader and write plain data to the writer.
fn decompress(reader: anytype, writer: anytype) !void
/// Create Decompressor which reads from reader.
fn decompressor(reader: anytype) Decompressor(@TypeOf(reader)
/// Decompressor type
fn Decompressor(comptime ReaderType: type) type
Comparing this implementation with the one we currently have in Zig's standard library (std).
Std is roughly 1.2-1.4 times slower in decompression, and 1.1-1.2 times slower in compression. Compressed sizes are pretty much same in both cases.
More resutls in [this]( repo.
This library uses static allocations for all structures, doesn't require allocator. That makes sense especially for deflate where all structures, internal buffers are allocated to the full size. Little less for inflate where we std version uses less memory by not preallocating to theoretical max size array which are usually not fully used.
For deflate this library allocates 395K while std 779K.
For inflate this library allocates 74.5K while std around 36K.
Inflate difference is because we here use 64K history instead of 32K in std.
If merged existing usage of compress gzip/zlib/deflate need some changes. Here is example with necessary changes in comments:
const std = @import("std");
// To get this file:
// wget -nc -O war_and_peace.txt
const data = @embedFile("war_and_peace.txt");
pub fn main() !void {
var gpa = std.heap.GeneralPurposeAllocator(.{}){};
defer std.debug.assert(gpa.deinit() == .ok);
const allocator = gpa.allocator();
try oldDeflate(allocator);
try new(std.compress.flate, allocator);
try oldZlib(allocator);
try new(std.compress.zlib, allocator);
try oldGzip(allocator);
try new(std.compress.gzip, allocator);
pub fn new(comptime pkg: type, allocator: std.mem.Allocator) !void {
var buf = std.ArrayList(u8).init(allocator);
defer buf.deinit();
// Compressor
var cmp = try pkg.compressor(buf.writer(), .{});
_ = try cmp.write(data);
try cmp.finish();
var fbs =;
// Decompressor
var dcp = pkg.decompressor(fbs.reader());
const plain = try dcp.reader().readAllAlloc(allocator, std.math.maxInt(usize));
try std.testing.expectEqualSlices(u8, data, plain);
pub fn oldDeflate(allocator: std.mem.Allocator) !void {
const deflate = std.compress.v1.deflate;
// Compressor
var buf = std.ArrayList(u8).init(allocator);
defer buf.deinit();
// Remove allocator
// Rename deflate -> flate
var cmp = try deflate.compressor(allocator, buf.writer(), .{});
_ = try cmp.write(data);
try cmp.close(); // Rename to finish
cmp.deinit(); // Remove
// Decompressor
var fbs =;
// Remove allocator and last param
// Rename deflate -> flate
// Remove try
var dcp = try deflate.decompressor(allocator, fbs.reader(), null);
defer dcp.deinit(); // Remove
const plain = try dcp.reader().readAllAlloc(allocator, std.math.maxInt(usize));
try std.testing.expectEqualSlices(u8, data, plain);
pub fn oldZlib(allocator: std.mem.Allocator) !void {
const zlib = std.compress.v1.zlib;
var buf = std.ArrayList(u8).init(allocator);
defer buf.deinit();
// Compressor
// Rename compressStream => compressor
// Remove allocator
var cmp = try zlib.compressStream(allocator, buf.writer(), .{});
_ = try cmp.write(data);
try cmp.finish();
cmp.deinit(); // Remove
var fbs =;
// Decompressor
// decompressStream => decompressor
// Remove allocator
// Remove try
var dcp = try zlib.decompressStream(allocator, fbs.reader());
defer dcp.deinit(); // Remove
const plain = try dcp.reader().readAllAlloc(allocator, std.math.maxInt(usize));
try std.testing.expectEqualSlices(u8, data, plain);
pub fn oldGzip(allocator: std.mem.Allocator) !void {
const gzip = std.compress.v1.gzip;
var buf = std.ArrayList(u8).init(allocator);
defer buf.deinit();
// Compressor
// Rename compress => compressor
// Remove allocator
var cmp = try gzip.compress(allocator, buf.writer(), .{});
_ = try cmp.write(data);
try cmp.close(); // Rename to finisho
cmp.deinit(); // Remove
var fbs =;
// Decompressor
// Rename decompress => decompressor
// Remove allocator
// Remove try
var dcp = try gzip.decompress(allocator, fbs.reader());
defer dcp.deinit(); // Remove
const plain = try dcp.reader().readAllAlloc(allocator, std.math.maxInt(usize));
try std.testing.expectEqualSlices(u8, data, plain);