const std = @import("../std.zig"); const math = std.math; const expect = std.testing.expect; const TypeId = std.builtin.TypeId; const maxInt = std.math.maxInt; /// Returns the square root of x. /// /// Special Cases: /// - sqrt(+inf) = +inf /// - sqrt(+-0) = +-0 /// - sqrt(x) = nan if x < 0 /// - sqrt(nan) = nan /// TODO Decide if all this logic should be implemented directly in the @sqrt builtin function. pub fn sqrt(x: anytype) Sqrt(@TypeOf(x)) { const T = @TypeOf(x); switch (@typeInfo(T)) { .Float, .ComptimeFloat => return @sqrt(x), .ComptimeInt => comptime { if (x > maxInt(u128)) { @compileError("sqrt not implemented for comptime_int greater than 128 bits"); } if (x < 0) { @compileError("sqrt on negative number"); } return @as(T, sqrt_int(u128, x)); }, .Int => |IntType| switch (IntType.signedness) { .signed => @compileError("sqrt not implemented for signed integers"), .unsigned => return sqrt_int(T, x), }, else => @compileError("sqrt not implemented for " ++ @typeName(T)), } } fn sqrt_int(comptime T: type, value: T) Sqrt(T) { if (@typeInfo(T).Int.bits <= 2) { return if (value == 0) 0 else 1; // shortcut for small number of bits to simplify general case } else { const bits = @typeInfo(T).Int.bits; const max = math.maxInt(T); const minustwo = (@as(T, 2) ^ max) + 1; // unsigned int cannot represent -2 var op = value; var res: T = 0; var one: T = 1 << ((bits - 1) & minustwo); // highest power of four that fits into T // "one" starts at the highest power of four <= than the argument. while (one > op) { one >>= 2; } while (one != 0) { const c = op >= res + one; if (c) op -= res + one; res >>= 1; if (c) res += one; one >>= 2; } return @as(Sqrt(T), @intCast(res)); } } test sqrt_int { try expect(sqrt_int(u32, 3) == 1); try expect(sqrt_int(u32, 4) == 2); try expect(sqrt_int(u32, 5) == 2); try expect(sqrt_int(u32, 8) == 2); try expect(sqrt_int(u32, 9) == 3); try expect(sqrt_int(u32, 10) == 3); try expect(sqrt_int(u0, 0) == 0); try expect(sqrt_int(u1, 1) == 1); try expect(sqrt_int(u2, 3) == 1); try expect(sqrt_int(u3, 4) == 2); try expect(sqrt_int(u4, 8) == 2); try expect(sqrt_int(u4, 9) == 3); } /// Returns the return type `sqrt` will return given an operand of type `T`. pub fn Sqrt(comptime T: type) type { return switch (@typeInfo(T)) { .Int => |int| std.meta.Int(.unsigned, (int.bits + 1) / 2), else => T, }; }