// Ported from musl, which is licensed under the MIT license: // https://git.musl-libc.org/cgit/musl/tree/COPYRIGHT // // https://git.musl-libc.org/cgit/musl/tree/src/math/logf.c // https://git.musl-libc.org/cgit/musl/tree/src/math/log.c const std = @import("../std.zig"); const math = std.math; const expect = std.testing.expect; /// Returns the logarithm of x for the provided base. pub fn log(comptime T: type, base: T, x: T) T { if (base == 2) { return math.log2(x); } else if (base == 10) { return math.log10(x); } else if ((@typeInfo(T) == .Float or @typeInfo(T) == .ComptimeFloat) and base == math.e) { return @log(x); } const float_base = math.lossyCast(f64, base); switch (@typeInfo(T)) { .ComptimeFloat => { return @as(comptime_float, @log(@as(f64, x)) / @log(float_base)); }, .ComptimeInt => { return @as(comptime_int, math.log_int(comptime_int, base, x)); }, .Int => |IntType| switch (IntType.signedness) { .signed => @compileError("log not implemented for signed integers"), .unsigned => return @as(T, math.log_int(T, base, x)), }, .Float => { switch (T) { f32 => return @as(f32, @floatCast(@log(@as(f64, x)) / @log(float_base))), f64 => return @log(x) / @log(float_base), else => @compileError("log not implemented for " ++ @typeName(T)), } }, else => { @compileError("log expects integer or float, found '" ++ @typeName(T) ++ "'"); }, } } test "log integer" { try expect(log(u8, 2, 0x1) == 0); try expect(log(u8, 2, 0x2) == 1); try expect(log(u16, 2, 0x72) == 6); try expect(log(u32, 2, 0xFFFFFF) == 23); try expect(log(u64, 2, 0x7FF0123456789ABC) == 62); } test "log float" { const epsilon = 0.000001; try expect(math.approxEqAbs(f32, log(f32, 6, 0.23947), -0.797723, epsilon)); try expect(math.approxEqAbs(f32, log(f32, 89, 0.23947), -0.318432, epsilon)); try expect(math.approxEqAbs(f64, log(f64, 123897, 12389216414), 1.981724596, epsilon)); } test "log float_special" { try expect(log(f32, 2, 0.2301974) == math.log2(@as(f32, 0.2301974))); try expect(log(f32, 10, 0.2301974) == math.log10(@as(f32, 0.2301974))); try expect(log(f64, 2, 213.23019799993) == math.log2(@as(f64, 213.23019799993))); try expect(log(f64, 10, 213.23019799993) == math.log10(@as(f64, 213.23019799993))); }