const std = @import("../std.zig"); const meta = std.meta; const testing = std.testing; const mem = std.mem; const assert = std.debug.assert; const TypeInfo = std.builtin.TypeInfo; /// This is useful for saving memory when allocating an object that has many /// optional components. The optional objects are allocated sequentially in /// memory, and a single integer is used to represent each optional object /// and whether it is present based on each corresponding bit. pub fn TrailerFlags(comptime Fields: type) type { return struct { bits: Int, pub const Int = meta.Int(.unsigned, bit_count); pub const bit_count = @typeInfo(Fields).Struct.fields.len; pub const FieldEnum = std.meta.FieldEnum(Fields); pub const InitStruct = blk: { comptime var fields: [bit_count]TypeInfo.StructField = undefined; inline for (@typeInfo(Fields).Struct.fields) |struct_field, i| { fields[i] = TypeInfo.StructField{ .name =, .field_type = ?struct_field.field_type, .default_value = @as( ??struct_field.field_type, @as(?struct_field.field_type, null), ), .is_comptime = false, .alignment = @alignOf(?struct_field.field_type), }; } break :blk @Type(.{ .Struct = .{ .layout = .Auto, .fields = &fields, .decls = &[_]TypeInfo.Declaration{}, .is_tuple = false, }, }); }; pub const Self = @This(); pub fn has(self: Self, comptime field: FieldEnum) bool { const field_index = @enumToInt(field); return (self.bits & (1 << field_index)) != 0; } pub fn get(self: Self, p: [*]align(@alignOf(Fields)) const u8, comptime field: FieldEnum) ?Field(field) { if (!self.has(field)) return null; return self.ptrConst(p, field).*; } pub fn setFlag(self: *Self, comptime field: FieldEnum) void { const field_index = @enumToInt(field); self.bits |= 1 << field_index; } /// `fields` is a struct with each field set to an optional value. /// Only the non-null bits are observed and are used to set the flag bits. pub fn init(fields: InitStruct) Self { var self: Self = .{ .bits = 0 }; inline for (@typeInfo(Fields).Struct.fields) |field, i| { if (@field(fields, |_| self.bits |= 1 << i; } return self; } /// `fields` is a struct with each field set to an optional value (same as `init`). pub fn setMany(self: Self, p: [*]align(@alignOf(Fields)) u8, fields: InitStruct) void { inline for (@typeInfo(Fields).Struct.fields) |field, i| { if (@field(fields, |value| self.set(p, @intToEnum(FieldEnum, i), value); } } pub fn set( self: Self, p: [*]align(@alignOf(Fields)) u8, comptime field: FieldEnum, value: Field(field), ) void { self.ptr(p, field).* = value; } pub fn ptr(self: Self, p: [*]align(@alignOf(Fields)) u8, comptime field: FieldEnum) *Field(field) { if (@sizeOf(Field(field)) == 0) return undefined; const off = self.offset(field); return @ptrCast(*Field(field), @alignCast(@alignOf(Field(field)), p + off)); } pub fn ptrConst(self: Self, p: [*]align(@alignOf(Fields)) const u8, comptime field: FieldEnum) *const Field(field) { if (@sizeOf(Field(field)) == 0) return undefined; const off = self.offset(field); return @ptrCast(*const Field(field), @alignCast(@alignOf(Field(field)), p + off)); } pub fn offset(self: Self, comptime field: FieldEnum) usize { var off: usize = 0; inline for (@typeInfo(Fields).Struct.fields) |field_info, i| { const active = (self.bits & (1 << i)) != 0; if (i == @enumToInt(field)) { assert(active); return mem.alignForwardGeneric(usize, off, @alignOf(field_info.field_type)); } else if (active) { off = mem.alignForwardGeneric(usize, off, @alignOf(field_info.field_type)); off += @sizeOf(field_info.field_type); } } } pub fn Field(comptime field: FieldEnum) type { return @typeInfo(Fields).Struct.fields[@enumToInt(field)].field_type; } pub fn sizeInBytes(self: Self) usize { var off: usize = 0; inline for (@typeInfo(Fields).Struct.fields) |field, i| { if (@sizeOf(field.field_type) == 0) continue; if ((self.bits & (1 << i)) != 0) { off = mem.alignForwardGeneric(usize, off, @alignOf(field.field_type)); off += @sizeOf(field.field_type); } } return off; } }; } test "TrailerFlags" { const Flags = TrailerFlags(struct { a: i32, b: bool, c: u64, }); try testing.expectEqual(u2, meta.Tag(Flags.FieldEnum)); var flags = Flags.init(.{ .b = true, .c = 1234, }); const slice = try testing.allocator.allocAdvanced(u8, 8, flags.sizeInBytes(), .exact); defer; flags.set(slice.ptr, .b, false); flags.set(slice.ptr, .c, 12345678); try testing.expect(flags.get(slice.ptr, .a) == null); try testing.expect(!flags.get(slice.ptr, .b).?); try testing.expect(flags.get(slice.ptr, .c).? == 12345678); flags.setMany(slice.ptr, .{ .b = true, .c = 5678, }); try testing.expect(flags.get(slice.ptr, .a) == null); try testing.expect(flags.get(slice.ptr, .b).?); try testing.expect(flags.get(slice.ptr, .c).? == 5678); }