//! Epoch reference times in terms of their difference from //! UTC 1970-01-01 in seconds. const std = @import("../std.zig"); const testing = std.testing; const math = std.math; /// Jan 01, 1970 AD pub const posix = 0; /// Jan 01, 1980 AD pub const dos = 315532800; /// Jan 01, 2001 AD pub const ios = 978307200; /// Nov 17, 1858 AD pub const openvms = -3506716800; /// Jan 01, 1900 AD pub const zos = -2208988800; /// Jan 01, 1601 AD pub const windows = -11644473600; /// Jan 01, 1978 AD pub const amiga = 252460800; /// Dec 31, 1967 AD pub const pickos = -63244800; /// Jan 06, 1980 AD pub const gps = 315964800; /// Jan 01, 0001 AD pub const clr = -62135769600; pub const unix = posix; pub const android = posix; pub const os2 = dos; pub const bios = dos; pub const vfat = dos; pub const ntfs = windows; pub const ntp = zos; pub const jbase = pickos; pub const aros = amiga; pub const morphos = amiga; pub const brew = gps; pub const atsc = gps; pub const go = clr; /// The type that holds the current year, i.e. 2016 pub const Year = u16; pub const epoch_year = 1970; pub const secs_per_day: u17 = 24 * 60 * 60; pub fn isLeapYear(year: Year) bool { if (@mod(year, 4) != 0) return false; if (@mod(year, 100) != 0) return true; return (0 == @mod(year, 400)); } test "isLeapYear" { try testing.expectEqual(false, isLeapYear(2095)); try testing.expectEqual(true, isLeapYear(2096)); try testing.expectEqual(false, isLeapYear(2100)); try testing.expectEqual(true, isLeapYear(2400)); } pub fn getDaysInYear(year: Year) u9 { return if (isLeapYear(year)) 366 else 365; } pub const YearLeapKind = enum(u1) { not_leap, leap }; pub const Month = enum(u4) { jan = 1, feb, mar, apr, may, jun, jul, aug, sep, oct, nov, dec, /// return the numeric calendar value for the given month /// i.e. jan=1, feb=2, etc pub fn numeric(self: Month) u4 { return @enumToInt(self); } }; /// Get the number of days in the given month pub fn getDaysInMonth(leap_year: YearLeapKind, month: Month) u5 { return switch (month) { .jan => 31, .feb => @as(u5, switch (leap_year) { .leap => 29, .not_leap => 28, }), .mar => 31, .apr => 30, .may => 31, .jun => 30, .jul => 31, .aug => 31, .sep => 30, .oct => 31, .nov => 30, .dec => 31, }; } pub const YearAndDay = struct { year: Year, /// The number of days into the year (0 to 365) day: u9, pub fn calculateMonthDay(self: YearAndDay) MonthAndDay { var month: Month = .jan; var days_left = self.day; const leap_kind: YearLeapKind = if (isLeapYear(self.year)) .leap else .not_leap; while (true) { const days_in_month = getDaysInMonth(leap_kind, month); if (days_left < days_in_month) break; days_left -= days_in_month; month = @intToEnum(Month, @enumToInt(month) + 1); } return .{ .month = month, .day_index = @intCast(u5, days_left) }; } }; pub const MonthAndDay = struct { month: Month, day_index: u5, // days into the month (0 to 30) }; // days since epoch Oct 1, 1970 pub const EpochDay = struct { day: u47, // u47 = u64 - u17 (because day = sec(u64) / secs_per_day(u17) pub fn calculateYearDay(self: EpochDay) YearAndDay { var year_day = self.day; var year: Year = epoch_year; while (true) { const year_size = getDaysInYear(year); if (year_day < year_size) break; year_day -= year_size; year += 1; } return .{ .year = year, .day = @intCast(u9, year_day) }; } }; /// seconds since start of day pub const DaySeconds = struct { secs: u17, // max is 24*60*60 = 86400 /// the number of hours past the start of the day (0 to 23) pub fn getHoursIntoDay(self: DaySeconds) u5 { return @intCast(u5, @divTrunc(self.secs, 3600)); } /// the number of minutes past the hour (0 to 59) pub fn getMinutesIntoHour(self: DaySeconds) u6 { return @intCast(u6, @divTrunc(@mod(self.secs, 3600), 60)); } /// the number of seconds past the start of the minute (0 to 59) pub fn getSecondsIntoMinute(self: DaySeconds) u6 { return math.comptimeMod(self.secs, 60); } }; /// seconds since epoch Oct 1, 1970 at 12:00 AM pub const EpochSeconds = struct { secs: u64, /// Returns the number of days since the epoch as an EpochDay. /// Use EpochDay to get information about the day of this time. pub fn getEpochDay(self: EpochSeconds) EpochDay { return EpochDay{ .day = @intCast(u47, @divTrunc(self.secs, secs_per_day)) }; } /// Returns the number of seconds into the day as DaySeconds. /// Use DaySeconds to get information about the time. pub fn getDaySeconds(self: EpochSeconds) DaySeconds { return DaySeconds{ .secs = math.comptimeMod(self.secs, secs_per_day) }; } }; fn testEpoch(secs: u64, expected_year_day: YearAndDay, expected_month_day: MonthAndDay, expected_day_seconds: struct { /// 0 to 23 hours_into_day: u5, /// 0 to 59 minutes_into_hour: u6, /// 0 to 59 seconds_into_minute: u6, }) !void { const epoch_seconds = EpochSeconds{ .secs = secs }; const epoch_day = epoch_seconds.getEpochDay(); const day_seconds = epoch_seconds.getDaySeconds(); const year_day = epoch_day.calculateYearDay(); try testing.expectEqual(expected_year_day, year_day); try testing.expectEqual(expected_month_day, year_day.calculateMonthDay()); try testing.expectEqual(expected_day_seconds.hours_into_day, day_seconds.getHoursIntoDay()); try testing.expectEqual(expected_day_seconds.minutes_into_hour, day_seconds.getMinutesIntoHour()); try testing.expectEqual(expected_day_seconds.seconds_into_minute, day_seconds.getSecondsIntoMinute()); } test "epoch decoding" { try testEpoch(0, .{ .year = 1970, .day = 0 }, .{ .month = .jan, .day_index = 0, }, .{ .hours_into_day = 0, .minutes_into_hour = 0, .seconds_into_minute = 0 }); try testEpoch(31535999, .{ .year = 1970, .day = 364 }, .{ .month = .dec, .day_index = 30, }, .{ .hours_into_day = 23, .minutes_into_hour = 59, .seconds_into_minute = 59 }); try testEpoch(1622924906, .{ .year = 2021, .day = 31 + 28 + 31 + 30 + 31 + 4 }, .{ .month = .jun, .day_index = 4, }, .{ .hours_into_day = 20, .minutes_into_hour = 28, .seconds_into_minute = 26 }); try testEpoch(1625159473, .{ .year = 2021, .day = 31 + 28 + 31 + 30 + 31 + 30 }, .{ .month = .jul, .day_index = 0, }, .{ .hours_into_day = 17, .minutes_into_hour = 11, .seconds_into_minute = 13 }); }