const std = @import("std"); const Allocator = std.mem.Allocator; const ArenaAllocator = std.heap.ArenaAllocator; const ArrayList = std.ArrayList; const Builder =; const File = std.fs.File; const InstallDir =; const LibExeObjStep =; const Step =; const elf = std.elf; const fs = std.fs; const io =; const sort = std.sort; const warn = std.debug.warn; const BinaryElfSection = struct { elfOffset: u64, binaryOffset: u64, fileSize: usize, segment: ?*BinaryElfSegment, }; const BinaryElfSegment = struct { physicalAddress: u64, virtualAddress: u64, elfOffset: u64, binaryOffset: u64, fileSize: usize, firstSection: ?*BinaryElfSection, }; const BinaryElfOutput = struct { segments: ArrayList(*BinaryElfSegment), sections: ArrayList(*BinaryElfSection), const Self = @This(); pub fn deinit(self: *Self) void { self.sections.deinit(); self.segments.deinit(); } pub fn parse(allocator: *Allocator, elf_file: File) !Self { var self: Self = .{ .segments = ArrayList(*BinaryElfSegment).init(allocator), .sections = ArrayList(*BinaryElfSection).init(allocator), }; const elf_hdr = try std.elf.readHeader(elf_file); var section_headers = elf_hdr.section_header_iterator(elf_file); while (try |section| { if (sectionValidForOutput(section)) { const newSection = try allocator.create(BinaryElfSection); newSection.binaryOffset = 0; newSection.elfOffset = section.sh_offset; newSection.fileSize = @intCast(usize, section.sh_size); newSection.segment = null; try self.sections.append(newSection); } } var program_headers = elf_hdr.program_header_iterator(elf_file); while (try |phdr| { if (phdr.p_type == elf.PT_LOAD) { const newSegment = try allocator.create(BinaryElfSegment); newSegment.physicalAddress = if (phdr.p_paddr != 0) phdr.p_paddr else phdr.p_vaddr; newSegment.virtualAddress = phdr.p_vaddr; newSegment.fileSize = @intCast(usize, phdr.p_filesz); newSegment.elfOffset = phdr.p_offset; newSegment.binaryOffset = 0; newSegment.firstSection = null; for (self.sections.span()) |section| { if (sectionWithinSegment(section, phdr)) { if (section.segment) |sectionSegment| { if (sectionSegment.elfOffset > newSegment.elfOffset) { section.segment = newSegment; } } else { section.segment = newSegment; } if (newSegment.firstSection == null) { newSegment.firstSection = section; } } } try self.segments.append(newSegment); } } sort.sort(*BinaryElfSegment, self.segments.span(), {}, segmentSortCompare); if (self.segments.items.len > 0) { const firstSegment = self.segments.items[0]; if (firstSegment.firstSection) |firstSection| { const diff = firstSection.elfOffset - firstSegment.elfOffset; firstSegment.elfOffset += diff; firstSegment.fileSize += diff; firstSegment.physicalAddress += diff; const basePhysicalAddress = firstSegment.physicalAddress; for (self.segments.span()) |segment| { segment.binaryOffset = segment.physicalAddress - basePhysicalAddress; } } } for (self.sections.span()) |section| { if (section.segment) |segment| { section.binaryOffset = segment.binaryOffset + (section.elfOffset - segment.elfOffset); } } sort.sort(*BinaryElfSection, self.sections.span(), {}, sectionSortCompare); return self; } fn sectionWithinSegment(section: *BinaryElfSection, segment: elf.Elf64_Phdr) bool { return segment.p_offset <= section.elfOffset and (segment.p_offset + segment.p_filesz) >= (section.elfOffset + section.fileSize); } fn sectionValidForOutput(shdr: anytype) bool { return shdr.sh_size > 0 and shdr.sh_type != elf.SHT_NOBITS and ((shdr.sh_flags & elf.SHF_ALLOC) == elf.SHF_ALLOC); } fn segmentSortCompare(context: void, left: *BinaryElfSegment, right: *BinaryElfSegment) bool { if (left.physicalAddress < right.physicalAddress) { return true; } if (left.physicalAddress > right.physicalAddress) { return false; } return false; } fn sectionSortCompare(context: void, left: *BinaryElfSection, right: *BinaryElfSection) bool { return left.binaryOffset < right.binaryOffset; } }; fn writeBinaryElfSection(elf_file: File, out_file: File, section: *BinaryElfSection) !void { try out_file.seekTo(section.binaryOffset); try out_file.writeFileAll(elf_file, .{ .in_offset = section.elfOffset, .in_len = section.fileSize, }); } fn emitRaw(allocator: *Allocator, elf_path: []const u8, raw_path: []const u8) !void { var elf_file = try fs.cwd().openFile(elf_path, .{}); defer elf_file.close(); var out_file = try fs.cwd().createFile(raw_path, .{}); defer out_file.close(); var binary_elf_output = try BinaryElfOutput.parse(allocator, elf_file); defer binary_elf_output.deinit(); for (binary_elf_output.sections.span()) |section| { try writeBinaryElfSection(elf_file, out_file, section); } } pub const InstallRawStep = struct { step: Step, builder: *Builder, artifact: *LibExeObjStep, dest_dir: InstallDir, dest_filename: []const u8, const Self = @This(); pub fn create(builder: *Builder, artifact: *LibExeObjStep, dest_filename: []const u8) *Self { const self = builder.allocator.create(Self) catch unreachable; self.* = Self{ .step = Step.init(.InstallRaw, builder.fmt("install raw binary {}", .{}), builder.allocator, make), .builder = builder, .artifact = artifact, .dest_dir = switch (artifact.kind) { .Obj => unreachable, .Test => unreachable, .Exe => .Bin, .Lib => unreachable, }, .dest_filename = dest_filename, }; self.step.dependOn(&artifact.step); builder.pushInstalledFile(self.dest_dir, dest_filename); return self; } fn make(step: *Step) !void { const self = @fieldParentPtr(Self, "step", step); const builder = self.builder; if ( != .elf) { warn("InstallRawStep only works with ELF format.\n", .{}); return error.InvalidObjectFormat; } const full_src_path = self.artifact.getOutputPath(); const full_dest_path = builder.getInstallPath(self.dest_dir, self.dest_filename); fs.cwd().makePath(builder.getInstallPath(self.dest_dir, "")) catch unreachable; try emitRaw(builder.allocator, full_src_path, full_dest_path); } }; test "" { std.meta.refAllDecls(InstallRawStep); }