const std = @import("../std.zig"); const debug = std.debug; const leb = @import("../leb128.zig"); const abi = @import("abi.zig"); const dwarf = @import("../dwarf.zig"); // These enum values correspond to the opcode encoding itself, with // the exception of the opcodes that include data in the opcode itself. // For those, the enum value is the opcode with the lower 6 bits (the data) masked to 0. const Opcode = enum(u8) { // These are placeholders that define the range of vendor-specific opcodes const lo_user = 0x1c; const hi_user = 0x3f; advance_loc = 0x1 << 6, offset = 0x2 << 6, restore = 0x3 << 6, nop = 0x00, set_loc = 0x01, advance_loc1 = 0x02, advance_loc2 = 0x03, advance_loc4 = 0x04, offset_extended = 0x05, restore_extended = 0x06, undefined = 0x07, same_value = 0x08, register = 0x09, remember_state = 0x0a, restore_state = 0x0b, def_cfa = 0x0c, def_cfa_register = 0x0d, def_cfa_offset = 0x0e, def_cfa_expression = 0x0f, expression = 0x10, offset_extended_sf = 0x11, def_cfa_sf = 0x12, def_cfa_offset_sf = 0x13, val_offset = 0x14, val_offset_sf = 0x15, val_expression = 0x16, _, }; const Operand = enum { opcode_delta, opcode_register, uleb128_register, uleb128_offset, sleb128_offset, address, u8_delta, u16_delta, u32_delta, block, fn Storage(comptime self: Operand) type { return switch (self) { .opcode_delta, .opcode_register => u6, .uleb128_register => u8, .uleb128_offset => u64, .sleb128_offset => i64, .address => u64, .u8_delta => u8, .u16_delta => u16, .u32_delta => u32, .block => []const u8, }; } fn read( comptime self: Operand, reader: anytype, opcode_value: ?u6, addr_size_bytes: u8, endian: std.builtin.Endian, ) !Storage(self) { return switch (self) { .opcode_delta, .opcode_register => opcode_value orelse return error.InvalidOperand, .uleb128_register => try leb.readULEB128(u8, reader), .uleb128_offset => try leb.readULEB128(u64, reader), .sleb128_offset => try leb.readILEB128(i64, reader), .address => switch (addr_size_bytes) { 2 => try reader.readInt(u16, endian), 4 => try reader.readInt(u32, endian), 8 => try reader.readInt(u64, endian), else => return error.InvalidAddrSize, }, .u8_delta => try reader.readByte(), .u16_delta => try reader.readInt(u16, endian), .u32_delta => try reader.readInt(u32, endian), .block => { const block_len = try leb.readULEB128(u64, reader); // TODO: This feels like a kludge, change to FixedBufferStream param? const block = reader.context.buffer[reader.context.pos..][0..block_len]; reader.context.pos += block_len; return block; } }; } }; fn InstructionType(comptime definition: anytype) type { const definition_type = @typeInfo(@TypeOf(definition)); debug.assert(definition_type == .Struct); const definition_len = definition_type.Struct.fields.len; comptime var fields: [definition_len]std.builtin.Type.StructField = undefined; inline for (definition_type.Struct.fields, &fields) |definition_field, *operands_field| { const opcode = std.enums.nameCast(Operand, @field(definition,; const storage_type = opcode.Storage(); operands_field.* = .{ .name =, .type = storage_type, .default_value = null, .is_comptime = false, .alignment = @alignOf(storage_type), }; } const InstructionOperands = @Type(.{ .Struct = .{ .layout = .Auto, .fields = &fields, .decls = &.{}, .is_tuple = false, }, }); return struct { const Self = @This(); operands: InstructionOperands, pub fn read(reader: anytype, opcode_value: ?u6, addr_size_bytes: u8, endian: std.builtin.Endian) !Self { var operands: InstructionOperands = undefined; inline for (definition_type.Struct.fields) |definition_field| { const operand = comptime std.enums.nameCast(Operand, @field(definition,; @field(operands, = try, opcode_value, addr_size_bytes, endian); } return .{ .operands = operands }; } }; } pub const Instruction = union(Opcode) { advance_loc: InstructionType(.{ .delta = .opcode_delta }), offset: InstructionType(.{ .register = .opcode_register, .offset = .uleb128_offset }), restore: InstructionType(.{ .register = .opcode_register }), nop: InstructionType(.{}), set_loc: InstructionType(.{ .address = .address }), advance_loc1: InstructionType(.{ .delta = .u8_delta }), advance_loc2: InstructionType(.{ .delta = .u16_delta }), advance_loc4: InstructionType(.{ .delta = .u32_delta }), offset_extended: InstructionType(.{ .register = .uleb128_register, .offset = .uleb128_offset }), restore_extended: InstructionType(.{ .register = .uleb128_register }), undefined: InstructionType(.{ .register = .uleb128_register }), same_value: InstructionType(.{ .register = .uleb128_register }), register: InstructionType(.{ .register = .uleb128_register, .offset = .uleb128_offset }), remember_state: InstructionType(.{}), restore_state: InstructionType(.{}), def_cfa: InstructionType(.{ .register = .uleb128_register, .offset = .uleb128_offset }), def_cfa_register: InstructionType(.{ .register = .uleb128_register }), def_cfa_offset: InstructionType(.{ .offset = .uleb128_offset }), def_cfa_expression: InstructionType(.{ .block = .block }), expression: InstructionType(.{ .register = .uleb128_register, .block = .block }), offset_extended_sf: InstructionType(.{ .register = .uleb128_register, .offset = .sleb128_offset }), def_cfa_sf: InstructionType(.{ .register = .uleb128_register, .offset = .sleb128_offset }), def_cfa_offset_sf: InstructionType(.{ .offset = .sleb128_offset }), val_offset: InstructionType(.{ .a = .uleb128_offset, .b = .uleb128_offset }), val_offset_sf: InstructionType(.{ .a = .uleb128_offset, .b = .sleb128_offset }), val_expression: InstructionType(.{ .a = .uleb128_offset, .block = .block }), pub fn read(reader: anytype, addr_size_bytes: u8, endian: std.builtin.Endian) !Instruction { const opcode = try reader.readByte(); const upper = opcode & 0b11000000; return switch (upper) { inline @enumToInt(Opcode.advance_loc), @enumToInt(Opcode.offset), @enumToInt(Opcode.restore) => |u| @unionInit( Instruction, @tagName(@intToEnum(Opcode, u)), try std.meta.TagPayload(Instruction, @intToEnum(Opcode, u)).read(reader, @intCast(u6, opcode & 0b111111), addr_size_bytes, endian), ), 0 => blk: { inline for (@typeInfo(Opcode).Enum.fields) |field| { if (field.value == opcode) { break :blk @unionInit( Instruction, @tagName(@intToEnum(Opcode, field.value)), try std.meta.TagPayload(Instruction, @intToEnum(Opcode, field.value)).read(reader, null, addr_size_bytes, endian), ); } } break :blk error.UnknownOpcode; }, else => error.UnknownOpcode, }; } pub fn writeOperands(self: Instruction, writer: anytype, cie: dwarf.CommonInformationEntry, arch: ?std.Target.Cpu.Arch) !void { switch (self) { inline .advance_loc, .advance_loc1, .advance_loc2, .advance_loc4 => |i| try writer.print("{}", .{ * cie.code_alignment_factor }), .offset => |i| { try abi.writeRegisterName(writer, arch, i.operands.register); try writer.print(" {}", .{ @intCast(i64, i.operands.offset) * cie.data_alignment_factor }); }, .restore => {}, .nop => {}, .set_loc => {}, .offset_extended => {}, .restore_extended => {}, .undefined => {}, .same_value => {}, .register => {}, .remember_state => {}, .restore_state => {}, .def_cfa => |i| { try abi.writeRegisterName(writer, arch, i.operands.register); try writer.print(" {}", .{ fmtOffset(@intCast(i64, i.operands.offset)) }); }, .def_cfa_register => {}, .def_cfa_offset => |i| { try writer.print("{}", .{ fmtOffset(@intCast(i64, i.operands.offset)) }); }, .def_cfa_expression => |i| { try writer.print("TODO(parse expressions data {x})", .{ std.fmt.fmtSliceHexLower(i.operands.block) }); }, .expression => {}, .offset_extended_sf => {}, .def_cfa_sf => {}, .def_cfa_offset_sf => {}, .val_offset => {}, .val_offset_sf => {}, .val_expression => {}, } } }; fn formatOffset(data: i64, comptime fmt: []const u8, options: std.fmt.FormatOptions, writer: anytype) !void { _ = fmt; if (data >= 0) try writer.writeByte('+'); return std.fmt.formatInt(data, 10, .lower, options, writer); } fn fmtOffset(offset: i64) std.fmt.Formatter(formatOffset) { return .{ .data = offset }; } /// See section 6.4.1 of the DWARF5 specification pub const VirtualMachine = struct { const RegisterRule = union(enum) { undefined: void, same_value: void, offset: i64, val_offset: i64, register: u8, expression: []const u8, val_expression: []const u8, architectural: void, }; const Column = struct { register: u8 = undefined, rule: RegisterRule = .{ .undefined = {} }, pub fn writeRule(self: Column, writer: anytype, is_cfa: bool, arch: ?std.Target.Cpu.Arch) !void { if (is_cfa) { try writer.writeAll("CFA"); } else { try abi.writeRegisterName(writer, arch, self.register); } try writer.writeByte('='); switch (self.rule) { .undefined => {}, .same_value => try writer.writeAll("S"), .offset => |offset| { if (is_cfa) { try abi.writeRegisterName(writer, arch, self.register); try writer.print("{}", .{ fmtOffset(offset) }); } else { try writer.print("[CFA{}]", .{ fmtOffset(offset) }); } }, .val_offset => |offset| { if (is_cfa) { try abi.writeRegisterName(writer, arch, self.register); try writer.print("{}", .{ fmtOffset(offset) }); } else { try writer.print("CFA{}", .{ fmtOffset(offset) }); } }, .register => |register| try abi.writeRegisterName(writer, arch, register), .expression => try writer.writeAll("TODO(expression)"), .val_expression => try writer.writeAll("TODO(val_expression)"), .architectural => try writer.writeAll("TODO(architectural)"), } } }; pub const Row = struct { /// Offset from pc_begin offset: u64 = 0, cfa: Column = .{}, /// Index into `columns` of the first column in this row columns_start: usize = undefined, columns_len: u8 = 0, }; rows: std.ArrayListUnmanaged(Row) = .{}, columns: std.ArrayListUnmanaged(Column) = .{}, current_row: Row = .{}, pub fn reset(self: *VirtualMachine) void { self.rows.clearRetainingCapacity(); self.columns.clearRetainingCapacity(); self.current_row = .{}; } pub fn deinit(self: *VirtualMachine, allocator: std.mem.Allocator) void { self.rows.deinit(allocator); self.columns.deinit(allocator); self.* = undefined; } pub fn getColumns(self: VirtualMachine, row: Row) []Column { return self.columns.items[row.columns_start..][0..row.columns_len]; } fn getOrAddColumn(self: *VirtualMachine, allocator: std.mem.Allocator, register: u8) !*Column { for (self.getColumns(self.current_row)) |*c| { if (c.register == register) return c; } if (self.current_row.columns_len == 0) { self.current_row.columns_start = self.columns.items.len; } self.current_row.columns_len += 1; const column = try self.columns.addOne(allocator); column.* = .{ .register = register, }; return column; } pub fn step(self: *VirtualMachine, allocator: std.mem.Allocator, cie: dwarf.CommonInformationEntry, instruction: Instruction) !void { switch (instruction) { inline .advance_loc, .advance_loc1, .advance_loc2, .advance_loc4 => |i| { self.current_row.offset +=; }, .offset => |i| { const column = try self.getOrAddColumn(allocator, i.operands.register); column.rule = .{ .offset = @intCast(i64, i.operands.offset) * cie.data_alignment_factor }; }, .restore => {}, .nop => {}, .set_loc => {}, .offset_extended => {}, .restore_extended => {}, .undefined => {}, .same_value => {}, .register => {}, .remember_state => {}, .restore_state => {}, .def_cfa => |i| { = .{ .register = i.operands.register, .rule = .{ .offset = @intCast(i64, i.operands.offset) }, }; }, .def_cfa_register => {}, .def_cfa_offset => |i| { = .{ .offset = @intCast(i64, i.operands.offset) }; }, .def_cfa_expression => {}, .expression => {}, .offset_extended_sf => {}, .def_cfa_sf => {}, .def_cfa_offset_sf => {}, .val_offset => {}, .val_offset_sf => {}, .val_expression => {}, } } };