// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT // Copyright (c) 2015-2021 Zig Contributors // This file is part of [zig](https://ziglang.org/), which is MIT licensed. // The MIT license requires this copyright notice to be included in all copies // and substantial portions of the software. const std = @import("std"); const builtin = std.builtin; export var _tls_index: u32 = std.os.windows.TLS_OUT_OF_INDEXES; export var _tls_start: u8 linksection(".tls") = 0; export var _tls_end: u8 linksection(".tls$ZZZ") = 0; export var __xl_a: std.os.windows.PIMAGE_TLS_CALLBACK linksection(".CRT$XLA") = null; export var __xl_z: std.os.windows.PIMAGE_TLS_CALLBACK linksection(".CRT$XLZ") = null; comptime { if (builtin.arch == .i386) { // The __tls_array is the offset of the ThreadLocalStoragePointer field // in the TEB block whose base address held in the %fs segment. asm ( \\ .global __tls_array \\ __tls_array = 0x2C ); } } // TODO this is how I would like it to be expressed // TODO also note, ReactOS has a +1 on StartAddressOfRawData and AddressOfCallBacks. Investigate // why they do that. //export const _tls_used linksection(".rdata$T") = std.os.windows.IMAGE_TLS_DIRECTORY { // .StartAddressOfRawData = @ptrToInt(&_tls_start), // .EndAddressOfRawData = @ptrToInt(&_tls_end), // .AddressOfIndex = @ptrToInt(&_tls_index), // .AddressOfCallBacks = @ptrToInt(__xl_a), // .SizeOfZeroFill = 0, // .Characteristics = 0, //}; // This is the workaround because we can't do @ptrToInt at comptime like that. pub const IMAGE_TLS_DIRECTORY = extern struct { StartAddressOfRawData: *c_void, EndAddressOfRawData: *c_void, AddressOfIndex: *c_void, AddressOfCallBacks: *c_void, SizeOfZeroFill: u32, Characteristics: u32, }; export const _tls_used linksection(".rdata$T") = IMAGE_TLS_DIRECTORY{ .StartAddressOfRawData = &_tls_start, .EndAddressOfRawData = &_tls_end, .AddressOfIndex = &_tls_index, .AddressOfCallBacks = &__xl_a, .SizeOfZeroFill = 0, .Characteristics = 0, };