const std = @import("../std.zig"); const mem = std.mem; const math = std.math; const debug = std.debug; const htest = @import("test.zig"); const RoundParam = struct { a: usize, b: usize, c: usize, d: usize, x: usize, y: usize, }; fn roundParam(a: usize, b: usize, c: usize, d: usize, x: usize, y: usize) RoundParam { return RoundParam{ .a = a, .b = b, .c = c, .d = d, .x = x, .y = y, }; } ///////////////////// // Blake2s pub const Blake2s128 = Blake2s(128); pub const Blake2s160 = Blake2s(160); pub const Blake2s224 = Blake2s(224); pub const Blake2s256 = Blake2s(256); pub fn Blake2s(comptime out_bits: usize) type { return struct { const Self = @This(); pub const block_length = 64; pub const digest_length = out_bits / 8; pub const key_length_min = 0; pub const key_length_max = 32; pub const key_length = 32; // recommended key length pub const Options = struct { key: ?[]const u8 = null, salt: ?[8]u8 = null, context: ?[8]u8 = null, expected_out_bits: usize = out_bits }; const iv = [8]u32{ 0x6A09E667, 0xBB67AE85, 0x3C6EF372, 0xA54FF53A, 0x510E527F, 0x9B05688C, 0x1F83D9AB, 0x5BE0CD19, }; const sigma = [10][16]u8{ [_]u8{ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 }, [_]u8{ 14, 10, 4, 8, 9, 15, 13, 6, 1, 12, 0, 2, 11, 7, 5, 3 }, [_]u8{ 11, 8, 12, 0, 5, 2, 15, 13, 10, 14, 3, 6, 7, 1, 9, 4 }, [_]u8{ 7, 9, 3, 1, 13, 12, 11, 14, 2, 6, 5, 10, 4, 0, 15, 8 }, [_]u8{ 9, 0, 5, 7, 2, 4, 10, 15, 14, 1, 11, 12, 6, 8, 3, 13 }, [_]u8{ 2, 12, 6, 10, 0, 11, 8, 3, 4, 13, 7, 5, 15, 14, 1, 9 }, [_]u8{ 12, 5, 1, 15, 14, 13, 4, 10, 0, 7, 6, 3, 9, 2, 8, 11 }, [_]u8{ 13, 11, 7, 14, 12, 1, 3, 9, 5, 0, 15, 4, 8, 6, 2, 10 }, [_]u8{ 6, 15, 14, 9, 11, 3, 0, 8, 12, 2, 13, 7, 1, 4, 10, 5 }, [_]u8{ 10, 2, 8, 4, 7, 6, 1, 5, 15, 11, 9, 14, 3, 12, 13, 0 }, }; h: [8]u32, t: u64, // Streaming cache buf: [64]u8, buf_len: u8, pub fn init(options: Options) Self { comptime debug.assert(8 <= out_bits and out_bits <= 256); var d: Self = undefined; d.h = iv; const key_len = if (options.key) |key| key.len else 0; // default parameters d.h[0] ^= 0x01010000 ^ @as(u32, @truncate(key_len << 8)) ^ @as(u32, @intCast(options.expected_out_bits >> 3)); d.t = 0; d.buf_len = 0; if (options.salt) |salt| { d.h[4] ^= mem.readInt(u32, salt[0..4], .little); d.h[5] ^= mem.readInt(u32, salt[4..8], .little); } if (options.context) |context| { d.h[6] ^= mem.readInt(u32, context[0..4], .little); d.h[7] ^= mem.readInt(u32, context[4..8], .little); } if (key_len > 0) { @memset(d.buf[key_len..], 0); d.update(options.key.?); d.buf_len = 64; } return d; } pub fn hash(b: []const u8, out: *[digest_length]u8, options: Options) void { var d = Self.init(options); d.update(b);; } pub fn update(d: *Self, b: []const u8) void { var off: usize = 0; // Partial buffer exists from previous update. Copy into buffer then hash. if (d.buf_len != 0 and d.buf_len + b.len > 64) { off += 64 - d.buf_len; @memcpy(d.buf[d.buf_len..][], b[]); d.t += 64; d.round(d.buf[0..], false); d.buf_len = 0; } // Full middle blocks. while (off + 64 < b.len) : (off += 64) { d.t += 64; d.round(b[off..][0..64], false); } // Copy any remainder for next pass. const b_slice = b[off..]; @memcpy(d.buf[d.buf_len..][0..b_slice.len], b_slice); d.buf_len += @as(u8, @intCast(b_slice.len)); } pub fn final(d: *Self, out: *[digest_length]u8) void { @memset(d.buf[d.buf_len..], 0); d.t += d.buf_len; d.round(d.buf[0..], true); for (&d.h) |*x| x.* = mem.nativeToLittle(u32, x.*); out.* = @as(*[digest_length]u8, @ptrCast(&d.h)).*; } fn round(d: *Self, b: *const [64]u8, last: bool) void { var m: [16]u32 = undefined; var v: [16]u32 = undefined; for (&m, 0..) |*r, i| { r.* = mem.readInt(u32, b[4 * i ..][0..4], .little); } var k: usize = 0; while (k < 8) : (k += 1) { v[k] = d.h[k]; v[k + 8] = iv[k]; } v[12] ^= @as(u32, @truncate(d.t)); v[13] ^= @as(u32, @intCast(d.t >> 32)); if (last) v[14] = ~v[14]; const rounds = comptime [_]RoundParam{ roundParam(0, 4, 8, 12, 0, 1), roundParam(1, 5, 9, 13, 2, 3), roundParam(2, 6, 10, 14, 4, 5), roundParam(3, 7, 11, 15, 6, 7), roundParam(0, 5, 10, 15, 8, 9), roundParam(1, 6, 11, 12, 10, 11), roundParam(2, 7, 8, 13, 12, 13), roundParam(3, 4, 9, 14, 14, 15), }; comptime var j: usize = 0; inline while (j < 10) : (j += 1) { inline for (rounds) |r| { v[r.a] = v[r.a] +% v[r.b] +% m[sigma[j][r.x]]; v[r.d] = math.rotr(u32, v[r.d] ^ v[r.a], @as(usize, 16)); v[r.c] = v[r.c] +% v[r.d]; v[r.b] = math.rotr(u32, v[r.b] ^ v[r.c], @as(usize, 12)); v[r.a] = v[r.a] +% v[r.b] +% m[sigma[j][r.y]]; v[r.d] = math.rotr(u32, v[r.d] ^ v[r.a], @as(usize, 8)); v[r.c] = v[r.c] +% v[r.d]; v[r.b] = math.rotr(u32, v[r.b] ^ v[r.c], @as(usize, 7)); } } for (&d.h, 0..) |*r, i| { r.* ^= v[i] ^ v[i + 8]; } } pub const Error = error{}; pub const Writer =*Self, Error, write); fn write(self: *Self, bytes: []const u8) Error!usize { self.update(bytes); return bytes.len; } pub fn writer(self: *Self) Writer { return .{ .context = self }; } }; } test "blake2s160 single" { const h1 = "354c9c33f735962418bdacb9479873429c34916f"; try htest.assertEqualHash(Blake2s160, h1, ""); const h2 = "5ae3b99be29b01834c3b508521ede60438f8de17"; try htest.assertEqualHash(Blake2s160, h2, "abc"); const h3 = "5a604fec9713c369e84b0ed68daed7d7504ef240"; try htest.assertEqualHash(Blake2s160, h3, "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog"); const h4 = "b60c4dc60e2681e58fbc24e77f07e02c69e72ed0"; try htest.assertEqualHash(Blake2s160, h4, "a" ** 32 ++ "b" ** 32); } test "blake2s160 streaming" { var h = Blake2s160.init(.{}); var out: [20]u8 = undefined; const h1 = "354c9c33f735962418bdacb9479873429c34916f";[0..]); try htest.assertEqual(h1, out[0..]); const h2 = "5ae3b99be29b01834c3b508521ede60438f8de17"; h = Blake2s160.init(.{}); h.update("abc");[0..]); try htest.assertEqual(h2, out[0..]); h = Blake2s160.init(.{}); h.update("a"); h.update("b"); h.update("c");[0..]); try htest.assertEqual(h2, out[0..]); const h3 = "b60c4dc60e2681e58fbc24e77f07e02c69e72ed0"; h = Blake2s160.init(.{}); h.update("a" ** 32); h.update("b" ** 32);[0..]); try htest.assertEqual(h3, out[0..]); h = Blake2s160.init(.{}); h.update("a" ** 32 ++ "b" ** 32);[0..]); try htest.assertEqual(h3, out[0..]); const h4 = "4667fd60791a7fe41f939bca646b4529e296bd68"; h = Blake2s160.init(.{ .context = [_]u8{0x69} ** 8, .salt = [_]u8{0x42} ** 8 }); h.update("a" ** 32); h.update("b" ** 32);[0..]); try htest.assertEqual(h4, out[0..]); h = Blake2s160.init(.{ .context = [_]u8{0x69} ** 8, .salt = [_]u8{0x42} ** 8 }); h.update("a" ** 32 ++ "b" ** 32);[0..]); try htest.assertEqual(h4, out[0..]); } test "comptime blake2s160" { //comptime { @setEvalBranchQuota(10000); var block = [_]u8{0} ** Blake2s160.block_length; var out: [Blake2s160.digest_length]u8 = undefined; const h1 = "2c56ad9d0b2c8b474aafa93ab307db2f0940105f"; try htest.assertEqualHash(Blake2s160, h1, block[0..]); var h = Blake2s160.init(.{}); h.update(&block);[0..]); try htest.assertEqual(h1, out[0..]); } } test "blake2s224 single" { const h1 = "1fa1291e65248b37b3433475b2a0dd63d54a11ecc4e3e034e7bc1ef4"; try htest.assertEqualHash(Blake2s224, h1, ""); const h2 = "0b033fc226df7abde29f67a05d3dc62cf271ef3dfea4d387407fbd55"; try htest.assertEqualHash(Blake2s224, h2, "abc"); const h3 = "e4e5cb6c7cae41982b397bf7b7d2d9d1949823ae78435326e8db4912"; try htest.assertEqualHash(Blake2s224, h3, "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog"); const h4 = "557381a78facd2b298640f4e32113e58967d61420af1aa939d0cfe01"; try htest.assertEqualHash(Blake2s224, h4, "a" ** 32 ++ "b" ** 32); } test "blake2s224 streaming" { var h = Blake2s224.init(.{}); var out: [28]u8 = undefined; const h1 = "1fa1291e65248b37b3433475b2a0dd63d54a11ecc4e3e034e7bc1ef4";[0..]); try htest.assertEqual(h1, out[0..]); const h2 = "0b033fc226df7abde29f67a05d3dc62cf271ef3dfea4d387407fbd55"; h = Blake2s224.init(.{}); h.update("abc");[0..]); try htest.assertEqual(h2, out[0..]); h = Blake2s224.init(.{}); h.update("a"); h.update("b"); h.update("c");[0..]); try htest.assertEqual(h2, out[0..]); const h3 = "557381a78facd2b298640f4e32113e58967d61420af1aa939d0cfe01"; h = Blake2s224.init(.{}); h.update("a" ** 32); h.update("b" ** 32);[0..]); try htest.assertEqual(h3, out[0..]); h = Blake2s224.init(.{}); h.update("a" ** 32 ++ "b" ** 32);[0..]); try htest.assertEqual(h3, out[0..]); const h4 = "a4d6a9d253441b80e5dfd60a04db169ffab77aec56a2855c402828c3"; h = Blake2s224.init(.{ .context = [_]u8{0x69} ** 8, .salt = [_]u8{0x42} ** 8 }); h.update("a" ** 32); h.update("b" ** 32);[0..]); try htest.assertEqual(h4, out[0..]); h = Blake2s224.init(.{ .context = [_]u8{0x69} ** 8, .salt = [_]u8{0x42} ** 8 }); h.update("a" ** 32 ++ "b" ** 32);[0..]); try htest.assertEqual(h4, out[0..]); } test "comptime blake2s224" { comptime { @setEvalBranchQuota(10000); var block = [_]u8{0} ** Blake2s224.block_length; var out: [Blake2s224.digest_length]u8 = undefined; const h1 = "86b7611563293f8c73627df7a6d6ba25ca0548c2a6481f7d116ee576"; try htest.assertEqualHash(Blake2s224, h1, block[0..]); var h = Blake2s224.init(.{}); h.update(&block);[0..]); try htest.assertEqual(h1, out[0..]); } } test "blake2s256 single" { const h1 = "69217a3079908094e11121d042354a7c1f55b6482ca1a51e1b250dfd1ed0eef9"; try htest.assertEqualHash(Blake2s256, h1, ""); const h2 = "508c5e8c327c14e2e1a72ba34eeb452f37458b209ed63a294d999b4c86675982"; try htest.assertEqualHash(Blake2s256, h2, "abc"); const h3 = "606beeec743ccbeff6cbcdf5d5302aa855c256c29b88c8ed331ea1a6bf3c8812"; try htest.assertEqualHash(Blake2s256, h3, "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog"); const h4 = "8d8711dade07a6b92b9a3ea1f40bee9b2c53ff3edd2a273dec170b0163568977"; try htest.assertEqualHash(Blake2s256, h4, "a" ** 32 ++ "b" ** 32); } test "blake2s256 streaming" { var h = Blake2s256.init(.{}); var out: [32]u8 = undefined; const h1 = "69217a3079908094e11121d042354a7c1f55b6482ca1a51e1b250dfd1ed0eef9";[0..]); try htest.assertEqual(h1, out[0..]); const h2 = "508c5e8c327c14e2e1a72ba34eeb452f37458b209ed63a294d999b4c86675982"; h = Blake2s256.init(.{}); h.update("abc");[0..]); try htest.assertEqual(h2, out[0..]); h = Blake2s256.init(.{}); h.update("a"); h.update("b"); h.update("c");[0..]); try htest.assertEqual(h2, out[0..]); const h3 = "8d8711dade07a6b92b9a3ea1f40bee9b2c53ff3edd2a273dec170b0163568977"; h = Blake2s256.init(.{}); h.update("a" ** 32); h.update("b" ** 32);[0..]); try htest.assertEqual(h3, out[0..]); h = Blake2s256.init(.{}); h.update("a" ** 32 ++ "b" ** 32);[0..]); try htest.assertEqual(h3, out[0..]); } test "blake2s256 keyed" { var out: [32]u8 = undefined; const h1 = "10f918da4d74fab3302e48a5d67d03804b1ec95372a62a0f33b7c9fa28ba1ae6"; const key = "secret_key"; Blake2s256.hash("a" ** 64 ++ "b" ** 64, &out, .{ .key = key }); try htest.assertEqual(h1, out[0..]); var h = Blake2s256.init(.{ .key = key }); h.update("a" ** 64 ++ "b" ** 64);[0..]); try htest.assertEqual(h1, out[0..]); h = Blake2s256.init(.{ .key = key }); h.update("a" ** 64); h.update("b" ** 64);[0..]); try htest.assertEqual(h1, out[0..]); } test "comptime blake2s256" { comptime { @setEvalBranchQuota(10000); var block = [_]u8{0} ** Blake2s256.block_length; var out: [Blake2s256.digest_length]u8 = undefined; const h1 = "ae09db7cd54f42b490ef09b6bc541af688e4959bb8c53f359a6f56e38ab454a3"; try htest.assertEqualHash(Blake2s256, h1, block[0..]); var h = Blake2s256.init(.{}); h.update(&block);[0..]); try htest.assertEqual(h1, out[0..]); } } ///////////////////// // Blake2b pub const Blake2b128 = Blake2b(128); pub const Blake2b160 = Blake2b(160); pub const Blake2b256 = Blake2b(256); pub const Blake2b384 = Blake2b(384); pub const Blake2b512 = Blake2b(512); pub fn Blake2b(comptime out_bits: usize) type { return struct { const Self = @This(); pub const block_length = 128; pub const digest_length = out_bits / 8; pub const key_length_min = 0; pub const key_length_max = 64; pub const key_length = 32; // recommended key length pub const Options = struct { key: ?[]const u8 = null, salt: ?[16]u8 = null, context: ?[16]u8 = null, expected_out_bits: usize = out_bits }; const iv = [8]u64{ 0x6a09e667f3bcc908, 0xbb67ae8584caa73b, 0x3c6ef372fe94f82b, 0xa54ff53a5f1d36f1, 0x510e527fade682d1, 0x9b05688c2b3e6c1f, 0x1f83d9abfb41bd6b, 0x5be0cd19137e2179, }; const sigma = [12][16]u8{ [_]u8{ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 }, [_]u8{ 14, 10, 4, 8, 9, 15, 13, 6, 1, 12, 0, 2, 11, 7, 5, 3 }, [_]u8{ 11, 8, 12, 0, 5, 2, 15, 13, 10, 14, 3, 6, 7, 1, 9, 4 }, [_]u8{ 7, 9, 3, 1, 13, 12, 11, 14, 2, 6, 5, 10, 4, 0, 15, 8 }, [_]u8{ 9, 0, 5, 7, 2, 4, 10, 15, 14, 1, 11, 12, 6, 8, 3, 13 }, [_]u8{ 2, 12, 6, 10, 0, 11, 8, 3, 4, 13, 7, 5, 15, 14, 1, 9 }, [_]u8{ 12, 5, 1, 15, 14, 13, 4, 10, 0, 7, 6, 3, 9, 2, 8, 11 }, [_]u8{ 13, 11, 7, 14, 12, 1, 3, 9, 5, 0, 15, 4, 8, 6, 2, 10 }, [_]u8{ 6, 15, 14, 9, 11, 3, 0, 8, 12, 2, 13, 7, 1, 4, 10, 5 }, [_]u8{ 10, 2, 8, 4, 7, 6, 1, 5, 15, 11, 9, 14, 3, 12, 13, 0 }, [_]u8{ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 }, [_]u8{ 14, 10, 4, 8, 9, 15, 13, 6, 1, 12, 0, 2, 11, 7, 5, 3 }, }; h: [8]u64, t: u128, // Streaming cache buf: [128]u8, buf_len: u8, pub fn init(options: Options) Self { comptime debug.assert(8 <= out_bits and out_bits <= 512); var d: Self = undefined; d.h = iv; const key_len = if (options.key) |key| key.len else 0; // default parameters d.h[0] ^= 0x01010000 ^ (key_len << 8) ^ (options.expected_out_bits >> 3); d.t = 0; d.buf_len = 0; if (options.salt) |salt| { d.h[4] ^= mem.readInt(u64, salt[0..8], .little); d.h[5] ^= mem.readInt(u64, salt[8..16], .little); } if (options.context) |context| { d.h[6] ^= mem.readInt(u64, context[0..8], .little); d.h[7] ^= mem.readInt(u64, context[8..16], .little); } if (key_len > 0) { @memset(d.buf[key_len..], 0); d.update(options.key.?); d.buf_len = 128; } return d; } pub fn hash(b: []const u8, out: *[digest_length]u8, options: Options) void { var d = Self.init(options); d.update(b);; } pub fn update(d: *Self, b: []const u8) void { var off: usize = 0; // Partial buffer exists from previous update. Copy into buffer then hash. if (d.buf_len != 0 and d.buf_len + b.len > 128) { off += 128 - d.buf_len; @memcpy(d.buf[d.buf_len..][], b[]); d.t += 128; d.round(d.buf[0..], false); d.buf_len = 0; } // Full middle blocks. while (off + 128 < b.len) : (off += 128) { d.t += 128; d.round(b[off..][0..128], false); } // Copy any remainder for next pass. const b_slice = b[off..]; @memcpy(d.buf[d.buf_len..][0..b_slice.len], b_slice); d.buf_len += @as(u8, @intCast(b_slice.len)); } pub fn final(d: *Self, out: *[digest_length]u8) void { @memset(d.buf[d.buf_len..], 0); d.t += d.buf_len; d.round(d.buf[0..], true); for (&d.h) |*x| x.* = mem.nativeToLittle(u64, x.*); out.* = @as(*[digest_length]u8, @ptrCast(&d.h)).*; } fn round(d: *Self, b: *const [128]u8, last: bool) void { var m: [16]u64 = undefined; var v: [16]u64 = undefined; for (&m, 0..) |*r, i| { r.* = mem.readInt(u64, b[8 * i ..][0..8], .little); } var k: usize = 0; while (k < 8) : (k += 1) { v[k] = d.h[k]; v[k + 8] = iv[k]; } v[12] ^= @as(u64, @truncate(d.t)); v[13] ^= @as(u64, @intCast(d.t >> 64)); if (last) v[14] = ~v[14]; const rounds = comptime [_]RoundParam{ roundParam(0, 4, 8, 12, 0, 1), roundParam(1, 5, 9, 13, 2, 3), roundParam(2, 6, 10, 14, 4, 5), roundParam(3, 7, 11, 15, 6, 7), roundParam(0, 5, 10, 15, 8, 9), roundParam(1, 6, 11, 12, 10, 11), roundParam(2, 7, 8, 13, 12, 13), roundParam(3, 4, 9, 14, 14, 15), }; comptime var j: usize = 0; inline while (j < 12) : (j += 1) { inline for (rounds) |r| { v[r.a] = v[r.a] +% v[r.b] +% m[sigma[j][r.x]]; v[r.d] = math.rotr(u64, v[r.d] ^ v[r.a], @as(usize, 32)); v[r.c] = v[r.c] +% v[r.d]; v[r.b] = math.rotr(u64, v[r.b] ^ v[r.c], @as(usize, 24)); v[r.a] = v[r.a] +% v[r.b] +% m[sigma[j][r.y]]; v[r.d] = math.rotr(u64, v[r.d] ^ v[r.a], @as(usize, 16)); v[r.c] = v[r.c] +% v[r.d]; v[r.b] = math.rotr(u64, v[r.b] ^ v[r.c], @as(usize, 63)); } } for (&d.h, 0..) |*r, i| { r.* ^= v[i] ^ v[i + 8]; } } }; } test "blake2b160 single" { const h1 = "3345524abf6bbe1809449224b5972c41790b6cf2"; try htest.assertEqualHash(Blake2b160, h1, ""); const h2 = "384264f676f39536840523f284921cdc68b6846b"; try htest.assertEqualHash(Blake2b160, h2, "abc"); const h3 = "3c523ed102ab45a37d54f5610d5a983162fde84f"; try htest.assertEqualHash(Blake2b160, h3, "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog"); const h4 = "43758f5de1740f651f1ae39de92260fe8bd5a11f"; try htest.assertEqualHash(Blake2b160, h4, "a" ** 64 ++ "b" ** 64); } test "blake2b160 streaming" { var h = Blake2b160.init(.{}); var out: [20]u8 = undefined; const h1 = "3345524abf6bbe1809449224b5972c41790b6cf2";[0..]); try htest.assertEqual(h1, out[0..]); const h2 = "384264f676f39536840523f284921cdc68b6846b"; h = Blake2b160.init(.{}); h.update("abc");[0..]); try htest.assertEqual(h2, out[0..]); h = Blake2b160.init(.{}); h.update("a"); h.update("b"); h.update("c");[0..]); try htest.assertEqual(h2, out[0..]); const h3 = "43758f5de1740f651f1ae39de92260fe8bd5a11f"; h = Blake2b160.init(.{}); h.update("a" ** 64 ++ "b" ** 64);[0..]); try htest.assertEqual(h3, out[0..]); h = Blake2b160.init(.{}); h.update("a" ** 64); h.update("b" ** 64);[0..]); try htest.assertEqual(h3, out[0..]); h = Blake2b160.init(.{}); h.update("a" ** 64); h.update("b" ** 64);[0..]); try htest.assertEqual(h3, out[0..]); const h4 = "72328f8a8200663752fc302d372b5dd9b49dd8dc"; h = Blake2b160.init(.{ .context = [_]u8{0x69} ** 16, .salt = [_]u8{0x42} ** 16 }); h.update("a" ** 64); h.update("b" ** 64);[0..]); try htest.assertEqual(h4, out[0..]); h = Blake2b160.init(.{ .context = [_]u8{0x69} ** 16, .salt = [_]u8{0x42} ** 16 }); h.update("a" ** 64); h.update("b" ** 64);[0..]); try htest.assertEqual(h4, out[0..]); } test "comptime blake2b160" { comptime { @setEvalBranchQuota(10000); var block = [_]u8{0} ** Blake2b160.block_length; var out: [Blake2b160.digest_length]u8 = undefined; const h1 = "8d26f158f564e3293b42f5e3d34263cb173aa9c9"; try htest.assertEqualHash(Blake2b160, h1, block[0..]); var h = Blake2b160.init(.{}); h.update(&block);[0..]); try htest.assertEqual(h1, out[0..]); } } test "blake2b384 single" { const h1 = "b32811423377f52d7862286ee1a72ee540524380fda1724a6f25d7978c6fd3244a6caf0498812673c5e05ef583825100"; try htest.assertEqualHash(Blake2b384, h1, ""); const h2 = "6f56a82c8e7ef526dfe182eb5212f7db9df1317e57815dbda46083fc30f54ee6c66ba83be64b302d7cba6ce15bb556f4"; try htest.assertEqualHash(Blake2b384, h2, "abc"); const h3 = "b7c81b228b6bd912930e8f0b5387989691c1cee1e65aade4da3b86a3c9f678fc8018f6ed9e2906720c8d2a3aeda9c03d"; try htest.assertEqualHash(Blake2b384, h3, "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog"); const h4 = "b7283f0172fecbbd7eca32ce10d8a6c06b453cb3cf675b33eb4246f0da2bb94a6c0bdd6eec0b5fd71ec4fd51be80bf4c"; try htest.assertEqualHash(Blake2b384, h4, "a" ** 64 ++ "b" ** 64); } test "blake2b384 streaming" { var h = Blake2b384.init(.{}); var out: [48]u8 = undefined; const h1 = "b32811423377f52d7862286ee1a72ee540524380fda1724a6f25d7978c6fd3244a6caf0498812673c5e05ef583825100";[0..]); try htest.assertEqual(h1, out[0..]); const h2 = "6f56a82c8e7ef526dfe182eb5212f7db9df1317e57815dbda46083fc30f54ee6c66ba83be64b302d7cba6ce15bb556f4"; h = Blake2b384.init(.{}); h.update("abc");[0..]); try htest.assertEqual(h2, out[0..]); h = Blake2b384.init(.{}); h.update("a"); h.update("b"); h.update("c");[0..]); try htest.assertEqual(h2, out[0..]); const h3 = "b7283f0172fecbbd7eca32ce10d8a6c06b453cb3cf675b33eb4246f0da2bb94a6c0bdd6eec0b5fd71ec4fd51be80bf4c"; h = Blake2b384.init(.{}); h.update("a" ** 64 ++ "b" ** 64);[0..]); try htest.assertEqual(h3, out[0..]); h = Blake2b384.init(.{}); h.update("a" ** 64); h.update("b" ** 64);[0..]); try htest.assertEqual(h3, out[0..]); h = Blake2b384.init(.{}); h.update("a" ** 64); h.update("b" ** 64);[0..]); try htest.assertEqual(h3, out[0..]); const h4 = "934c48fcb197031c71f583d92f98703510805e72142e0b46f5752d1e971bc86c355d556035613ff7a4154b4de09dac5c"; h = Blake2b384.init(.{ .context = [_]u8{0x69} ** 16, .salt = [_]u8{0x42} ** 16 }); h.update("a" ** 64); h.update("b" ** 64);[0..]); try htest.assertEqual(h4, out[0..]); h = Blake2b384.init(.{ .context = [_]u8{0x69} ** 16, .salt = [_]u8{0x42} ** 16 }); h.update("a" ** 64); h.update("b" ** 64);[0..]); try htest.assertEqual(h4, out[0..]); } test "comptime blake2b384" { comptime { @setEvalBranchQuota(10000); var block = [_]u8{0} ** Blake2b384.block_length; var out: [Blake2b384.digest_length]u8 = undefined; const h1 = "e8aa1931ea0422e4446fecdd25c16cf35c240b10cb4659dd5c776eddcaa4d922397a589404b46eb2e53d78132d05fd7d"; try htest.assertEqualHash(Blake2b384, h1, block[0..]); var h = Blake2b384.init(.{}); h.update(&block);[0..]); try htest.assertEqual(h1, out[0..]); } } test "blake2b512 single" { const h1 = "786a02f742015903c6c6fd852552d272912f4740e15847618a86e217f71f5419d25e1031afee585313896444934eb04b903a685b1448b755d56f701afe9be2ce"; try htest.assertEqualHash(Blake2b512, h1, ""); const h2 = "ba80a53f981c4d0d6a2797b69f12f6e94c212f14685ac4b74b12bb6fdbffa2d17d87c5392aab792dc252d5de4533cc9518d38aa8dbf1925ab92386edd4009923"; try htest.assertEqualHash(Blake2b512, h2, "abc"); const h3 = "a8add4bdddfd93e4877d2746e62817b116364a1fa7bc148d95090bc7333b3673f82401cf7aa2e4cb1ecd90296e3f14cb5413f8ed77be73045b13914cdcd6a918"; try htest.assertEqualHash(Blake2b512, h3, "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog"); const h4 = "049980af04d6a2cf16b4b49793c3ed7e40732073788806f2c989ebe9547bda0541d63abe298ec8955d08af48ae731f2e8a0bd6d201655a5473b4aa79d211b920"; try htest.assertEqualHash(Blake2b512, h4, "a" ** 64 ++ "b" ** 64); } test "blake2b512 streaming" { var h = Blake2b512.init(.{}); var out: [64]u8 = undefined; const h1 = "786a02f742015903c6c6fd852552d272912f4740e15847618a86e217f71f5419d25e1031afee585313896444934eb04b903a685b1448b755d56f701afe9be2ce";[0..]); try htest.assertEqual(h1, out[0..]); const h2 = "ba80a53f981c4d0d6a2797b69f12f6e94c212f14685ac4b74b12bb6fdbffa2d17d87c5392aab792dc252d5de4533cc9518d38aa8dbf1925ab92386edd4009923"; h = Blake2b512.init(.{}); h.update("abc");[0..]); try htest.assertEqual(h2, out[0..]); h = Blake2b512.init(.{}); h.update("a"); h.update("b"); h.update("c");[0..]); try htest.assertEqual(h2, out[0..]); const h3 = "049980af04d6a2cf16b4b49793c3ed7e40732073788806f2c989ebe9547bda0541d63abe298ec8955d08af48ae731f2e8a0bd6d201655a5473b4aa79d211b920"; h = Blake2b512.init(.{}); h.update("a" ** 64 ++ "b" ** 64);[0..]); try htest.assertEqual(h3, out[0..]); h = Blake2b512.init(.{}); h.update("a" ** 64); h.update("b" ** 64);[0..]); try htest.assertEqual(h3, out[0..]); } test "blake2b512 keyed" { var out: [64]u8 = undefined; const h1 = "8a978060ccaf582f388f37454363071ac9a67e3a704585fd879fb8a419a447e389c7c6de790faa20a7a7dccf197de736bc5b40b98a930b36df5bee7555750c4d"; const key = "secret_key"; Blake2b512.hash("a" ** 64 ++ "b" ** 64, &out, .{ .key = key }); try htest.assertEqual(h1, out[0..]); var h = Blake2b512.init(.{ .key = key }); h.update("a" ** 64 ++ "b" ** 64);[0..]); try htest.assertEqual(h1, out[0..]); h = Blake2b512.init(.{ .key = key }); h.update("a" ** 64); h.update("b" ** 64);[0..]); try htest.assertEqual(h1, out[0..]); } test "comptime blake2b512" { comptime { @setEvalBranchQuota(10000); var block = [_]u8{0} ** Blake2b512.block_length; var out: [Blake2b512.digest_length]u8 = undefined; const h1 = "865939e120e6805438478841afb739ae4250cf372653078a065cdcfffca4caf798e6d462b65d658fc165782640eded70963449ae1500fb0f24981d7727e22c41"; try htest.assertEqualHash(Blake2b512, h1, block[0..]); var h = Blake2b512.init(.{}); h.update(&block);[0..]); try htest.assertEqual(h1, out[0..]); } }