const std = @import("../std.zig"); const utils = std.crypto.utils; const mem = std.mem; const mulWide = std.math.mulWide; pub const Poly1305 = struct { pub const block_length: usize = 16; pub const mac_length = 16; pub const key_length = 32; // constant multiplier (from the secret key) r: [2]u64, // accumulated hash h: [3]u64 = [_]u64{ 0, 0, 0 }, // random number added at the end (from the secret key) pad: [2]u64, // how many bytes are waiting to be processed in a partial block leftover: usize = 0, // partial block buffer buf: [block_length]u8 align(16) = undefined, pub fn init(key: *const [key_length]u8) Poly1305 { return Poly1305{ .r = [_]u64{ mem.readInt(u64, key[0..8], .little) & 0x0ffffffc0fffffff, mem.readInt(u64, key[8..16], .little) & 0x0ffffffc0ffffffc, }, .pad = [_]u64{ mem.readInt(u64, key[16..24], .little), mem.readInt(u64, key[24..32], .little), }, }; } inline fn add(a: u64, b: u64, c: u1) struct { u64, u1 } { const v1 = @addWithOverflow(a, b); const v2 = @addWithOverflow(v1[0], c); return .{ v2[0], v1[1] | v2[1] }; } inline fn sub(a: u64, b: u64, c: u1) struct { u64, u1 } { const v1 = @subWithOverflow(a, b); const v2 = @subWithOverflow(v1[0], c); return .{ v2[0], v1[1] | v2[1] }; } fn blocks(st: *Poly1305, m: []const u8, comptime last: bool) void { const hibit: u64 = if (last) 0 else 1; const r0 = st.r[0]; const r1 = st.r[1]; var h0 = st.h[0]; var h1 = st.h[1]; var h2 = st.h[2]; var i: usize = 0; while (i + block_length <= m.len) : (i += block_length) { const in0 = mem.readInt(u64, m[i..][0..8], .little); const in1 = mem.readInt(u64, m[i + 8 ..][0..8], .little); // Add the input message to H var v = @addWithOverflow(h0, in0); h0 = v[0]; v = add(h1, in1, v[1]); h1 = v[0]; h2 +%= v[1] +% hibit; // Compute H * R const m0 = mulWide(u64, h0, r0); const h1r0 = mulWide(u64, h1, r0); const h0r1 = mulWide(u64, h0, r1); const h2r0 = mulWide(u64, h2, r0); const h1r1 = mulWide(u64, h1, r1); const m3 = mulWide(u64, h2, r1); const m1 = h1r0 +% h0r1; const m2 = h2r0 +% h1r1; const t0 = @as(u64, @truncate(m0)); v = @addWithOverflow(@as(u64, @truncate(m1)), @as(u64, @truncate(m0 >> 64))); const t1 = v[0]; v = add(@as(u64, @truncate(m2)), @as(u64, @truncate(m1 >> 64)), v[1]); const t2 = v[0]; v = add(@as(u64, @truncate(m3)), @as(u64, @truncate(m2 >> 64)), v[1]); const t3 = v[0]; // Partial reduction h0 = t0; h1 = t1; h2 = t2 & 3; // Add c*(4+1) const cclo = t2 & ~@as(u64, 3); const cchi = t3; v = @addWithOverflow(h0, cclo); h0 = v[0]; v = add(h1, cchi, v[1]); h1 = v[0]; h2 +%= v[1]; const cc = (cclo | (@as(u128, cchi) << 64)) >> 2; v = @addWithOverflow(h0, @as(u64, @truncate(cc))); h0 = v[0]; v = add(h1, @as(u64, @truncate(cc >> 64)), v[1]); h1 = v[0]; h2 +%= v[1]; } st.h = [_]u64{ h0, h1, h2 }; } pub fn update(st: *Poly1305, m: []const u8) void { var mb = m; // handle leftover if (st.leftover > 0) { const want = @min(block_length - st.leftover, mb.len); const mc = mb[0..want]; for (mc, 0..) |x, i| { st.buf[st.leftover + i] = x; } mb = mb[want..]; st.leftover += want; if (st.leftover < block_length) { return; } st.blocks(&st.buf, false); st.leftover = 0; } // process full blocks if (mb.len >= block_length) { const want = mb.len & ~(block_length - 1); st.blocks(mb[0..want], false); mb = mb[want..]; } // store leftover if (mb.len > 0) { for (mb, 0..) |x, i| { st.buf[st.leftover + i] = x; } st.leftover += mb.len; } } /// Zero-pad to align the next input to the first byte of a block pub fn pad(st: *Poly1305) void { if (st.leftover == 0) { return; } @memset(st.buf[st.leftover..], 0); st.blocks(&st.buf); st.leftover = 0; } pub fn final(st: *Poly1305, out: *[mac_length]u8) void { if (st.leftover > 0) { var i = st.leftover; st.buf[i] = 1; i += 1; @memset(st.buf[i..], 0); st.blocks(&st.buf, true); } var h0 = st.h[0]; var h1 = st.h[1]; const h2 = st.h[2]; // H - (2^130 - 5) var v = @subWithOverflow(h0, 0xfffffffffffffffb); const h_p0 = v[0]; v = sub(h1, 0xffffffffffffffff, v[1]); const h_p1 = v[0]; v = sub(h2, 0x0000000000000003, v[1]); // Final reduction, subtract 2^130-5 from H if H >= 2^130-5 const mask = @as(u64, v[1]) -% 1; h0 ^= mask & (h0 ^ h_p0); h1 ^= mask & (h1 ^ h_p1); // Add the first half of the key, we intentionally don't use @addWithOverflow() here. st.h[0] = h0 +% st.pad[0]; const c = ((h0 & st.pad[0]) | ((h0 | st.pad[0]) & ~st.h[0])) >> 63; st.h[1] = h1 +% st.pad[1] +% c; mem.writeInt(u64, out[0..8], st.h[0], .little); mem.writeInt(u64, out[8..16], st.h[1], .little); utils.secureZero(u8, @as([*]u8, @ptrCast(st))[0..@sizeOf(Poly1305)]); } pub fn create(out: *[mac_length]u8, msg: []const u8, key: *const [key_length]u8) void { var st = Poly1305.init(key); st.update(msg);; } }; test "rfc7439 vector1" { const expected_mac = "\xa8\x06\x1d\xc1\x30\x51\x36\xc6\xc2\x2b\x8b\xaf\x0c\x01\x27\xa9"; const msg = "Cryptographic Forum Research Group"; const key = "\x85\xd6\xbe\x78\x57\x55\x6d\x33\x7f\x44\x52\xfe\x42\xd5\x06\xa8" ++ "\x01\x03\x80\x8a\xfb\x0d\xb2\xfd\x4a\xbf\xf6\xaf\x41\x49\xf5\x1b"; var mac: [16]u8 = undefined; Poly1305.create(mac[0..], msg, key); try std.testing.expectEqualSlices(u8, expected_mac, &mac); } test "requiring a final reduction" { const expected_mac = [_]u8{ 25, 13, 249, 42, 164, 57, 99, 60, 149, 181, 74, 74, 13, 63, 121, 6 }; const msg = [_]u8{ 253, 193, 249, 146, 70, 6, 214, 226, 131, 213, 241, 116, 20, 24, 210, 224, 65, 151, 255, 104, 133 }; const key = [_]u8{ 190, 63, 95, 57, 155, 103, 77, 170, 7, 98, 106, 44, 117, 186, 90, 185, 109, 118, 184, 24, 69, 41, 166, 243, 119, 132, 151, 61, 52, 43, 64, 250 }; var mac: [16]u8 = undefined; Poly1305.create(mac[0..], &msg, &key); try std.testing.expectEqualSlices(u8, &expected_mac, &mac); }