(function() { const CAT_namespace = 0; const CAT_global_variable = 1; const CAT_function = 2; const CAT_primitive = 3; const CAT_error_set = 4; const CAT_global_const = 5; const CAT_alias = 6; const CAT_type = 7; const domDocTestsCode = document.getElementById("docTestsCode"); const domFnErrorsAnyError = document.getElementById("fnErrorsAnyError"); const domFnProto = document.getElementById("fnProto"); const domFnProtoCode = document.getElementById("fnProtoCode"); const domHdrName = document.getElementById("hdrName"); const domHelpModal = document.getElementById("helpDialog"); const domListErrSets = document.getElementById("listErrSets"); const domListFields = document.getElementById("listFields"); const domListFnErrors = document.getElementById("listFnErrors"); const domListFns = document.getElementById("listFns"); const domListGlobalVars = document.getElementById("listGlobalVars"); const domListInfo = document.getElementById("listInfo"); const domListNamespaces = document.getElementById("listNamespaces"); const domListNav = document.getElementById("listNav"); const domListSearchResults = document.getElementById("listSearchResults"); const domListTypes = document.getElementById("listTypes"); const domListValues = document.getElementById("listValues"); const domSearch = document.getElementById("search"); const domSectDocTests = document.getElementById("sectDocTests"); const domSectErrSets = document.getElementById("sectErrSets"); const domSectFields = document.getElementById("sectFields"); const domSectFnErrors = document.getElementById("sectFnErrors"); const domSectFns = document.getElementById("sectFns"); const domSectGlobalVars = document.getElementById("sectGlobalVars"); const domSectNamespaces = document.getElementById("sectNamespaces"); const domSectNav = document.getElementById("sectNav"); const domSectSearchNoResults = document.getElementById("sectSearchNoResults"); const domSectSearchResults = document.getElementById("sectSearchResults"); const domSectSource = document.getElementById("sectSource"); const domSectTypes = document.getElementById("sectTypes"); const domSectValues = document.getElementById("sectValues"); const domSourceText = document.getElementById("sourceText"); const domStatus = document.getElementById("status"); const domTableFnErrors = document.getElementById("tableFnErrors"); const domTldDocs = document.getElementById("tldDocs"); var searchTimer = null; const curNav = { // 0 = home // 1 = decl (decl) // 2 = source (path) tag: 0, // unsigned int: decl index decl: null, // string file name matching tarball path path: null, // when this is populated, pressing the "view source" command will // navigate to this hash. viewSourceHash: null, }; var curNavSearch = ""; var curSearchIndex = -1; var imFeelingLucky = false; // names of packages in the same order as wasm const packageList = []; let wasm_promise = fetch("main.wasm"); let sources_promise = fetch("sources.tar").then(function(response) { if (!response.ok) throw new Error("unable to download sources"); return response.arrayBuffer(); }); var wasm_exports = null; const text_decoder = new TextDecoder(); const text_encoder = new TextEncoder(); WebAssembly.instantiateStreaming(wasm_promise, { js: { log: function(ptr, len) { const msg = decodeString(ptr, len); console.log(msg); }, panic: function (ptr, len) { const msg = decodeString(ptr, len); throw new Error("panic: " + msg); }, }, }).then(function(obj) { wasm_exports = obj.instance.exports; window.wasm = obj; // for debugging sources_promise.then(function(buffer) { const js_array = new Uint8Array(buffer); const ptr = wasm_exports.alloc(js_array.length); const wasm_array = new Uint8Array(wasm_exports.memory.buffer, ptr, js_array.length); wasm_array.set(js_array); wasm_exports.unpack(ptr, js_array.length); updatePackageList(); window.addEventListener('hashchange', onHashChange, false); domSearch.addEventListener('keydown', onSearchKeyDown, false); domSearch.addEventListener('input', onSearchChange, false); window.addEventListener('keydown', onWindowKeyDown, false); onHashChange(); }); }); function renderTitle() { const suffix = " - Zig Documentation"; if (curNavSearch.length > 0) { document.title = curNavSearch + " - Search" + suffix; } else if (curNav.decl != null) { document.title = fullyQualifiedName(curNav.decl) + suffix; } else if (curNav.path != null) { document.title = curNav.path + suffix; } else { document.title = packageList[0] + suffix; // Home } } function render() { domFnErrorsAnyError.classList.add("hidden"); domFnProto.classList.add("hidden"); domHdrName.classList.add("hidden"); domHelpModal.classList.add("hidden"); domSectErrSets.classList.add("hidden"); domSectDocTests.classList.add("hidden"); domSectFields.classList.add("hidden"); domSectFnErrors.classList.add("hidden"); domSectFns.classList.add("hidden"); domSectGlobalVars.classList.add("hidden"); domSectNamespaces.classList.add("hidden"); domSectNav.classList.add("hidden"); domSectSearchNoResults.classList.add("hidden"); domSectSearchResults.classList.add("hidden"); domSectSource.classList.add("hidden"); domSectTypes.classList.add("hidden"); domSectValues.classList.add("hidden"); domStatus.classList.add("hidden"); domTableFnErrors.classList.add("hidden"); domTldDocs.classList.add("hidden"); renderTitle(); if (curNavSearch !== "") return renderSearch(); switch (curNav.tag) { case 0: return renderHome(); case 1: if (curNav.decl == null) { return render404(); } else { return renderDecl(curNav.decl); } case 2: return renderSource(curNav.path); default: throw new Error("invalid navigation state"); } } function renderHome() { if (packageList.length == 1) return renderPackage(0); domStatus.textContent = "TODO implement renderHome for multiple packages"; domStatus.classList.remove("hidden"); } function renderPackage(pkg_index) { const root_decl = wasm_exports.find_package_root(pkg_index); return renderDecl(root_decl); } function renderDecl(decl_index) { const category = wasm_exports.categorize_decl(decl_index, 0); switch (category) { case CAT_namespace: return renderNamespace(decl_index); case CAT_global_variable: throw new Error("TODO: CAT_GLOBAL_VARIABLE"); case CAT_function: return renderFunction(decl_index); case CAT_primitive: throw new Error("TODO CAT_primitive"); case CAT_error_set: throw new Error("TODO CAT_error_set"); case CAT_global_const: return renderGlobalConst(decl_index); case CAT_alias: return renderDecl(wasm_exports.get_aliasee()); case CAT_type: throw new Error("TODO CAT_type"); default: throw new Error("unrecognized category " + category); } } function renderSource(path) { const decl_index = findFileRoot(path); if (decl_index == null) return render404(); renderNav(decl_index); domSourceText.innerHTML = declSourceHtml(decl_index); domSectSource.classList.remove("hidden"); } function renderDeclHeading(decl_index) { domHdrName.innerText = unwrapString(wasm_exports.decl_category_name(decl_index)); domHdrName.classList.remove("hidden"); renderTopLevelDocs(decl_index); } function renderTopLevelDocs(decl_index) { const tld_docs_html = unwrapString(wasm_exports.decl_docs_html(decl_index, false)); if (tld_docs_html.length > 0) { domTldDocs.innerHTML = tld_docs_html; domTldDocs.classList.remove("hidden"); } } function renderNav(cur_nav_decl) { const list = []; { // First, walk backwards the decl parents within a file. let decl_it = cur_nav_decl; let prev_decl_it = null; while (decl_it != null) { list.push({ name: declIndexName(decl_it), href: navLinkDeclIndex(decl_it), }); prev_decl_it = decl_it; decl_it = declParent(decl_it); } // Next, walk backwards the file path segments. if (prev_decl_it != null) { const file_path = fullyQualifiedName(prev_decl_it); const parts = file_path.split("."); parts.pop(); // skip last for (;;) { let part = parts.pop(); if (!part) break; list.push({ name: part, href: navLinkFqn(parts.join(".")), }); } } list.reverse(); } resizeDomList(domListNav, list.length, '
  • '); for (let i = 0; i < list.length; i += 1) { const liDom = domListNav.children[i]; const aDom = liDom.children[0]; aDom.textContent = list[i].name; aDom.setAttribute('href', list[i].href); if (i + 1 == list.length) { aDom.classList.add("active"); } else { aDom.classList.remove("active"); } } domSectNav.classList.remove("hidden"); } function render404() { domStatus.textContent = "404 Not Found"; domStatus.classList.remove("hidden"); } function navLinkFqn(full_name) { return '#' + full_name; } function navLinkDeclIndex(decl_index) { return navLinkFqn(fullyQualifiedName(decl_index)); } function resizeDomList(listDom, desiredLen, templateHtml) { // add the missing dom entries var i, ev; for (i = listDom.childElementCount; i < desiredLen; i += 1) { listDom.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', templateHtml); } // remove extra dom entries while (desiredLen < listDom.childElementCount) { listDom.removeChild(listDom.lastChild); } } function setViewSourceDecl(decl_index) { curNav.viewSourceHash = "#src/" + unwrapString(wasm_exports.decl_file_path(decl_index)); } function renderFunction(decl_index) { renderNav(decl_index); setViewSourceDecl(decl_index); domFnProtoCode.innerHTML = fnProtoHtml(decl_index); renderTopLevelDocs(decl_index); domSourceText.innerHTML = declSourceHtml(decl_index); const doctest_html = declDoctestHtml(decl_index); if (doctest_html.length > 0) { domDocTestsCode.innerHTML = doctest_html; domSectDocTests.classList.remove("hidden"); } domSectSource.classList.remove("hidden"); domFnProto.classList.remove("hidden"); } function renderGlobalConst(decl_index) { renderNav(decl_index); setViewSourceDecl(decl_index); const docs_html = declDocsHtmlShort(decl_index); if (docs_html.length > 0) { domTldDocs.innerHTML = docs_html; domTldDocs.classList.remove("hidden"); } domSourceText.innerHTML = declSourceHtml(decl_index); domSectSource.classList.remove("hidden"); } function renderNamespace(decl_index) { renderNav(decl_index); renderDeclHeading(decl_index); setViewSourceDecl(decl_index); const typesList = []; const namespacesList = []; const errSetsList = []; const fnsList = []; const varsList = []; const valsList = []; const members = namespaceMembers(decl_index, false); member_loop: for (let i = 0; i < members.length; i += 1) { let member = members[i]; while (true) { const member_category = wasm_exports.categorize_decl(member, 0); switch (member_category) { case CAT_namespace: namespacesList.push(member); continue member_loop; case CAT_global_variable: varsList.push(member); continue member_loop; case CAT_function: fnsList.push(member); continue member_loop; case CAT_type: typesList.push(member); continue member_loop; case CAT_error_set: errSetsList.push(member); continue member_loop; case CAT_global_const: case CAT_primitive: valsList.push(member); continue member_loop; case CAT_alias: // TODO: handle aliasing loop member = wasm_exports.get_aliasee(); continue; default: throw new Error("uknown category: " + member_category); } } } typesList.sort(byDeclIndexName); namespacesList.sort(byDeclIndexName); errSetsList.sort(byDeclIndexName); fnsList.sort(byDeclIndexName); varsList.sort(byDeclIndexName); valsList.sort(byDeclIndexName); if (typesList.length !== 0) { resizeDomList(domListTypes, typesList.length, '
  • '); for (let i = 0; i < typesList.length; i += 1) { const liDom = domListTypes.children[i]; const aDom = liDom.children[0]; const decl = typesList[i]; aDom.textContent = declIndexName(decl); aDom.setAttribute('href', navLinkDeclIndex(decl)); } domSectTypes.classList.remove("hidden"); } if (namespacesList.length !== 0) { resizeDomList(domListNamespaces, namespacesList.length, '
  • '); for (let i = 0; i < namespacesList.length; i += 1) { const liDom = domListNamespaces.children[i]; const aDom = liDom.children[0]; const decl = namespacesList[i]; aDom.textContent = declIndexName(decl); aDom.setAttribute('href', navLinkDeclIndex(decl)); } domSectNamespaces.classList.remove("hidden"); } if (errSetsList.length !== 0) { resizeDomList(domListErrSets, errSetsList.length, '
  • '); for (let i = 0; i < errSetsList.length; i += 1) { const liDom = domListErrSets.children[i]; const aDom = liDom.children[0]; const decl = errSetsList[i]; aDom.textContent = declIndexName(decl); aDom.setAttribute('href', navLinkDeclIndex(decl)); } domSectErrSets.classList.remove("hidden"); } if (fnsList.length !== 0) { resizeDomList(domListFns, fnsList.length, '
    '); for (let i = 0; i < fnsList.length; i += 1) { const decl = fnsList[i]; const divDom = domListFns.children[i]; const dtName = divDom.children[0]; const ddDocs = divDom.children[1]; const codeDom = divDom.children[2].children[1].children[0]; const nameLinkDom = dtName.children[0]; const expandSourceDom = dtName.children[1]; nameLinkDom.setAttribute('href', navLinkDeclIndex(decl)); nameLinkDom.textContent = declIndexName(decl); ddDocs.innerHTML = declDocsHtmlShort(decl); codeDom.innerHTML = declSourceHtml(decl); } domSectFns.classList.remove("hidden"); } // Prevent fields from being emptied next time wasm calls memory.grow. const fields = declFields(decl_index).slice(); if (fields.length !== 0) { resizeDomList(domListFields, fields.length, '
    '); for (let i = 0; i < fields.length; i += 1) { const divDom = domListFields.children[i]; divDom.innerHTML = unwrapString(wasm_exports.decl_field_html(decl_index, fields[i])); } domSectFields.classList.remove("hidden"); } if (varsList.length !== 0) { resizeDomList(domListGlobalVars, varsList.length, ''); for (let i = 0; i < varsList.length; i += 1) { const decl = varsList[i]; const trDom = domListGlobalVars.children[i]; const tdName = trDom.children[0]; const tdNameA = tdName.children[0]; const tdType = trDom.children[1]; const tdDesc = trDom.children[2]; tdNameA.setAttribute('href', navLinkDeclIndex(decl)); tdNameA.textContent = declIndexName(decl); tdType.innerHTML = declTypeHtml(decl); tdDesc.innerHTML = declDocsHtmlShort(decl); } domSectGlobalVars.classList.remove("hidden"); } if (valsList.length !== 0) { resizeDomList(domListValues, valsList.length, ''); for (let i = 0; i < valsList.length; i += 1) { const decl = valsList[i]; const trDom = domListValues.children[i]; const tdName = trDom.children[0]; const tdNameA = tdName.children[0]; const tdType = trDom.children[1]; const tdDesc = trDom.children[2]; tdNameA.setAttribute('href', navLinkDeclIndex(decl)); tdNameA.textContent = declIndexName(decl); tdType.innerHTML = declTypeHtml(decl); tdDesc.innerHTML = declDocsHtmlShort(decl); } domSectValues.classList.remove("hidden"); } } function operatorCompare(a, b) { if (a === b) { return 0; } else if (a < b) { return -1; } else { return 1; } } function updateCurNav(location_hash) { curNav.tag = 0; curNav.decl = null; curNav.path = null; curNav.viewSourceHash = null; curNavSearch = ""; if (location_hash[0] === '#' && location_hash.length > 1) { const query = location_hash.substring(1); const qpos = query.indexOf("?"); let nonSearchPart; if (qpos === -1) { nonSearchPart = query; } else { nonSearchPart = query.substring(0, qpos); curNavSearch = decodeURIComponent(query.substring(qpos + 1)); } if (nonSearchPart.length > 0) { const source_mode = nonSearchPart.startsWith("src/"); if (source_mode) { curNav.tag = 2; curNav.path = nonSearchPart.substring(4); } else { curNav.tag = 1; curNav.decl = findDecl(nonSearchPart); } } } } function onHashChange() { navigate(location.hash); } function navigate(location_hash) { updateCurNav(location_hash); if (domSearch.value !== curNavSearch) { domSearch.value = curNavSearch; } render(); if (imFeelingLucky) { imFeelingLucky = false; activateSelectedResult(); } } function activateSelectedResult() { if (domSectSearchResults.classList.contains("hidden")) { return; } var liDom = domListSearchResults.children[curSearchIndex]; if (liDom == null && domListSearchResults.children.length !== 0) { liDom = domListSearchResults.children[0]; } if (liDom != null) { var aDom = liDom.children[0]; location.href = aDom.getAttribute("href"); curSearchIndex = -1; } domSearch.blur(); } function onSearchKeyDown(ev) { switch (ev.which) { case 13: if (ev.shiftKey || ev.ctrlKey || ev.altKey) return; clearAsyncSearch(); imFeelingLucky = true; location.hash = computeSearchHash(); ev.preventDefault(); ev.stopPropagation(); return; case 27: if (ev.shiftKey || ev.ctrlKey || ev.altKey) return; domSearch.value = ""; domSearch.blur(); curSearchIndex = -1; ev.preventDefault(); ev.stopPropagation(); startSearch(); return; case 38: if (ev.shiftKey || ev.ctrlKey || ev.altKey) return; moveSearchCursor(-1); ev.preventDefault(); ev.stopPropagation(); return; case 40: if (ev.shiftKey || ev.ctrlKey || ev.altKey) return; moveSearchCursor(1); ev.preventDefault(); ev.stopPropagation(); return; default: ev.stopPropagation(); // prevent keyboard shortcuts return; } } function onSearchChange(ev) { curSearchIndex = -1; startAsyncSearch(); } function moveSearchCursor(dir) { if (curSearchIndex < 0 || curSearchIndex >= domListSearchResults.children.length) { if (dir > 0) { curSearchIndex = -1 + dir; } else if (dir < 0) { curSearchIndex = domListSearchResults.children.length + dir; } } else { curSearchIndex += dir; } if (curSearchIndex < 0) { curSearchIndex = 0; } if (curSearchIndex >= domListSearchResults.children.length) { curSearchIndex = domListSearchResults.children.length - 1; } renderSearchCursor(); } function onWindowKeyDown(ev) { switch (ev.which) { case 27: if (ev.shiftKey || ev.ctrlKey || ev.altKey) return; if (!domHelpModal.classList.contains("hidden")) { domHelpModal.classList.add("hidden"); ev.preventDefault(); ev.stopPropagation(); } break; case 83: if (ev.shiftKey || ev.ctrlKey || ev.altKey) return; domSearch.focus(); domSearch.select(); ev.preventDefault(); ev.stopPropagation(); startAsyncSearch(); break; case 85: if (ev.shiftKey || ev.ctrlKey || ev.altKey) return; ev.preventDefault(); ev.stopPropagation(); navigateToSource(); break; case 191: if (!ev.shiftKey || ev.ctrlKey || ev.altKey) return; ev.preventDefault(); ev.stopPropagation(); showHelpModal(); break; } } function showHelpModal() { domHelpModal.classList.remove("hidden"); domHelpModal.style.left = (window.innerWidth / 2 - domHelpModal.clientWidth / 2) + "px"; domHelpModal.style.top = (window.innerHeight / 2 - domHelpModal.clientHeight / 2) + "px"; domHelpModal.focus(); } function navigateToSource() { if (curNav.viewSourceHash != null) { location.hash = curNav.viewSourceHash; } } function clearAsyncSearch() { if (searchTimer != null) { clearTimeout(searchTimer); searchTimer = null; } } function startAsyncSearch() { clearAsyncSearch(); searchTimer = setTimeout(startSearch, 100); } function computeSearchHash() { const oldHash = location.hash; const parts = oldHash.split("?"); const newPart2 = (domSearch.value === "") ? "" : ("?" + domSearch.value); return (parts.length === 1) ? (oldHash + newPart2) : ("#" + parts[0] + newPart2); } function startSearch() { clearAsyncSearch(); navigate(computeSearchHash()); } function renderSearch() { renderNav(curNav.decl); const ignoreCase = (curNavSearch.toLowerCase() === curNavSearch); const results = executeQuery(curNavSearch, ignoreCase); if (results.length !== 0) { resizeDomList(domListSearchResults, results.length, '
  • '); for (let i = 0; i < results.length; i += 1) { const liDom = domListSearchResults.children[i]; const aDom = liDom.children[0]; const match = results[i]; const full_name = fullyQualifiedName(match); aDom.textContent = full_name; aDom.setAttribute('href', navLinkFqn(full_name)); } renderSearchCursor(); domSectSearchResults.classList.remove("hidden"); } else { domSectSearchNoResults.classList.remove("hidden"); } } function renderSearchCursor() { for (let i = 0; i < domListSearchResults.children.length; i += 1) { var liDom = domListSearchResults.children[i]; if (curSearchIndex === i) { liDom.classList.add("selected"); } else { liDom.classList.remove("selected"); } } } function updatePackageList() { packageList.length = 0; for (let i = 0;; i += 1) { const name = unwrapString(wasm_exports.package_name(i)); if (name.length == 0) break; packageList.push(name); } } function byDeclIndexName(a, b) { const a_name = declIndexName(a); const b_name = declIndexName(b); return operatorCompare(a_name, b_name); } function decodeString(ptr, len) { if (len === 0) return ""; return text_decoder.decode(new Uint8Array(wasm_exports.memory.buffer, ptr, len)); } function unwrapString(bigint) { const ptr = Number(bigint & 0xffffffffn); const len = Number(bigint >> 32n); return decodeString(ptr, len); } function declTypeHtml(decl_index) { return unwrapString(wasm_exports.decl_type_html(decl_index)); } function declDocsHtmlShort(decl_index) { return unwrapString(wasm_exports.decl_docs_html(decl_index, true)); } function fullyQualifiedName(decl_index) { return unwrapString(wasm_exports.decl_fqn(decl_index)); } function declIndexName(decl_index) { return unwrapString(wasm_exports.decl_name(decl_index)); } function declSourceHtml(decl_index) { return unwrapString(wasm_exports.decl_source_html(decl_index)); } function declDoctestHtml(decl_index) { return unwrapString(wasm_exports.decl_doctest_html(decl_index)); } function fnProtoHtml(decl_index) { return unwrapString(wasm_exports.decl_fn_proto_html(decl_index)); } function setQueryString(s) { const jsArray = text_encoder.encode(s); const len = jsArray.length; const ptr = wasm_exports.query_begin(len); const wasmArray = new Uint8Array(wasm_exports.memory.buffer, ptr, len); wasmArray.set(jsArray); } function executeQuery(query_string, ignore_case) { setQueryString(query_string); const ptr = wasm_exports.query_exec(ignore_case); const head = new Uint32Array(wasm_exports.memory.buffer, ptr, 1); const len = head[0]; return new Uint32Array(wasm_exports.memory.buffer, ptr + 4, len); } function namespaceMembers(decl_index, include_private) { const bigint = wasm_exports.namespace_members(decl_index, include_private); const ptr = Number(bigint & 0xffffffffn); const len = Number(bigint >> 32n); if (len == 0) return []; return new Uint32Array(wasm_exports.memory.buffer, ptr, len); } function declFields(decl_index) { const bigint = wasm_exports.decl_fields(decl_index); const ptr = Number(bigint & 0xffffffffn); const len = Number(bigint >> 32n); if (len === 0) return []; return new Uint32Array(wasm_exports.memory.buffer, ptr, len); } function findDecl(fqn) { setInputString(fqn); const result = wasm_exports.find_decl(); if (result === -1) return null; return result; } function findFileRoot(path) { setInputString(path); const result = wasm_exports.find_file_root(); if (result === -1) return null; return result; } function declParent(decl_index) { const result = wasm_exports.decl_parent(decl_index); if (result === -1) return null; return result; } function setInputString(s) { const jsArray = text_encoder.encode(s); const len = jsArray.length; const ptr = wasm_exports.set_input_string(len); const wasmArray = new Uint8Array(wasm_exports.memory.buffer, ptr, len); wasmArray.set(jsArray); } })();