//! Example usage: //! ./gen_stubs /path/to/musl/build-all >libc.S //! //! The directory 'build-all' is expected to contain these subdirectories: //! arm x86 mips mips64 powerpc powerpc64 riscv32 riscv64 x86_64 loongarch64 //! //! ...each with 'lib/libc.so' inside of them. //! //! When building the resulting libc.S file, these defines are required: //! * `-DPTR64`: when the architecture is 64-bit //! * One of the following, corresponding to the CPU architecture: //! - `-DARCH_riscv32` //! - `-DARCH_riscv64` //! - `-DARCH_mips` //! - `-DARCH_mips64` //! - `-DARCH_i386` //! - `-DARCH_x86_64` //! - `-DARCH_powerpc` //! - `-DARCH_powerpc64` //! - `-DARCH_aarch64` //! - `-DARCH_loongarch64` // TODO: pick the best index to put them into instead of at the end // - e.g. find a common previous symbol and put it after that one // - they definitely need to go into the correct section const std = @import("std"); const builtin = std.builtin; const mem = std.mem; const log = std.log; const elf = std.elf; const native_endian = @import("builtin").target.cpu.arch.endian(); const inputs = .{ .riscv32, .riscv64, .loongarch64, .mips, .mips64, .x86, .x86_64, .powerpc, .powerpc64, .aarch64, }; const arches: [inputs.len]std.Target.Cpu.Arch = blk: { var result: [inputs.len]std.Target.Cpu.Arch = undefined; for (inputs) |arch| { result[archIndex(arch)] = arch; } break :blk result; }; const MultiSym = struct { size: [arches.len]u64, present: [arches.len]bool, binding: [arches.len]u4, section: u16, ty: u4, visib: elf.STV, fn allPresent(ms: MultiSym) bool { for (arches, 0..) |_, i| { if (!ms.present[i]) { return false; } } return true; } fn is32Only(ms: MultiSym) bool { return ms.present[archIndex(.riscv32)] == true and ms.present[archIndex(.riscv64)] == false and ms.present[archIndex(.mips)] == true and ms.present[archIndex(.mips64)] == false and ms.present[archIndex(.x86)] == true and ms.present[archIndex(.x86_64)] == false and ms.present[archIndex(.powerpc)] == true and ms.present[archIndex(.powerpc64)] == false and ms.present[archIndex(.aarch64)] == false and ms.present[archIndex(.loongarch64)] == false; } fn commonSize(ms: MultiSym) ?u64 { var size: ?u64 = null; for (arches, 0..) |_, i| { if (!ms.present[i]) continue; if (size) |s| { if (ms.size[i] != s) { return null; } } else { size = ms.size[i]; } } return size.?; } fn commonBinding(ms: MultiSym) ?u4 { var binding: ?u4 = null; for (arches, 0..) |_, i| { if (!ms.present[i]) continue; if (binding) |b| { if (ms.binding[i] != b) { return null; } } else { binding = ms.binding[i]; } } return binding.?; } fn isPtrSize(ms: MultiSym) bool { const map = .{ .{ .riscv32, 4 }, .{ .riscv64, 8 }, .{ .mips, 4 }, .{ .mips64, 8 }, .{ .x86, 4 }, .{ .x86_64, 8 }, .{ .powerpc, 4 }, .{ .powerpc64, 8 }, .{ .aarch64, 8 }, .{ .loongarch64, 8 }, }; inline for (map) |item| { const arch = item[0]; const size = item[1]; const arch_index = archIndex(arch); if (ms.present[arch_index] and ms.size[arch_index] != size) { return false; } } return true; } fn isPtr2Size(ms: MultiSym) bool { const map = .{ .{ .riscv32, 8 }, .{ .riscv64, 16 }, .{ .mips, 8 }, .{ .mips64, 16 }, .{ .x86, 8 }, .{ .x86_64, 16 }, .{ .powerpc, 8 }, .{ .powerpc64, 16 }, .{ .aarch64, 16 }, .{ .loongarch64, 16 }, }; inline for (map) |item| { const arch = item[0]; const size = item[1]; const arch_index = archIndex(arch); if (ms.present[arch_index] and ms.size[arch_index] != size) { return false; } } return true; } fn isWeak64(ms: MultiSym) bool { const map = .{ .{ .riscv32, 1 }, .{ .riscv64, 2 }, .{ .mips, 1 }, .{ .mips64, 2 }, .{ .x86, 1 }, .{ .x86_64, 2 }, .{ .powerpc, 1 }, .{ .powerpc64, 2 }, .{ .aarch64, 2 }, .{ .loongarch64, 2 }, }; inline for (map) |item| { const arch = item[0]; const binding = item[1]; const arch_index = archIndex(arch); if (ms.present[arch_index] and ms.binding[arch_index] != binding) { return false; } } return true; } }; const Parse = struct { arena: mem.Allocator, sym_table: *std.StringArrayHashMap(MultiSym), sections: *std.StringArrayHashMap(void), blacklist: std.StringArrayHashMap(void), elf_bytes: []align(@alignOf(elf.Elf64_Ehdr)) u8, header: elf.Header, arch: std.Target.Cpu.Arch, }; pub fn main() !void { var arena_instance = std.heap.ArenaAllocator.init(std.heap.page_allocator); defer arena_instance.deinit(); const arena = arena_instance.allocator(); const args = try std.process.argsAlloc(arena); const build_all_path = args[1]; var build_all_dir = try std.fs.cwd().openDir(build_all_path, .{}); var sym_table = std.StringArrayHashMap(MultiSym).init(arena); var sections = std.StringArrayHashMap(void).init(arena); var blacklist = std.StringArrayHashMap(void).init(arena); try blacklist.ensureUnusedCapacity(blacklisted_symbols.len); for (blacklisted_symbols) |name| { blacklist.putAssumeCapacityNoClobber(name, {}); } for (arches) |arch| { const libc_so_path = try std.fmt.allocPrint(arena, "{s}/lib/libc.so", .{ archMuslName(arch), }); // Read the ELF header. const elf_bytes = build_all_dir.readFileAllocOptions( arena, libc_so_path, 100 * 1024 * 1024, 1 * 1024 * 1024, @alignOf(elf.Elf64_Ehdr), null, ) catch |err| { std.debug.panic("unable to read '{s}/{s}': {s}", .{ build_all_path, libc_so_path, @errorName(err), }); }; const header = try elf.Header.parse(elf_bytes[0..@sizeOf(elf.Elf64_Ehdr)]); const parse: Parse = .{ .arena = arena, .sym_table = &sym_table, .sections = §ions, .blacklist = blacklist, .elf_bytes = elf_bytes, .header = header, .arch = arch, }; switch (header.is_64) { true => switch (header.endian) { .big => try parseElf(parse, true, .big), .little => try parseElf(parse, true, .little), }, false => switch (header.endian) { .big => try parseElf(parse, false, .big), .little => try parseElf(parse, false, .little), }, } } const stdout = std.io.getStdOut().writer(); try stdout.writeAll( \\#ifdef PTR64 \\#define WEAK64 .weak \\#define PTR_SIZE_BYTES 8 \\#define PTR2_SIZE_BYTES 16 \\#else \\#define WEAK64 .globl \\#define PTR_SIZE_BYTES 4 \\#define PTR2_SIZE_BYTES 8 \\#endif \\ ); // Sort the symbols for deterministic output and cleaner vcs diffs. const SymTableSort = struct { sections: *const std.StringArrayHashMap(void), sym_table: *const std.StringArrayHashMap(MultiSym), /// Sort first by section name, then by symbol name pub fn lessThan(ctx: @This(), index_a: usize, index_b: usize) bool { const multi_sym_a = ctx.sym_table.values()[index_a]; const multi_sym_b = ctx.sym_table.values()[index_b]; const section_a = ctx.sections.keys()[multi_sym_a.section]; const section_b = ctx.sections.keys()[multi_sym_b.section]; switch (mem.order(u8, section_a, section_b)) { .lt => return true, .gt => return false, .eq => {}, } const symbol_a = ctx.sym_table.keys()[index_a]; const symbol_b = ctx.sym_table.keys()[index_b]; switch (mem.order(u8, symbol_a, symbol_b)) { .lt => return true, .gt, .eq => return false, } } }; sym_table.sort(SymTableSort{ .sym_table = &sym_table, .sections = §ions }); var prev_section: u16 = std.math.maxInt(u16); var prev_pp_state: enum { none, ptr32, special } = .none; for (sym_table.values(), 0..) |multi_sym, sym_index| { const name = sym_table.keys()[sym_index]; if (multi_sym.section != prev_section) { prev_section = multi_sym.section; const sh_name = sections.keys()[multi_sym.section]; try stdout.print("{s}\n", .{sh_name}); } if (multi_sym.allPresent()) { switch (prev_pp_state) { .none => {}, .ptr32, .special => { try stdout.writeAll("#endif\n"); prev_pp_state = .none; }, } } else if (multi_sym.is32Only()) { switch (prev_pp_state) { .none => { try stdout.writeAll("#ifdef PTR32\n"); prev_pp_state = .ptr32; }, .special => { try stdout.writeAll("#endif\n#ifdef PTR32\n"); prev_pp_state = .ptr32; }, .ptr32 => {}, } } else { switch (prev_pp_state) { .none => {}, .special, .ptr32 => { try stdout.writeAll("#endif\n"); }, } prev_pp_state = .special; var first = true; try stdout.writeAll("#if "); for (arches, 0..) |arch, i| { if (multi_sym.present[i]) continue; if (!first) try stdout.writeAll(" && "); first = false; try stdout.print("!defined(ARCH_{s})", .{@tagName(arch)}); } try stdout.writeAll("\n"); } if (multi_sym.commonBinding()) |binding| { switch (binding) { elf.STB_GLOBAL => { try stdout.print(".globl {s}\n", .{name}); }, elf.STB_WEAK => { try stdout.print(".weak {s}\n", .{name}); }, else => unreachable, } } else if (multi_sym.isWeak64()) { try stdout.print("WEAK64 {s}\n", .{name}); } else { for (arches, 0..) |arch, i| { log.info("symbol '{s}' binding on {s}: {d}", .{ name, @tagName(arch), multi_sym.binding[i], }); } } switch (multi_sym.ty) { elf.STT_NOTYPE => {}, elf.STT_FUNC => { try stdout.print(".type {s}, %function;\n", .{name}); // omitting the size is OK for functions }, elf.STT_OBJECT => { try stdout.print(".type {s}, %object;\n", .{name}); if (multi_sym.commonSize()) |size| { try stdout.print(".size {s}, {d}\n", .{ name, size }); } else if (multi_sym.isPtrSize()) { try stdout.print(".size {s}, PTR_SIZE_BYTES\n", .{name}); } else if (multi_sym.isPtr2Size()) { try stdout.print(".size {s}, PTR2_SIZE_BYTES\n", .{name}); } else { for (arches, 0..) |arch, i| { log.info("symbol '{s}' size on {s}: {d}", .{ name, @tagName(arch), multi_sym.size[i], }); } //try stdout.print(".size {s}, {d}\n", .{ name, size }); } }, else => unreachable, } switch (multi_sym.visib) { .DEFAULT => {}, .PROTECTED => try stdout.print(".protected {s}\n", .{name}), .INTERNAL, .HIDDEN => unreachable, } try stdout.print("{s}:\n", .{name}); } switch (prev_pp_state) { .none => {}, .ptr32, .special => try stdout.writeAll("#endif\n"), } } fn parseElf(parse: Parse, comptime is_64: bool, comptime endian: builtin.Endian) !void { const arena = parse.arena; const elf_bytes = parse.elf_bytes; const header = parse.header; const Sym = if (is_64) elf.Elf64_Sym else elf.Elf32_Sym; const S = struct { fn endianSwap(x: anytype) @TypeOf(x) { if (endian != native_endian) { return @byteSwap(x); } else { return x; } } fn symbolAddrLessThan(_: void, lhs: Sym, rhs: Sym) bool { return endianSwap(lhs.st_value) < endianSwap(rhs.st_value); } }; // A little helper to do endian swapping. const s = S.endianSwap; // Obtain list of sections. const Shdr = if (is_64) elf.Elf64_Shdr else elf.Elf32_Shdr; const shdrs = mem.bytesAsSlice(Shdr, elf_bytes[header.shoff..])[0..header.shnum]; // Obtain the section header string table. const shstrtab_offset = s(shdrs[header.shstrndx].sh_offset); log.debug("shstrtab is at offset {d}", .{shstrtab_offset}); const shstrtab = elf_bytes[shstrtab_offset..]; // Maps this ELF file's section header index to the multi arch section ArrayHashMap index. const section_index_map = try arena.alloc(u16, shdrs.len); // Find the offset of the dynamic symbol table. var dynsym_index: u16 = 0; for (shdrs, 0..) |shdr, i| { const sh_name = try arena.dupe(u8, mem.sliceTo(shstrtab[s(shdr.sh_name)..], 0)); log.debug("found section: {s}", .{sh_name}); if (mem.eql(u8, sh_name, ".dynsym")) { dynsym_index = @as(u16, @intCast(i)); } const gop = try parse.sections.getOrPut(sh_name); section_index_map[i] = @as(u16, @intCast(gop.index)); } if (dynsym_index == 0) @panic("did not find the .dynsym section"); log.debug("found .dynsym section at index {d}", .{dynsym_index}); // Read the dynamic symbols into a list. const dyn_syms_off = s(shdrs[dynsym_index].sh_offset); const dyn_syms_size = s(shdrs[dynsym_index].sh_size); const dyn_syms = mem.bytesAsSlice(Sym, elf_bytes[dyn_syms_off..][0..dyn_syms_size]); const dynstr_offset = s(shdrs[s(shdrs[dynsym_index].sh_link)].sh_offset); const dynstr = elf_bytes[dynstr_offset..]; // Sort the list by address, ascending. // We need a copy to fix alignment. const copied_dyn_syms = copy: { const ptr = try arena.alloc(Sym, dyn_syms.len); @memcpy(ptr, dyn_syms); break :copy ptr; }; mem.sort(Sym, copied_dyn_syms, {}, S.symbolAddrLessThan); for (copied_dyn_syms) |sym| { const this_section = s(sym.st_shndx); const name = try arena.dupe(u8, mem.sliceTo(dynstr[s(sym.st_name)..], 0)); const ty = @as(u4, @truncate(sym.st_info)); const binding = @as(u4, @truncate(sym.st_info >> 4)); const visib = @as(elf.STV, @enumFromInt(@as(u2, @truncate(sym.st_other)))); const size = s(sym.st_size); if (parse.blacklist.contains(name)) continue; if (size == 0) { log.warn("{s}: symbol '{s}' has size 0", .{ @tagName(parse.arch), name }); } switch (binding) { elf.STB_GLOBAL, elf.STB_WEAK => {}, else => { log.debug("{s}: skipping '{s}' due to it having binding '{d}'", .{ @tagName(parse.arch), name, binding, }); continue; }, } switch (ty) { elf.STT_NOTYPE, elf.STT_FUNC, elf.STT_OBJECT => {}, else => { log.debug("{s}: skipping '{s}' due to it having type '{d}'", .{ @tagName(parse.arch), name, ty, }); continue; }, } switch (visib) { .DEFAULT, .PROTECTED => {}, .INTERNAL, .HIDDEN => { log.debug("{s}: skipping '{s}' due to it having visibility '{s}'", .{ @tagName(parse.arch), name, @tagName(visib), }); continue; }, } const gop = try parse.sym_table.getOrPut(name); if (gop.found_existing) { if (gop.value_ptr.section != section_index_map[this_section]) { const sh_name = mem.sliceTo(shstrtab[s(shdrs[this_section].sh_name)..], 0); fatal("symbol '{s}' in arch {s} is in section {s} but in arch {s} is in section {s}", .{ name, @tagName(parse.arch), sh_name, archSetName(gop.value_ptr.present), parse.sections.keys()[gop.value_ptr.section], }); } if (gop.value_ptr.ty != ty) blk: { if (ty == elf.STT_NOTYPE) { log.warn("symbol '{s}' in arch {s} has type {d} but in arch {s} has type {d}. going with the one that is not STT_NOTYPE", .{ name, @tagName(parse.arch), ty, archSetName(gop.value_ptr.present), gop.value_ptr.ty, }); break :blk; } if (gop.value_ptr.ty == elf.STT_NOTYPE) { log.warn("symbol '{s}' in arch {s} has type {d} but in arch {s} has type {d}. going with the one that is not STT_NOTYPE", .{ name, @tagName(parse.arch), ty, archSetName(gop.value_ptr.present), gop.value_ptr.ty, }); gop.value_ptr.ty = ty; break :blk; } fatal("symbol '{s}' in arch {s} has type {d} but in arch {s} has type {d}", .{ name, @tagName(parse.arch), ty, archSetName(gop.value_ptr.present), gop.value_ptr.ty, }); } if (gop.value_ptr.visib != visib) { fatal("symbol '{s}' in arch {s} has visib {s} but in arch {s} has visib {s}", .{ name, @tagName(parse.arch), @tagName(visib), archSetName(gop.value_ptr.present), @tagName(gop.value_ptr.visib), }); } } else { gop.value_ptr.* = .{ .present = [1]bool{false} ** arches.len, .section = section_index_map[this_section], .ty = ty, .binding = [1]u4{0} ** arches.len, .visib = visib, .size = [1]u64{0} ** arches.len, }; } gop.value_ptr.present[archIndex(parse.arch)] = true; gop.value_ptr.size[archIndex(parse.arch)] = size; gop.value_ptr.binding[archIndex(parse.arch)] = binding; } } fn archIndex(arch: std.Target.Cpu.Arch) u8 { return switch (arch) { // zig fmt: off .riscv64 => 0, .mips => 1, .mips64 => 2, .x86 => 3, .x86_64 => 4, .powerpc => 5, .powerpc64 => 6, .aarch64 => 7, .riscv32 => 8, .loongarch64 => 9, else => unreachable, // zig fmt: on }; } fn archMuslName(arch: std.Target.Cpu.Arch) []const u8 { return switch (arch) { // zig fmt: off .riscv64 => "riscv64", .mips => "mips", .mips64 => "mips64", .x86 => "i386", .x86_64 => "x86_64", .powerpc => "powerpc", .powerpc64 => "powerpc64", .aarch64 => "aarch64", .riscv32 => "riscv32", .loongarch64 => "loongarch64", else => unreachable, // zig fmt: on }; } fn archSetName(arch_set: [arches.len]bool) []const u8 { for (arches, arch_set) |arch, set_item| { if (set_item) { return @tagName(arch); } } return "(none)"; } fn fatal(comptime format: []const u8, args: anytype) noreturn { log.err(format, args); std.process.exit(1); } const blacklisted_symbols = [_][]const u8{ "__absvdi2", "__absvsi2", "__absvti2", "__adddf3", "__addkf3", "__addodi4", "__addosi4", "__addoti4", "__addsf3", "__addtf3", "__addxf3", "__ashldi3", "__ashlsi3", "__ashlti3", "__ashrdi3", "__ashrsi3", "__ashrti3", "__atomic_compare_exchange", "__atomic_compare_exchange_1", "__atomic_compare_exchange_2", "__atomic_compare_exchange_4", "__atomic_compare_exchange_8", "__atomic_exchange", "__atomic_exchange_1", "__atomic_exchange_2", "__atomic_exchange_4", "__atomic_exchange_8", "__atomic_fetch_add_1", "__atomic_fetch_add_2", "__atomic_fetch_add_4", "__atomic_fetch_add_8", "__atomic_fetch_and_1", "__atomic_fetch_and_2", "__atomic_fetch_and_4", "__atomic_fetch_and_8", "__atomic_fetch_nand_1", "__atomic_fetch_nand_2", "__atomic_fetch_nand_4", "__atomic_fetch_nand_8", "__atomic_fetch_or_1", "__atomic_fetch_or_2", "__atomic_fetch_or_4", "__atomic_fetch_or_8", "__atomic_fetch_sub_1", "__atomic_fetch_sub_2", "__atomic_fetch_sub_4", "__atomic_fetch_sub_8", "__atomic_fetch_xor_1", "__atomic_fetch_xor_2", "__atomic_fetch_xor_4", "__atomic_fetch_xor_8", "__atomic_load", "__atomic_load_1", "__atomic_load_2", "__atomic_load_4", "__atomic_load_8", "__atomic_store", "__atomic_store_1", "__atomic_store_2", "__atomic_store_4", "__atomic_store_8", "__bswapdi2", "__bswapsi2", "__bswapti2", "__ceilh", "__ceilx", "__clear_cache", "__clzdi2", "__chk_fail", "__clzsi2", "__clzti2", "__cmpdf2", "__cmpdi2", "__cmpsf2", "__cmpsi2", "__cmptf2", "__cmpti2", "__cosh", "__cosx", "__ctzdi2", "__ctzsi2", "__ctzti2", "__divdf3", "__divdi3", "__divkf3", "__divmoddi4", "__divmodsi4", "__divmodti4", "__divsf3", "__divsi3", "__divtf3", "__divti3", "__divxf3", "__dlstart", "__eqdf2", "__eqkf2", "__eqsf2", "__eqtf2", "__eqxf2", "__exp2h", "__exp2x", "__exph", "__expx", "__extenddfkf2", "__extenddftf2", "__extenddfxf2", "__extendhfsf2", "__extendhftf2", "__extendhfxf2", "__extendsfdf2", "__extendsfkf2", "__extendsftf2", "__extendsfxf2", "__extendxftf2", "__fabsh", "__fabsx", "__ffsdi2", "__ffssi2", "__ffsti2", "__fixdfdi", "__fixdfsi", "__fixdfti", "__fixkfdi", "__fixkfsi", "__fixkfti", "__fixsfdi", "__fixsfsi", "__fixsfti", "__fixtfdi", "__fixtfsi", "__fixtfti", "__fixunsdfdi", "__fixunsdfsi", "__fixunsdfti", "__fixunskfdi", "__fixunskfsi", "__fixunskfti", "__fixunssfdi", "__fixunssfsi", "__fixunssfti", "__fixunstfdi", "__fixunstfsi", "__fixunstfti", "__fixunsxfdi", "__fixunsxfsi", "__fixunsxfti", "__fixxfdi", "__fixxfsi", "__fixxfti", "__floatdidf", "__floatdikf", "__floatdisf", "__floatditf", "__floatdixf", "__floatsidf", "__floatsikf", "__floatsisf", "__floatsitf", "__floatsixf", "__floattidf", "__floattikf", "__floattisf", "__floattitf", "__floattixf", "__floatundidf", "__floatundikf", "__floatundisf", "__floatunditf", "__floatundixf", "__floatunsidf", "__floatunsikf", "__floatunsisf", "__floatunsitf", "__floatunsixf", "__floatuntidf", "__floatuntikf", "__floatuntisf", "__floatuntitf", "__floatuntixf", "__floorh", "__floorx", "__fmah", "__fmax", "__fmaxh", "__fmaxx", "__fminh", "__fminx", "__fmodh", "__fmodx", "__gedf2", "__gekf2", "__gesf2", "__getf2", "__gexf2", "__gnu_f2h_ieee", "__gnu_h2f_ieee", "__gtdf2", "__gtkf2", "__gtsf2", "__gttf2", "__gtxf2", "__ledf2", "__lekf2", "__lesf2", "__letf2", "__lexf2", "__log10h", "__log10x", "__log2h", "__log2x", "__logh", "__logx", "__lshrdi3", "__lshrsi3", "__lshrti3", "__ltdf2", "__ltkf2", "__ltsf2", "__lttf2", "__ltxf2", "__memcpy_chk", "__memmove_chk", "__memset", "__memset_chk", "__moddi3", "__modsi3", "__modti3", "__muldc3", "__muldf3", "__muldi3", "__mulkc3", "__mulkf3", "__mulodi4", "__mulosi4", "__muloti4", "__mulsc3", "__mulsf3", "__mulsi3", "__multc3", "__multf3", "__multi3", "__mulxc3", "__mulxf3", "__nedf2", "__negdf2", "__negdi2", "__negsf2", "__negsi2", "__negti2", "__negvdi2", "__negvsi2", "__negvti2", "__nekf2", "__nesf2", "__netf2", "__nexf2", "__paritydi2", "__paritysi2", "__parityti2", "__popcountdi2", "__popcountsi2", "__popcountti2", "__powidf2", "__powihf2", "__powikf2", "__powisf2", "__powitf2", "__powixf2", "__roundh", "__roundx", "__sincosh", "__sincosx", "__sinh", "__sinx", "__sqrth", "__sqrtx", "__strcat_chk", "__strcpy_chk", "__strncat_chk", "__strncpy_chk", "__subdf3", "__subkf3", "__subodi4", "__subosi4", "__suboti4", "__subsf3", "__subtf3", "__subxf3", "__tanh", "__tanx", "__truncdfhf2", "__truncdfsf2", "__trunch", "__trunckfdf2", "__trunckfsf2", "__truncsfhf2", "__trunctfdf2", "__trunctfhf2", "__trunctfsf2", "__trunctfxf2", "__truncx", "__truncxfdf2", "__truncxfhf2", "__truncxfsf2", "__ucmpdi2", "__ucmpsi2", "__ucmpti2", "__udivdi3", "__udivei4", 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