const std = @import("../std.zig"); const io =; const testing = std.testing; /// An OutStream that counts how many bytes has been written to it. pub fn CountingOutStream(comptime OutStreamType: type) type { return struct { bytes_written: u64, child_stream: OutStreamType, pub const Error = OutStreamType.Error; pub const OutStream = io.OutStream(*Self, Error, write); const Self = @This(); pub fn write(self: *Self, bytes: []const u8) Error!usize { const amt = try self.child_stream.write(bytes); self.bytes_written += amt; return amt; } pub fn outStream(self: *Self) OutStream { return .{ .context = self }; } }; } pub fn countingOutStream(child_stream: var) CountingOutStream(@TypeOf(child_stream)) { return .{ .bytes_written = 0, .child_stream = child_stream }; } test "io.CountingOutStream" { var counting_stream = countingOutStream(; const stream = counting_stream.outStream(); const bytes = "yay" ** 100; stream.writeAll(bytes) catch unreachable; testing.expect(counting_stream.bytes_written == bytes.len); }